53 部剧集

2017 年 01 月 29 日

It is a adapted from a novel by Cang Min Shui 沧溟水 that tells the life of a woman, intelligent and kind, who becomes a concubine of the inner court while her love for the people enables her to do great things for the country. It's standard palace politics that we've all heard before but also the kind of story that can be so addictively good.

2011 年 11 月 17 日

雍正元年,結束了激烈的奪位之爭,四阿哥胤禛(陳建斌 飾)繼位,年號雍正,彼時國泰民安,政治清明,但在一片祥和的表象之下,一股暗流蠢蠢欲動。

後宮之中,華妃(蔣欣 飾)與皇后(蔡少芬 飾)分庭抗禮,各方勢力裹挾其中,兇險異常。十七歲的甄嬛(孫儷 飾)與好姐妹沈眉莊(斕曦 飾)、安陵容(陶昕然 飾)參加選秀,她本抱着充數的念頭前來,卻偏偏受到了皇帝的青睞,最後三人一同入選。但因華妃囂張,步步緊逼,眉莊被冤,陵容變心,天真的甄嬛逐漸變成了後宮之中精於算計的女子。皇帝發現年羹堯(孫寧 飾)的野心,令甄父剪除年氏一族,甄嬛終於鬥倒了華妃。但由於甄嬛與先故純元皇后的神似,皇后設計以純元皇后的故衣陷害甄嬛,父親(沈保平 飾)也被奸人陷害牽連到文字獄中而遭牢獄之災,生下女兒後,心灰意冷的甄嬛選擇出宮修行。

在宮外,甄嬛得十七爺允禮(李東學 飾)悉心照顧,二人相親相愛,只等有機會遠走高飛。後因誤傳十七爺死訊,甄嬛為保全腹中骨肉也為營救重病的父親,設計與皇帝相遇,狠心斷絕對十七爺的愛戀,重回宮中,再度與皇后相鬥。後甄嬛誕下雙生子,其父冤案亦得以平反,重新被皇帝重用,甄氏一族再度崛起。甄嬛多次躲過皇后的陷害,最終扳倒皇后。可造化弄人,皇帝察覺了甄嬛與果親王的私情,鴆殺了允禮,甄嬛最終與葉瀾依(熱依扎 飾)合謀弒君。皇帝駕崩後,甄嬛養子弘曆(王文傑 飾)登基,甄嬛被尊為聖母皇太后,即便享盡榮華,但回首過往,不過是一代封建王朝的悲情故夢罷了 。

2012 年 12 月 28 日

西元前 210 年,秦始皇死後發生動亂,反叛軍士項羽和劉邦為了爭奪大漢帝國掌控權而開戰。

2011 年 08 月 02 日

北宋仁宗年间,瘟疫横行,人民离乱。仁宗不忍百姓遭受疾苦,遂派遣洪太尉(张铁林 饰)前往江西龙虎山迎请张天师祈禳瘟疫。谁知洪太尉狂傲自大,与张天师对面错失,更强开伏魔宝殿,放走了镇压于此三十六天罡七十二地煞。转眼到了徽宗年间,举朝上下随是一派和气光景,然当朝天子无心政要, 耽于玩乐;朝中更有蔡京、高俅之流弄权作势、颠倒黑白,陷害无数忠良。由着智取生辰纲这一事由,天王晁盖、及时雨宋江(张涵予 饰)、入云龙公孙胜(景冈山 饰)等一干侠义之士显现江湖。日后更与一百单八头目聚义梁山,搅得赵家天下无一宁日……   本片根据中国古典四大名著《水浒传》改编。

2010 年 05 月 02 日

東漢末年,朝綱混亂。內有董卓(呂曉禾 飾)巨姦權傾朝野,專橫跋扈;外有黃巾軍起義,撼動社稷。時有曹操(陳建斌 飾)韜光養晦,欲為國除害。逃出京城後,曹操與各地諸侯袁紹、劉備(於和偉 飾)、孫堅等二十路豪傑會盟,共同討伐董卓。幾番征戰,董卓最終死於義子呂布(何潤東 飾)之手。此時大漢氣數將近,英雄豪傑皆覬覦天下,因此上演了群雄逐鹿的爭霸大戲。關羽(於榮光 飾)、張飛、諸葛亮(陸毅 飾)、周瑜、夏侯淵、陸遜、姜維、司馬懿(倪大宏 飾)等風雲人物相繼入世,魏、蜀、吳三分天下,千古傳奇流傳至今……

The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?

2011 年 01 月 22 日

Hitting twists and turns, three families go through tests of love and attraction. "My Daughter" tells the story of romantic love and familial love by exploring how parents guide their children to pursue true happiness. It depicts children's journey through life and the parent's search for truth in life.

