Toby Huss as Kahn Souphanousinphone (voice)

Episoder 255

Mowing With Charlie


Season 1 DVD Extra.

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Season 1 DVD Extra

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Originally shown to moviegoers in the summer of 2000. Though long thought to be lost, it was uploaded to the Will Rogers Institute's official YouTube channel on March 8, 2019.

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Promo: Hank - I'm Offended

1 Januar 19971m

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Hank's “Thank You” to the Animators

1 Januar 19974m

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Un ometto strapazzato

12 Januar 199722m

Hank Hill è un buon Americano, ama il suo lavoro di rappresentante di propano e rispetta la sua famiglia. Un giorno, per una serie di coincidenze, qualcuno si convince che maltratti suo figlio...

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Sesso e volentieri

19 Januar 199722m

Peggy, che di recente ha ricevuto il premio "Miglior supplente dell'anno" viene nominata docente di educazione sessuale. Decide di studiare bene la materia.

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Come ai vecchi tempi!

2 Februar 199722m

Hank, Boomhauer, Bill e Dale decidono di portare la squadra scout di Bobby in un luogo selvaggio e impervio per farli diventare 'veri uomini'.

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Ad ognuno il suo eroe

9 Februar 199722m

Bobby, in un campo da golf con papà e i suoi amici, prova un tiro. Ma la pallina va a colpire dritto in testa nientepopodimeno che l'idolo di Hank: Willie Nelson.

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Caccia al fidanzato

16 Februar 199722m

Luanne e Buckley si sono lasciati. E Hank le promette di trovarle un fidanzato nuovo di zecca in quarantotto ore.

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Mitico stitico

23 Februar 199722m

Hank si sente molto imbarazzato quando la notizia della sua stitichezza si diffonde tra i vicini e nella cittadina intera. E ancor di più quando tutti gli danno consigli.

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Oriente E Occidente

2 Mars 199722m

Hank si mette in testa che i nuovi vicini di casa, originari del Laos, preparino i loro deliziosi hamburger con carne di cane.

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La cattiveria ha le gambe corte

23 Mars 199722m

Indisciplinato, sessista, bigotto, lamentoso: il padre di Hank non è tollerato da nessuno in famiglia. Ma Hank decide di invitarlo a casa per il compleanno di Bobby. Sarà un disastro, come sempre.

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Parole, parole, parole

13 April 199722m

Hank deve fare una scelta difficile: andare a visitare un'esposizione che gli interessa molto, oppure accompagnare Peggy al campionato di Paroliamo...

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Un vizio di famiglia

27 April 199722m

Hank sorprende Bobby mentre fuma una sigaretta. E per allontanarlo dal vizio lo obbliga a fumarne una dietro l'altra fino alla nausea. Morale: gli Hill diventano tabagisti.

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La fiesta de la siesta

4 Mai 199722m

Hank, che ha speso un sacco di soldi e di fatica per creare un prato perfetto, assiste impotente a un'invasione di formiche.

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Baciami, stupido!

Season Finale
11 Mai 199722m

In segreto, Bobby si allena con la testa di un manichino per essere meno goffo quando parla con le ragazze. Hank e Peggy pensano che si tratti di qualcos'altro...

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Tiro al bersaglio

21 September 199722m

Hank porta Bobby alla fiera, dove il ragazzino dimostra un notevole talento per il tiro a segno. E Hank, gonfio d'orgoglio, corre a comprargli un costoso fucile.

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26 September 199722m

Dopo un litigio con Hank, Luanne e Peggy se ne vanno a vivere in un camper. Ma poco dopo giunge la notizia che un tornado si sta abbattendo sulla città...

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L 'artefatto indiano

19 Oktober 199722m

Dopo aver trovato un freccia indiana in giardino, Peggy trascorre molto tempo in compagnia del professor Lerner, un affascinate archeologo.

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26 Oktober 199722m

Junie Harper, nuova esponente della chiesa locale, afferma che Halloween è una festa in odore di satanismo. E che per questo andrebbe cancellata. Ma Hank si ribella.

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Un' esca 'stupefacente'!

2 November 199722m

Junie Harper, nuova esponente della chiesa locale, afferma che Halloween è una festa in odore di satanismo. E che per questo andrebbe cancellata. Ma Hank si ribella.

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Modello Extra Large

9 November 199722m

Peggy e Hank, usciti con Bobby per comprargli dei pantaloni, sono costretti a rivolgersi a un negozio di taglie forti, dove Bobby viene assunto come modello.

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La sfida di paintball

16 November 199722m

Hank, Dale, Bill e Boomhauer raccolgono la sfida di quattro ragazzi: una battaglia a paintball. Ma la differenza d'età si fa sentire, e i giovani vincono di misura.

