Teresa de Rosendo — Kirjoittaja

Jaksot 5


19 elokuu 202244m

Diana implores Bruno to help her find her brother. Alma spends time with Tom in the hope of finding answers. A survivor discovers that he has powers.

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19 elokuu 202250m

Rumors about Carlos and pills continue to spread. Alma sorts through Deva's secret box. Bruno and company are shocked by visitors.

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19 elokuu 202241m

Tom walks Alma through his final memories with Lara and their group of friends and details their search for the supernatural Hexaspeculum.

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19 elokuu 202243m

Alma insists that she and Tom see the Hexaspeculum in person. Nearby, Martín, Bruno and Diana puzzle over the implications of the prophecy.

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19 elokuu 202242m

Alma starts piecing together what happened the day of the bus accident and remembers important moments of her life.

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