Jymn Magon — 编剧


A New Beginning

1985 年 09 月 14 日22m

Calvin meets the Gummi Bears and asks if they will help stop Duke Igthorn from destroying Castle Dunwyn.


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The Sinister Sculptor

1985 年 09 月 21 日11m

A sculptor changes all the Gummies except for Gruffi and Grammi into statues with magic dust. Meanwhile, Gruffi and Grammi are frequently fighting and don't want to work together. King Gregor then buys the statues for Princess Calla. So it's up to Gruffi, Grammi and Cavin to turn the others back to normal. Can they do it, or will Gruffi and Grammi's arguing get in the way?


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Zummi Makes It Hot

1985 年 09 月 21 日11m

The Gummis are nearly out of Gummiberry juice so Grammi needs to make more, but the spigot is stuck so Zummi, Grammi, Cubbi, and Cavin go to the pumping station to fix the problem. But they discover that the facility is near a maritime boundary that separates Dunwyn and Drekmore – where Duke Igthorn and his ogres live. They only have four bottles of Gummiberry juice left, that's one for each of them. Can they fix the problem and get back home safely to Gummi Glen without being noticed by the ogres?


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Someday My Prints Will Come

1985 年 09 月 28 日11m

While exploring an ancient storeroom of the Great Gummis, Tummi discovers a mechanical decoy used to make dragon footprints, but accidentally starts the ignition on the machine and begins bouncing all across the land. The footprints attract a real dragon who proves to be different from the stereotype of large dragons. The knights of Dunwyn also see the machine and think it is a real dragon.


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Can I Keep Him?

1985 年 09 月 28 日11m

Zummi gives Cubbi a whistle from his old treasure chest while Sunni is having trouble babysitting Cubbi. The whistle attracts a brine dragon, which takes Sunni and Cubbi on an unexpected adventure to Drekmore Castle.


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A Gummi in a Gilded Cage

1985 年 10 月 05 日22m

Sunni is kidnapped by a flock of ugly bird-like creatures known as Carpies, whose king wants her for a song bird. The Gummis (Gruffi, Zummi, and Cubbi) must use their new flying machine to get to the top of the mountain and rescue her, all whiledealing with Zummi's acrophobia and Gruffi's insistence that "Gummis were not meant to fly".


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The Oracle

1985 年 10 月 12 日11m

While trying to sneak out of his new diet, Tummi finds a stone ogre oracle and uses it to trick Duke Igthorn and the ogres with it.


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When You Wish Upon a Stone

1985 年 10 月 12 日11m

Cavin is having problems with knight training. Cubbi suggests an underground wishing stone could be a big help, but they soon learn the stone is guarded by a mean giant. Cavin and Cubbi must find several different ways to thwart to giant, until Cavin finally realizes being a knight is not always about strength.


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A Gummi by Any Other Name

1985 年 10 月 26 日22m

Zummi makes a magic hat for Sunni, which can change her appearance to anyone she wants by speaking that person's name, and Sunni turns herself into Princess Calla to enjoy the comforts of royalty. Coincidentally, the real Princess Calla is kidnapped by Igthorn while going outside Dunwyn's castle walls. When the two princess contestants meet in a Drekmore tower cell, what will happen once the true princess exerts her right of existence?


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Loopy, Go Home

1985 年 11 月 02 日11m

Despite Gruffi's objections, Cubbi finds a wolf cub and raises it.


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A-Hunting We Will Go

1985 年 11 月 02 日11m

With a vicious wild boar on the loose in Dunwyn Forest, Calla, Sunni and Grammi must warn King Gregor, Sir Tuxford and Cavin.


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The Fence Sitter

1985 年 11 月 09 日11m

A bird threatens the Gummiberry bushes and nobody will listen to Cubbi's ideas to get rid of it.


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Night of the Gargoyle

1985 年 11 月 09 日11m

Duke Igthorn sends a cursed gargoyle to King Gregor. The gargoyle comes alive at night and starts trying to destroy things – including the king himself.


