Cassandra Peterson hahmona Elvira

Jaksot 15

Frankenstein's Daughter

13 lokakuu 1990

"Look at her! She lives!"So says Dr. Oliver Frank at the sight of his new creation, a hulking beast with the transplanted brain of a beautiful young woman. He has finally carried on the legacy of his late grandfather, the notorious Dr. Frankenstein!

Originally Released 1958

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The Mask

13 lokakuu 1990

Partially presented in 3D, Psychiatrist Dr. Allen Barnes obtains a mysterious ancient tribal mask after one of his patients commits suicide. Whenever he puts on the mask, Barnes experiences dream-like visions which become increasingly disturbing and violent and even physically harming his girlfriend Pam. The visions begin to alter Barnes' personality, and eventually drive him insane while Lt. Martin questions those who knew him and the whereabouts of said mask.

Originally Released 1961

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She Demons

13 lokakuu 1990

A tropical storm leaves a pleasure boat on an uncharted island, presumed lost. Four survivors discover the island is inhabited by deformed, fanged women, a product of Nazi experiments led by a mad scientist as if this was not bad enough the island is also soon to be used as a bombing target by the U.S. Navy.

Originally Released 1958

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Night of the Ghouls

13 lokakuu 1990

Criswell tells the story of a teenage couple who are murdered by an undead creature. The murders are thought to be the work of a maniac. Detective Bradford is assigned an unexpected assignment to investigate an old house on Willows Lake, which was destroyed by lightning, where he meets the psychic Dr. Acula and learns the house is haunted by the White Ghost.

The film features some reoccurring cast members and characters from Wood's 1955 Bride of the Monster and 1959 Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Originally Released 1958

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The Hideous Sun Demon

13 lokakuu 1990

Dr. Gilbert McKenna, a research scientist, falls unconscious after being exposed to radiation during an experiment. He is taken to a solarium to receive sun's healing rays and transforms into a reptilian creature. Attending physician Dr. Stern suggests he can control his symptoms by staying in the dark and staying in the hospital.

Originally Released 1958

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Missile to the Moon

13 lokakuu 1990

Two escaped convicts, Gary and Lon, are discovered hiding aboard a rocket by scientist Dirk Green. They are forced to pilot a spaceship to the Moon, where they encounter deception and intrigue. They discover an underground kingdom of beautiful women and their sinister ruler, Lido. During their journey, they face rock creatures and a cave-dwelling spider.

Originally Released 1958

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13 lokakuu 1991

Roxy Miller, a writer, is driving through the California desert when she nearly runs into Eegah, a giant caveman. Her boyfriend Tom Nelson and father Robert Miller investigate. Roxy is kidnapped by Eegah and taken back to his cave. Her father communicates with Eegah and develops a theory about its longevity. Roxy's father fears Eegah may kill them if rebuffed, suggesting she endure as much as she can.

Originally Released 1962

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Killers from Space

13 lokakuu 1991

While collecting aerial data on a United States Air Force (USAF) atomic blast Martin loses control of his aircraft and crashes. At the base hospital, Martin acts so strangely that the USAF brings in the FBI to investigate, thinking he might be an impostor. Under the influence of truth serum a story emerges of an aliens plan to exterminate humanity using giant insects and reptiles, grown with the radiation absorbed from our own atomic bomb tests.

Originally Released 1954

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The Giant Gila Monster

13 lokakuu 1991

A small town in Texas finds itself under attack from a hungry, fifty-foot-long gila monster. No longer content to forage in the desert, the giant lizard begins chomping on motorists and train passengers before descending upon the town itself. Only Chase Winstead, a quick-thinking mechanic, can save the town from being wiped out.

Originally Released 1959

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I Eat Your Skin

13 lokakuu 1991

Tom Harris, an adventure novelist, arrives on Voodoo Island in the Caribbean to gather material for a book. He encounters a zombie and encounters a woman named Janine Biladeau. Despite rumours of a walking dead army, the islanders dismiss them. Janine is at risk of being sacrificed due to her blonde virginity.

Originally Released 1971

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The Brain that Wouldn't Die

13 lokakuu 1991

Dr. Bill Cortner saves a dead patient, but his father condemns his unorthodox transplanting methods. After a car accident, he revives Jan's head in his basement laboratory. Jan becomes resentful, and Bill commits murder to obtain a body. He lures Doris Powell to study her scarred face for plastic surgery.

Originally Released 1962

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The Crawling Hand

13 lokakuu 1991

An astronaut makes strange statements during a crash landing, including "my hand makes me do things..." Did the hand, possessed by a murderous alien, murder Paul's landlady, the police suspect Paul, who becomes increasingly strange and starts attacking others.

Originally Released 1963

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The Wasp Woman

13 lokakuu 1991

Dr. Eric Zinthrop, a scientist, is fired from a honey farm for experimenting with wasps. Janice Starlin, a cosmetics company owner, funds further research using her as a human subject. She injects herself with the serum, sheds 20 years, and is transformed into a murderous wasp-like creature.

Originally Released 1959

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The Brain from Planet Arous

13 lokakuu 1991

Gor, an alien brain-shaped creature from Arous, possesses Steve March and uses destructive powers to wreak havoc on Earth. Vol, another brain creature from Arous, possesses March's dog and reveals Gor's criminal nature.

Originally Released 1957

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A Bucket of Blood

Season Finale
13 lokakuu 1994

A dim-witted busboy finds acclaim as an artist for a plaster-covered dead cat that is mistaken as a skilful statuette. The desire for more praise soon leads to an increasingly deadly series of works.

Originally Released 1959

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