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In fuga dalla scuola

23 November 1997

Bobby, Connie e Joseph, desiderosi d'avventura, si inoltrano in una grotta. Intanto, non sapendo dove siano i ragazzi, Hank, Kahn e Minh si mettono a cercarli disperatamente.

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Lotta all'ultimo sperone

7 Desember 199722m

Per impressionare un potenziale nuovo cliente forestiero, Hank decide di fargli fare un giro del Texas. Sfortunatamente Mister Holloway conosce il Texas solo dai film western...

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La squadra di wrestling

14 Desember 199722m

Bobby, con soddisfazione di Hank, entra nella squadra di wrestling della scuola. Intanto, anche Connie, unica ragazza, entra nella squadra. E i due dovranno affrontarsi.

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Sesso natalizio

21 Desember 199722m

Mentre Natale si avvicina, Hank soffre di una strana forma di cecità temporanea. La causa? Lo shock subito vedendo sua madre e il suo nuovo compagno in atteggiamenti intimi.

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Mowing Lesson With Charlie

1 Januar 19988m

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Episode Selection With Bobby Hill

1 Januar 19981m

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Episode Selection With Dale Gribble

1 Januar 19981m

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Il dilemma del Super Bowl

11 Januar 199822m

La vecchia tv di Hank si rompe alla vigilia della finale di Super Bowl. E come se non bastasse, Luanne vuole che interpreti Dio nel suo spettacolo di marionette.

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Una nevicata inaspettata

1 Februar 199822m

Strickland, ricoverato in ospedale, affida a Hank i suoi cani. Hank accusa il colpo, ma finisce ko quando scopre che Strickland ha una stufa elettrica e non a gas!

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Il ricordo della mononucleosi

8 Februar 199822m

Mentre lavora part-time nella vecchia scuola sua e di Hank, Peggy scopre che Hank aveva avuto la mononucleosi, detta la 'malattia del bacio'... Ma lei non ha mai avuto la mononucleosi...

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Intrappolati in Messico

15 Februar 199822m

Gli Hill, in vacanza in Messico con Kahn e famiglia in un residence, dopo una serie di disavventure si trovano a comparire davanti a un tribunale.

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Ritorno All'autoscuola

22 Februar 199822m

Dopo aver avuto un incidente, Hank deve frequentare un corso di scuola guida, tenuto da un insegnante incredibilmente comico.

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Panni sporchi

1 Mars 199822m

Hank si vede rifiutare la carta di credito. E dopo una breve indagine scopre che è per via della Arlen Video, che lo accusa di non aver mai restituito un film per adulti.

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La gamba di legno

15 Mars 199822m

Cotton e Dale rubano dal museo di Arlen un cimelio storico in procinto di essere restituito al Messico.

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La saga di Leanne

19 April 199822m

Mentre Hank e Bobby stanno esaminando il nuovo tavolo da lavoro in garage, Luanne irrompe annunciando che sua madre Leanne è uscita di prigione e viene a stare da loro.

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Affare tossico

26 April 199822m

Hank è stato nominato "Impiegato del mese" e la direzione gli ha affidato la selezione di una persona da assumere. Ma senza saperlo, Hank sceglie un tossicodipendente.

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Il nuovo lavoro

3 Mai 199822m

Bobby trova il suo primo lavoro, ma scopre che il suo capo è un autentico tiranno. Intanto, Boomhauer partecipa a una corsa automobilistica.

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Lezioni di chitarra

10 Mai 199822m

Per potersi occupare direttamente di Bobby, a cui è stato diagnosticato un Disturbo da deficit dell'attenzione, Peggy lascia il suo lavoro di insegnante.

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Il boom del propano (prima parte)

Season Finale
17 Mai 199822m

Hank vede uno spot della Mega Lo Mart che annuncia una novità in assortimento: il propano. Hank ha un colpo. Il suo lavoro è in pericolo! Furioso, boicotta il magazzino.

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Death of a Propane Salesman

15 September 199822m

Hank and Luanne survive the Mega Lo Mart explosion, but Buckley is no more. Hank finds that he is scared of propane, and tries to figure out how to deal with his fear of dying. Meanwhile, Luanne, who lost all her hair in the explosion, decides to become an activist like Sinead O'Connor.

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And They Call It Bobby Love

22 September 199822m

Bobby starts dating Marie, a girl who's two years older than him. Bobby takes the relationship more seriously than Marie does, and is heartbroken when she dances with other guys. Marie decides to "move on" leaving Bobby an emotional wreck. Meanwhile, Hank and the guys find an abandoned couch in the alley, and grow to depend on it.

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Peggy's Headache

6 Oktober 199822m

When Peggy starts writing "musings" for the local newspaper, the pressure gives her a headache, so she goes to John Redcorn for a therapeutic massage. When she finds out that Dale's wife Nancy is having an affair with John Redcorn, she is so horrified that she decides to tell Dale about it.

