Eva Melander hahmona Felicia

Jaksot 8

Jakso 1

30 elokuu 202143m

Malou finds a miracle bag with 47-million stolen kroner. She hopes to use it to save her bankrupt design shop, but the robber's ex-girlfriend is still looking for the money.

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Jakso 2

30 elokuu 202144m

Malou uses the bakery to wash the stolen money, but an old friend starts asking questions; Liana's ex, the robber Steffe, is trying to get in contact from the prison.

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Jakso 3

6 syyskuu 202144m

Malou is in a stressful situation and asks her old friend Joakim for help; Kangas begins to suspect that Steffe is planning something; Liana receives an unexpected visit from a close relative who turns her everyday life upside down.

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Jakso 4

13 syyskuu 202144m

Malou is terrified and Liana is angry at Steffe's betrayal; the questions around what happened during the dramatic robbery are straightened out.

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Jakso 5

20 syyskuu 202143m

Kangas struggles with his health while Gubben puts pressure on him; Steffe has a clue to follow up, which leads straight into Malou's circle.

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Jakso 6

27 syyskuu 202143m

As Malou's paranoia grows, she enlists the help of Joakim to track the people behind the robbery. However, an unforeseen threat to her business at the bakery appears.

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Jakso 7

4 lokakuu 202143m

Liana's suspicions grow; Hugo tries to deal with the knowledge of what is hidden in the hot tub, and the consequences after the party.

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Jakso 8

Season Finale
11 lokakuu 202143m

Malou and Liana have a plan, but the consequences of their choices are beginning to catch up with them; Kangas becomes increasingly desperate and dangerous in his search for the money that can buy him a way out.

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