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The Secret of the Juice

1985 年 11 月 23 日22m

Grammi believes it is time to teach another Gummi Bear how to make Gummiberry juice. Sunni is chosen as the most eligible candidate, but is more into fashion and spending time with Calla. The Ogres kidnap Grammi and take her to Castle Drekmore, where Duke Igthorn attempts to coax the recipe for Gummiberry juice from her. When the Gummis go on a rescue mission, they request Sunni to follow and bring some Gummiberry juice, which Sunni does not know how to make because she failed to pay attention to Grammi's lessons.


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Sweet and Sour Gruffi

1985 年 11 月 30 日11m

The Gummies try to sweeten Gruffi's sour disposition by magic, but the conditions of the spell they use turn this affair into a two-edged sword.


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Duel of the Wizards

1985 年 11 月 30 日11m

The pompous wizard Don Gordo will not accept Zummi's help in finding his missing magic key, so a battle of magic ensues.


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What You See is Me

1985 年 12 月 07 日11m

Tummi learns through his new friend, the blind shepherd Trina, that handicapped people are not helpless.


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Toadie’s Wild Ride

1985 年 12 月 07 日11m

Duke Igthorn catapults Toadie into the forest, where he accidentally makes his way into Gummi Glen and begins snooping around. When Tummi, who has been caught eating the other bears' picnic lunches and lying about it, sees him, no one believes him when he tries to tell them.


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Bubble Trouble

1985 年 12 月 14 日11m

Sunni finds a baby cliff dragon with a hiccup, and a swig of Gummiberry juice only aggravates the problem.


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Gummi in a Strange Land

1985 年 12 月 14 日11m

A Slumber Sprite puts Gruffi to sleep, requiring Grammi and Cubbi to trek across hostile terrain to find the sprite and keep Gruffi from suffering nasty accidents.


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Light Makes Right

Season Finale
1985 年 12 月 21 日22m

The Gummies find a Gummiscope, a gigantic machine that harnesses sunlight as a means of long-range communication, that could allow them to make contact with the Great Gummis across the ocean – but it can also be used as a weapon, causing Duke Igthorn to use it as a laser-type weapon to force King Gregor into surrender.


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Up, Up, and Away

1986 年 09 月 13 日22m

Chummi Gummi comes to Gummi Glen in search of the Great Gummis. When he finds there not there he goes to search for them. Cubbi wants to leave with him so he can become a knight.


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Faster Than a Speeding Tummi

1986 年 09 月 20 日11m

Tummi has to clean up a big mess in Gummi Glen and bemoans that he is slow at the job. After tricking a tired Zummi into casting a spell on him, he learns that faster is not always more efficient when the spell proves unpredictable.


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For a Few Sovereigns More

1986 年 09 月 20 日11m

Duke Igthorn hires a bounty hunter to catch a Gummi Bear. When he refuses to pay, the hunter locks up Ightorn, the ogres, and Cubbi in his castle.


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Over The River And Through The Trolls

1986 年 10 月 04 日11m

Trolls try to hijack a shipment of gold protected by Sir Gawain. Cavin pleads for the Gummis to help, as Sir Gawain is not only Cavin's grandfather, but was also the person who discovered Zummi's medallion.


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You Snooze, You Lose!

1986 年 10 月 04 日11m

Igthorn puts Dunwyn to sleep, leaving only Calla, Cavin, and the Gummi Bears to protect the castle.


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The Crimson Avenger

1986 年 10 月 11 日22m

When Cubbi claims he is serious about Calla's knighthood from "Up, Up & Away", the annoyed Gummis suggest he go into the forest to be a hero. After saving some people, Cubbi gets the reputation as "the Crimson Avenger". Although Cubbi has done a good job by protecting people from a highwayman trying to rob them, the thief elects to move into Dunwyn Castle - along with chances for juicier crimes, which end up causing problems for Calla, Cavin and King Gregor.


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A Hard Dazed Knight

1986 年 10 月 18 日11m

When Cubbi claims he is serious about Calla's knighthood from "Up, Up & Away", the annoyed Gummis suggest he go into the forest to be a hero. After saving some people, Cubbi gets the reputation as "the Crimson Avenger". Although Cubbi has done a good job by protecting people from a highwayman trying to rob them, the thief elects to move into Dunwyn Castle - along with chances for juicier crimes, which end up causing problems for Calla, Cavin and King Gregor.


