506 Séries

A successful man at a publishing company tries to rekindle his romance with an ex-girlfriend as those around him also search for love amidst conflict.

Dhevaprom is a Thai lakorn based on the novel of the same name and written by the same writers as its preceding story ... The Five Brothers series, that aired in 2013. Dhevaprom consists of Laorchan, Kwanruetai, Jaiphisut, Dujapsorn and Porncheewan.

In the world of Y, many relationships might happen from imagination but how many times does that relationship comes from the real world?

The Five Brothers is a five part series taken place in the span of the 1960’s surrounding the lives of five brothers of Juthathep palace who were raised by their two grandmothers after a car accident that claimed the lives of their parents, namely Mom Chao Vichakorn Juthathep. Born into the prestigious title of Mom Ratchawongse, the five brothers are set on a pedestal by their grandmothers to not only be a gentleman, but to set a good example, defend the underdog and marry well. Especially marry well. And we get to witness how each one tackle this issue. This sets the premise of the struggles and conflict in this series. The five Juthatheps inherited a responsibility greater than the sum of their parts: one of them must marry a lady of the Dhevaproms due to a sacred promise that their father made with a “friend” who saved his life. To avoid marriage is to be an ingrate and that is the biggest ado in this period.

Mon, a newly graduated student from university, starts working as an intern in a big company because she admires Sam, the super rich chairwoman since young age. However, when Mon met Sam again, her image of her completely crashed, since she was not like the media shows her.

Dr. Fahlada, whose alias is angel doctor, was left with a scar on her heart by old love, causing her to be unable to open up for someone anymore. She's reunited with free-spirited Earn, the ex-girlfrend who hurt her heart the worst, when she become the brand spokesperson for the hospital where Fahlada works.

Muthita, an attractively beautiful woman who works as a social influencer, is engaged to Katkhun who is perfectly handsome and wealthy. Accidentally, meeting Arnon, the spirit of a man who has just died, they unintendedly become buddies. He needs to go back to his wife and daughter. Arnon must help other spirits who can't move on, meanwhile, give Muthita advice about and her love, also being her guardian.

I'm Dawan. Since I can remember, I have always had strange dreams about a quiet girl who often played with me in my dreams. One day, a new neighbor moved in, and that led to my family falling apart. My father ran away with the man next door, who turned out to be the father of Khimhan the quiet and small girl from next door. Initially, we were not close at all, but circumstances brought us closer and made us understand each other.

However, Khimhan was unaware that while in the real world we were just friends, in my dreams, she and I did things that went far beyond that. So, I kept my feelings concealed because I couldn't let her know. I never realized that in those dreams, I was not the only one dreaming.

Techat é um espião do serviço secreto que está escondendo sua identidade. Awassaya é uma celebridade atrevida que está tentando revelar as verdadeiras cores dele por causa de um mal-entendido. Techat tenta evitar a garota irritante que pode fazer com que toda a operação falhe, mas Awassaya não o deixa em paz, principalmente depois de descobrir que ele é a pessoa que os anciões estão tentando fazer com que ela fique. Porém, tudo fica completamente emaranhado quando ele salva a vida dela várias vezes e o amor surge inesperadamente.

It's a story about a golfer who got injured so he ends up meeting a physical therapist who helps rehabilitate him back to his good form, and they fall in love in the process.

Muey vive na casa de Thian por causa da escola e tem uma queda por ele, que é filho de sua tia de consideração a quem considera como filha. Embora Muey o ame, Thian nunca pareceu amar Muey; em vez disso, ele sempre a provoca, mexe com ela e às vezes a intimida. Muey nunca ficou brava ou respondeu a Thian quando foi intimidada porque o amava demais.

Um dia, Thian foi forçado a se casar com Muey apenas para se livrar da esposa de um homem poderoso. Como Thian nunca olhou para Muey como sua parceira de vida, ele não estava muito bem com o casamento. Além disso, Thian queria uma mulher perfeita como esposa, mas Muey nunca foi perfeita aos seus olhos. Será que Thian vai se apaixonar por Muey no final? Muey será a esposa perfeita para ele? Vamos conferir.

Saitip, a psychologist providing counseling for kids and families, comes back home with a degree in Psychology and a willingness to work. Korn, the son of a school owner, is to inherit the school business from his mom. He has to do everything to make his mom and the teachers accept him. He initiates a project, 'Sweet Broken Home,' to help five trouble-making kids who are about to get dismissed from school. They all similarly come from broken homes. Korn must succeed in his project, or else the five kids will be dismissed. Saitip is hired as a new counseling teacher to help him solve this problem together.

