Tim Ransom hahmona Stanwood

Jaksot 6


10 maaliskuu 202242m

Bell’s task force investigates the connection between Congressman Kilbride and the Marcy organization. Stabler makes new friends with a group of close-knit cops. Nova receives a promotion just as her two worlds begin to collide.

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Guns & Roses

17 maaliskuu 202242m

The task force investigates a connection between the Marcy Organization and the murder of a lawyer and her client. Stabler settles into a new assignment. Bell reminds Nova who she really works for.

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Change the Game

14 huhtikuu 202242m

As the task force makes a critical arrest in the case against the Brotherhood, the Marcy organization ups the ante with a dangerous shipment of illegal weapons. Stabler looks for ways to gain Webb's favor while staying loyal to Donnelly.

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Dead Presidents

28 huhtikuu 202242m

When millions are stolen from one of Webb's employees, he enlists Stabler and Donnelly to retrieve the cash and punish the thief. The task force takes an opportunity to nail down both Webb and the Brotherhood but runs into a dangerous obstacle.

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Streets Is Watching

12 toukokuu 202242m

When the task force discovers a threat to Stabler’s life, the pressure is on to gather all the evidence to put Webb away for good. Donnelly gives the Brotherhood surprising news. Nova is forced to take a drastic step to keep her brother safe.

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Friend or Foe

Season Finale
19 toukokuu 202242m

As Stabler confronts the truth about his father, he unknowingly affects his situation with the Brotherhood. The task force works to track down Webb, who's gone off the grid. Donnelly will stop at nothing to ensure he isn't caught.

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