Paul Chu Kong com a

Episodis 20

Episode 1

13 n de 199346m

NAM and HUNG own the loan shark some money. The creditor chase them to repay the debt. KEUNG has no way out and repay the debt for their sake. YIN cannot manage to meet MAN. He asks KEUNG to meet MAN for his sake. KEUNG secretly admires MAN all long. Thus, he is eager to help. However, MAN does not like KEUNG, she does not want KEUNG accompany her. BOK carelessly hurts a child. He imputes the fault to KEUNG. YIN stands for justice and discloses the truth. BOK hates KEUNG deeply. YIN knows that CHOW TUNG has to deal with the wanted criminal. TA KEI and SI KEI. He and KEUNG secretly follow them. However, they have spoiled TUNG's plan and make the criminal escape away. TUNG punishes them. KEUNG boars all the responsibilities. He is then being assigned to watch the police station gateway. During MAN's birthday. KEUNG represents YIN to send MAN a birthday present……

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Episode 2

14 n de 199347m

GIT discovers that KEUNG has extraordinary power, he pays special attention to him. TA KEI is betrayed by the receiver and he kills them for revenge. TUNG and KEUNG go to spot for inspection. GIT deliberately disturbs the spot. He takes the chance to observe KEUNG's super power. He finds out that he possesses supernatural power. There is a great drop in the stock market. HUNG and NAM own the investment company twenty-one thousand dollars. They go to the bank to draw some money. However, they are being robbed. HUNG and NAM are so nervous that they rob another woman for compensation. They are being caught immediately after the robbery. KEUNG is very downcast as he sees that HUNG and NAM are in trouble. BOK teases him. KEUNG is more upset. GIT shows up and claims that he could train KEUNG to be a super cop. KEUNG accepts the training. YIN has promoted. He has bought a new car. He asks KEUNG and MAN to celebrate……

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Episode 3

15 n de 199346m

KEUNG is informed that he can transfer to be a CID. He thinks that he is promoted and is very happy. Unexpectedly, TUNG tells him that they fear that TA KEI will take revenge on him. Thus, they transfer him to the CID section and the colleagues could protect him and catch TA KEI. KEUNG feels very distasteful. NAM and HUNG are found guilty and is sentenced for two-months imprisonment. GIT finds KEUNG. He uses experiments to prove that KEUNG does possess supernatural power. KEUNG is very surprised. He agrees to train by GIT. MAN goes to the hospital to pick YIN up. YIN is reluctant to see that KEUNG could become a CID. He tells MAN his grievance. MAN finds that YIN is very selfish. She feels very upset. MAN cannot control herself and goes to find KEUNG. They tell each other their heart and kiss with each other. MAN proposes to break up with YIN. She even tells YIN that she will stay with KEUNG……

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Episode 4

16 n de 199347m

YIN makes an appointment with MAN. He treats MAN well and does whatever MAN want him to do. MAN is in a dilemma. MAN fears that she will restore the old relation with YIN. She deliberately arranges to meet KEUNG. MAN is affected with KEUNG who is very tender and concern. She expresses that she need someone who is really care and concern about her. When KEUNG has heard her words, he knows that MAN does not love him deeply, he is very upset. TUNG finds that TA KEI does not deal with KEUNG, he takes the initiative and uses KEUNG to tempt TA KEI. He sets a plot to trap him. TAI KEI falls into the trap and kills a lot of people. KEUNG encounters a lot of difficulties but he can eventually catch KEI with his supernatural power. SHEK LUNG appears. He goes to the hospital and wants to kill KEI with his supernatural power. GIT arrives in time and deal with him. LUNG escapes away after a hard fight. YIN is promoted to be the CID……

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Episode 5

17 n de 199347m

LING is very sick and needs to send to the hospital. In order to procure some money for LING, he has to sell his car. Meanwhile, KEUNG has bought a new car. It makes a contrast with YIN. YIN is assigned to join TUNG's section. He expects a lot but is assigned to do some odd job. He is very disappointed. KEUNG is assigned to join LEUNG CHUNG's section. He could involve in case inspection. YIN is very jealous. KEUNG sees that MAN and YIN are stay together. He thinks that they have restore their old relation. He is very disappointed. However, MAN only takes the chance to tell YIN that they are really broken up. YIN is very angry. When KEUNG has known the truth, he is very happy. YIN witnesses that LUNG has killed somebody with supernatural power. He tells KEUNG the case. KEUNG tells YIN that he also possesses the supernatural power. He even brings him to see GIT. GIT sees through YIN's mind……