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Do Unto Ogres

1986 年 10 月 18 日11m

Sunni creates a growing potion while Toadie is cast out by Duke Igthorn. The two meet to unexpected results.


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For Whom The Spell Holds

1986 年 10 月 25 日22m

Zummi finds a section of the Great Book of Gummi that contains advanced magic spells. However, this also signals Zorlok, an evil wizard whom the Great Gummis had imprisoned in a subterranean prison, that he can find the unlocking spell, then be free to inflict violence on all Gummi Bears the world over, then conquer the world. To do this, Zorlok creates a monster to steal the Great Book, causing Zummi, Grammi and Gruffi needing to track it down.


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Little Bears Lost

1986 年 11 月 15 日11m

There is a thief in Gummi Glen, so Zummi and Grammi team up to find the rat. Unfortunately, Zummi casts the wrong spell which ends up shrinking them to a dimunative size, and they only have a limited amount of time to reverse it.


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Guess Who’s Gumming To Dinner?

1986 年 11 月 15 日11m

After an autumn of hard work and preparation for the coming winter, the Gummis are looking forward to the holiday of Fall's Farewell, but Sunni goes overboard with the celebration trying to impress Calla.


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My Gummi Lies Over The Ocean

Season Finale
1986 年 11 月 29 日22m

Tummi builds a full size boat, which Gruffi wants scuttled. However, out of respect for all the work done, he allows Tummi one sailing trip. This trip takes an unexpected turn when they end up on a volcanic island inhabited only by another Gummi Bear - an artist by the name of Gusto.


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Too Many Cooks

1987 年 09 月 12 日11m

Tummi, Sunni, and Cubbi learn the secret recipe for their favorite sweet treat but run into trouble when they try to make it themselves.


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Just a Tad Smarter

1987 年 09 月 12 日11m

Toadie's cousin Tad convinces the Ogres to overthrow Duke Igthorn and install him in his place. When he orders the destruction of the Gummiberry bushes, the Gummi Bears reluctantly help Igthorn regain power to save their berries.


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If I Were You

1987 年 09 月 19 日11m

Igthorn and Tummi switch bodies on Tummi's birthday.


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Eye of the Beholder

1987 年 09 月 19 日11m

An ugly witch plots to take over Dunwyn and it's Sunni to the rescue.


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Presto Gummo

1987 年 09 月 26 日11m

Tummi becomes a magician with Cubbi's help.


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A Tree Grows in Dunwyn

1987 年 09 月 26 日11m

Gruffi's head swells when Trolls complicate the delivery of a tree.


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Day of the Beevilweevils

1987 年 10 月 03 日22m

Tummi accidently causes a swarm of bugs to attack the gummiberry bushes.


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Water Way to Go

1987 年 10 月 10 日11m

Something is fishy when Sunni is jealous of Gusto's new friend Aquairanne.


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Close Encounters of the Gummi Kind

1987 年 10 月 10 日11m

When Gusto invents a decoy to lure ogres away from Gummi Glen, it fools the ogres, but also attracts the humans, who start looking around the forest. It is up to Gruffi and Gusto to save the glen.


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Snows Your Old Man

1987 年 10 月 31 日11m

While trying to find out why winter is still persisting in Dunwyn alone, Sunni, Tummi and Cubbi encounter a frost giant named Chillbeard who uses a "wind horn" to freeze everything. The cubs wonder why Chillbeard seems immature for the "Lord of Winter", wanting to play games instead of allowing spring to start.


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Boggling the Bears

1987 年 10 月 31 日11m

Sunni saves a squirrel-like shapechanger called a boggle, from a hungry wolf and takes it back home. But a shape-changer - not to mention a whole family of them - tends to make a rather tedious pet!


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The Knights of Gummadoon

1987 年 12 月 05 日22m

When the castle of the knights of Gummadoon appears, Cavin is imprisoned as a spy. The Gummies only have until sunset to rescue him, as the castle only appears once every hundred years, but they also have to contend with Duke Igthorn, who plans to capture the castle.


