Item: Season 1

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Please Delete Episode 12 - Episode 23. There are only 11 Episodes in Season 1.

Proof: https://myanimelist.net/anime/41457

2 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 1)

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I created those episodes because the anime will have a second cour starting in fall. It seems to be another cour and not a completely new season, and Chinese streaming service iQIYI already lists the show with 23 episodes.

Though I guess we could delete the other 12 episodes for now until the second cour is actually starting.

@Sheigutn said:

I created those episodes because the anime will have a second cour starting in fall. It seems to be another cour and not a completely new season, and Chinese streaming service iQIYI already lists the show with 23 episodes.

Though I guess we could delete the other 12 episodes for now until the second cour is actually starting.

Oh! If it's a Second Cour then the episodes are good. I thought it'll be a new separate season.

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