Lena Dunham hahmona

Jaksot 6

Part 1 of 6

16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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Part 2 of 6

16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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Part 3 of 6

16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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Part 4 of 6

16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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Part 5 of 6

16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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Part 6 of 6

Season Finale
16 kesäkuu 201515m

Jack Antonoff tours with his band, Bleachers, and along with the tour schedule, he deals with problems at home - including hiring a new manager and pleasing his girlfriend back in New York. Through documentary and comedy, we get a glimpse into the life of Jack Antonoff and come to understand why he is constantly both thankful and sorry.

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You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up.

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