Bill Finger — Creator

Episodes 65

L'ascesa di Blu Beetle

November 14, 200822m

Batman e Blue Beetle devono sconfiggere Kanjar per salvare una razza aliena.

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Terrore sull'isola dei dinosauri

November 21, 200822m

Batman e Plastic Man sventano il piano di Gorilla Grodd di trasformare gli umani in scimmie.

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Attacco sottomarino

December 5, 200822m

Batman aiuta Aquaman a impedire un complotto omicida di Ocean Master e Black Manta.

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L'invasione dei babbi Natale

December 12, 200822m

Dopo che Batman e Blue Beetle sconfiggono Sportsmaster, Batman e Red Tornado devono fermare la follia criminale di Fun Haus.

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Il cavaliere oscuro

January 2, 200922m

Grazie a Merlin, Batman e Freccia Verde viaggiano nel tempo per recuperare Excalibur, ma dovranno prima sconfiggere Morgana Le Fey.

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Arrivano gli Outsider!

January 9, 200922m

Con l'aiuto di B'Wana Beast, Batman sconfigge Black Manta, per poi affrontare assieme a Wildcat gli Outsiders, un gruppo di adolescenti i cui scherzi si trasformano in crimini.

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Il risveglio del caduto

January 16, 200922m

All'inizio, Batman e Kamandi sfuggono a un'orda di mostri, poi Deadman e Batman si alleano e, sotto forma di spiriti, cercano di impedire che Gentleman Ghost raduni un esercito di criminali non morti.

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La caduta di Blue Beatle

January 23, 200922m

Blue Beetle rintraccia il Blue Beetle originale e questo lo conduce sulla pericolosa Isola della scienza, dove affronterà legioni di robot insieme a Batman.

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Viaggio nel corpo di Batman

January 30, 200923m

Batman viene avvelenato da Chemo, che è sotto il controllo di Cervello. Atom e Aquaman si rimpiccioliscono per eliminare il virus nel suo sangue.

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L'attacco di Despero

February 6, 200923m

Il Corpo delle Lanterne Verdi è scomparso dopo una battaglia contro Despero, e Batman dovrà allearsi con G'Nort, Guy Gardner e Sinestro per sconfiggerlo, prima che Despero trasformi il pianeta di Lanterna Verde in un'arma.

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Il ritorno dei terribili tre

February 20, 200923m

Batman e un riluttante Bronze Tiger combattono insieme per evitare che Fox, Vulture e Shark invadano un antico tempio cinese e rubino il totem di un animale sacro custodito al suo interno.

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Il mondo parallelo

February 27, 200923m

Batman si scambia di posto con Owlman, la sua controparte criminale in un universo parallelo, per impedire che il Sindacato dell'Ingiustizia (la versione malvagia della Justice League) conquisti il mondo.

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Game over, gufo nero

March 6, 200923m

Owlman, sulla Terra travestito da Batman, ha commesso diversi crimini e ha convinto gli altri cattivi a unirsi a lui. Batman ritorna e si unisce a Joker per fermare Owlman, cercando di evitare gli altri eroi che sono sulle sue tracce.

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Mistero nello spazio

March 13, 200922m

Nel giorno del suo compleanno, un malinconico Aquaman si unisce a Batman per un'avventura nello spazio. Viaggeranno fino al pianeta natale di Adam Strange, Rann, ed è proprio qui che l'eroe dell'acqua scaccerà la sua tristezza in un'epica battaglia contro i Gordaniani.

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La ricerca dell'immortalità

March 20, 200922m

Nella Londra del XIXº secolo, Jason Blood (l'identità del demone Etrigan) viene accusato di attacchi soprannaturali, perpetrati in realtà da Gentleman Ghost. Batman viaggia indietro nel tempo e si unisce a Sherlock Holmes per fermare Gentleman Ghost e impedire che evochi sulla Terra un demone degli inferi.