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Pregnant Paws

13 Oktober 199822m

Hank wants to breed Ladybird, but the veterinarian says that she has a narrow uterus and probably can't have children. Hank becomes obsessed with finding a way to get Ladybird pregnant, which annoys Peggy, because she's the one who really wants another baby. Meanwhile, Dale becomes a bounty hunter and is assigned to hunt down a man with several unpaid parking tickets. He decides that he needs a hound to accompany him on his first bounty, so he nabs Ladybird, to Hank's horror.

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Next of Shin

3 November 199822m

Hank tries several different methods to improve his sperm count so he can get Peggy pregnant. The frustration of not being able to have another child becomes worse when Cotton shows up and announces that he got his wife pregnant. But Cotton becomes so nervous at the prospect of having a baby at his age that he flees to Las Vegas, and Hank, Bill and Dale go after him.

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Peggy's Pageant Fever

10 November 199822m

A beauty pageant offers Peggy the chance to win a truck. If she can endure a series of rigorous makeovers to impress the judges.

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Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men

17 November 199822m

Hank is outraged when he attends a lawn mower focus group and discovers that the new model of his favorite mower has been turned into an upgraded "yuppified" version.

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Good Hill Hunting

1 Desember 199822m

All the kids in the neighborhood are going on their first hunt, but Hank is unable to get a hunting license for him and Bobby. Bobby is so upset about being denied the chance at a rite of passage that he starts to regress into acting like a little kid. Hank reluctantly decides to take Bobby hunting at the La Grunta Resort.

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Pretty, Pretty Dresses

15 Desember 199822m

At Christmastime, Bill becomes even more depressed than usual, because it's the anniversary of when his wife Lenore left him. Bill tries to commit suicide, and when that doesn't work out, he dresses up in Lenore's old clothes and declares that he is Lenore.

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A Firefighting We Will Go

12 Januar 199922m

Hank and his friends become volunteer firefighters. They manage to wreck a fire hydrant, ruin a funeral, and finally burn down the Arlen firehouse. When the Fire Captain comes to ask what happened, the trio turns the story around to match each of their scenarios.

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To Spank, with Love

19 Januar 199922m

After being taunted and pantsed by one of her students, Peggy loses it and spanks him. She is immediately fired, but Cotton and his old buddies start a campaign to get "Paddlin' Peggy" reinstated. Once she is back teaching, Peggy uses her reputation for violence to scare her students, and takes things too far, in true Peggy fashion.

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Three Coaches and a Bobby

26 Januar 199922m

Hank gets his tough old football coach to lead Bobby's football team. When the coach proves to be a tyrant, Bobby decides to quit football and join the soccer team, much to Hank's disappointment. Meanwhile, Peggy tries to fit in with the other soccer moms, and takes a crash course from Minh on Soccer-mom etiquette.

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De-Kahnstructing Henry

2 Februar 199922m

Kahn gets a great new job and invites Hank over to the office, hoping to make him jealous. While bragging about his job, Kahn gives away government secrets, swearing Hank to secrecy. Hank talks to Bill about Kahn's job, and Kahn gets fired for it.

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The Wedding of Bobby Hill

9 Februar 199922m

Angry that Luanne cost him his job house-sitting Boomhauer's house, Bobby replaces her birth control pills with candy.

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Sleight of Hank

16 Februar 199922m

Hank and Peggy go to a magic show where Peggy gets to be the volunteer in the best trick. Hank tries to figure out how the trick was done, and Peggy won't tell him. Meanwhile, Bobby is looking for a way to liven up his Sunday School report on Jesus, and when he sees the magician, he incorporates some of the tricks and patter into the report, calling it "The Amazing Jesus."

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Jon Vitti Presents: "Return to La Grunta"

23 Februar 199922m

Hank gets Luanne a job as a golf course drink girl at the La Grunta resort. In gratitude, Luanne gets Hank a chance to swim with a dolphin. Hank pets the dolphin, and the dolphin becomes aroused and tries to become sexually intimate with him. In return for his silence, the hotel pays him off, and Hank tells Luanne never to talk about what happened. Luanne gets sexually harassed by one of the golfers, she decides to follow Hank's example and not talk about it.

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Escape from Party Island

16 Mars 199922m

Hank takes his mother and her friends to a museum of miniatures in Port Aransas, and they get stuck in the middle of MTV's Spring Break. Meanwhile, Bill tries to put the moves on Peggy while Hank is away.

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Love Hurts... and So Does Art

23 Mars 199922m

Worried at the prospect of going to a school dance with Connie, Bobby starts overeating at the local deli, and develops gout. Meanwhile, Hank goes to an art gallery in Dallas and finds that they are displaying an X-ray of his constipated colon.

