Kevin Bacon — Ohjaaja

Jaksot 4

Serving the King (2)

Season Finale
4 joulukuu 200646m

Glad to be back with her team, Brenda focuses on finding a terrorist-linked suspect. Working with the CIA, who also wants their hands on this suspect, Brenda realizes that she was given false information, and wonders if she's been set up. To prevent herself and the PHD from falling prey to a sinister plan, Brenda must untangle a web of lies to determine who she can trust - before it's too late.

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13 elokuu 200746m

In an effort to get good PR for the department, Deputy Chief Johnson takes a journalist on a ride-along, but when the Crown Vic is targeted and shot at, Brenda is forced to live under 24-hour police protection, while being the key witness in the case she must solve.

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Sudden Death

25 elokuu 200846m

Det. Julio Sanchez' little brother Oscar is shot and killed, leaving Julio beside himself with grief and seeking his killer any way he can, which threatens the investigation.

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Waivers of Extradition

24 elokuu 200946m

When a serial killer's spree crosses from Texas to California, Brenda must work with Detective Curt Landry, her Texan equivalent. The two match wits and find themselves going toe to toe as each tries to gain control of the case and the way in which they solve it.

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