Tony Hale hahmona Emmett Milbarge

Jaksot 13

Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer

27 lokakuu 200843m

Efficiency expert Emmett Milbarge pays the Buy More a visit to inspect the branch, while a global terrorist looks for Jeff. Chuck needs to socialize with Jeff to find out about his connection to the terrorist. Finally, it all comes down to video games and the prevention of World War III.

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Chuck Versus the Ex

10 marraskuu 200843m

At a BioScience conference, Chuck runs into Jill, his ex-girlfriend who broke up with him and later dated Bryce Larkin. He flashes on her boss, Guy Lafleur, who is suspected to be working on biochemical weapons. Chuck is ordered to reconnect with Jill in order to gain more information on Lafleur. Meanwhile, Emmett wants the staff to take CPR lessons including a test.

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Chuck Versus the Fat Lady

17 marraskuu 200842m

The team needs to acquire a Fulcrum agent list by solving several riddles left behind by Guy Lafleur. Meanwhile, Emmett tries to find out why Chuck is absent so often and goes after his colleagues to get the information.

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Chuck Versus the Sensei

1 joulukuu 200843m

The team is assigned to survey the Global Launch Agency, when intel shows that someone might penetrate their security. During the surveillance someone intrudes the lab who turns out to be Casey's former sensei Ty Bennett. Meanwhile, Captain Awesome's perfect parents decide to pay Devon and Ellie a surprise visit to help them plan the wedding, and Emmett Milbarge introduces an "Employee of the Month" contest to the Buy More, but the employees start their own contest instead.

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Chuck Versus Santa Claus

15 joulukuu 200843m

Christmas Eve does not go as planned when an amateur criminal on the run from the police crashes into the Buy More and takes Chuck, Ellie, Awesome and the rest of the Buy More gang hostage. In order to protect Chuck’s cover and the safety of the other hostages, Sarah and Casey secretly go in to the store to remove Chuck, but the mission quickly falls apart when Chuck refuses to leave his friends and family behind.

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Chuck Versus the Third Dimension

2 helmikuu 200943m

Chuck foils a plan to kill Tyler Martin, an international rock star. Chuck's night out with Tyler leads to trouble. Morgan holds a contest among his fellow employees.

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Chuck Versus the Suburbs

16 helmikuu 200943m

A new mission has Chuck and Sarah posing as a married couple and interacting with some odd neighbors. The Buy More crew help Big Mike out after his wife files for divorce.

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Chuck Versus the Predator

23 maaliskuu 200943m

Chuck is contacted by the one person that can erase the Intersect from his mind. He starts having trust issues and doesn't know who to lean for help. Meanwhile, Buy More is having problems with the Buy More from Beverly Hills.

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Chuck Versus the Dream Job

6 huhtikuu 200943m

Chuck's life seems to be coming together, his long-absent father has returned and he landed his dream job. Unfortunately for Chuck, neither turns out to be quite what he expected.

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Chuck Versus the First Kill

13 huhtikuu 200943m

After Chuck's father Steve is kidnapped by Fulcrum, Chuck learns the only chance he has to find him is by putting his trust and life into the hands of the person he trusts the least—his ex-girlfriend Jill Roberts. Meanwhile, the Buy More team tries to sabotage Emmett’s corporate evaluation.

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Chuck Versus the Colonel

20 huhtikuu 200943m

While Chuck and Sarah go on to rescue Steve they realize they have a chemistry together. Meanwhile Morgan becomes a pariah at the Buy More after mistakenly getting Emmett promoted.

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Chuck Versus the Ring

Season Finale
27 huhtikuu 200943m

Ellie's big day finally arrives and Chuck must save her life and her wedding from being ruined by Ted Roark and FULCRUM.

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Chuck Versus the Pink Slip

10 tammikuu 201043m

As the upgraded Intersect, Chuck trains to become a full-fledged spy but hits rock bottom when he flunks out of spy school and loses Sarah in the process. Meanwhile, Morgan comes home from Benihana School to help Chuck get over Sarah.

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