Valerie Landsburg kaip Doris Schwartz

Epizodai 89


1982 sausio 71h

This fun and footloose series begins when Julie tries her best to fit in at the New York School for the Performing Arts, with a little bit of help from Doris and Montgomery.


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Passing Grade

1982 sausio 141h

Coco and Lydia vie for a part in a show. Danny wants to meet Johnny Carson and becomes a waiter.


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Tomorrow's Farewell

1982 sausio 211h

The School Board orders the School of the Arts to have a Gym because of the mandatory P.E. class that students have to take. It takes a dance off between Lydia's class and a bunch of football players for the school board to see her point. Meanwhile, Leroy tries to save his brother Willard from a life of crime.


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Alone in a Crowd

1982 sausio 281h

Bruno is afraid of performing in public.


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To Soar and Never Falter

1982 vasario 41h

Bruno is in love with a dance major named Kathleen Murphy. When he is to write a piece of music for her, she performs for him and gets injured. It turns out that she has Multiple Sclerosis, and Miss Grant employs Leroy to help out Bruno. Unknowingly, the gang is helping Kathy to keep her audition.


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The Sell-Out

1982 vasario 111h

When Bruno's uncle buys him a new synthesizer, Bruno gets a job to buy new music. He is doing a song for his aunt, sho just had a baby. Meanwhile, Julie wonders why Coco is suddenly so rude to her while they are doing a very important number together.


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The Strike

1982 vasario 181h

The School Of The Arts is plagued by a teachers' strike. Coco is upset because she wasn't chosen for the part of Desdemona in the schools musical version of ""Othello"". Once the teachers go on strike though she decides that instead of being angry, and not be apart of the production, she organizes everything so that the show can go on without Miss Grant's help. Bruno feels he needs to have Mr. Shorofsky's opinion on the music for the show because he thinks it should have a different tempo and style to it. Because of the strike he can't get Mr. Shorofsky's opinion and goes with his instinct, which turns out to be for the best. Once Leroy was cast for the part of Othello, he was having problems speaking the way the script was written. So he asks for Miss Sherwood's help to make him speak the way Shakespeare was meant to be spoken, even from someone from the Bronx.


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Street Kid

1982 vasario 251h

Doris, while pretending to be a hooker, meets a real hooker named Tracy, and tries to help her out.


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But Seriously, Folks

1982 kovo 41h

Danny's father does not agree with his choice of being a comedian.


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Come One, Come All

1982 kovo 111h

A big star, Melinda MacNeil, is in town and everyone goes ga-ga, except Monty.


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The Crazies

1982 kovo 181h

Doris learns that sometimes honest is not always the best policy. When Shorofsky is hospitalized, Bruno realizes that he is important to his life.


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1982 kovo 251h

When Julie gets replaced by a mannequin in a production number, she feels unimportant until a reporter threatens to do an expose on her.


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A Musical Bridge

1982 balandžio 11h

Monty tries to get Bruno to cash in on his songwriting abilities.


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A Big Finish

1982 balandžio 151h

Miss Sherwood and the gang find two talented bums living in the basement.


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1982 balandžio 291h

Leroy wants his mother to come in for parents' day.


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A Special Place

Season Finale
1982 gegužės 61h

Budget cutbacks prompts the School Board to fire one of the dance school's teachers.


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And the Winner Is...

1982 rugsėjo 301h

Bruno's script is chosen to be produced by the school and he is given the chance to be a voice in the audition process. Unfortunately he can't make up his mind who is better and if someone isn't as good he (with his soft heart) feels the need to let the person try again, to give them that extra chance to get it right. All his friends are excited that he can choose who will star in it, because of course, they want it to be them. Things start to heat up after everyone finds out that Bruno cast himself in the lead. After which he enlists the help of Doris to teach him to ""act"". Doris begins to fall in love with Bruno.


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Your Own Song

1982 spalio 71h

Coco tries to get long with a learning disabled student.


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1982 spalio 141h

Julie's dad is getting remarried, and Julie does not like it one bit. Also, Leroy tries out for a touring dance troupe.


