144 laidų

Vėjavaikės studentės ir sėkmingo verslininko sandėris. Dėl susiklosčiusių aplinkybių jie turės apsimesti susižadėję. Ar suvaidinti jausmai sugrąžins jam mylimąją, o jai – išsvajotą diplomą? Komedija prasideda. O romantika? Ką dar jiems teks paaukoti?

2019 rugsėjo 12

Ali was born in a provincial town and was rejected by his father for adoption. Ali with savant syndrome, who grew up in orphanages, graduated from the faculty of medicine with a first degree.

When he was a little child, Halil İbrahim lost his father due to a blood feud and was exiled to Istanbul. Twenty years later, he returns to his homeland in the Karadeniz region as a handsome, powerful young man. He plans to marry the girl he loves, Yasemin, and start a new life. However, events do not allow this. Halil İbrahim embarks on a journey of revenge, and his life will change completely when he encounters Zeynep from the Leto family.

Seriale pasakojama apie tai, kaip turtai, verslas ir valdžia gali pakeisti žmonių gyvenimus. Siužetas prasideda pažintimi su dviem seserimis. Merginų svajonės, tikslai ir charakteriai labai skiriasi, tačiau jos puikiai sutaria ir visuomet palaiko viena kitą. Seserys net nenumano, kad likimas parengęs neįtikėtinai daug įvykių, po kurių jų gyvenimas visiškai pasikeis.

Garsiojo serialo „Savas žmogus” kūrėjų darbas ir jūsų pamilti turkų aktoriai. Kokie išbandymai užklups jauną gydytoją ir ką dovanos užgimusi meilė priešui?

2023 balandžio 6

Vaikystėje paliktas motinos, augęs be meilės ir šilumos, po dvidešimt penkerių metų Giuldžemalis grįžta į gimtąjį Bursą. Jis dega neapykanta savo motinai ir yra pasiryžęs atimti viską, kas jai taip brangu: namus, darbą, turtus ir jaunesnį sūnų. Vienas iš jo tikslų – sužlugdyti moters verslą. Giuldžemalis nutaria pervilioti talentingiausią jos įmonės darbuotoją Devą. Iš pradžių atrodęs be priekaištų, jo planas papirkti Devą subliūkšta. Mergina yra labai principinga ir atsisako parsiduoti. Įsiplieskusi abipusė panieka ir įtūžis perauga į atvirą šantažą. Galiausiai aplinkybių įkaite tapusi Deva paklūsta Giuldžemaliui. Ji apsigyvena su vyriškiu ir galiausiai tampa jo žmona. Tačiau vyriškis kasdien patiria didelį stresą, nes nėra tikras, kad Deva yra nuoširdi ir atvira su juo. Gal jo sutuoktinė žaidžia dvigubą žaidimą? Gal ji yra lojali jo motinai ir naudojasi savo padėtimi?

Ar teisingumas kada nors bus atstatytas po to. kai nepasiturintys Nurana ir Iljas pasinaudojo pasitaikiusiu aukso luitu – verslininkui Mehmetui Emirui kaip atžalą pristatė savo pačių tikrąją dukrą Efsunę. kad ši galėtų maudytis turtuose

A couple gets divorced after several years of marriage. After that, the man suddenly gets rich, and life changes again when his ex-wife starts working with him.

Korkut Ali is a young and handsome guy who has a poor life in Germany. He was abandoned by his parents as a child and was adopted by a couple in Germany. However, he was left alone by his foster family. Ceylan, on the other hand, is a beautiful and naive young girl who lives in Istanbul, Turkey. She is a fashion designer of a famous singer, Tolga whom she is in love with. At a wedding ceremony, Korkut is shot in the head. The doctor saves him but Korkut has to live a bullet in his head with less than a year to live. After this unfortunate event, Korkut goes to Istanbul searching for his birth parents. He learns that his mother is a famous singer Gonul Karanli with a son, Tolga. Korkut feels so betrayed that his birth mom and his brother live a happy life in Istanbul. Will Korkut forget about his past and live the rest of his life peacefully? Will Ceylan manage to bring happiness to Korkut? Will Korkut take his revenge from his mother and his brother?

2017 spalio 24

The story of mother Bahar, who carries the weight and love of two children in their hearts with enthusiasm in their hearts. Bahar, abandoned by her mother when she was eight years old, later lost her grandma and her father. When she thinks she is all alone, she meets Sarp, whom she delicately loves.

A wealthy Hancioglu family owns vast estates in Cappadocia, Turkey. Yusuf (Murat Unalmis) is the oldest son of this family, therefore, he manages the family business and bears all the responsibility of the family. Yusuf is very handsome, rich and hardworking man. Thus, there are lots of women who want to be his bride but, Yusuf wants to get married with a woman whom he loves.

The life of Hancioglu family changes due to Yusuf's illegitimate child. This little boy's mother dies and Yusuf becomes the only responsible parent who will raise him. Therefore, Yusuf's mother, Hamiyet (Isil Yucesoy), tries to find a nursing mother in order to take care of her grandson.

Toprak (Selen Soyder), whose daughter has passed away during this time becomes a valuable choice for Yusuf's son. Toprak's older sister Havva (Birce Akalay), also starts to stay with them in order to help her sister. However, Havva is enchanted by the wealth of Hancioglu family and, she starts to do everything for charming Yusuf. Now, Yusuf finds himself between two beautiful sisters.

2007 rugsėjo 20

Whether it's destiny or life, the best things that happen to you are often hidden behind untold problems. Demir and Selin are stubborn like goats. They claim the same house and have to live together. In addition, when Demir comes to the company where Selin works as a manager, the events will be confused.

2010 rugsėjo 14

Tells the legendary story between the Sultan of Kosem and Ahmed I.

2002 sausio 16
2023 gruodžio 18

It is about the intersecting fates of Levent, a secular Atatürk supporter, and Meryem, who lives in a bigoted sect, and draws attention to the unifying power of motherhood/fatherhood when it comes to "child", despite differences of belief and opinion.

2017 rugsėjo 14

Filiz is a young girl who has been forced to take care of her five younger siblings since her mother left them. Her father Fikri is an alcoholic man who causes different problems for the family now and again. Despite the fact that they are struggling to survive in a very poor neighborhood of Istanbul, the six siblings try to keep each other happy. Filiz believes that there is no place for love in her life until she meets Barış, a young man who does anything for Filiz and her family, just to win Filiz's heart. Adaptation of the world-famous series "Shameless"

Pagrindinė herojė jauna ir graži mergina, kurios vardas Oykyu. Pamatysime jos gyvenima ir romantiškas meilės istorijas. Meilė pas Oykyu atėjo labai anksti. Dar būdama mergaitė, ji slapta buvo isimylėjusi vaikiną vardu Mete.

2013 kovo 29

A married women has to fight for the things she lost because of the revealed secrets of her husband.

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