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Hank's Cowboy Movie

6 April 199922m

After Hank and Bobby visit the Dallas Cowboys training camp in Wichita Falls, Hank decides to make a video that will convince the team to move their camp to Arlen.

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Dog Dale Afternoon

13 April 199922m

When Dale brings home a new 'Super Mower' the neighbors are jealous, but his attitude leaves everyone with a bad taste in their mouths. To knock him down a few notches, the crew decides to hide his new mower, & make it look like a conspiracy, Peggy gets involved and it goes too far. Dale gets pushed over the edge & it is Hank that goes to help him back down.

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Revenge of the Lutefisk

20 April 199922m

Arlen's new minister is a woman, which everyone except Cotton seems to accept. When Bobby eats all of a Midwestern fish dish prepared by the minister, it somehow leads to him accidentally burning down the church. Everyone assumes that Cotton did it, and he is arrested for a hate crime.

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Death and Texas

27 April 199922m

Peggy gets a letter from a Death Row convict who says that he is a former student of hers, and that she had the most positive impact on his life. She starts visiting him in prison and bringing him what she thinks is timer sand for Boggle -- not realizing that it's actually cocaine. Meanwhile, Dale wants to become an executioner.

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Wings of the Dope

4 Mai 199922m

While studying for her beauty school exam, Luanne sees someone bouncing on Buckley's old trampoline. It's Buckley, who has come back as an angel. Hank and Peggy think Luanne was hallucinating after using too many hair-dying chemicals, but Hank's friends come to believe in the existence of Buckley's Angel. But Luanne finds that Buckley isn't much more help to her as an angel than he was when he was alive.

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Take Me Out of the Ball Game

11 Mai 199922m

When Thaterton stacks his Company softball team with Pro sports stars, Hank pulls Peggy off of her own Softball team to become the Ace pitcher for Strickland Propane. Unfortunately, Hank's over-managing causes her to lose her stuff, and cause her to lose the love for the sport.

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As Old as the Hills...

Season Finale
18 Mai 199922m

Peggy and Hank's 20th-anniversary party leaves the missus missing their youth; and a bottle of tequila is the highlight of their private revelry.

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Peggy Hill: The Decline and Fall

26 September 199922m

Peggy's fate and details surrounding Cotton and Didi's newborn are revealed.

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Cotton's Plot

3 Oktober 199922m

Freed from a six-week body cast, non-ambulatory Peggy takes physical therapy from Cotton, who drills her military style. Meanwhile, Hank's pals make use of her cast.

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Bills Are Made to Be Broken

24 Oktober 199922m

Bill is accepting, but Hank isn't, when opposing players lie down to let an injured high-school jock break Bill's touchdown record.

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Little Horrors of Shop

31 Oktober 199922m

Forced to take a vacation, Hank becomes a substitute shop teacher, and a popular one, rousing jealousy in Peggy.

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Aisle 8A

7 November 199922m

Hank is the only one home when houseguest Connie has her first encounter with menstruation--and neither knows what to do. Meanwhile, someone has to explain PMS to Bobby.

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A Beer Can Named Desire

14 November 199922m

Bill meets Cajun relatives and Hank competes for $1 million in a beer promotion at a football game in New Orleans.

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Happy Hank's Giving

21 November 199922m

Hank's propane-smoked turkey is a casualty in "a war called 'Thanksgiving at the Airport'" as weather stalls the Hills' trip to Peggy's folks in Montana.

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Not in My Back-hoe

28 November 199922m

Jealous of Hank's new acquaintance, Bill and Dale give Hank an ultimatum, and compound their mistake when they try to make amends.

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To Kill a Ladybird

12 Desember 199922m

Bobby's affection for a raccoon brings problems when Hank's dog Ladybird and Dale get into fights with the ersatz pet that could be rabid.

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19 Desember 199922m

A propane shortage gives Hank Y2K fears that alter his Christmas-gift plans; Dale's stash of hoarded goods is destroyed by a hamster that he was planning to use for food.

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Old Glory

9 Januar 200022m

Bobby keeps mum that his mom wrote the A-plus essay that made him a school star.

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Rodeo Days

16 Januar 200022m

Bobby's new calling is rodeo roping, but his first experience with livestock introduces him to an ambition even greater--at least to Bobby.

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Hanky Panky

6 Februar 200022m

Hank and Peggy are caught in the middle after Strickland's wife catches him with his girlfriend.

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High Anxiety

13 Februar 200022m

Hank becomes the prime suspect in an investigation led by Sheriff Buford.

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Naked Ambition

20 Februar 200022m

Bobby's accidental glimpse of a naked Luanne has Joseph yearning to get his own look. But Connie catches them trying to peep, and thinks she's the target.

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Movin' On Up

27 Februar 200022m

Luanne moves out and into the house across the alley, where her roommates don't carry any of the load.