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Class Act

1982 spalio 211h

A guest speaker to the school becomes sweet upon Lydia, and gives the kids an assignment so he can come back to see her. He takes her out but she's not impressed by his flashy lifestyle, and is even less so when he criticizes the work the kids do for the assignment, and is especially tough on Leroy. He also criticizes the education they receive at the school. Shorofsky teaches Bruno how to conduct.


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1982 spalio 281h

When Bruno gets the chance to audition for Julliard, he finds himself caught between the desires of his father and Shorofsky. Shorofsky feels that Bruno isn't ready for Julliard yet. During the audition, Bruno chooses to play his mother's favorite song instead of the piece he originally chose, even though he knew it would destroy his chances of being accepted to Julliard.


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1982 lapkričio 41h

The kids suspect the ballet teacher is prejudiced against black students. They protest by stopping whatever they are doing and standing silent. It isn't til Miss Grant talks with this teacher that they know for sure that she feels black dancers don't have what it takes to be great. She is shown how wrong she's been during a performance by Stephanie. Bruno must escort a young musical prodigee around the school.


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Solo Song

1982 lapkričio 111h

Lydia teaches a blind substitute teacher to dance.

Doris developes a crush on the substitute teacher, Jim Hamilton.


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1982 lapkričio 181h

Coco tries to impress a producer with an audition in a diner. She manages to get a screen test, and tells the gang it all went well. Later she comes clean and admits she was terrible. Doris tries to loose weight and be perfect (like Coco) and collapses in Miss Sherwood's class. In telling Doris the truth about her screen test, Coco manages to come to terms with herself.


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1982 lapkričio 251h

Sherwood discovers that her favorite student has a father who censors the books she is given to read. Because he will be leaving soon, Coco's boyfriend pressures her to have sex with him.


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Childhood's End

1982 gruodžio 21h

When her grandmother dies, Coco questions her decision to become a performer. The kids attempt to find Julie's stolen cello.


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1982 gruodžio 91h

Doris' draft dodging brother comes back and she tries to get him and her father to talk to each other. Lydia tries to sneak ballet moves into a jazz dance number when she discovers her old ballet teacher is coming to watch the performance.


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A Tough Act to Follow

1982 gruodžio 161h

Danny's grief over the death of Mr. Crandall threatens to cause his expulsion, but help comes from an unexpected source.


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1983 sausio 61h

Doris falls in love with a singer she meets at a dance club where her, Bruno and Leroy go to observe the country western scene. They are looking to make a "unique" version of Romeo and Juliet for dance class. Bruno dates a 30 year old woman he meets at the same club. Sherwood meets someone through a dating service.


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Star Quality

1983 sausio 131h

Leroy befriends a boy who wants to be a dancer. After which, he learns that this boy's father was a rather famous dancer once. Leroy has to write a report for Sherwood and decides to write about the once famous dancer. Coco reacts to a small-time commercial actor who visits the school. She criticizes his ability as an actor.


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Sunshine Again

1983 sausio 201h

Shorofsky and Bruno both promise a show's dress rehearsal to different people. Doris is worried that her grandmother may move into her parents' home.


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Love is the Question

1983 sausio 271h

Troy Phillips falls in love with Julie. When they fall asleep studying, he tells everyone that they slept together but he didn't realize what he was telling everyone was being taken in the wrong way.(Inspiring Bruno's classic line, "You're supposed to be tutoring him on the joys of harmony, not sex!") A picture of Mr. Reardon is printed in a gossip tabloid magazine by a "so called" friend of Reardon's who will do anything to sell a story, even steal the photo from David.


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Blood, Sweat and Circuits

1983 vasario 101h

Bruno accepts a challenge from Miss Sherwood to try to create "art" from a computer and when the school acquires one, he's delighted, until he learns that the machine's purpose is to replace Mrs. Berg.


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Friendship Day

1983 vasario 171h

Doris alienates her friends when she becomes obsessive over the planning of this year's "Friendship Day". Bruno's father and Julie's mother mistakenly believe that Bruno and Julie plan to have sex.


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Not in Kansas Anymore

1983 vasario 241h

Doris is auditioning to star in a show. She falls and bumps her head and has an elaborate dream sequence in which she is on a quest to become a star. The school campus is set up with a ""yellow brick road"" path ""Dottie"" must follow and encounters several interesting characters (her fellow classmates in costume) along the way. Debbie Allen (the dance instructor/choreographer) plays the ""good witch"" and Mrs. Sherwood is the ""wicked witch.""


