Dean McDermott hahmona Det. Barry Hamm

Jaksot 9


3 helmikuu 202144m

After a failed drug bust, Sam and Kelly discover they’re after the same dealer, forcing them to team up to take down a major Stockwood player.

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17 helmikuu 202144m

With an informant's life on the line, Kelly enlists Sam's help in raiding a Stockwood stash house.

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24 helmikuu 202144m

Sam gets Kelly's help for a high-stakes sting to get them closer to catching the Bowen Brothers, but Kelly is put in danger when Sam's power play takes an unexpected turn.

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3 maaliskuu 202144m

Kelly enlists Elliot's help to investigate an MDMA dealer in his school. Meanwhile, when Sam's investigation into a father's missing guns takes a turn, she's surprised by who gets caught in the crossfire...

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10 maaliskuu 202144m

When a cooler full of guns puts Sam and Kelly on the trail of 77 more black-market firearms, the pair find themselves in a life or “death-trap” situation.

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17 maaliskuu 202144m

With Sam's promotion on the line, Sam and Kelly stake out an autobody shop, hoping to reel in Stockwood's last big fish, Randy Bowen.

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24 maaliskuu 202144m

Tracking the source of a new MDMA brings Sam and Kelly into the unlikely world of flower deliveries, as they narrow in on a new Stockwood player.

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31 maaliskuu 202144m

In the aftermath of their shocking discovery, Sam & Kelly embark on a border-crossing mission to take down the new Stockwood boss.

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Season Finale
7 huhtikuu 202144m

Sam and Kelly are forced to team up with the enemy in order to take down an even bigger threat. When their undercover sting takes a dangerous turn, Sam and Kelly must give their best performances yet in order to escape with their lives.

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