Episodios 50



9 de octubre de 200424m

地球聯合軍和札夫特軍在雙方均傷亡慘重的二次雅金・杜維攻防戰一役後,於尤尼烏斯七號的遺跡締結了停戰條約,然而此舉仍無從撲滅自然人和調整者之間的爭鬥火種。 C.E.73年10月。在化名為亞歷士.迪諾的阿斯蘭・薩拉陪同下,卡佳里・由拉・阿斯哈以歐普代表首長身分造訪了在L4新設置的札夫特PLANT「軍械庫一號」。有鑑於雙方陣營再次出現不穩定的情勢,因此她們前往該處與最高評議會的會長吉伯特・杜蘭朵進行極機密會談。 此時突然警報大作! 一個神秘組織鎖定了新造船艦「智慧女神號」的下水典禮展開破壞活動,更趁亂搶奪了即將出廠的新型MS「鋼彈」。 面對再次燃起的戰火,卡佳里感到混亂不已。在一片爆炸煙霧中,阿斯蘭為了保護她而搭乘了MS「薩克戰士」,力抗被敵方奪走的混沌鋼彈、蓋亞鋼彈,以及深淵鋼彈。可是由於寡不敵眾,加上敵方機體的性能遠勝於己,二人因此陷入了絕境! 在千鈞一髮之際,一架新型MS介入其中。 那架機體正是由真・飛鳥駕駛的脈衝鋼彈。

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16 de octubre de 200424m

神秘組織突然在PLANT「軍械庫一號」搶奪了「鋼彈」。為了和札夫特新議長吉伯特.杜蘭朵會談而來到這裡的歐普代表首長卡佳里・由拉・阿斯哈,以及陪伴她前來的阿斯蘭・薩拉均被捲入這場危機中。 為了保護卡佳里,阿斯蘭緊急駕駛了一架薩克戰士力抗三架被奪走的鋼彈,惟因不敵而陷入困境。就在千鈞一髮之際,真・飛鳥駕駛著脈衝鋼彈介入戰局。 脈衝鋼彈與混沌鋼彈、蓋亞鋼彈、深淵鋼彈展開了激烈交鋒! 與此同時,在指揮官尼歐・羅安那克的指揮下,從軍械庫一號外圍派遣人員潛入內部搶奪鋼彈的特殊部隊母艦「葛蒂.露號」也展開了行動。該船艦發動閃擊戰將札夫特的護衛艦給擊沉,更破壞了港口部位。 有如呼應該船艦的行動般,搶奪部隊的成員史汀格・歐格雷、奧爾・尼達和史黛菈・路歇開始撤退。三架鋼彈打破了PLANT的外壁試圖逃脫,雖然脈衝鋼彈和雷・札・巴雷爾駕駛的薩克幽靈展開追擊,不過尼歐所駕駛的MA「艾格薩斯」早已在太空中等著他們。 面對此等突發事態,札夫特新型船艦「智慧女神號」的艦長妲莉雅・古拉迪斯決定啟航出擊

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23 de octubre de 200424m

After the Minerva launches from Armory-1, the battle against the Girty Lue ends, for the time being. However, Girty Lue launches another attack preventing the crew from having much time to regroup.

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6 de noviembre de 200424m

During the battle with the Girty Lue, Athrun helps the Minerva out of a bind with his strategizing.

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13 de noviembre de 200424m

As Junius-7 plummets towards the Earth, the Minerva team-up with the Joule team to try and destroy it.

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20 de noviembre de 200424m

The battle on Junius-7 instifies, as the Gaia, Chaos & Abyss make the Joule team's attempt at the destroying the falling colony much more difficult.

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27 de noviembre de 200424m

As a last ditch effort, the Mireva uses is Tanhäuser to break up the remaining chunk of Junius-7. Unfortunatey, several of the pieces fall to Earth destroying several of Earth's cities. The battle-damaged Minerva makes its way to Orb to re-supply and to drop Cagalli off.

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4 de diciembre de 200424m

The Minerva arrives at Orb. While the crew enjoys some downtime. Cagalli learns some unsettling information about the future of Orb. While Athrun decides to return to PLANT once more and meet with Dullindal.

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11 de diciembre de 200424m

Eager for retalitation, the Atlantic Federation declares war on ZAFT (who they blame for the Junius-7 drop). In defense of the oncoming nuclear onslaught, ZAFT unleashes its newest weapon, the Neutron Stampeder,against the Atlantic Federation forces.

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18 de diciembre de 200424m

As Athrun meets with Dullindal, the Dullindal-endorsed psedo-Lacus, Meer Campbell, rallies the citizens of the PLANT's look away from war and look towards peace. Later, Dullindal offers Athrun a chance to pilot the Saviour Gundam.

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25 de diciembre de 200424m

Orb decides to ally itself with the Atlantic Federation, much to Cagalli's dismay. While about the PLANT's, Athrun recieves some help making his decision from some old comrades.

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25 de diciembre de 200424m

After departing Orb, the Minerva is thrown into battle against an Atlantic Federation fleet. Due to their new alliance with the Federation, Orb quickly sets up a baracade of ships preventing the Minerva from retreat back to the safety of Orb territory.