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The Kids from Fame in Concert

1983 kovo 31h

This episode is comprised of excerpts from the Kids from Fame live concert at the Royal Albert Hall, London.


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Help From My Friends

1983 kovo 101h

After a series of school lockers are vandalized, Dwight finds a suicide note and Doris tries to enlist her friends in helping her find the note's author.


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Ending on a High Note

1983 kovo 311h

In order to appear in a show with a famous actor, Leroy and Danny become involved coaching a boys' choir in basketball.


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U.N. Week

Season Finale
1983 balandžio 71h

Students from "a more academically prestigious" school visit the School of the Arts for U.N Week and act snobbishly towards the kids.


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Gonna Learn How to Fly (1)

1983 spalio 151h

Changes abound with the start of the new school year: Bruno, with no means of funding his schooling after his father dies, is forced to drop out; Coco, Danny and Doris find out that even though her mother still lives in New York City, Julie is married and now living in Texas; new students Christopher Donlan, a dance major, and Holly Laird, a drama major, find difficulty in being accepted, most notably by their more seasoned competition, Leroy and Doris, and new vice-principal, Quentin Morloch, intends on ruling with an iron fist.


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Gonna Learn How to Fly (2)

1983 spalio 221h

Mr. Shorofsky finds Bruno a job as a waiter at "Caruso's," a coffee house where he is free to play his music. After settling their feud with a fist fight, Leroy works with Christopher to improve Chris' dancing skills after Miss Grant decides to downgrade him to a different class.


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Hail to the Chief

1983 spalio 291h

When Morloch and the rest of the school find out the President plans to attend the school's fundraiser performance, certain elements of the show are reevaluated, including a monologue by Danny, while Leroy refuses to perform, and Ms. Sherwood is considered a security risk by the Secret Service.


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The Kids from Fame in Israel

1983 lapkričio 51h

This episode features the cast of "Fame," billed as "The Kids from Fame," along with the season three regular dancers in a special concert performance taped while on tour in Tel Aviv, Israel. The concert features performances by the cast, of songs from the television series. The concert took place in an indoor stadium in Tel Aviv before a live capacity audience. Along with the concert, the cast from "Fame" are shown visiting historical landmarks within the city during the 35th birthday celebration of the nation.


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1983 lapkričio 121h

When Christopher is challenged to a boxing match by Keach Howard, the last man he defeated, and refuses to fight, Keach beats up Dwight in an effort to make Donlan change his mind. Meanwhile, Leroy becomes a mentor to Billy Hall, a fellow dancer in Miss Grant's class in whom Leroy sees a lot of himself.


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1983 lapkričio 191h

Love is in the air as Bruno unwittingly falls for Lisa Connors, a student-teacher for Mr. Shorofsky, and Morloch expresses a romantic interest in Ms. Sherwood.


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1983 lapkričio 261h

When Mr. Morloch announces that all students participating in any school production must have a minimum C average, Ms. Sherwood, despite Morloch's objections, assigns Leroy and Danny the responsibility of teacher, leaving Danny forced to make a tough decision when he suspects a friend has cheated.


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Break Dance

1983 gruodžio 101h

Danny enlists Christopher and Michael to coach rival gangs in a "break dance" competition. Meanwhile, Doris has trouble ridding herself of "Snake," a gang member who has a crush on her, and Coco, inspired by Bruno's life out of school, contemplates leaving the School of the Arts to pursue her career.


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1984 sausio 71h

When Dwight shows up to school with severe bruises on his body, Danny appoints himself as Dwight's bodyguard when he, along with the rest of the school, believe Dwight is a victim of bullying. Meanwhile, Miss Grant is not pleased when rumored drug trafficking brings an undercover cop to the School of the Arts, posing as a dance student.


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1984 sausio 141h

Holly falls for Billy Christiansen, a new piano player who plays at "Caruso's." Upon getting ready to ask him out, she learns that he is a physically handicapped, wheelchair bound, paraplegic. Mr. Morloch tries to get Miss Grant to give his friend and former baseball star, "Lefty" Rogers, in pursuit of a career in recording jingles for television commercials, singing and dancing lessons.