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La notte di Huntress

May 8, 200923m

Blue Beetle prende una cotta per Huntress (che ha un debole per i pipistrelli), femme fatale leggermente più grande di lui e molto più pericolosa, ma non c'è tempo per l'amore: Baby Face ha fatto uscire di prigione la sua gang e si prepara per un grosso colpo.

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La minaccia del cavernicolo

May 15, 200922m

Booster Gold del XXXIº secolo torna indietro nel tempo per unirsi a Batman e diventare un eroe famoso. Ma per cercare di ottenere la fama, consente involontariamente al tiranno immortale Vandal Savage di portare a termine il suo efferato piano.

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Il colore della vendetta

May 22, 200922m

Batman e Robin sono di nuovo insieme, ma stavolta è diverso: dietro la scelta di Robin di lavorare da solo, c'è un motivo. Crazy Quilt vuole vendicarsi su Robin e i vecchi dissapori del dinamico duo vengono allo scoperto.

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Bat-Mike come Batman

May 29, 200923m

Il più grande fan di Batman, Bat-Mite, diventa il suo più grande incubo quando, sbucando dalla quinta dimensione, scatena il caos in città nel tentativo di aiutare Batman a diventare un eroe migliore.

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Il figlio di Tornado Rosso

June 5, 200922m

Red Tornado tenta di creare un essere che possieda l'unica cosa che a lui manca: le emozioni umane. L'esperimento fallisce dopo l'attacco di Major Disaster e il suo "Tornado Champion" si unisce presto al lato oscuro.

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Scontro nell'arena

June 12, 200922m

Mongul assolda Jonah Hex affinché porti nuovi gladiatori sul Pianeta della guerra e il vecchio cacciatore di taglie vi porta Batman. Dopo aver cambiato idea, Hex e Batman si alleano per abbattere il violento impero.

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Gorilla Grodd e l'esercito delle tigri

June 19, 200923m

Gorilla Grodd viaggia in un futuro in cui gli animali più intelligenti governano sugli umani. Batman lo segue e si allea con Kamandi (l'ultimo ragazzo rimasto sulla Terra) per sconfiggerlo.

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OMAC all'attacco

October 16, 200922m

La macchina da guerra americana OMAC deve affrontare l'altrettanto distruttivo Shrapnel in una caotica lotta all'ultimo sangue. Ad architettare il tutto è stato il misterioso cattivo ossessionato dall'equilibrio: Libra.

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L'incantesimo di Music Meister

October 23, 200923m

Batman e Black Canary devono affrontare Music Meister, in grado di esercitare il controllo mentale attraverso le canzoni. Quando manomette un satellite per le comunicazioni, il mondo intero diventa schiavo della sua volontà musicale.

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Gli incubi degli outsider

November 6, 200923m

Batman e gli Outsiders sono vittime di un attacco metafisico da parte di Psycho Pirate. Batman entra nel Mindscape per aiutare Black Lightning, Katana e Metamorpho ad affrontare i loro demoni personali.

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Il destino di Equinox

Season Finale
November 13, 200922m

Batman affronta in un'ultima battaglia il cattivo ossessionato dall'equilibrio Equinox, che vuole ricreare l'universo a sua immagine.

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Corsa mortale

November 20, 200922m

Mongul forces heroes (Batman, Green Arrow, Guy Gardner, Huntress, Plastic Man and Woozy Winks) and villains (Black Manta, Catwoman, Gentleman Ghost, Joker, and Steppenwolf) alike to race for Earth's survival.

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Il lungo braccio della legge

December 11, 200922m

Batman and Plastic Man team up to save some scouts. Later, the two have must deal with Rubberneck and Kite Man who are targeting Plastic Man's family in a scheme for revenge.

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La vendetta dei the Reach

January 2, 201022m

The Challengers of the Unknown go to the island and are exposed to Starro. Later, Blue Beetle runs into trouble on Oa when the Green Lantern Corp try to arrest him for possessing the scarab.