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Mirthy Me

1987 年 12 月 12 日11m

A Gigglin causes a practical joke spree in the Glen. Will this stop the dam from being built in time to stop the water from flooding in?


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Gummi Dearest

Season Finale
1987 年 12 月 12 日11m

After the egg of a griffin rolls free, Cubbi gets mistaken for the baby whilst Gruffi has to deal with the actual baby griffin who thinks he is his father. Can Gruffi and Cubbi make the switch without facing the wrath of the mother griffin?


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The Magnificent Seven Gummies

1988 年 09 月 10 日22m

A traveler from the Orient searches out the Gummi Bears to honor an ancient pact of friendship and help concerning a dragon.


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Music Hath Charms

1988 年 09 月 17 日11m

Duke Igthorn gets a magic bagpipe that hypnotizes whoever hears its music.


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Dress for Success

1988 年 09 月 17 日11m

Sunni enters a costume contest in Dunwyn during folly day.


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A Knight to Remember

1988 年 09 月 24 日11m

A ghost of a Gummi knight leads Cubbi on a quest.


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Gummies Just Want To Have Fun

1988 年 09 月 24 日11m

Grammi is visited by a childhood friend, Nogum.


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There's No Place Like Home

1988 年 10 月 01 日11m

Sunni wants to find a new place to live but finds that Gummi Glen is the best home for a Gummi Bear.


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Color Me Gummi

1988 年 10 月 01 日11m

Cavin becomes a great painter with a LOT of help from Gusto.


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He Who Laughs Last

1988 年 10 月 15 日22m

Sir Gawain (Cavin's grandpa) tries to prove Gummies exist to win a bet.


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Tummi's Last Stand

1988 年 10 月 29 日11m

Cubbi and Tummi find a ancient Gummi training center and Tummi takes a crash course.


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The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again

1988 年 10 月 29 日11m

Toadie impersonates the Crimson Avenger and learns what it means to be a hero.


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Ogre Baby Boom

1988 年 11 月 12 日11m

An accidental mixture of Gummiberry juice and baby powder reduces Igthorn's Ogre troops to infants, and Grammi takes in one of these babies to raise it for the better.


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The White Knight

1988 年 11 月 12 日11m

Dunwyn's most famous paladin, Sir Victor, pays a visit to King Gregor's court. But the White Knight bears a secret which makes him an easy target for extortion by Igthorn.


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Good Neighbor Gummi

1988 年 12 月 03 日11m

When Gruffi breaks his foot, he stubbornly refuses to stay put, believing that the Glen would suffer if he doesn't remain active. His attitude doesn't improve when a rowdy bandit gang decides to make camp--right above the Gummi Glen abode.


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Girl's Knight Out

1988 年 12 月 03 日11m

King Gregor proposes a series of tests for Unwin and the other squires to become Princess Calla's bodyguard, which includes stealing a golden apple from the strong and mysterious Black Knight. Calla conceals her appearance in a suit of armor and competes as well to prove she is capable of her own self defense.


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Top Gum

1988 年 12 月 10 日22m

Inspired by some old stories, Cubby constructs a flight pack and races off into the clouds to find the legendary Aerials. Unfortunately, the Aerials are not like the old Gummi stories described, in more than one way.


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Gummi's At Sea

Season Finale
1988 年 12 月 17 日22m

Tummi finds a Gummarine, an ancient seagoing vessel that can take the Gummies to New Gumbria, where they can meet other Gummies. However, their plans are quickly derailed when Duke Igthorn captures the ship and uses it to attack King Gregor.


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A Gummi a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

1989 年 09 月 09 日11m

Tummi takes pity on Doctor Dexter, an unsuccessfull pharmacist, and decides to improve his concocctions with a shot of Gummiberry juice. Unfortunately, this new wonder medicine also attracts the attention of Igthorn, and without the knowledge of how to exactly replicate the formula, the Doctor is caught between a rock and a hard place.


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Let Sleeping Giants Lie

1989 年 09 月 09 日11m

Sunni learns the importance of keeping Gummi traditions when a giant reawakens thanks to her carelessness.


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The Road To Ursalia

1989 年 09 月 16 日22m

Gruffi burns the Great Book of Gummis and goes to Ursalia to find another to replace it. Their he meets Thornberry, a gummi who tries to save Ursalia from an evil witch, Lady Bane!!