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8 de enero de 200524m

As the crew congratulate Shinn on his job well done, Kira takes the Freedom out into battle once more to take out the assassins that are after Lacus.

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15 de enero de 200524m

Kira, Lacus, and the remaining Archangel crew embark on their old vessel and depart, but not before Kira rescues Cagalli from her wedding to Yuna.

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22 de enero de 200524m

Athrun, now a member of the super elite ZAFT task force FAITH, returns to the Minerva. Once aboard, he delivers the Minerva's new mission to Talia.

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5 de febrero de 200524m

The Minerva engages Neo and the 3 stolen Gundams in a battle over the Indian Ocean.

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12 de febrero de 200524m

The Minerva lands at ZAFT's Muhamal base and gets details on their next assignment. Later, Athrun has a "heart-to-heart" conversation with Shinn.

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19 de febrero de 200524m

The Minerva must destroy a fixed positron cannon emplacement to break through to Gibraltar. Though hesitant at first after meeting Shinn, they are helped by a young resistance fighter named Coniel, who provides data of a secret tunnel that will lead near the positron cannon. The Minerva and the other ZAFT forces draw out the Earth Alliance mobile suits and mobile armor while Shinn heads through the tunnel and destroys the cannon.

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26 de febrero de 200524m

Shinn narrates flashbacks covering the events that have transpired in Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny. He also sheds some light on how he got to the PLANT's after his tragic loss in Orb.

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5 de marzo de 200524m

After a misunderstanding between Athrun, Lunamaria and Meer, Shinn takes advantage of his shore leave by exploring the countryside. On his travels he stumbles across Stellar dancing on a cliff, she then accidentally falls into the sea. Shinn dives in after her. While waiting to be rescued, Shinn and Stellar share some bonding time.

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12 de marzo de 200524m

An EF fleet led by Orb forces heads towards to Black Sea to deal a critical blow to ZAFT. However, a third party is waiting in the wings to stop the battle.

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19 de marzo de 200524m

Cagalli's attempts to stop the Orb fleet fails and a battle between the Minerva, Orb/EA fleet and the Arch-Angel breaks out.

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26 de marzo de 200524m

With Milliaria's help, Athrun is able to meet up with Kira and Cagalli to discuss recent events.

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2 de abril de 200524m

With Milliaria's help, Athrun is able to meet up with Kira and Cagalli to discuss recent events.

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9 de abril de 200524m

Shinn rushes an injured Stellar aboard the Minerva. Once aboard, he learns startling information about Stellar. Elsewhere, Lacus decides to go to PLANT and scope the situation out.

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16 de abril de 200524m

In Space, Lacus & Andy reunite with the Eternal and its crew. Lunamaria reports her findings from Athrun's rende-vous with Kira to Talia as Stellar's condition worsens. Elsewhere, Miriallia rejoins the ArchAngel and decodes a message that informs the group of an upcoming battle between Minerva and ORB/Phantom Pain.

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23 de abril de 200524m

All hell breaks loose in a three way battle between the Minerva, Orb/Earth fleets and the ArchAngel.

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殘存的生命 消散的生命

30 de abril de 200524m

As Dullindal plays a lonely game of chess, he reflects upon the past and the philosophy of his dear friend, Rau Le Crueset.

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7 de mayo de 200524m

In order to save Stellar's life, Shinn brings her back to Neo.

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14 de mayo de 200524m

Shinn and Rey both recieve pardons for freeing Stellar, a Prisoner of War, much to Talia and Athrun's surprise. Meanwhile, a revitalized Stellar pilots the EAF's new Destroy Gundam and wipes out several villages on the Russian front.

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21 de mayo de 200524m

The Minerva and ArchAngel work to stop the Destroy Gundam and its destructive rampage through Europe. Shinn is shocked to learn that Stellar is the unit's pilot.

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28 de mayo de 200524m

Shinn, swearing vengance on Kira, studies up on FREEDOM with hopes of defeating the Gundam that killed Stellar. Meanwhile, the Earth Sphere is thrown into chaos as Dullindal announces to the world that Logos is behind the war and the hatred.

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4 de junio de 200524m

As the Arch-Angel makes its way towards Orb, it is attacked by the Minerva. Having studied up on the Freedom, Shinn prepares to destroy it.

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11 de junio de 200524m

As the ArchAngel crew scrambles to stabilize their ship, Cagalli rescues an incapacitated Kira. Aboard the Minerva, Shinn gloats to Athrun about his victory. Dullindal decides to make his way towards Earth to present two new Gundams to Athrun and Shinn...

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18 de junio de 200524m

After his less than warm reception to Dullindal and his new Gundams, Dullindal decides that Athrun will only hinder his goals. With Special Ops soldiers after his life, Athrun decides to, once again, leave ZAFT.

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25 de junio de 200524m

Shinn is reluctant to shoot down Athrun's Gouf. However, Rey manages to relieve him of his doubts and convinces him to shoot down Athrun and Meyrin!

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2 de julio de 200524m

ZAFT leads an offensive on the EAF's Heaven's Base in hopes of defeating Logos.