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Bill of Sales

12 Mars 200022m

Bill becomes Peggy's star--and only--salesman in a health-food sales operation, and his profits net them a trip to a conference in San Antonio, where they must share a room.

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Won't You Pimai Neighbor?

19 Mars 200022m

Buddhist monks think Bobby is a reincarnated Lama.

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Hank's Bad Hair Day

9 April 200022m

After his lifelong barber loses it, Hank turns to Army haircutter Bill, who does a fine job on his first civilian head, but at a Government price, prompting Hank to declare war.

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Meet the Propaniacs

16 April 200022m

Bobby's impromptu comedy at a propane sale prompts Strickland to send him on the road to entertain at other outlets, leading to a big trade show in front of the Texas propane president.

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Nancy Boys

30 April 200022m

After joining the Hills for a free romantic dinner, the Gribbles sleep together, and guilt grabs Nancy for cheating on her lover, John Redcorn.

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Flush with Power

7 Mai 200022m

Water restrictions prompt Hank to join the zoning board, while Bobby blackmails Kahn for bribing a water-meter reader.

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Peggy's embarrassment about her big feet ends when she meets a fetishist who directs her in a video Hank thinks is dirty, but Peggy approves of--wholefootedly.

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Peggy's Fan Fair

Season Finale
21 Mai 200022m

At Nashville's Fan Fair, Peggy accuses Randy Travis of stealing her song, while Brooks & Dunn counsel Bobby about Connie.

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The Perils of Polling

1 Oktober 200022m

Bobby's act of heroism leads the Hills to a meeting with candidate George Dub-Ya, who turns Hank's vote from sure to tentative with the shake of a hand.

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The Buck Stops Here

5 November 200022m

Bobby becomes Strickland's personal caddy and picks up some bad habits. Meanwhile, Peggy and Minh compete to donate the most blood.

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I Don't Want to Wait...

12 November 200022m

As Hank builds coffins for his family, Bobby struggles with the fact that he's still treated as a child even as Joseph laments how awkward adulthood is for him.

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Spin the Choice

19 November 200022m

Bobby rejects Thanksgiving after history lessons from John Redcorn, who longs to be a real father to his illegitimate son Joseph.

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Peggy Makes the Big Leagues

26 November 200022m

The Booster Club sends a distraught Hank to talk to Peggy after she fails the football team's star fullback and gets him suspended from the team.

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When Cotton Comes Marching Home

3 Desember 200022m

Cash-flow problems plague Hank's father, who's forced to work a menial job on Veterans Day instead of marching in the parade.

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What Makes Bobby Run?

10 Desember 200022m

Bobby goes all-out to become school mascot, a high-profile post that suffers a low blow when he avoids a time-honored tradition.

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'Twas the Nut Before Christmas

17 Desember 200022m

Bill counters his holiday loneliness by becoming a generous Santa, attracting a nice single mother and a young slacker who takes advantage.

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Chasing Bobby

21 Januar 200122m

Peggy thinks Hank's tears are indicative of a father-son void, but they're really about his truck, which looks headed for pickup-truck heaven.

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Yankee Hankie

4 Februar 200122m

While a distraught Hank tries to deal with the fact that he wasn't born in Texas, Cotton and his buddies once again make plans to assassinate Fidel Castro.

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Hank and the Great Glass Elevator

11 Februar 200122m

Bill and former Texas governor Ann Richards hit it off after a chance meeting resulting from Hank's reluctant prank in an Austin hotel.

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Now Who's the Dummy?

18 Februar 200122m

Bobby's ventriloquist's dummy gets more of Hank's attention than Bobby, but it's Dale who harbors a grudge against the wooden being.

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Ho Yeah!

25 Februar 200122m

Unaware that the new employee at Strickland Propane is a prostitute, Peggy becomes her best friend and even offers her a place to stay--Hank's den.

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The Exterminator

4 Mars 200122m

Repeated exposure to poisons forces Dale out of extermination and into a desk job that leads him back into extermination--of careers.

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Luanne Virgin 2.0

11 Mars 200122m

As Luanne's sponsor in a sexual-abstinence program, Peggy has to testify about her lifetime total of sexual partners--and it's more than one.

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Hank's Choice

1 April 200122m

When Bobby develops an allergy to Ladybird, Hank builds a doghouse, an elaborate accommodation that's perfect--for Bobby.

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It's Not Easy Being Green

8 April 200122m

Hank joins Bobby's environmental effort, but only to preserve a long-time cover-up concerning a mishap with Boomhauer's car in high school.

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The Trouble with Gribbles

22 April 200122m

Dale plans to buy Nancy a face-lift by suing a tobacco company, which countersues--and carelessly bugs his home.

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Hank's Back Story

6 Mai 200122m

Wearing a prosthetic rump relieves Hank's back pain, but makes him the butt of friends' jokes as they all prepare for a riding-mower race.

