Anri Yamazaki — Animaatio-ohjaaja

Jaksot 4


19 lokakuu 202224m

After being taken into custody by Makima, one of the Public Safety Devil Hunters, Denji finds himself head over heels in love with her thanks to her suggestive insinuations.

Wishing to team up with Makima, Denji arrives at the Devil Hunters Headquarters in Tokyo, and gets introduced to Aki Hayakawa, a senior hunter that he was supposed to partner with. But then Hayakawa beats Denji up, and demands that he “quit this job”...

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23 marraskuu 202224m

Aki gets stabbed by Kobeni while protecting Denji. Seeing this, Denji jumps inside the “Eternity Devil” and starts attacking it. He fails to kill the “Eternity Devil” and his chainsaw power ends up fading after losing too much blood. But then, he manages to restore his power after eating the devil’s flesh and drinking its blood, and begins to fight back.

As Himeno watches Denji, she remembers the saying, “The Devil Hunters that devils fear are the ones with a few screws loose...”

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21 joulukuu 202224m

Denji and Power complete their training with Kishibe, while Aki Hayakawa makes a new contract with the "Future Devil" through Kurose and Tendo.

Meanwhile, Makima threatens the yakuza boss into revealing the names of all those who have made contracts with the "Gun Devil," along with the location of Samurai Sword's hideout.

The time has finally come for Public Safety to begin their counterattack against Samurai Sword and his companions.

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Season Finale
28 joulukuu 202224m

Sawatari sends the "Ghost Devil" after Hayakawa, and he's nearly killed before the "Ghost Devil" stops and hands him a cigarette with a message from Himeno. The words inside give Hayakawa the strength to kill the “Ghost Devil” and capture Sawatari.

Meanwhile, Denji heads into his rematch with Samurai Sword. With a pull of the starter on his chest, he transforms into Chainsaw Man.

And now, the last battle between Chainsaw Man and Samurai Sword has finally begun...

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