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Bridge On The River Gummi

1989 年 09 月 23 日11m

Gusto inspires delusions of grandeur into Gruffi's bridge project.


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Life of the Party

1989 年 09 月 30 日11m

Duke Igthorn meets Lady Bane for the first time and falls in love.


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My Kingdom For A Pie

1989 年 10 月 07 日11m

Tummi fights a battle with his own self control when Duke Igthorn temps him with food.


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The World According To Gusto

1989 年 10 月 21 日11m

When rules don't seem to have any effect, Cubbi learns an important lesson of life from Gusto by living with him for one day.


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Ogre For A Day

1989 年 11 月 04 日22m

Gusto inspires delusions of grandeur into Gruffi's bridge project.


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Princess Problems

1989 年 11 月 11 日11m

King Gregor hosts King Jean-Claude, a ruler of a nearby Frankish kingdom, and his daughter Marie in order to improve diplomatic relations; but both Sunni and Calla learn that being a princess does not make one an instant sweet little girl. Even worse, Marie's haughty attitude eventually causes King Jean-Claude to stage a military siege on Dunwyn.


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A Gummi is a Gummi’s Best Friend

1989 年 11 月 18 日11m

Gusto creates a lifelike stone statue of Zummi, then persuades Zummi to come to his workshop so he can create a better one. Meanwhile, Gruffi mistakes the statue for his friend, believing that Zummi has turned himself into stone - and so does Lady Bane.


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Beg, Burrow and Steal

1989 年 12 月 09 日22m

The Trolls are on the loose again, and this time they've hijacked an ancient Gummi digging machine.


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Return To Ursalia

1989 年 12 月 16 日22m

A message by Sir Thornberry lures both the Gummis and Igthorn back to Ursalia, where a new band of Gummis, the Barbics, have taken refuge. The new tenants, however, are mostly a rather unsociable bunch with a deep hatred for all humans. They seek the ultimate weapon in Ursalia to get revenge against the humans, and as it so happens, this weapon is close to falling into Igthorn's hands.


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Never Give a Gummi an Even Break

Season Finale
1990 年 01 月 06 日11m

Grammi finds what seems to be a Gummi forced to work as a side show and takes him home to Gummi Glen, but Gruffi thinks there is something wrong with him. Are Gruffi's suspicions correct, or have they found another Gummi Bear?


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A Gummi's Work is Never Done

1990 年 09 月 10 日22m

Grammi and Gruffi decide to trade their usual chores to find out who has the easier job. Meanwhile, Toadie and Igthorn discover blueprints for an ancient Gummi Bear logging machine, but needs a Gummi to build it for him, leading to another hunt for the bears.


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Friar Tum

1990 年 09 月 12 日11m

Lured by the aroma of their daily baking, Tummi ends up in the company of human monks, is forced to protect the faithful friars from the thieving trolls, and finally learns to say no for his own good.


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Tuxford's Turnaround

1990 年 09 月 18 日22m

Gruffi & Grammi switch job places. Igthorn makes a machine to destroy Castle Dunwyn.


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Toadie the Conqueror

1990 年 09 月 19 日22m

Igthorn comes into the possession of an invincible magical suit armor of an infamous villain from the past. Unfortunately, this armor fits diminutive Toadie only, and once the dwarfish Ogre realizes its power, he simply decides to take his Dukie's place as the ruler of Dunwyn!


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Zummi in Slumberland

1990 年 09 月 25 日11m

Zummi has become burnt out on remembering his magic spells lately, so much that he starts casting them in his sleep.


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Patchwork Gummi

1990 年 09 月 26 日22m

Sunni finds an old enchanted Gummi quilt which records the old Gummis' greatest achievements on its patches. In her eagerness to show it to Calla, she loses the quilt to Lady Bane, who promptly employs its magic to try and make herself queen of Dunwyn.


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Thornberry to the Rescue

1990 年 10 月 19 日22m

In his clumsiness, Sir Thornberry inadvertently releases the Spinster, an old menace of the Gummi Bears, and now he is his friends' best hope of escaping this monster before it makes dinner out of them.


