12 部剧集

  • Kumamoto Asahi Broadcasting
  • JP
  • 主页
2022 年 10 月 09 日


描述失去家人的 18 歲的少女,某天忽然擁有了可以穿梭於現在這個世界與異世界的能力,為了賺取足夠的養老資金,於是決定展開存夠 8 萬枚金幣(相當於 20 億日圓)的計畫。



與母親及妹妹一起生活的高二生 ── 時野谷瞬。因為一場意外事故導致父親離世、妹妹受傷以後,他放棄了原本沉迷的遊戲,進入電競咖啡廳「FOX ONE」工作。與從小一起長大的遊戲夥伴往來的同時,忙於打工及課業的瞬,突然發現「FOX ONE」背負了巨額債務。為了還債,瞬與夥伴立志要在「XAXXERION 錦標賽」贏得冠軍,獲得獎金。瞬懷抱著內疚的心情,再次投身於線上遊戲世界,在他面前,出現了曾經與他一同進行遊戲的「爆裂君」。

高中入學第一天,高一新生陽鞠,在新生歡迎會見到了表演樂團的主唱 —— 朝凪依,並且對依萌生了一見鍾情的憧憬。當陽鞠在校舍遇見依,表明自己的心意後,依對直率地表明自己憧憬之情的陽鞠萌生了一見鍾情的戀愛情愫…… 彼此都喜歡著對方,卻又微妙地有所不同。從一見鍾情開始的戀愛故事。


進入公司不到一年的篠崎拓馬,他身旁總是有個「超級治癒」的人。那就是在公司工作第 3 年的、嬌小又可愛的前輩 - 片瀬詩織里。為後輩著想又會誇獎人的詩織里,總是關照著篠崎。距離感自然的接近,帶有天然氣質的舉動,讓篠崎每天被治癒的同時也一直意識到她。兩個人只是前輩後輩的關係,會產生什麼變化嗎…?讓人想要一直守望著的、砂糖系辦公室愛情喜劇開幕!

Potato farmer Kanata Akehoshi represents Earth in a galactic athletics tournament where the winner will be crowned the Cosmic Beauty.

This is the story of a maid who is all alone in the world, but who finally finds a family. Told from young that her only worth is as a killer, Yuki had known nothing else except cold efficiency and following orders. Now that she has a chance to leave her past behind, she arrives at the doorstep of Hitoyoshi Yokoya, asking to be employed… as a maid?! Thus begins the journey of a former assassin learning what it means to be ‘normal’!

Beryl Gardinant, a self-proclaimed "humble old man," is a sword instructor at his dojo in a rural, backwater village. In his younger years, he dreamed of glory as a master swordsman, but those days are long behind him. Out of the blue, he receives a visit from a famous former pupil who brings him world-shattering news—he's been appointed as special instructor for the knights of the Liberion Order! With his life now turned upside down, Beryl travels to the capital and reunites with some of his former students: elite knights, an ace wizard, and even an adventurer who's attained the highest guild rank possible. But why do they all want his tutelage?! As far as he's concerned, they clearly don't need him anymore.

Can Beryl live up to his new position? And will he ever get a moment's peace away from his adoring students?!

Tarento Hiroshi camps freely with his friends from the solo camper group "Bonfire Club". They talk about site building, campfires, gear introduction, and cooking. As they chat, they share their love of camping and its charms.



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