Cheyenne Jackson hahmona Dr. Vincent Anderson

Jaksot 11

Election Night

5 syyskuu 201748m

After Trump is elected President, Ally Mayfair-Richards is beset by all of her old phobias... and they appear to be coming to life.

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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

12 syyskuu 201747m

Ally, Ivy and Oz meet the new neighbors. Kai runs for city council. Detective Samuels investigates a murder. A blackout terrorizes Ally.

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Neighbors from Hell

19 syyskuu 201743m

The community turns on Ally after she shoots and kills a Hispanic man. At home tensions between Ally and Ivy grow worse, and Kai may be Ally's only hope.

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26 syyskuu 201751m

Kai gathers familiar faces to join his cult as the events surrounding 11/8/17 are explored.

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3 lokakuu 201741m

Kai asks for the cult members to prove their loyalty against one of their own. Meanwhile, Ally meets with Rudy to tell him about her problems dealing with Ivy's departure.

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Mid-Western Assassin

10 lokakuu 201745m

Ally takes Meadow to Rudy in the hopes that she will confirm her story about the cult. However, Meadow has a change of heart. Meanwhile, an unexpected opponent runs against Kai in the city council election.

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Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag

17 lokakuu 201744m

Kai begins to solidify his grasp on power after winning the election. A mysterious woman warns Beverly, Ivy and Winter that Kai will soon cast them aside.

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Winter of Our Discontent

24 lokakuu 201744m

Ally confronts Kai meanwhile Winter must choose between Kai and Beverly when he makes a questionable decision.

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Drink the Kool-Aid

31 lokakuu 201750m

Kai seeks to test the loyalty of his cult. Ally seeks revenge. Oz learns about his parentage.

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Charles (Manson) in Charge

7 marraskuu 201750m

Kai receives visits from Charles Manson as he begins to question everyone around him.

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Great Again

Season Finale
14 marraskuu 201745m

Kai sets his master plan into motion as Ally's true intentions are revealed.

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