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Fame Looks at Music '83

1984 sausio 281h

This special features the cast of "Fame," billed as "The Kids from Fame," along with the season three regular dancers in their first concert in the U.S. which takes a look back at popular music in the year 1983. The concert took place on December 27, 1983 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium before a live capacity audience. Among other musical performances, this particular episode featured a medley of songs from motion pictures and a special tribute to Michael Jackson.


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1984 vasario 41h

While working on a scene together, Holly and Christopher are prompted by their friends to try going out with each other. Danny falls for Marya, a student hoping to be admitted into the School of the Arts.


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Bottle of Blues

1984 vasario 111h

When Doris' ex-boyfriend, Sandy Gordon, who was expelled for his drinking problem, is allowed readmission into the School of the Arts, she's overjoyed until she learns that he was hiding his continuing battle with alcoholism from her.


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Lisa's Song

1984 vasario 181h

When Doris tries to get her classmates to do a production of the reputedly haunted play, "The Gypsy Queen," she and Miss Grant are convinced that they have seen a ghost. While trying to obtain a better understanding of the occult, they discover that Mrs. Berg is a "spirit medium."


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A Way of Winning

1984 vasario 261h

When Morloch learns about Leroy's previous track success, he tries to persuade him to go for a college track scholarship, much to Lydia's dismay. Meanwhile, while doing character research for a role as an elderly woman in her acting class, Doris finds an older man falling for her.


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1984 kovo 41h

When Holly's mother moves in with her, she finds that her mom is getting in the way of things. Meanwhile, when Danny tries to hypnotize Leroy and Christopher, Mr. Morloch is inadvertently put under a post-hypnotic spell, leading Ms. Sherwood to have some fun with it.


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Sheer Will

1984 kovo 181h

When the kids discover that Danny has leukemia, Doris makes her biggest effort to convince him to listen to his doctor and fight the disease. Meanwhile, Lydia decides to show the kids how to make a non-dancer look good in a dance number.


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Catch a Falling Star

1984 kovo 251h

A former night club performer, and close friend to Leroy's uncle, Eddie Macon, is discovered by Ms. Sherwood hiding out in a closet in her classroom. Now homeless and alcohol dependent, Leroy and Mr. Reardon attempt to help him while casting him in a school production. Meanwhile, Holly helps Doris with make-up in an attempt to impress a boy she's interested in.


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A Friend in Need

1984 balandžio 11h

Blind substitute teacher Jim Hamilton returns to the School of the Arts and expresses a romantic interest in Lydia.


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The Deal

1984 balandžio 291h

Caruso's landlord threatens to turn the coffee house into a parking lot unless Bruno gets his young opera singer friend accepted into the School of the Arts. Meanwhile, Mr Shorofsky has a secret meeting with Mrs Berg.


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Home Again

1984 gegužės 61h

A substitute teacher filling in for Ms. Sherwood tries to keep her past as a singer a secret, but Dwight remembers her from his childhood and is determined to find out why she stopped singing, enlisting Mr. Shorofsky's help when he learns the truth.


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1984 gegužės 131h

While showing off for a girl in class, Christopher back flips and hits his head, resulting in a loss of his hearing, and a forced transfer to a school for deaf students. Meanwhile, Miss Grant and Mr. Shorofsky try mixing singers and dancers in the same production.


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1984 gegužės 201h

Mr. Shorofsky is disappointed with Doris rejecting her heritage when she turns down the opportunity to perform at a Holocaust Survivors benefit. Meanwhile, Lydia is hired to teach dance to a basketball team.


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The Home Front

Season Finale
1984 gegužės 271h

With his father unemployed, Christopher is forced to take on the role of a parent to his young siblings, which ends up effecting his performance in school. Meanwhile, when the students fall behind in their efforts in class, Mr. Morloch holds a class on a Saturday.


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Indian Summer

1984 rugsėjo 291h

Doris and Danny console each other over sour flings; Love holds surprise for both Sherwood and Leroy; Holly sets her sights on an older man.