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Episode 6

20 n de 199347m

LING is very sick and needs to send to the hospital. In order to procure some money for LING, he has to sell his car. Meanwhile, KEUNG has bought a new car. It makes a contrast with YIN. YIN is assigned to join TUNG's section. He expects a lot but is assigned to do some odd job. He is very disappointed. KEUNG is assigned to join LEUNG CHUNG's section. He could involve in case inspection. YIN is very jealous. KEUNG sees that MAN and YIN are stay together. He thinks that they have restore their old relation. He is very disappointed. However, MAN only takes the chance to tell YIN that they are really broken up. YIN is very angry. When KEUNG has known the truth, he is very happy. YIN witnesses that LUNG has killed somebody with supernatural power. He tells KEUNG the case. KEUNG tells YIN that he also possesses the supernatural power. He even brings him to see GIT. GIT sees through YIN's mind……

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Episode 7

21 n de 199346m

YEE again burst into the FONG's family. She finds that KEUNG has already changed the lock. She is mad at him. She orders somebody to break the lock. KEUNG rebukes YEE. PUNG leaves angrily. She meets YIN. YIN wants to console YEE but YEE ignores him. KEUNG and YIN are trained by GIT and LUNG respectively. Both of them do achieve something. YIN gradually finds that he does possess the supernatural power. He is very happy. YEE disturbs MAN and asks her to give up KEUNG. MAN ignores her. YEE posts some posters outside MAN's office and writes something to insult MAN. MAN tolerates and does not tell KEUNG the case. CHUNG discovers that the undercover has fallen into Cold-Blooded Man's trap through some clues. He knows that the life of the undercover is at stake. He immediately freezes his account so as to save the undercover. KEUNG uses his supernatural power to investigate the under cover's trace……

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Episode 8

22 n de 199346m

YEE again burst into the FONG's family. She finds that KEUNG has already changed the lock. She is mad at him. She orders somebody to break the lock. KEUNG rebukes YEE. PUNG leaves angrily. She meets YIN. YIN wants to console YEE but YEE ignores him. KEUNG and YIN are trained by GIT and LUNG respectively. Both of them do achieve something. YIN gradually finds that he does possess the supernatural power. He is very happy. YEE disturbs MAN and asks her to give up KEUNG. MAN ignores her. YEE posts some posters outside MAN's office and writes something to insult MAN. MAN tolerates and does not tell KEUNG the case. CHUNG discovers that the undercover has fallen into Cold-Blooded Man's trap through some clues. He knows that the life of the undercover is at stake. He immediately freezes his account so as to save the undercover. KEUNG uses his supernatural power to investigate the under cover's trace……

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Episode 9

23 n de 199346m

KEUNG knows that he has scolded MAN wrongly. He asks MAN to forgive him. They eventually reconcile. CHUNG's section is moved to the big room. TUNG and his subordinates go to tease CHUNG's section. CHUNG ignores their presence. CHUNG attends Uncle Huan's birthday banquet., he tells him that he will deal with him. Uncle Huan then sends a killer to assassinate CHUNG. CHUNG is very shrewd and arrests the killer. CHUNG decides to deal with Uncle Huan. When TUNG has known the case, he orders his subordinates to deal with HUAN. The relationship between CHUNG's section and TUNG's section are worsened. YEE uses YIN and pretends to be a couple. She thinks that it will irritate KEUNG. However, KEUNG has no feeling at all. CHUNG and TUNG try to exterminate Uncle Huan's illegal business separately. KEUNG and YIN have used their supernatural power to earn some merits……

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Episode 10

24 n de 199346m

FAN orders TUNG and CHUNG to stop investigate HUAN as it involved the PRC police. HUAN wants to punish those who betrayed him. He orders LUNG to kill PING. LUNG asks YIN to help. YIN kills PING cruelly. YIN is very sad. He tells YEE his heart. YEE begins to have some feeling on YIN. HUNG and NAM are released. They fear that YEE will deal with them and are very nervous. Later, they know that it is only a misunderstanding. PUNG YING KAO gathers the international criminal experts in Hong Kong to steal HUAN's criminal evidence. He succeeds in doing that and negotiate with HUAN and police. He eventually decides to cooperate with the police. The police arrange the super cops from everywhere to handle this case. TUNG is the leader and CHUNG is the assistant. TUNG makes light of the enemy. CHUNG warns him but is teased by TUNG instead.

