Tasha Smith — Vastaava tuottaja

Jaksot 1

See It... Touch It... Obtain It

26 syyskuu 202152m

Meech avoids a street war by moving his crew "The 50 Boyz" to a new location. He and his brother Terry cook up a more potent batch of drugs that creates enough demand to help their family overcome the economic crisis.

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3 lokakuu 202152m

Tensions rise between The 50 Boyz and their rivals, which creates repercussions. Lamar plants misinformation so he can actively step towards the throne.

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Love All, Trust Few

10 lokakuu 202152m

Meech and Terry set up an undercover operation using a food truck to sell drugs to factory workers, while Detective Lopez investigates a murder at the center of the city's drug war.

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17 lokakuu 202152m

Lamar's reign of terror continues, as he works overtime to shut down "The 50 Boyz" for good.

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Secrets and Lies

24 lokakuu 202152m

Meech and Terry devise a multi-layered plan to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Detective Lopez's murder investigation begins to heat up when an account from an eyewitness brings some unexpected information to light

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Strictly Business

31 lokakuu 202152m

Meech and Terry create a new system for "The 50 Boyz" to operate more efficiently, while a secret within their ranks threatens to tear the crew apart.

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All In the Family

14 marraskuu 202152m

Blood spills into the streets when Meech devises a plan for revenge, forcing Lamar to seek shelter with someone close, which complicates matters even more.

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The King of Detroit

Season Finale
21 marraskuu 202152m

In an effort to expand into new territory, Meech discovers a disturbing alliance then hatches a plan to eliminate the threat. Terry is forced to make a life-altering decision.

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