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Czech Mate

1984 spalio 61h

Christopher falls hard for a visiting Czech student; Leroy tries to avoid a new admirer; Doris runs for student-body president.


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Spontaneous Combustion

1984 spalio 131h

Staff and students fight back after Sherwood is accidentally injured by kids dancing in the hallway, and the board of education responds by issuing a directive placing a ban on all singing and dancing in non-designated areas.


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I Never Danced For My Father

1984 spalio 201h

Leroy's long-lost father shows up at the School of the Arts, and receives a chilly reception from his son. Meanwhile, Danny deals with father issues of his own as he tries to convince his father that his aspirations to become a comedian aren’t futile.


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The Heart of Rock 'N' Roll

1984 spalio 271h

Comprised of excerpts from the second U.S. concert by "The Kids from Fame" paying tribute to the history of Rock 'N' Roll.


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1984 lapkričio 31h

A blizzard traps the staff and students in the school, provoking various problems, including a broken furnace and a prowler.


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The Monster That Devoured Las Vegas

1984 lapkričio 101h

An opening-night hex threatens Cassidy's directorial debut when Morloch inadvertently breaks a show-business dictum.


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The Return of Doctor Scorpio

1984 lapkričio 171h

Trevor Kane, a School of the Arts Alumnus and acting has-been, returns to the school to make an appearance in a play that Doris is directing in the hopes of revitalizing his career.


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The Ballad of Ray Claxton

1984 lapkričio 241h

A TV news feature on the school brings Nicole to the attention of a prisoner, and her to his talent as a songwriter.


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Nothing Personal

1984 gruodžio 11h

Christopher writes a less-than-rave review of Cleo's debut as a lead dancer; Nicole and Jesse look for romance in the personal ads.


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The Rivalry

1984 gruodžio 151h

Lydia has a dancing showdown with Holly's mother, who thinks Lydia and Holly lack the drive to succeed in show business.


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1985 sausio 51h

After it comes to light that Jesse is an illegal alien, the staff and students at the School of the Arts band together and fight to keep him from being deported.


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Tomorrow's Children

1985 sausio 121h

Sherwood fights student apathy when Morloch institutes an ROTC program at the school and cancels a show to benefit the nuclear-freeze movement.


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The Heart of Rock 'N' Roll II

1985 sausio 261h

This episode contains excerpts from the second half of the concert.


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Take My Wife... Please

1985 vasario 21h

Drama teacher Trevor Kane discovers his ex-wife is the object of Chris' affections; Holly and Nicole try to help Cleo catch Leroy's attention.


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Parent's Week

1985 vasario 91h

Parents' Week causes problems for Nicole, who has a difficult time dealing with the pressure her parents are putting on her; Meanwhile, Danny's parents decide to get divorced.


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Danny De Bergerac

1985 vasario 161h

Danny falls for Nicole while trying to smooth things between her and Jesse; Morloch gets a second chance with his college sweetheart.


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1985 vasario 231h

Chris gets a break while performing with Danny then deserts his partner and finds competition from Leroy; Nicole and Holly room together.


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Coco Returns

1985 kovo 21h

A famous, retired director directs Coco in her first performance since returning to the School of the Arts to get a diploma.


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1985 kovo 301h

Sherwood temporarily becomes vice-principal while Morloch attends a conference; Doris has a dream date; and Leroy, three months behind on his rent, shoots for $10,000 on a game show.


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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

1985 balandžio 61h

After being mugged, Doris puts on a brave front around her family or friends, but secretly struggles with nightmares and flashbacks; Dwight tries to control his emotions for Holly.


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1985 gegužės 41h

Holly's despair over her parents' marriage causes her to become anorexic; Doris decides on a Hawaiian theme for the school's Prom.


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Who Am I, Really?

1985 gegužės 111h

Nicole's biological mother returns and tries to involve herself in her daughter's life; voiceless Morloch enlists Chris' aid to make a speech.


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The Ol' Ball Game

1985 gegužės 181h

Danny faces the problem of organizing his fellow students into a winning team after accepting a softball challenge issued by an old rival.