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Episode 11

27 n de 199346m

CHUNG knows that Uncle HUAN is the behind-curtain man, he is determined to take revenge. HUNG and NAM have lost all their money and they cannot afford to buy themselves some food. When they have known that the church does provide free lunch for the poor, they join the church and attend the English lesson. KEUNG brings MAN home to meet HUNG and NAM. MAN is very nervous. She can only set at ease when she finds that HUNG is easy-going, KAO set a plot to trap TUNG. TUNG falls into the trap. However, CHUNG gets some clue and suspects KAO. Uncle HUAN orders LUNG to deal with the super cops. LUNG joins force with YIN. YIN uses his supernatural power to kill the super cops. TUNG witnesses the situation. He is so irritated that he suffers nervous breakdown and has become an idiot. CHUNG feels pity about that. FAN transfers TUNG's subordinates to follow CHUNG. CHUNG proves that KAO is involved in the case……

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Episode 12

28 n de 199346m

CHUNG knows that Uncle HUAN is the behind-curtain man, he is determined to take revenge. HUNG and NAM have lost all their money and they cannot afford to buy themselves some food. When they have known that the church does provide free lunch for the poor, they join the church and attend the English lesson. KEUNG brings MAN home to meet HUNG and NAM. MAN is very nervous. She can only set at ease when she finds that HUNG is easy-going, KAO set a plot to trap TUNG. TUNG falls into the trap. However, CHUNG gets some clue and suspects KAO. Uncle HUAN orders LUNG to deal with the super cops. LUNG joins force with YIN. YIN uses his supernatural power to kill the super cops. TUNG witnesses the situation. He is so irritated that he suffers nervous breakdown and has become an idiot. CHUNG feels pity about that. FAN transfers TUNG's subordinates to follow CHUNG. CHUNG proves that KAO is involved in the case……

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Episode 13

29 n de 199346m

CHUNG teaches KEUNG the shooting skills. He encourages KEUNG and gives him the "diskette black box" KEUNG is shocked with CHUNG's change. CHUNG tries to assassinate Uncle HUAN but is in vain. He is being seriously shot. However, he is still alive. He has become handicapped. KEUNG is very sad and angry. KEUNG is very downcast. MAN consoles him. YEE also encourages KEUNG through HUNG's help. However, KEUNG does not appreciate YEE's passion. GIT helps KEUNG to investigate the code for the black box. He gets to know that YIN P AK GI is somehow related to the case. However, GI destroys all clues. KEUNG tells YIN that he has got the black box. YIN is very nervous but he does not show his real feeling before KEUNG. KIM LING is seriously sick. YIN sends him to the hospital. YIN can escape from death after the healing. However, he is so painful that he wants to die. YIN feels sorry for him.

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Episode 14

30 n de 199346m

YIN is reluctant to see LING suffer from pain. He uses his supernatural power to kill him. LEUNG points out that YIN has improved tremendously in the evil way. YEE proposes to separate from YIN. YIN forces YEE to stay with him with the excuse that he will cut his vein. YEE has no choice and stay. CHUNG knows that TAM YAT could give them some clues. He tells KEUNG the case. KEUNG hurries to see YAT. Meanwhile, GI wants to kill YAT. GIT and GI have a hard fight. GI is defeated and tells them the code. YAT and GI die together. In another aspect, LUNG takes the opportunity to seize the black box. YIN worries that KEUNG will notice that he has betrayed CHUNG. YIN is therefore very frightened. LUNG advises YIN to be clam and checks KEUNG's response. YIN eventually knows that KEUNG does not notice at all. KEUNG even tells YIN that he has already got the code of the black box. LUNG orders YIN to get the code……

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Episode 15

1 e de 199346m

LUNG wants to kill KEUNG. GIT arrives in time and drives LUNG away. However, GIT is hurt. He orders KEUNG to send the diskette to the police. YIN suffers a great blow with YEE's death. KEUNG also feel very sorry as he has eventually known that YEE's death was for his safe. CHUNG consoles KEUNG. FAN eventually gets the criminal evidence of HUAN with the information in the diskette. He then arrests HUAN. CHUNG is happy to see HUAN restrain by the law and dies at ease. KEUNG by chance finds the clue that YIN has betrayed CHUNG. He is shocked and questions YIN. YIN lies to KEUNG. YIN fears that the information in the diskette will also disclose his crimes. YIN burst into the private room and kills the guard. He takes away the information KEUNG witnesses the event but he is too soft-hearted and let YIN go. He even does not tell FAN the case . . YIN hides the stolen money in a water closet. CHAN KAM discovers his act……

