Robert Verdi hahmona Self

Jaksot 3

Back to My Irish Roots, Literally

Season Finale
24 heinäkuu 2007

In the third-season finale, Kathy scores an award from Irish America magazine. The recognition inspires Kathy to connect with her Irish roots, so she journeys with her posse to Dublin, where she offers a sweet gesture in memory of her father.

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And the Award Goes to...

12 kesäkuu 2008

The fourth season of Bravo’s Emmy-winning Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List begins with Kathy getting a chance to redeem herself from her Emmy acceptance speech in the eyes of Christian Americans. America’s favorite Prada-clad journalist, Anderson Cooper, has invited her to co-host CNN’s New Year’s Eve Countdown show. She and the seriously credible (and yummy) “Andy,” as Kathy likes to call him, will be broadcasting LIVE to 220 countries.

And as if Anderson Cooper wasn’t enough, now My Life on the D-List has been nominated for a Producers Guild Award, and Kathy has actually been invited to present. This is Kathy’s big chance. The PGA awards promise to have a heavy A-List attendance. With Steve “Woz” Wozniak on her arm (for protection against the likes of Oprah and her best friend Gayle), she’s sure to make a splash. The competition in the non-fiction category is stiff, as Kathy riles against “Planet Earth.”

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For Your (Grammy) Consideration

31 heinäkuu 2008

Kathy has an idea how she can promote her new CD, one which involves going on an unusual date. The problem is, her mum is the one getting all the attention from the media.

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