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School is Out

Season Finale
1985 gegužės 251h

As Summer vacation approaches, Jesse, Cleo and Nicole reminisce after Cleo reveals that she will not be returning to the School of the Arts in the fall.


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Back to Something New

1986 spalio 61h

As the new school year beings, a few changes have taken place; Christopher has graduated and is moving on to unknown future, Miss Sherwood has finally published her novel and has moved to Maine, and Ian Ware has joined as a freshman but is discouraged when Mr. Shorofsky opts to retire.


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The Last Dance

1986 spalio 131h

Christopher's cousin is having a wedding with Jesse and Nicole set to dance as a couple. Nicole feels that things have changed and breaks up with Jesse but after getting back together, the two are unsure about where their relationship stands. Danny and Jillian start dating but her over-protective family smothers her.


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New Faces

1986 spalio 201h

After being reacquainted with an old actor friend, Paul Seeger, Lydia gets him a job as an acting teacher at the School of the Arts. His toughness isn't received well at first by the kids, but as he opts to leave, they have a change of heart. Danny is asked to give a tour to Hannah Cooper an 11 year-old prodigy who's unwilling to play for anyone.


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Judgement Day

1986 spalio 271h

On the anniversary of Leroy's commencement as a teacher at the School of the Arts, he's faced with accusations that he picked one student over the other for the lead because she was Black. Mr. Shorofsky and Ian butt heads on their tastes in music.


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All-Talking, All-Singing, All-Dancing

1986 lapkričio 31h

Jesse presents his 30's-styled play to Mr. Dyrenforth who decides to fund the play with hopes of obtaining the prize money of $20,000 from the Kimble foundation. The board decides not to supply the funds but Lou Mackie donates the necessary production money. All is well until Nicole, who plays lead comes down with Laryngitis.


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Hold That Baby

1986 lapkričio 101h

Chris' sister leaves him with her 9-month old son Spike when she has an emergency and Chris is put through the ups and downs of parenting. Mrs. Berg leaves Mr. Dyrenforth to his own devices to attend her brother's anniversary and he learns how valuable she is. Nicole, Dusty, Reggie, and Jillian form a band which creates disagreements between the girls.


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A Different Drummer

1986 lapkričio 171h

Reggie challenges conventionalism in order to help the homeless and ends up in a bit of trouble with Mr. Dyrenforth and the law. Dusty's father, Reverend Tyler, visits his daughter in New York but is determined to take her back to Colorado as he finds the school environment risqué.


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Mr. Wacky's World

1986 lapkričio 241h

Frustrated with not getting work as an actor, Danny goes to the cable access station to get his own show. While in the building, he walks onto the set of "Mr. Whacky's World" and gets a job playing Noodles. With expectations to remain Mr. Whacky's stooge, Danny's left conflicted. Dusty misinterprets Jesse's friendly gestures for a romantic interest.


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All I Want for Christmas

1986 gruodžio 81h

When Tina comes to visit Leroy, he plans to make her a believer in the Christmas spirit. Between studying and working, he makes little time for Tina which leaves her despondent. Mr. Shorofsky is getting his tonsils removed and two kids sharing his room think he's Santa Claus.


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Fame and Fortune

1986 gruodžio 291h

Nicole gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she's invited to sing back-up for her idol Frannie Fortune but Nicole gets a quick lesson in the dog-eat-dog nature of the business. After Mr. Dyrenforth reveals that he's lonely, Danny, Jesse, and Leroy decide to boost his love life by advertising the principal with his plastered pictures all over the city.


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Go Softly Into Morning

1987 sausio 51h

After an eventful party, Miss Grant is frustrated to learn that Danny and Nicole have not shown up for an important rehearsal. That frustration turns to grief when they learn that Nicole was killed while being driven home by a drunk driver, Mickey Garth. With the school grieving, Jesse takes it the worse vowing to kill Mickey.


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Love Kittens Go to High School

1987 sausio 261h

The School of the Arts has been selected as the location for director Jeff Stave's new film "Kittens Go to High School." Appointed student assistant to Mr. Stave, Jillian falls for him but reality sets in and it becomes clear that they can't be together. Maxie Sharp, the lead actress in the film enrolls at the School of the Arts.


