Oz Scott — مخرج

الحلقات 40

Mission: Incredible (1)

أكتوبر 2, 198325m

George has a reunion with some old navy buddies and the fact that Tom has become so gullible becomes a topic of discussion. This leads his old pals to talk him into playing a little con game on Tom to teach him a lesson. However, the con becomes a little to real when George's old pals, Lloyd and Allan make off with $15,000 of Tom's money. Tom fears that Helen will divorce him if she finds out since this was money which was to be used for a down payment on a house that has come up on the market.

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Mission: Incredible (2)

أكتوبر 3, 198325m

A furious Tom almost kills George when he learns he's been hustled out of $15,000, money that he had planned to use to make a down payment on a house. George calls in Jimmy to help him get Tom's money back. Jimmy talks George and Tom into flying out to Los Angeles, where Lloyd and Allan have fled. Once there, they meet Jimmy's cousin, a crafty man who has a well planned out way of getting Tom's money back. Meanwhile, Florence, who knows what George and Tom are up too, tells Louise and Helen and they rush to Los Angeles.

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Mission: Incredible (3)

أكتوبر 9, 198325m

Jimmy's cousin puts his plan into effect which includes getting Lloyd and Allan to believe that Los Angeles is going to be hit by a military attack from a neighboring country. However, the plan could be ruined when Louise, Helen and Florence arrive in Los Angeles.

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I Do, I Don't

أكتوبر 16, 198325m

Tom and Helen are hosting a seminar for newlyweds, a job that George learns that he could be doing if Louise hadn't passed on it without telling him. However, when Tom falls ill, George gets his chance of showing newlyweds how to keep the spice in a marriage, something Louise won't belive until she sees it.

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How Not to Marry a Millionaire

أكتوبر 23, 198325m

Florence and her friend, Betty go down to the museum in hopes of landing millionaires. Florence is surprised when a millionaire follows her home and begins showering her with expensive gifts. However, his true intentions prove to be extremely painful to Florence.

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And the Winner Is . . .

أكتوبر 30, 198325m

Louise is eyeing the Volunteer of the Year award for her work down at the Help Center. She's hopeful that she'll win since last year, Mrs. Van Morris beat her out and this year Mrs. Van Morris was away on a cruise. However, Mrs. Van Morris comes back just in time to sway the award toward her side by donating $2500 to the Help Center.

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The Return of Bentley

نوفمبر 6, 198325m

The Jeffersons and the Willis' are all excited with the news that Harry Bentley is returning to New York. However, Mr. Whittendale is the one person who is standing in the way of Harry getting his old apartment back and George quickly joins Whittendale's bandwagon when the new occupant of Bentley's old apartment could make George a lot of money.

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The List

نوفمبر 20, 198325m

George gets a letter from an old friend who had made a bet with George years ago that he could accomplish everything on life goal list before George. This leads George to dig out his old list and finds that there is one thing he hasn't done, get even with a bully that picked on him when he was a kid.

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Who's the Fairest?

ديسمبر 4, 198325m

For his latest promotion, George decides to hold a beauty contest to find Miss Jefferson Cleaners. Meanwhile, George's 10-year lease on his stores is up and Mr. Whittendale holds the new lease but he will only give it to George if his punk rocker niece wins the beauty contest.

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Father Christmas

ديسمبر 11, 198325m

Refusing to go Christmas caroling with Louise, Helen, Florence and Harry, George and Tom sit home decorating the tree. This prompts reminiscing about Christmas' of the past, spent with their fathers.

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Real Men Don't Dry Clean

يناير 29, 198425m

Louise, Helen and Florence are in awe of the instructor of their self defense class, due to his rugged manly ways. This leads George and Tom to prove they are too are manly and they decide to go on a hunting trip. However, after not getting anything on the trip they hire a taxidermy company to bring in stuffed animals and brag that they caught them.

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Trading Places

فبراير 12, 198425m

Louise has had it with George who breaks all his previous engagements with Tom and Mr. Bentley to go golfing on Saturday. This prompts Louise to daydream what it would be like to be in George's shoes and not care about the feelings of those around him.

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My Guy, George

مارس 4, 198425m

Florence manages to get George to become the manager of a struggling singing sister group. However, on their opening night, the place where George booked them turns out to be a country western bar and the reception from the audience is less than welcome.

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A New Girl in Town

مارس 11, 198425m

Florence is excited when she learns that her 18 year old cousin, Rhonda, is coming to New York for a visit. This leads Louise and Florence to trick George into allowing her to stay with them. However, her plans for a short visit change when she decides to live permanently in New York. This leads to an argument with Florence which follows with Rhonda moving out and getting a job as a mud wrestler.

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مارس 18, 198425m

George is all excited about having a magazine expose done on him and his cleaning business. However, the magazine wants to present a non-stereo typical view of blacks, and this is a problem for Otis, a shoeshine man who has his stand right out side of George's Harlem store.

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Hart to Heart???

مارس 25, 198425m

Ralph, the doorman, wants a raise and Louise and George give him the confidence he needs to ask Mr. Whittendale. However, the results are totally unexpected to him, when Mr. Whittendale announces, the fact that he will no longer be needed since they're going to install an automatic elevator.

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George's Old Girl Friend

أبريل 1, 198425m

Louise finds a perfume soaked letter in the mail to George from an old girlfriend. After a discussion, Louise decides to allow him to meet with her, which turns out to be a big mistake. Almost as soon as she arrives, she pulls a gun on him with intent to kill him.