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Kidney Boy and Hamster Girl: A Love Story

Season Finale
13 Mai 200122m

Bobby avoids a beating by high schoolers by pretending to be one of them.

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Bobby Goes Nuts

11 November 200122m

Bobby goes from bullied to bully after learning a counterattack move in a self-defense class--for women.

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Soldier of Misfortune

9 Desember 200122m

After an accident at his gun club destroys Dale's confidence, Peggy proposes sending him on a bogus mercenary mission, which he fouls up.

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Lupe's Revenge

12 Desember 200122m

A female cop gets a hankerin' for Hank; Peggy accidentally brings back a native child after a school field trip to Mexico.

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The Father, the Son, and J.C.

16 Desember 200122m

Hank's emotional outburst pushes him further from his father, so Bobby drafts Jimmy Carter to broker a Christmas peace.

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Father of the Bribe

6 Januar 200222m

After Bobby feigns taking Connie's father's bribe to break up with her, Connie lets her grades slip to show how upset she is without him.

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I'm with Cupid

10 Februar 200222m

Bobby adjusts to his breakup with Connie, until Bill's depressing experiences break his spirit. So Hank sends him to ladies' man Boomhauer.

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Torch Song Hillogy

17 Februar 200222m

Peggy nominates Bobby to carry the Olympic torch through Arlen, but it's Hank who wins the honor--and bungles it.

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Joust Like a Woman

24 Februar 200222m

Peggy leads a troupe of "wenches" to protest their unfair treatment at the Renaissance Faire, where Hank is trying to land a big-money propane account.

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The Bluegrass Is Always Greener

24 Februar 200222m

Hank and the boys recruit Connie for a bluegrass fiddle contest, but Kahn insists that she focus on classical music.

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The Substitute Spanish Prisoner

3 Mars 200222m

A con man offers "genius" Peggy an at-home doctorate course, which she finances with the Hills' retirement fund.

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Unfortunate Son

10 Mars 200222m

Cotton's financially strapped VFW group moves into Hank's home, prompting Hank to recruit Vietnam vets, to whom Cotton doesn't exactly cotton.

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Unable to find a full-time teaching job, Peggy pretends to be a nun to land a position at a Catholic school, ending her budding career at Strickland Propane.

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Tankin' It to the Streets

31 Mars 200222m

After learning the Army used him as a guinea pig for an experimental drug, Bill gets drunk and steals a tank. And it's up to his friends to try to return it.

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Of Mice and Little Green Men

7 April 200222m

When Hank and Dale find more interest in the activities of the other's son, Dale concludes he's not Joseph's father--and that an alien is.

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A Man Without a Country Club

14 April 200222m

Kahn covets membership in an all-Asian country club, but it's Hank who's asked to join--as a token white to secure a PGA tournament.

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Beer and Loathing

14 April 200222m

Peggy gets a job at Alamo Beer, but a clause in her contract prevents her from telling Hank why Texas is completely devoid of the brew for the next 36 hours.

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Fun with Jane and Jane

21 April 200222m

Oblivious to its cultlike ways, Luanne joins a sorority and gets Peggy in too; Hank and the boys rescue emus from death, but don't know what to do with them.

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My Own Private Rodeo

28 April 200222m

Hank learns that the incident estranging Dale from his cowboy father was a cover to keep him in the dark about Dad being in the closet.

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Sug Night

5 Mai 200222m

Hank is shaken after having a dream about grilling burgers...naked...with Nancy. And the situation is stirred when Peggy finds out.

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Dang Ol' Love

5 Mai 200222m

Bill is heartbroken when the beautiful jogger he's pining for falls for Boomhauer, who is in turn heartbroken himself when the jogger dumps him.

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Returning Japanese (1)

12 Mai 200222m

The Hills are off to Japan so Cotton can apologize to the widow of a soldier he killed in WWII, but something about Cotton's story doesn't quite add up.

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Returning Japanese (2)

Season Finale
12 Mai 200222m

Cotton runs amuck in Tokyo when rejected by his newly found Japanese son.

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Get Your Freak Off

3 November 200222m

Bobby meets a new girl, but Hank objects to her parents' liberal parenting style.

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The Fat and the Furious

10 November 200222m

A competitive eating groupie encourages Bill to enter a hot dog eating contest.

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Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do

17 November 200222m

Connie's delinquent cousin captivates Bobby, who's oblivious when she turns their science project into a drug lab.

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Goodbye Normal Jeans

24 November 200222m

Hank is opposed to Bobby's taking Home Economics, until his domestic skills outshine those of Peggy, who tries to sabotage his Thanksgiving meal.

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Dances with Dogs

1 Desember 200222m

A dog-dancing contest pits Hank and Ladybird against Bobby and Connie's dog, while Bill tries to partner with a rottweiler.