A Thai reality television series on the Channel 3 television network. It was premiered on 9 September 2012 on Channel 3. The format is Dutch and the original Dutch version of the programme was broadcast in the Netherlands for the first time in 2010 as The Voice of Holland. The programme was commissioned after a successful first season in the U.S., where the programme aired on NBC domestically and AXN Asia regionally. It is produced by True Music and Toh-Klom Televisions

Phraphai is a skilled heart surgeon married to electrical engineer Din. The two have known each other since university and now have a three-year-old daughter named Namnile. Since becoming a doctor and mother, Phraphai has little left over for romance. Din is a romantic. He wants time with his wife, but Phraphai isn't able to give it. In a drunken state, he slips up and sleeps with Frame. To Frame, however, it wasn't a mistake. She wants more. She plans ways to make Din break things off with his wife, but Phraphai is clever. She finds out what took place and gives Din an ultimatum, only further igniting Frame's fire. From there, a full-on war of love kicks off.

3 janeiro 2019

Kom and her mother Kae, who has amnesia are supported by Kru Sompon. Kae faints on the day that Kru Sompon throws a party for his older brother. She meets Pit and remembers everything. Kae entrusts Kom in his hands before she dies. Once they are done with her funeral Pit takes Kom to Bangkok and entrusts her with a friend named Rangsan to take care of her. In truth Rangsan and his wife Bunga don’t like Kom and treat her as a servant. Once Pit goes out of the country, he sends a younger relative named Chartsiam to take care of Kom if anything were to ever happen to him. Chartsiam gives a doll to Kom and this leaves a great impression on her. Pit dies and leaves a will for Kom, once Chartsiam returns he takes care of Kom from afar, but refuses to tell her about Pit. Eventually, love blossoms between Chartsiam and Kom. But the love that appears to be forbidden for the two, how will it end up?

Plerngrit, or simply Plerng (played by Mario Maurer), is the only son of Pipat and Pongpaew, who lives in Ranong and does fishing for a living. Pipat is actually the eldest son of Khun Ying Tongtraa Chatayothin, the owner of Thai Diamonds Company, or Phet Thai. Twenty years back, Pipat fell in love with Pongpaew, a poor woman who Khun Ying Tongtraa despised. Pipat was given two choices: stay with his mother or leave the house and go with Pongpaew. He chose option number two and lived a peaceful life in Ranong with his family.

For twenty years, Plerng’s parents hid the truth from him. However, one day, Khun Ying Tongtraa fell ill and ended up in the hospital requiring immediate heart transplant. The news spreaded throughout Thailand and reaches Pipat. Pipat finally decides to tell his son the truth and the family travels to Bangkok to visit Khun Ying Tongtraa in the hospital and apologize for his actions twenty years before. On the way, they get into a wreck and Plerng’s father dies on the scene. Plerng and his mother, Pongpaew ended up in the same hospital as Khun Ying Tongtraa. When Plerng was conscious, he learned that his father had passed away and his grandmother was at the same hospital. The doctor tells Plerng that his father is brain dead and will never wake up.Plerng didn’t want to see his father in that horrible situation so he decides to let his father go and donate his father’s heart to his grandmother. He made the decision alone because his mother was still in a coma.

While at the hospital, Plerng meets his aunt Bussakon and uncle Niruj. His aunt Bussakon has two children: Anat and Naree. His uncle Niruj has a son named Chanon. Uncle Niruj and Chanon accepts the truth that Plerng is their relative but aunt Bussakon and her children do not like Plerng. They are jealous of Plerng and fear that one day, Plerng will come into the family and take over everything. For that reason, aunt Bussakon tricks Plerng and Niruj to hide the truth from Khun Ying Tongtraa about the heart transplant.

When Plerng’s mother is finally conscious, she learns that her husband has passed away. Plerng also tells his mother about the heart transplant but his mother does not blame him. Since Plerng promised to hide the truth about his father’s heart, Plerng and his mother decides to leave the hospital without seeing Khun Ying Tongtraa.

