寒川顕一 — Key Animation

Jaksot 9


14 heinäkuu 202224m

At Fólkvangr, a front constructed inside an asteroid, the Gundam Lfrith is undergoing operating tests in the Vanadis Institute's laboratory. The Lfrith has not yet managed to meet the conditions imposed by the council, and test pilot Elnora Samaya is growing impatient. That same day, her daughter is celebrating her fourth birthday...

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The Witch and the Bride

2 lokakuu 202225m

A shy girl from Mercury enrolls in the prestigious Asticassia School of Technology and immediately bumps heads with top student Miorine Rembran.

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Guel's Pride

16 lokakuu 202225m

Miorine insists on helping Suletta in her rematch against Guel. But with his pride in tatters, Guel has no intention of losing a second time.

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If I Could Take One Step Toward You

4 joulukuu 202225m

Miorine rejects Shaddiq's business offer and challenges him to a duel. They agree on a team battle, but her side lacks mobile suits and pilots.

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Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off

Mid-Season Finale
8 tammikuu 202324m

Suletta has to change her attitude if she's going to save Miorine and everyone else. Meanwhile, Miorine and Guel will fight to survive.

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Envoys from the Earth

9 huhtikuu 202325m

It has been two weeks since the attack on Plant Quetta. At first glance, it seems daily life at the school has remained peaceful, but a gag order has been imposed regarding the incident, and the members of Earth House feel suffocated. As preparations get under way for the next day's Open Campus event, a pair of transfer students appear before Suletta.

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Precious Things

7 toukokuu 202325m

Having learned of the connection between Prospera and Delling, Miorine decides to take over the Quiet Zero project in exchange for Suletta's liberation. Miorine's 17th birthday is imminent. Now the curtain rises on the final duel that will determine her bridegroom.

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The End of Hope

4 kesäkuu 202324m

Guel learns that Shaddiq is the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Sarius.

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What We Can Do Now

11 kesäkuu 202324m

The Asticassia School of Technology has been devastated by Norea's rampage. The surviving students are forced to live in evacuation shelters as they wait for relief.

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May All Blessings Find Their Way to You, I'm Wishing It

Season Finale
2 heinäkuu 202324m

Relationships that end and others that are formed anew. Sadness and joy. Violence and wishing for peace. Space intermingles everything as a younger generation finds its way in a world where what is right is only a matter of perspective.

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