Paris Hilton hahmona Self

Jaksot 9

Jakso 1

17 huhtikuu 20111h

Paris Hilton arrives in Dubai to see what the city has to offer and more importantly to pick the new contestants for her BFF.

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Jakso 2

24 huhtikuu 20111h

Paris Hilton begins her quest with new challenges for her contestants who want to be her BFF. Paris introduces the "camel challenge" and a commercial with Paris' products.

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Jakso 3

1 toukokuu 20111h

Girls are starting to take sides already over who is real and who is fake. Paris implements the "story challenge."

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Jakso 4

8 toukokuu 20111h

Paris tests her potential BFF's sense of fashion. More eliminations this week as contestants discover Paris is no pushover.

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Jakso 5

15 toukokuu 20111h

Paris Hilton uses her bodyguard to interrogate the girls about the Red Carpet plus they are sent on a challenge to buy the best jewelry with the least amount of money.

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Jakso 6

22 toukokuu 20111h

Paris challenges the remaining contestants to make a toast in her honor with one catch - it's actually for her mother. They have dinner with Kathy Hilton.

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Jakso 7

29 toukokuu 20111h

Paris has a huge secret up her sleeve that nobody saw coming. The BFF's must maneuver a Red Carpet interview.

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Jakso 8

5 kesäkuu 20111h

Before choosing her BFF, Paris reviews the most catty moments of the entire competition.

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Jakso 9

Season Finale
12 kesäkuu 20111h

Paris Hilton must choose once and for all who is her BFF from Dubai!

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