Vivica A. Fox hahmona Robin Jones

Jaksot 7

The Wrong Family

8 heinäkuu 2021

After the death of patriarch Theodore Jones, his second wife assumed control of the family business; now, someone is coming after the family business, trying to beat it at it's own game, using blackmail and even murder.

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The Wrong Letter

15 heinäkuu 2021

Robin Jones and her four stepdaughters have just survived several attempts on their lives by a family member who they assumed they could trust. Moving on from the ordeal, they realize that their problems haven't disappeared: their business empire may still be under attack and their relationships are as complicated as ever. While some of the sisters become entangled with new love interests and others attempt to untangle the romantic webs they are already caught in, the family receives news that their biggest deal was canceled by the city zoning board. Just when it seems like the empire might fall, something worse happens.

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The Wrong Blackmail

Season Finale
22 heinäkuu 2021

After stepmother and family matriarch, Robin, is returned after being kidnapped, the Jones women face their hardest challenges yet to keeping their business and their family intact.

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The Wrong Nemesis

8 heinäkuu 202242m

“The Wrong Nemesis,” is the first episode in season 2. With new husband Webb now deceased, Robin stands to inherit a fortune with a little help from Sheldon, the family’s lawyer. Carrie’s philanthropic endeavors have always taken a backseat to the family’s business ones, but now, with Lance at her side, she plans to expand her role. Kayla is enjoying the single life until she meets Carter, whom she quickly falls for, and lest she be overshadowed, Tara begins an affair with her teacher.

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The Wrong Murder

15 heinäkuu 202242m

Nobody, least of all Pam, knows how to handle her long-lost daughter Eve, so they ask Sheldon for his counsel. The more Eve is brought into the fold, the more it rankles Tara, who doesn't believe Eve is who she says she is.

Robin meets with a duplicitous boat owner; all of this pales in comparison to the biggest shock of all: Webb is alive, and whatever he wants, it can't be good for the family.

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The Wrong Marriage

22 heinäkuu 202242m

The family is frantic about Webb’s return. Despite the previous tension between Pam and Stephen Napoli, they rekindle their romance in the spirit of working together to uncover Webb’s true intentions. Meanwhile, Tara travels to England to dig into Eve’s background. Carrie and Lance have a very public blow-up, sending Lance right back into the arms of his father, Webb. Or so it appears.

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The Wrong Inside Man

Season Finale
29 heinäkuu 202242m

William French has a diabolical plan to reunite with Kayla; Tara displays her smarts once again when she discovers Eve's true identity and motive; Webb falls for Lance's ruse hook, line, and sinker. The matriarch of the Jones family, Robin Jones, has been threatened by a mysterious woman via a video call.

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