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9 de julio de 200524m

After a trip to the Mendel Colony, Lacus and the Eternal's location is discovered by ZAFT. Just when it looks bleak for the Eternal, Kira comes to the rescue...

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16 de julio de 200524m

After Zaft's ultimatum requesting Djibril, Yuuna gives the obvious lie of Djibril not being in Orb in a public announcement. Following the announcement, Zaft begins its invasion of Orb. Cagalli is given her father's will: the mobile suit Orb-01 Akatsuki, arrests Yuuna and reforms Orb's defense against Zaft. Later, the Minerva arrives and Destiny launches to confront the Akatsuki...

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23 de julio de 200524m

Athrun and Kira share their thoughts of what has happened during the war.

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30 de julio de 200524m

Athrun and Kira recall the past events from their perspective and explain why they follow the paths they have chosen.

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6 de agosto de 200524m

As the attack on Orb continues, Cagalli faces off against Shinn. She is saved by the timely arrival of Kira who descended from space with Lacus. Shinn is forced to retreat to resupply. While Kira continues to destroy ZAFT forces, Lacus shows Athrun the ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice and gives him the decision to choose whether he wishes to stay away from the battle or become a soldier again and fight for what he believes in.

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13 de agosto de 200524m

Athrun intervenes in the battle between Kira, Shinn, and Rey, which shocks Shinn who believed that he had killed Athrun previously. Yuna is crushed by a GOUF Ignited when he tried to escape while Djibril successfully escapes to the Moon aboard an orbital shuttle. With the ZAFT flagship destroyed, Captain Gladys takes command and orders a temporary retreat. After the battle, Cagalli broadcasts a global announcement about the war with Logos but she is interrupted by Meer, who is in turn interrupted by the real Lacus.

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20 de agosto de 200524m

The real Lacus on television states that there is someone who has the same face, voice and name as herself in the PLANTs. She also states that people should find out more about Chairman Durandal's actions before believing in his lies. Djibril arrives at the Daedalus Lunar Base, where he fires the Orbital All-Aspect Tactical Cannon, Requiem, at the PLANT capital, Aprilius. The attack on Aprilius fails, but Januarius One through Four is hit, and they collide into December Seven and Eight causing them to collapse also. The Minerva returns to space.

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27 de agosto de 200524m

After the attack on the PLANTs by the Requiem, the Orb forces begin their preparations to leave Earth. ZAFT begins their assault on Requiem and the Minerva is sent to the front lines. Lunamaria is given the task of destroying Requiem's controls while the Destiny, the Legend, and Minerva divert the enemy's attention away from her. The Destiny and the Impulse destroy Requiem's controls. Djibril attempts an escape on the Girty Lue, but Rey discovers him and destroys the Girty Lue. Cagalli parts with the crew of the Archangel and watches the ship leave for the Moon.

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3 de septiembre de 200524m

While gathering intelligence under the guise of a shopping trip at Copernicus City, Lacus receives a message from Meer, who is afraid of being killed. Though Athrun and Meyrin insists it is a trap, Lacus decides to meet Meer anyway. The would-be assassins are killed, but Meer is mortally wounded.

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10 de septiembre de 200524m

A funeral is held for Meer on the Archangel. Athrun, Kira, Lacus, and Meyrin read Meer's diary and learn why she had aided Durandal.

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17 de septiembre de 200524m

Chairman Durandal calls for the implementation of the "Destiny Plan", which is supposed to decide the fate of each individual on a genetic level. Only the Orb Union, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Atlantic Federation reject this plan. ZAFT repairs Requiem and fires it at the Earth Alliance lunar base of Arzachel, killing the President of the Atlantic Federation. Terminal forces head towards Relay Station 1 of Requiem.

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24 de septiembre de 200524m

Shinn and Rey are transferred to Messiah. Shinn is confronted by Durandal and Rey. Shinn finally decides to follow the course of action pointed out by Durandal and Rey. The Minerva arrives at Station 1 and begins their assault on the Archangel and Eternal. Lunamaria sorties in the Impulse and when she goes to take out the Eternal Meyrin calls out to her to stop her. 'Lunamaria is shocked that Meyrin is still alive and that she is on board the Eternal. Meanwhile Athrun is reunited with Dearka and an angry Yzak who decide to help him destroy Station 1. In the aftermath, Kira and Athrun destroys Relay Station 1, and Terminal forces go to attack Requiem itself.

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Final de temporada
1 de octubre de 200524m

Kira in the Strike Freedom is confronted by Rey in the Legend. Meanwhile, Athrun in the Infinite Justice battles Lunamaria in the Impulse and Shinn in the Destiny. Requiem is destroyed in a joint effort of the Infinite Justice and Mu in the Akatsuki. The combined efforts of the Archangel and the Infinite Justice, damage the Minerva, causing it to crash onto the Moon. Durandal and Kira confront each other in the collapsing Messiah. Durandal is shot by Rey, and Captain Gladys orders Kira to leave as she, Rey and Durandal are killed when the Messiah falls to the Moon surface. The Second Bloody Valentine War ends.

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