However, fate leads them to meet and before he knows it, Plerng finds himself living and working with his family under stressful conditions. When Khun Ying Tongtraa learns that her son is dead, she is very sad and blames Pongpaew for taking her son away forever. Plerng and his mother want to apologize to his grandmother but his grandmother would not listen. She refuses to forgive Pipat and Pongpaew. But, Plerng does not give up. Khun Ying Tongtraa uses his chance to allow Plerng to prove himself. Plerng’s father has 20% of the shares in Phet Thai. Unless Plerng can make the profits higher than his father’s shares within three months, his grandmother will not accept the apologies.

So Plerng takes over his father’s position and bring up the sales in Phet Thai. With the help of the two sisters, Namfon and Sitha, and their mother, Khun Manmart; Plerng is only a few steps away from achieving his goal. As they spend a lot of time working with each other, Plerng gradually falls for Namfon while Namfon’s older sister, Sitha falls for Plerng. Chanon, on the other hand has a crush on Sitha. When he learns that Sitha loves Plerng, he respects her decision and tries to hold his feelings back. Will Chanon end up with Sitha? How will Khun Ying Tongtraa react when she learns that her heart donor is her own son? Tune in to Plerng Torranong to find out!

Um grupo de gangues lidera o mundo na sangrenta Bangkok nos anos 70. A atmosfera de animosidade entre os bandidos e as pessoas boas desbloqueia as experiências de todos no começo para encontrar as correntes dentro do verdadeiro amor, família e amigos.

Gun e San são estudantes de Akanee sob o aprendizado de Kom Faek. Eles são melhores amigos, mas Gun se torna um policial. Ele pegou um suspeito por um caso de drogas, que é o pai de San. A amizade deles é quebrada, e o relacionamento amoroso de Gun com Anchan, que é irmã de San, também é quebrado por causa de um mal-entendido. San se torna uma pessoa poderosa, vendendo drogas e armas ilegais. Gun tem que lutar com seu amigo. Plerng e Ongard são seus ajudantes. Plerng se apaixona por Tapao, uma garota que gosta de Gun. Ongard se apaixona por Kraroag, que é irmã de Gun.

4 years ago Peem created the company Cupid Hut which is a matchmaking company and he has 8 beautiful girls with the title Cupids that each has different department. Peem found out that his company's income isn't hitting the goal that he has decided and thought that was because of the 8 cupids whose are all still single. With them being single, its hard for the client to trust them in matchmaking as they can't find their own. Peep called all the 8 girls to a meeting in valentine's day and get to know that all the girls has some kind of trouble with the love relationship, to the point to coma. He then suggested..no,a dictator like him never suggest anything! He only have Command..He command the girls to have boyfriend before the next valentine and they will get 1 million bath in bonus and who can't find someone they will get none.

3 Musketeers is written by Kingchat. It tells the story of 3 young female journalists of Siam San newspaper through 3 novels: Mayatawan, Monchantra, and Fa Krachang Dao.

1. Mattana, a 23-year-old girl, is a young reporter with no background.

Primeira vida, atua como irmã gêmea. A mais velha se chama Kasalong, foi criado por sua mãe. Ela é doce e gentil, boa na dança e tarefas domésticas. Tendo boas habilidades, todos a comparam como ouro. A mais nova se chama Songpeep, foi criada por seu pai, é cruel e egoísta como ele, sempre teve ciúmes de Kasalong. Ela acha que sua mãe ama Kasalong mais do que ela. Ela gosta de inventar histórias e seduzir qualquer cara, então eles lutarão um com o outro por ela. Gosta de se vestir e sempre é muito rude, as pessoas a comparam como uma merda. Ambas as irmãs morrem tragicamente. Songpeep morrer no fogo com sua raiva, Kasalong foi presa e morre de desnutrição. Na segunda vida Songpeep renasceu como Pimpisa, filha de um médico rico, é uma mulher muito confiante. Seu temperamento muda de acordo com o seu bom e mau humor, gosta de deixar as pessoas chamá-la de Prompee. Ela é centrada e ama o seu noivo, embora ela não entenda porque ele continua se desculpando sobre o motivo de ele não se casar com ela. Kasalong é um espírito, precisa levar ator e Pimpisa lembrar de uma vida passada. Ela leva o espírito de Pimpisa para o corpo de Kasalong nas vidas passadas, para que ela soubesse sobre tudo. Como Kasalong foi ferida até morrer, e deixar Pimpisa saber que a mãe realmente a amava.Terceira vida Kasalong renasceu como Pimmada, filha de Pimpisa, acabou de se formar, é inteligente, atrevida e casual. Ela será má para as pessoas que são más para ela, nunca aceitará o amor de ninguém, como se estivesse esperando por alguém.

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