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Avventura strepistosa per Aquaman

January 8, 201022m

Batman and Enemy Ace stop aliens interfering in the past. Later, Aquaman takes his family on vacation and must resist his desire to fight crime.

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Justice Society in azione!

January 15, 201022m

Batman and Detective Chimp work together to foil Falseface. Later, Batman and the Justice Society of America face off with Per Degaton.

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Assistenti alla riscossa!

January 22, 201022m

Robin, Speedy, and Aqualad team up to earn respect and stop Ra's Al Ghul from attacking the world.

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La forza dei metalli!

January 29, 201022m

Aquaman falls to Starro. Meanwhile, Batman teams up with the Metal Men to defeat Chemo and, then, to save Doc Magnus from a team of powerful living gases.

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La divisione di Batman

February 5, 201022m

The Riddler torments Booster Gold and Batman. Later, Batman bears witness to the creation of Firestorm. Unfortunately, in the explosion, Batman is divided into three different aspects of himself.

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Il super Batman del Pianeta X!

February 12, 201022m

Batman and the Metal Men fight Kanjar Ro. Later, Batman goes to the planet Zur-En-Arrh where he meets another Batman and develops superpowers.

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Il potere di Shazam!

February 19, 201023m

When Captain Marvel's enemies Black Adam and Dr Sivana team up, Marvel enlists Batman to aid him.

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La verità del passato

February 26, 201022m

Batman and Zatanna make short work of Abra Kadabra. Later, Batman must choose between justice and vengeance when he confronts Joe Chill the man who murdered his parents.

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L'attacco dei gorilla!

April 16, 201022m

Batman and Spectre deal with Dr. Milo. Later, Batman and Detective Chimp enlist Vixen and B'wana Beast in order to battle a conspiracy of ape villains: Gorilla Grodd, Gorilla Boss, and Monsieur Mallah.

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La Terra sotto assedio

September 17, 201022m

Led by Faceless Hunter, the Starro Invasion comes on full swing. Only Batman and a handful of unlikely heroes remain uninfected to thwart the alien parasites and their mind-controlled hosts before all of Earth is sucked dry.

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Il sacrificio della Bestia

September 24, 201023m

Star Conqueror may be defeated, but Faceless Hunter is not! The alien warrior manipulates B'Wana Beast, forcing him to combine thetiny starros into one massive beast he plans to use to destroy the planet! But Batman has his own back-up - the Metal Men!

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Missione in velocità

October 1, 201022m

Barry Allen has long been presumed dead and his "ghost" has been haunting Jay Garrick and Kid Flash. When Batman sees it to, they realize he's not dead -- he's been kidnapped by Reverse Flash!

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L'ultima pattuglia

October 8, 201022m

The disunited super hero group "The Doom Patrol" must now unite once again to face their former enemies who have suddenly united against them.

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Un salto nel passato

October 15, 201022m

Booster Gold misses his late best bud, Blue Beetle, but when he travels back in time to hang with him, he throws the present into chaos.

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Joker all'attacco!

October 22, 201023m

Fifth-dimensional fan boy Bat-Mite inadvertently gives Joker his limitless power while hoping to witness a hero-villain showdown.

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La vendetta di Katrina

October 29, 201022m

The long-retired Batwoman sees an opportunity for revenge against the villain who humiliated her: Riddler. In order to get back at him, she uses sorcerer Felix Faust to swap her body with Batmans. It's "Batman" vs,. Batwoman" vs. Riddler.

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Guerra tra robot

November 5, 201022m

Batman sends a new squad of bat-robots against Black Mask. The robots are turned against their former master when Black Mask hacks into them. Batman prepares to fight the robots with his dog partner, Ace. They are also joined with the kindly robot prototype "Proto".

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I combattenti per la libertà

November 12, 201023m

When an alien race tries to invade Earth, Batman, Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters race to their planet to stop them. Thealien's numbers prove overwhelming and it falls on Plastic Man to find the patriotism within to stop them.