2013 年 07 月 04 日

故事发生在北宋末年间,辽军大批入侵中原,皇帝昏庸用将不当,至使败仗不断,百姓生活无靠流离失所。岳飞(黄晓明 饰)在替父守孝期间,到三朝元老韩肖胄(卢映 饰)府上做护院,他边教授武艺,边涉猎军事政治,师爷赵九龄对他器重有加,认为他是大可造就的宋朝大将军。不久,金兀术带兵南侵直逼汴梁,岳母姚氏(郑佩佩 饰)送子出征,临行前在岳飞背上刺上“精忠报国”四个大字。此时,钦宗登基,朝中赵构(丁子峻 饰)与秦桧(罗嘉良 饰)形成两派,赵构主战,秦桧主和。主战首领人物宗泽(卢勇 饰)设下比武擂台,征召大江南北为国效命英才,小梁王(刘恩佑 饰)受人唆使,在擂台上斩杀各方江湖武士,岳飞及时赶到,枪挑小梁王......

2015 年 07 月 22 日

Xiao Liang is the CEO of the world's biggest Diamond company. He's reserved, strict and counts every penny while doing business. He also chooses to close himself off from people, insisting relationships are of no worth in his life. Everything turns upside down when he meets Mi Dou, a woman who changes his views in life and teaches him what it means to be alive and happy.

2014 年 01 月 31 日

Jiang Zi Ya is a military strategist who was mentored by Yuan Shi Tian Zun, the primeval lord of Heaven and one of the highest deities of Taoism. Shen Gong Bao, Zi Ya’s apprentice, becomes jealous of Zi Ya’s supernatural powers and steals his Seven Color Stone, a magic stone that can repair the hole in Heaven.

2016 年 02 月 17 日

Zhao Zhan, an expert swordsman, saves the life of Justice Bao Zhen during the Northern Song Dynasty and is rewarded for his brave deed. But Ji Pang, an evil minister who is hungry for power, uses Zhan’s name to provoke a group of legendary swordsmen known as the Five Mice of Xian Kong Island. Bai Yu Tang leads the Five Mice to the capital to locate Zhan and seek revenge. During their journey, the five swordsman hear about the evil doings of Ji Pang and his son and decide to go to Chen Zhou to deal with them first. When Justice Bao is framed by his enemies and put in prison, Zhan is left to protect the Song Dynasty on his own. Zhan needs the help of the Five Mice to protect the court against their mutual enemies, but how willing will Yu Tang be to help when the two men get entangled in a love triangle with Ding Yue Hua, a beautiful woman who wields a deadly sword better than any of her male contemporaries?

2009 年 07 月 22 日

Justice Bao stars producer Jin Chao-chun as the Song dynasty official Bao Zheng. Jin reprises his iconic role from the popular 1993 Taiwanese series Justice Pao alongside Kenny Ho, Fan Hung-hsuan and Lung Lung.

2017 年 05 月 06 日

The story of the ill-fated romance between Zhu Yi Huan, the last princess of the Ming Dynasty and Kangxi, the young emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

2012 年 05 月 22 日

When your parents don’t approve of your spouse, is a happy life possible? Mi Xiao Mi is a reporter for a Beijing news agency who meets and falls in love with Jin Liang, a gynecologist. When Xiao Mi insists on marrying Liang, a “bei piao” (a non-native Beijing resident), Xiao Mi’s single mother, Wang Shu Hua, nearly has a heart attack but is forced to accept the relationship. But when living with Liang’s father, Jin Tai Zhu, turns out to be more difficult than imagined, Xiao Mi’s mother refuses to just stand by and just watch. “We Love You, Mr. Jin,” also known as “Jin Tai Lang’s Happy Life,” is a 2012 Chinese drama series directed by Yu Chun.

2011 年 09 月 13 日
2018 年 04 月 30 日

Set during the Xia dynasty, the first ever recorded dynasty in Chinese history. It is a period rife with influences of mythology and folklore since it's close to the beginning of time when Pangu was said to have opened the heaven and the earth.

2015 年 06 月 22 日

Kwan Yeuk-nam is a powerful woman. After her husband committed suicide due to a business failure, she single-handedly raised her three sons to adulthood, all whilst establishing her business empire, Sun Hon Lik. Now ready to retire, she is prepared to pass down her empire to her three sons.

2017 年 04 月 02 日

Su Mang, who lives overseas, took office in a tourism corporation. After Su Mang’s marriage to husband Tian Xue Cheng, her temperament greatly changed, and Tian Xue Cheng requested for a divorce. After the divorce, Su Mang applied to her current company to return to China, and the company approved of her to go back to China, and she becomes the CEO in one of their branch offices. During her trip, a misunderstanding happened between her and the corporation’s hotel connoisseur, Zhang Chu. Once Su Meng started her term in the new company, she laid off many workers, and Zhang Chu managed to luckily escape. Meanwhile, the employees are gossiping about how their new female superior was abandoned by her husband. Zhang Chu helped Su Mang resolve this embarrassing situation and left a good impression on Su Mang, but how will the rest of their story lay out?

2015 年 10 月 15 日

Two successful professionals in a complicated relationship have no use for marriage. But through times thick and thin, their attitudes change.

2012 年 05 月 03 日

Based off the same name novel by Liu Liu, the story revolves around the lives of people in the medical field



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