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Once More, the Crimson Avenger

1990 年 11 月 05 日22m

Cubbi almost gives up after a defeat, but is re-inspired by a young boy's faith in the Crimson Avenger.


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A Recipe for Trouble

1990 年 11 月 06 日11m

Grammi tries to become a better cook and collects a number of strange roots for seasoning. Unfortunately, a trio of gnomes needs these roots to appease an everhungry, bullying monster, and Grammi decides to give that monster a taste of her house-made cooking.


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Queen of the Carpies

1990 年 11 月 15 日22m

The bullying king of the Carpies loses his crown, which ends up in Sunni's hands – and the other Carpies promptly assume that she has defeated the king. Thus they take poor Sunni once again to Carpy Mountain, this time to rule as a queen, while the other Gummi's must team up with their old foe, the deposed Carpy King, to get her back.


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True Gritty

1990 年 11 月 19 日22m

Cubbi accidentally wrecks Ursalia's water reservoir, leaving the ancient metropolis short of its most important commodity. While Gruffi, Ursa and Sir Thornberry keep bickering whilst following an ancient aqueduct to find out why the water flow has stopped, Gritty and Cubbi try to lasso and train a few ramas (an amalgam of ram and lama) to fetch water from the not-so-nearest river. But then Gritty tries to get revenge on a group of mountain shepherds for human crimes against the ancient Gummi Bears, and Cubbi has a hard time trying to persuade him otherwise.


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King Igthorn (1)

1990 年 11 月 27 日22m

With no sign of Igthorn for an entire year, not even in his own castle, Zummi Gummi finds this news as a perfect opportunity to call on the Great Gummies (much to the skepticism of Gruffi). However, Igthorn has recently devised the ultimate plan to finally capture the Gummies, obtain the Gummiberry juice, and take over Dunwyn.


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King Igthorn (2)

1990 年 11 月 28 日22m

Igthorn and his ogres have destroyed Gummi Glen, captured Dunwyn Kingdom and its citizens, and are keeping Grammi and Tummi held in Drekmore. Now Cavin and the remaining Gummies, with the help of the Barbics, must save them all while Zummi retrieves the Great Book and warn the Great Gummies to turn back.


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Tummi Trouble

1991 年 02 月 14 日22m

Igthorn purchases a love potion from a traveling gypsy to get Lady Bane around. But a severe accident instead makes Lady Bane fall in love with Toadie, and Tummi in love with Lady Bane!


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Rocking Chair Bear

1991 年 02 月 18 日22m

When Lady Bane gets a lock of Sunni's hair, she uses it as part of a spell to keep her eternally young. Unfortunately, the spell also ages Sunni from a young Gummi to an old Gummi.


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Trading Faces

1991 年 02 月 19 日22m

While thwarting yet one more attempt of Igthorn to claim rulership, Sir Tuxford is injured, so Sir Victor is called in to defend Dunwyn for the period of Tuxford's recovery. However, soon Igthorn hits upon a plan to use his likeness to his twin brother to conquer Dunwyn after all ...


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May the Best Princess Win

1991 年 02 月 20 日22m

King Gregor and Calla travel to the realm of King Jean-Claude and his daughter Marie to discuss an alliance against a fiendish villain, Marquis de Bouillabaisse, and Sunni, Cubbi and Tummi decide to hike along. However, once more Calla and Marie initiate a competitive quarrel, which leads them right into the arms of Bouillabaisse.


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Wings Over Dunwyn

1991 年 02 月 21 日22m

Grammi and Tummi go to feed a flock of giant birds just returning from their winter quarters, only to be forced to protect them from Igthorn hunting these birds to use them as war steeds and take care of one of their young at the same time!


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The Rite Stuff

Season Finale
1991 年 02 月 22 日22m

Eager to meet the Barbics, Cavin accompanies the Gummis on a trip to Ursalia. He is at first not welcomed by the Barbics, but soon gets the chance to prove himself in a manhood ritual which Buddy has to undergo in order to become a full member of his tribe. However, a pair of satyr poachers are on the prowl looking for furs to line their purses – and the Gummis just so happen to be quite hairy ...


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