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Episode 16

4 e de 199347m

LUNG wants to kill KEUNG. GIT arrives in time and drives LUNG away. However, GIT is hurt. He orders KEUNG to send the diskette to the police. YIN suffers a great blow with YEE's death. KEUNG also feel very sorry as he has eventually known that YEE's death was for his safe. CHUNG consoles KEUNG. FAN eventually gets the criminal evidence of HUAN with the information in the diskette. He then arrests HUAN. CHUNG is happy to see HUAN restrain by the law and dies at ease. KEUNG by chance finds the clue that YIN has betrayed CHUNG. He is shocked and questions YIN. YIN lies to KEUNG. YIN fears that the information in the diskette will also disclose his crimes. YIN burst into the private room and kills the guard. He takes away the information KEUNG witnesses the event but he is too soft-hearted and let YIN go. He even does not tell FAN the case . . YIN hides the stolen money in a water closet. CHAN KAM discovers his act……

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Episode 17

5 e de 199346m

LUNG wants to kill KEUNG. GIT arrives in time and drives LUNG away. However, GIT is hurt. He orders KEUNG to send the diskette to the police. YIN suffers a great blow with YEE's death. KEUNG also feel very sorry as he has eventually known that YEE's death was for his safe. CHUNG consoles KEUNG. FAN eventually gets the criminal evidence of HUAN with the information in the diskette. He then arrests HUAN. CHUNG is happy to see HUAN restrain by the law and dies at ease. KEUNG by chance finds the clue that YIN has betrayed CHUNG. He is shocked and questions YIN. YIN lies to KEUNG. YIN fears that the information in the diskette will also disclose his crimes. YIN burst into the private room and kills the guard. He takes away the information KEUNG witnesses the event but he is too soft-hearted and let YIN go. He even does not tell FAN the case . . YIN hides the stolen money in a water closet. CHAN KAM discovers his act……

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Episode 18

6 e de 199347m

LUNG wants to kill KEUNG. GIT arrives in time and drives LUNG away. However, GIT is hurt. He orders KEUNG to send the diskette to the police. YIN suffers a great blow with YEE's death. KEUNG also feel very sorry as he has eventually known that YEE's death was for his safe. CHUNG consoles KEUNG. FAN eventually gets the criminal evidence of HUAN with the information in the diskette. He then arrests HUAN. CHUNG is happy to see HUAN restrain by the law and dies at ease. KEUNG by chance finds the clue that YIN has betrayed CHUNG. He is shocked and questions YIN. YIN lies to KEUNG. YIN fears that the information in the diskette will also disclose his crimes. YIN burst into the private room and kills the guard. He takes away the information KEUNG witnesses the event but he is too soft-hearted and let YIN go. He even does not tell FAN the case . . YIN hides the stolen money in a water closet. CHAN KAM discovers his act……

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Episode 19

7 e de 199347m

YIN does a lot of evil things and kills many people. FAN orders his subordinates to kill YIN., KEUNG eventually knows YIN's trace. He sets a plot to trap YIN. YIN appears. KEUNG and YIN have a hard fight with each other with their normal physical strength. Ultimately, YIN escapes away with his supernatural power. YIN devises to catch NAM. NAM knows that he is in a very dangerous position. He tries to escape away but is stopped by YIN. KEUNG worries a lot for NAM who has suddenly disappeared. He knows that it must be YIN's deed. YIN takes NAM to go sight-seeing. NAM is very nervous. He carelessly tells YIN that he has kept in contact with MAN all along. YIN immediately cheats MAN to return to Hong Kong. NAM takes the opportunity to escape away. He informs KEUNG to rescue MAN. KEUNG leads his group to arrive the spot. However, MAN has already arrived and is arrested by YIN. MAN rebukes YIN……

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Episode 20

Final de temporada
8 e de 199347m

KEUNG is conscious that his supernatural power is not as good as YIN. However, he accepts YIN's challenge for the sake of righteousness. MAN worries a lot for KEUNG. She stays with KEUNG before the fight. KEUNG meets YIN according to the fixed time. They fight with each other with their supernatural power. KEUNG is defeated. YIN finds that KEUNG is suffered from fever. YIN stops the fight and buys some medicine for KEUNG. In order to console MAN, GIT wants them to cheer up. It could help KEUNG. When MAN has heard the case, she pretends to be very happy. They prepare everything to welcome KEUNG. KEUNG is getting better. He again fights against YIN. He has eventually used up all his supernatural power. However, they still cannot tell who is the winner. They decide to compete in shooting. Consequently, KEUNG wins. YIN is very angry and pretends that he will surrender……

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