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The Son Also Roses

8 Desember 200222m

Bobby's preference for gardening over gridiron irks Hank, until he enters Bobby in a rose-growing contest.

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The Texas Skillsaw Massacre

15 Desember 200222m

Hank is ordered to take an anger-management class after accidentally cutting one of Dale's fingers off. Dale claims it was retaliation for his causing Hank's kitchen floor to collapse.

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Full Metal Dust Jacket

5 Januar 200322m

Seeking an invitation to a book club, Peggy takes over the lease for a bookstore, where business is a bust--until she lets Dale sell guns there, too.

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12 Januar 200322m

A local pork producer is impressed by Luanne, who goes to his home for a job interview but comes away as his girlfriend.

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Megalo Dale

12 Januar 200322m

Dale exterminates at the Mega Lo Mart, thanks to an endorsement from a reluctant Hank.

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Boxing Luanne

2 Februar 200322m

Luanne becomes a boxer and, buoyed by success in fixed fights, challenges George Foreman's daughter.

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Vision Quest

9 Februar 200322m

Worried about how Dale is raising Joseph, John Redcorn asks Hank to take the boy he fathered on a Native American rite of passage.

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Queasy Rider

16 Februar 200322m

Hank and Peggy find marital salvation in a motorcycle--until their first long trip.

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Board Games

2 Mars 200322m

Peggy, Minh and Nancy bond to save a school program, but split up when Minh decides she's the best candidate for a school-board seat.

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An Officer and a Gentle Boy

9 Mars 200322m

To toughen up Bobby, Hank decides to send him to Cotton's old boot camp, unaware that lawsuits have altered the severe conditions.

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The Miseducation of Bobby Hill

16 Mars 200322m

Despite a lack of seasoning that Hank deems mandatory, Bobby becomes a whiz at selling propane grills; Bill takes an inadvertent balloon ride.

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The Good Buck

30 Mars 200322m

Kicked out by his wife, Hank's hard-living boss, Buck, turns to religion, assisted by his personal Bible coach: Luanne.

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I Never Promised You an Organic Garden

13 April 200322m

Peggy takes over the organic garden at Bobby's school, but an insect infestation threatens her hope of making the post permanent.

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Be True to Your Fool

27 April 200322m

After inadvertently spreading lice to his buddies, a shunned and depressed Bill winds up in jail, where his popularity soars.

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Racist Dawg

4 Mai 200322m

A handyman sees racism in a bite from Ladybird, suspected of picking up subconscious cues from her master, Hank.

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Night and Deity

11 Mai 200322m

A pest-control expert's chemistry with Dale worries Nancy; Hank is the designated driver as Luanne turns 21.

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Maid in Arlen

18 Mai 200322m

To escape her daughter-in-law, Kahn's mother does maid work for the Hills, and for Bill, who finds the woman romantically made-to-order.

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The Witches of East Arlen

Season Finale
18 Mai 200322m

Reading tarot cards introduces Bobby to a coven of compatriots who want to train him to become a wizard.

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The Making of King of the Hill

1 Juli 200325m

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Deleted & Extended Scenes

1 Juli 20035m

Season 1 DVD Extra.

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Un capitolo mai chiuso

2 November 200322m

Il fratello di Boomhauer arriva in città con un macchinone, per sposare la ex ragazza di Boomhauer, Katherine. Tutto questo scatena l'invidia e la gelosia di Boomhauer...

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L'abito fa il monaco

9 November 200322m

Per paura che Bobby possa essere 'traviato' da cattive compagnie, Hank lo spinge ad unirsi ad un gruppo di Giovani Cristiani. Non si rivelerà una grande idea...

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Un nuovo cowboy nel quartiere

16 November 200322m

Un ex campione dei Dallas Cowboy si trasferisce nel quartiere: l'uomo era l'idolo di Hank, e lui perde subito il controllo emotivo della situazione.

Gli episodi de King of the Hill - Stagione 8

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Il testosterone

23 November 200322m

Peggy crede che Hank soffra di una sorta di sindrome che si può curare con delle pillole di testosterone, che lo dovrebbero trasformare da stanco e lamentoso a energico e vigoroso...

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Flirtando con il capo

30 November 200322m

Un affascinante attore messicano invita Peggy a casa sua, per due settimane di lezione di inglese aiu suoi figli. Ma le lezioni forse sono solo un pretesto...

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Allarme Muffa

7 Desember 200322m

La casa di Hank entra nel concorso annuale delle case più belle: facendo dei controlli però Hank scopre che la casa ha la muffa, ed è costretto a correre in fretta ai ripari!

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Promesse di Natale

14 Desember 200322m

Per aiutare sua madre a traslocare, Hank potrà realizzare un suo sogno d'infanzia: guidare un enorme camion a 18 ruote!

