Paula Abdul hahmona Judge Paula

Jaksot 5

The Dress

13 syyskuu 200943m

Jane is outraged when she discovers an upscale women’s boutique refuses to carry any plus-sized clothing. Despite opposition from Parker, Jane enlists Kim to represent her when she decides to sue them. Parker puts Grayson on a case involving his old friend whose daughter ends up on a Girls Gone Wild video.

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Grayson's Anatomy

Season Finale
11 lokakuu 200943m

Everyone at the firm is up in arms when they anticipate Parker is going to make an announcement of the newest partner. Jane finally makes the decision to move on with her life and forget about Grayson when she learns he has been dreaming about her. Jane also gets an unexpected visit from a man from her past whose sudden appearance throws her for a loop.

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Would I Lie to You?

6 kesäkuu 201043m

Jane dreams she is in a big musical dance number, working at a food court where she is visited by judge Paula Abdul. Meanwhile, Tony represents Jane at her disbarment hearing, but the case takes a big hit when Kim testifies against Jane. But when Tony learns about Ethan, will his relationship with Jane be able to weather the shocking news?

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Freeze the Day

Season Finale
29 elokuu 201043m

With Claire Harrison easing her way back into the firm, she partners with Kim on a case but proves she will stop at nothing to win, including pitting Kim’s insecurities about Parker against her. Meanwhile, Stacy books a Fancy Feast commercial and Fred has to hid his jealously when she has to “kiss” her pretend husband. Jane and Grayson take on a case involving a woman who wants to be cryogenically frozen which leads them both to think about the passing of Deb and leads to a series of events that could change Jane and Grayson’s lives forever.

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Hit and Run

19 kesäkuu 201143m

With Grayson in a coma, Jane represents an actor whose innocence she questions in a fatal hit-and-run. When Kim takes the case of a woman whose ex-husband lied to lure her back into bed, she goes up against her ex-boss and former boyfriend, Jay Parker.

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