53 部剧集

2017 年 01 月 29 日


2011 年 11 月 17 日


2012 年 12 月 28 日


2011 年 08 月 02 日

Toward the end of Northern Song Dynasty, the government was deeply corrupted. The oppressed people finally rebelled. A hundred and eight men and women fought against the government and took their last stand in a place called Liangshan.

2010 年 05 月 02 日

東漢末年,朝綱混亂。內有董卓(呂曉禾 飾)巨姦權傾朝野,專橫跋扈;外有黃巾軍起義,撼動社稷。時有曹操(陳建斌 飾)韜光養晦,欲為國除害。逃出京城後,曹操與各地諸侯袁紹、劉備(於和偉 飾)、孫堅等二十路豪傑會盟,共同討伐董卓。幾番征戰,董卓最終死於義子呂布(何潤東 飾)之手。此時大漢氣數將近,英雄豪傑皆覬覦天下,因此上演了群雄逐鹿的爭霸大戲。關羽(於榮光 飾)、張飛、諸葛亮(陸毅 飾)、周瑜、夏侯淵、陸遜、姜維、司馬懿(倪大宏 飾)等風雲人物相繼入世,魏、蜀、吳三分天下,千古傳奇流傳至今……


2011 年 01 月 22 日

Hitting twists and turns, three families go through tests of love and attraction. "My Daughter" tells the story of romantic love and familial love by exploring how parents guide their children to pursue true happiness. It depicts children's journey through life and the parent's search for truth in life.

2013 年 07 月 04 日

Yue Fei rose from lowly ranks to become a famous military commander who led the defense of Southern Song against northern Jin invaders before being wrongfully put to death by his own government. In Chinese culture even to this day, General Yue Fei's name is synonymous with the word "loyalty." While the plot is based on historical sources, it also includes elements of fiction and draws ideas from the novel Shuo Yue Quanzhuan (說岳全傳) and other folk tales on the general's life.

2015 年 07 月 22 日


2014 年 01 月 31 日

Jiang Zi Ya is a military strategist who was mentored by Yuan Shi Tian Zun, the primeval lord of Heaven and one of the highest deities of Taoism. Shen Gong Bao, Zi Ya’s apprentice, becomes jealous of Zi Ya’s supernatural powers and steals his Seven Color Stone, a magic stone that can repair the hole in Heaven.

2016 年 02 月 17 日

Zhao Zhan, an expert swordsman, saves the life of Justice Bao Zhen during the Northern Song Dynasty and is rewarded for his brave deed. But Ji Pang, an evil minister who is hungry for power, uses Zhan’s name to provoke a group of legendary swordsmen known as the Five Mice of Xian Kong Island. Bai Yu Tang leads the Five Mice to the capital to locate Zhan and seek revenge. During their journey, the five swordsman hear about the evil doings of Ji Pang and his son and decide to go to Chen Zhou to deal with them first. When Justice Bao is framed by his enemies and put in prison, Zhan is left to protect the Song Dynasty on his own. Zhan needs the help of the Five Mice to protect the court against their mutual enemies, but how willing will Yu Tang be to help when the two men get entangled in a love triangle with Ding Yue Hua, a beautiful woman who wields a deadly sword better than any of her male contemporaries?

2009 年 07 月 22 日


2017 年 05 月 06 日

The story of the ill-fated romance between Zhu Yi Huan, the last princess of the Ming Dynasty and Kangxi, the young emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

2012 年 05 月 22 日

When your parents don’t approve of your spouse, is a happy life possible? Mi Xiao Mi is a reporter for a Beijing news agency who meets and falls in love with Jin Liang, a gynecologist. When Xiao Mi insists on marrying Liang, a “bei piao” (a non-native Beijing resident), Xiao Mi’s single mother, Wang Shu Hua, nearly has a heart attack but is forced to accept the relationship. But when living with Liang’s father, Jin Tai Zhu, turns out to be more difficult than imagined, Xiao Mi’s mother refuses to just stand by and just watch. “We Love You, Mr. Jin,” also known as “Jin Tai Lang’s Happy Life,” is a 2012 Chinese drama series directed by Yu Chun.

2011 年 09 月 13 日
2018 年 04 月 30 日

Set during the Xia dynasty, the first ever recorded dynasty in Chinese history. It is a period rife with influences of mythology and folklore since it's close to the beginning of time when Pangu was said to have opened the heaven and the earth.

2015 年 06 月 22 日

Kwan Yeuk-nam is a powerful woman. After her husband committed suicide due to a business failure, she single-handedly raised her three sons to adulthood, all whilst establishing her business empire, Sun Hon Lik. Now ready to retire, she is prepared to pass down her empire to her three sons.

2017 年 04 月 02 日

Su Mang, who lives overseas, took office in a tourism corporation. After Su Mang’s marriage to husband Tian Xue Cheng, her temperament greatly changed, and Tian Xue Cheng requested for a divorce. After the divorce, Su Mang applied to her current company to return to China, and the company approved of her to go back to China, and she becomes the CEO in one of their branch offices. During her trip, a misunderstanding happened between her and the corporation’s hotel connoisseur, Zhang Chu. Once Su Meng started her term in the new company, she laid off many workers, and Zhang Chu managed to luckily escape. Meanwhile, the employees are gossiping about how their new female superior was abandoned by her husband. Zhang Chu helped Su Mang resolve this embarrassing situation and left a good impression on Su Mang, but how will the rest of their story lay out?

2015 年 10 月 15 日

Two successful professionals in a complicated relationship have no use for marriage. But through times thick and thin, their attitudes change.

2012 年 05 月 03 日

Based off the same name novel by Liu Liu, the story revolves around the lives of people in the medical field



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