Moby hahmona Self

Jaksot 8


22 kesäkuu 20081h

Pop culture from 2000 is highlighted, including the Bush/Gore election fiasco, the debut of Survivor, and Dennis Miller's stint on Monday Night Football.

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23 kesäkuu 20081h

Pop culture from 2001 is examined, including Fear Factor's premiere, the Segway personal transport, Pearl Harbor's theatrical release, the XFL, iPod's debut, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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24 kesäkuu 20081h

2002's pop culture is examined, including Robert Blake's murder trial, American Idol's debut, Botox parties, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

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24 kesäkuu 20081h

The pop culture of 2003 is remembered, with segments on Arnold Schwarzenegger's rise to California's governorship, FOX's Joe Millionaire, 50 Cent's "In da Club", the trucker hat fad, Michael Jackson's child molestation trial, and Finding Nemo.

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25 kesäkuu 20081h

The world of pop culture in 2004 is highlighted, including the Boston Red Sox finally winning a World Series, the teens of Laguna Beach, Ken Jennings' Jeopardy! winning streak, and Uggs becoming must-have footwear.

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25 kesäkuu 20081h

2005's pop culture highlights are remembered, including the debut of Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" segments, Jose Canseco's Juiced, March of the Penguins' theatrical release, Kirstie Alley promoting Jenny Craig, 'Runaway Bride' Jennifer Wilbanks, and Martha Stewart's stint in jail.

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26 kesäkuu 20081h

The pop culture of 2006 is recognized, with bits on the release of Borat, Daniel Craig's debut as the new James Bond, Dick Cheney's hunting accident, and James Blunt and Daniel Powter's radio dominance.

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Season Finale
26 kesäkuu 20081h

Pop culture from 2007 is remembered, including the iPhone's release, FOX's Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Michael Vick's dogfighting ring, and the GEICO cavemen.

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