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Honeymoon Hotel

أبريل 15, 198425m

Tom and Helen's 30th wedding anniversary is anything but happy when they get into a big argument over where they should go to spend the day together. They finally decide to go to the hotel where they spent their honeymoon. However, once they arrive, thing go from bad to worse.

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Blood and Money

أكتوبر 14, 198425m

The Help Center is having a blood drive and Louise tries to get George to give some. However, a leery George pays Ralph to give blood in his name. But when, the blood saves the life of Mrs. Whittendale, her husband decides to pay George back for his good deed and of course Ralph wants in on the ""payback.""

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Ebony and Ivory

أكتوبر 21, 198425m

The snobby socialite that beat Louise out of a Volunteer of the Year award is back and brags about how her grandson is going to win a piano recital. This leads Louise to enter her granddaughter, Jessica in the recital with the intent of beating the snobby competition.

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Bobbles, Bangles and Booboos

أكتوبر 28, 198424m

Louise and Florence have the perfect plan to get the best of George. They've got the hidden video show, Boobles, Bangles and Booboos coming over on the pretense of an interview for George. However, Louise and George begin to doubt the validity of them when the apartment is robbed.

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A House Divided

نوفمبر 4, 198425m

Louise is running for tenant council president and is sure she's going to win, that is until she discovers someone is running against her, George.

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The Gift

نوفمبر 25, 198425m

Louise is all excited that for once George has remembered her birthday after she sees him sneaking around with party favors. However, George, who overhears Helen and Louise, realizes that he has forgotten her birthday and scrambles to buy her a gift before it's to late.

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They Don't Make Preachers Like Him Anymore

ديسمبر 16, 198425m

Florence is all excited since her and her church choir are going to Ohio for a competition. However, Florence loses her faith in God when the Reverend steals the money they needed to enter the competition.

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Try a Little Tenderness

ديسمبر 23, 198425m

After catching vandals trying to break into his store, George and Louise stake it out and are surprised when two young kids break in. George wants to call the police but Louise bets George that if she can't turn them around, he won't have to give her $2,000 to save the Help Center's children's counseling program.

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You'll Never Get Rich

يناير 8, 198525m

Needing some quick cash to fly to a family get together, Florence accompanies George and Louise to Atlantic City where Florence is struck by gambling fever. Meanwhile, Louise is determined to see some celebrities unknown to her she is running in to them everywhere she turns.

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The Unnatural

يناير 15, 198525m

George undergoes constant insults and humiliation after dropping Reggie Jackson's home run hit at a baseball game. This leads Louise to make attempts to boost his floundering self-esteem.

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Chairman of the Bored

يناير 22, 198525m

When George, Louise and Helen are busy for an evening, an ignored Tom gets all the attention he could want from the sister of Mr. Bentley's girlfriend. This leads Tom to daydream what it would be like to get all the attention all the time from five Playboy Playmates.

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Sayonara (1)

يناير 29, 198525m

Lionel and Jenny return to New York after a trip to Japan and they have a very important announcement. This leads Louise, George, Tom and Helen to assume that Jenny is pregnant. However, no one is prepared for their real announcement. They've decided to get a divorce.

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Sayonara (2)

فبراير 5, 198525m

After hearing the news of the divorce, George and Louise get into a big fight with Tom and Helen and the fight continues all the way through Family Night at Jessica's school. The constant bickering leads Jessica to run out of the school and onto the streets of New York.

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Last Dance

فبراير 19, 198525m

George's assistant, Clark doesn't have a date for the prom and Florence agrees to go with him. However, once there Florence runs into the man whom she wanted to go to her prom with but he never asked her.

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The Gang's All Here

مارس 5, 198525m

When Charlie goes out of town for the weekend, Louise agrees to be the bartender for a party he had previously booked. However, Louise quickly finds herself in over her head when the party is for a reunion of a biker gang.

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Hail to the Chief

مارس 12, 198525m

Tom is up for a promotion to president of Pelham Publishing and he's disappointed when it looks as if he's not going to get it. However, when he does get promoted, he finds the responsibility too overwhelming and considers resigning.

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A Secret in the Back Room

مارس 19, 198525m

George and Louise's anniversary party comes to a screeching halt when they learn that Charlie, the bartender, has a drinking problem, which caused his separation from his wife.

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That Blasted Cunningham

أبريل 2, 198525m

George is in yet another advertising war with Cunningham Cleaners and each has vowed to out promote one another. However, the festivities go to far leading to Cunningham's death and leaving George to deal with his vengeful widow.

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State of Mind

أبريل 23, 198525m

Louise is up in arms over the new "young" tenant whose just moved into 12C. The young woman's constant partying prompts Louise to call a tenants meeting but ends with Louise discovering a little bit about age when the tenants accuse her of being an "old" stick in the mud.

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And Up We Go

أبريل 30, 198524m

When Louise and Helen go to a spa for the weekend, they leave behind two bored husbands. To pass the time, George and Tom decide to break a record and the record they choose is how many times they can go up and down on the elevator.

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The Odd Couple

يونيو 11, 198525m

Florence is tired of being alone and decides to place an ad in a personals column. However, the one response she gets is from someone who you would least expect, Mr. Bentley.

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Off-Off-Off-Off Broadway

يونيو 25, 198524m

Louise and Helen need quick cash to save their Disabled Youth Services program down at the Help Center. To raise money, they decide to put on a talent show, while George thinks it'll be a great way to promote his business.

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Red Robins

Season Finale
يوليو 2, 198525m

George is eyeing to win the Dry Cleaner of the Year award but finds he's short on the community service portion. This leads him to take over as ""nest mother"" of Jessica's Red Robin troop where he gives the girls irresponsible tips on how to sell candy.

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