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I cavalieri del domani

November 19, 201023m

It is the story of Batman's retirement and his marriage to Catwoman. Bruce Wayne now hopes that his son Damian will follow in his footsteps, and his confidence in him will be put to the test.

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La discesa di Darkseid

December 3, 201022m

The threat of an impending invasion from Apokolips compels Batman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter to form a new Justice League.

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Il mantello delle nove vite

December 5, 201023m

Batman joins forces with Black Orchid as they both fight the seductive, but dangerous, Poison Ivy, along with her henchwomen.

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Bat-Mite hosts a series of Batman's most bizarre adventures including the Mad Magazine-inspired Batboy and Rubin, a Japanese-influenced Bat-Manga and a guest starring role from the Scooby Gang and Weird Al Yankovic.

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Inganno alla Kryptonite

March 25, 201122m

When Superman is affected by Red Kryptonite he becomes a super jerk. Batman must stop him from destroying his reputation and more.

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Il malvagio Mr. Mind

Season Finale
April 1, 201122m

Batman joins forces with Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr. to take on Dr. Sivana and his Monster Society of Evil. However, the villains gain the most likely of newcomers -- the wormlike Mr. Mind.

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Joker ritrova Weeper

April 15, 201123m

The Joker teams up with his criminal hero and inspiration, The Weeper, to take down their arch-nemesis Batman in this Jokerized episode where the roles are reversed.

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Batman vampiro

April 22, 201122m

Bat-Ape rescues Batman and Robin from Catwoman. Later, Batman is bitten by a vampire and turns on his friends in the Justice League International.

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La notte dei Batman

April 29, 201123m

Batman and Vigilante have a run in with some villains. Later Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man, and Green Arrow try to fill in when Batmen is injured.

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Un segreto da custodire

May 27, 201122m

Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, comes to Batman for help in defeating his nemesis, the beautiful supervillain Star Sapphire.

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Vendetta senza tempo

June 3, 201122m

The Creeper cheers on and helps Batman when he's fighting Hellgrammite. Then, the Justice League International travels to the past to stop the minions of Equinox from wiping out all the incarnations of Batman throughout time.

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Atom nella giungla

June 11, 201122m

Searching the Amazon jungle for the missing Ray Palmer, the scientist who was at one time The Atom, Batman disappears. Now Aquaman recruits the new Atom, Ryan Choi, to help shrink him down to microscopic size...

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Supereroi contro super criminali

June 18, 201122m

After the world's greatest baseball game against the Legion of Doom, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman face off against their arch-enemies Joker, Lex Luthor and Cheetah, who gain the upper hand by switching their respective opponents.

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Primi giochi di squadra

June 25, 201122m

After a team up with Space Ghost and his companions, Batman must come to the aid of three of his fellow superheroes who have fallen into the icy clutches of Mr. Freeze.

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Eroe senza poteri

October 21, 201122m

Captain Atom joins the Justice League, but has to learn how to continue being a super hero even after losing his powers to his old enemy Major Force.

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Crisi: 22.300 miglia sopra la Terra!

October 28, 201122m

While the Justice Society is visiting the Justice League for the first time, Batman is in Asia infiltrating a secret fortress where Ra's Al Ghul is plotting a new scheme for world domination.

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Quattro storie, quattro supereroi

November 4, 201122m

Batman teams up with DC characters Adam Strange, the Flash, 'Mazing Man and the Creature Commandos in four separate teaser vignettes.

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The End

Season Finale
November 18, 201123m

Bat-Mite tries to make the show so horrible it has to be cancelled.

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The Mask of Matches Malone!

December 5, 201123m

Batman, Huntress and Black Canary are after Two-Face - and so is Catwoman. While incognito, Batman gets amnesia and believes himself to be a real gangster - now the girls must stop him AND Two- Face!

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