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The Crimson Blade

1987 vasario 21h

Mr. Dyrenforth is due for appendicitis and the board elects Ms. Fleming to fill in for him. Ms. Fleming enforces a doctrine that prohibits singing and dancing in the hallways. Miltie, in an effort to finally do a good deed, dresses up as the Crimson Blade and anonymously performs various acts of heroism.


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Pros and Cons

1987 vasario 91h

After rekindling her relationship with her high school fling, Lydia learns that her lover makes a living as a stock swindler. Ian becomes jealous when his father starts hanging around the school, and hits it off with his friends.


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The Big Contract

1987 vasario 161h

Lou's brother Duke shows up and Lou is anything but trilled. After hearing Chris sing, Duke signs him to do an album for him. Lou warns Chris about his brother's slimy ways but Chris thinks Lou is jealous. Mr. Seger is asked to supervise the newspaper committee but has to deal with Reggie and Maxie's constant arguing.


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1987 vasario 231h

After receiving a violin from Bavaria that was originally sent to him in 1947 and after seemingly mystical occurrences take place at the school, Mr. Shorofsky reveals to the students the legend that explains the magic of the violin. The students, convinced of its magical powers, begin to fight over its possession.


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That Was the Weekend That Was

1987 kovo 161h

Jesse gets the key to the school to catalog Shorofky's collection of sheet music over the weekend. Joe Mackey is hosting the Grand Gathering of Muskrats at his cafe and convinces Leroy to be initiated as a new member. Chris needs to learn how to cook so he can audition for the host of the cooking show "Macho Gourmet". When Miltie convinces Jesse to throw a party at school to raise money for repairs, what could possibly go wrong?


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Ian's Girl

1987 kovo 231h

When Ian's old girlfriend visits him, feeling homesick and missing her, he decides to go back to England something to which she objects. Mr. Shorofsky wants to send Ian to a competition for classical guitarists and Ian openly objects. The gang prepares Lou for his campaign for President of the Metropolitan Bowling Operators Association.


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Best Buddies

1987 kovo 301h

When Danny's old friend comes to visit him, he surprises him with more than the news that he's working for Lou when he reveals to Danny that he's gay. Danny has an especially difficult time dealing with his friend's homosexuality. Leroy and Miss Grant compete with their choreography with a spot for the winner's routine to appear a stereo store's local commercial.


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The Lounge Singer Who Knew Too Much

1987 balandžio 201h

While typing up Chris' resume at work in a top secret company, Jillian accidentally sends top secret information to Chris' home address. Chris becomes the subject of a pursuit by two men traveling in an ice cream truck. Reggie, Ian, and Dusty take part in a student video contest but their subjects prove to be troublesome.


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Reggie and Rose

1987 balandžio 271h

After helping her out when she gets kicked out of her English class, Reggie's close friend and the cafeteria lady, Rose, joins the school of the arts under Reggie's suggestion but when asked to audition with Reggie for a summer stock company, Rose gives up on both the stock company and the school but rekindles her passion for performing.


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Of Cabbages and Kings

1987 gegužės 41h

The National Cultural Center selects The School of the Arts to contribute an item to a time capsule to be opened a century later but no one is able to agree on what that item should be. When Mr. Shorofsky gives Miltie an ultimatum; write a song or fail, he tries to pass off a fourteenth century ballad as his own.


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Alice Doesn't Work Here Anymore

1987 gegužės 111h

When Mrs. Berg learns that her old lover is coming to visit her, realizing that her lie of running the school has come back to haunt her, the kids help her pose as school principal. Gordon, a squeamish animal-loving student has difficulty in Chemistry class with dissecting frogs so he and Reggie try to convince Mr. Dyrenforth to approve a simulation computer program that provides the ability for virtual dissection.


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Baby, Remember My Name

Season Finale
1987 gegužės 181h

The school is trying its hands at its first video yearbook and with alumni week in session, Bruno, Coco, Doris, Montgomery, Holly, and Chris are interviewed for the video. Miss Grant recommends Leroy for a lead in the alumni week show which is to be choreographed by big-time graduate Michael Taftner but he is not convinced that Leroy can take on the part. When Chris is asked to be guest speaker for Mr. Seger's class, he lies about his success which the two but heads over.


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