Jonathan Clay Harris — Roolitus

Jaksot 8


17 elokuu 202357m

After a tragic accident, Mickey Bolitar finds himself living with his aunt in Kasselton, New Jersey—a town with a lot of buried secrets. When a classmate disappears without a trace, Mickey’s drawn into a conspiracy so shocking that it makes high school drama seem like a luxury…and leaves Mickey questioning everything about the life he thought he knew.

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Catch Me If U Can

17 elokuu 202345m

The investigation into Ashley’s disappearance leads the gang to a dangerous man. As Mickey reunites with his mom, Shira bumps into an old friend. And in a town filled with secrets that people would kill to keep buried, what is Mrs. Friedman—Mickey’s history teacher—hiding?

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The Dirt Locker

17 elokuu 202351m

Mickey learns more about the mysterious Bat Lady’s past. Shira spends time with an old friend, while Ema makes a new one. At Ellen and Alan Bolitar’s 49th wedding anniversary party, the family struggles to come to grips with Brad’s absence.

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Phantom Threads

24 elokuu 202347m

Mickey has a breakthrough in the search for Ashley. Chief Taylor has a tense confrontation with Bat Lady. Ema and Spoon make beautiful music together.

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See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me

31 elokuu 202348m

Mickey and Spoon discover Ema’s big secret. To find Ashley, Rachel needs a gigantic favor from Troy. Mickey and Rachel trail a suspect to a surprising location. Mickey finds a shocking photo.

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Candy's Room

7 syyskuu 202345m

Mickey makes an outlandish request. Shira finds herself in an awkward position. Ema reacts with rage to a betrayal. A major mystery is solved, but Mickey finds himself in over his head.

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

14 syyskuu 202354m

Spoon, Ema, and Rachel take a road trip, while Mickey runs into someone he recently met.

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Season Finale
21 syyskuu 202350m

Everything is revealed.

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