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EpisIl povero ricco

4 Januar 200422m

Bobby cerca di capire quandi soldi entrano in casa. Dal momento che i genitori restano sul vago, decide di fare da solo qualche indagine...

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L'opera d'arte

25 Januar 200422m

Hank chiede a Peggy di creare un'opera d'arte per pubblicizzare la ditta di propano di Strickland. Peggy fa una statua, ma l'artefatto non avrà il successo sperato.

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La fabbrica della volgarità

8 Februar 200422m

Alla Strickland Propane viene assunto un nuovo impiegato, Rich. Inizialmente Hank cerca di fare amicizia con lui, ma la propensione di Rich a fare scherzi finirà per creare fastidi...

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Dacci un taglio

15 Februar 200422m

Con grande disappunto di Peggy, Luanne lascia il college per tornare a fare la parrucchiera. La ragazza crede di aver bisogno di aiuto, e lo chiede a Bill.

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Il grande raduno

22 Februar 200422m

Hank decide di portare anche Bobby al campeggio che lui e gli amici fanno ogni anno e durante il quale tutti mangiano solo quello che pescano... Avranno tutti una grossa sopresa.

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Passione eccessiva

7 Mars 200422m

Peggy prende l'incarico di allenare le cheerleader della squadra di football. Presto scopre che i metodi dolci con le ragazze non funzionano...

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Decisione Difficile

14 Mars 200422m

Un famoso pilota ha urgente bisogno di un rene: salta fuori che Dale sarebbe perfetto per donare uno dei suoi per il trapianto... Ma la paura lo paralizza.

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Dopo di Hank, il diluvio

21 Mars 200422m

Un'alluvione sta per colpire la città. Il comune ha disposto diverse misure di sicurezza, e Hank dovrebbe essere tra quelli che le mettono in pratica. Dovrebbe...

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Un asilo per anziani

28 Mars 200422m

Dale decide di creare una sua impresa di sorveglianza, ma nessuno sembra interessato ad utilizzare i suoi servizi. E ci si mette anche Cotton a boicottarlo...

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Alamo O Non Alamo

18 April 200422m

Hank è sconvolto quando scopre che sul libro di storia di Bobby non ci sono praticamente notizie sulla battaglia di Alamo. Decide di fare qualcosa in merito.

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Ragazza, presto sarai un gigante"

25 April 200422m

Luanne decide di collaborare con Hank per una protesta che riguarda l'uso del propano. Intanto Peggy fa di tutto per avere accesso in un luogo dove è avvenuto un famoso delitto.

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Il prezzo del successo

2 Mai 200422m

Bobby si unisce ad una squadra che parteciperà ad un concorso a quiz, ma ben presto si rende conto di non reggere lo stress della competizione.

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Il ritorno di Hank

9 Mai 200422m

Hank soffre di dolori alla schiena dopo un incidente al lavoro. Dato che i dottori non sanno aiutarlo, decide di provare con lo yoga.

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Cambio di vita

16 Mai 200422m

Connie non viene ammessa ad un prestigioso campo estivo perché è di origine asiatica. Kahn allora decide di iniziare a vivere come un montanaro locale...

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Fabbrica Di Chiacchiere

Season Finale
23 Mai 200422m

Bobby decide di fare da consulente studentesco, con la recondita speranza di trovare una ragazza con cui uscire. Ne combinerà di tutti i colori.

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Ritorno al Ranch

7 November 200422m

Peggy's estranged mother summons her home to their Montana ranch, where Henry Winkler is an uncooperative neighbor.

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La signora Wakefield

19 Desember 200422m

An elderly woman who once lived in the Hills' house returns for the holidays--to die there. And that gives Dale a business idea.

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La morte va in vacanza

16 Januar 200522m

Hank accompanies Cotton and his new friend Bill to Mexico to try to keep them from buying timeshare properties. But the salesmen are determined.

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23 Januar 200522m

Hank's immaculately manicured front lawn is as good as gone when Peggy tries to horn in on the glory with her own contributions.

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Catena di comando

30 Januar 200522m

Hank's fight to correct an error on his driver's license is a red flag to newly patriotic Dale, who reports Hank as a threat to national security.

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Catena di comando

13 Februar 200522m

Hank excitedly joins a new military program that allows civilians to adopt pets while G.I.s serve their tour of duty but the dog, Duke, turns out to be a mean-spirited cat.

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Incubo ispanico

20 Februar 200522m

Hank cringes when an employee with personal problems turns to him for solace.

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Senza copertura

6 Mars 200522m

Hank's lapsed insurance policy puts him in an overprotective state, while Bill and Boomhauer carelessly experiment with deep-frying.

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Prendersi cura degli affari

13 Mars 200522m

Covert work by Hank and the boys turns a befuddled groundskeeper into a hero when his field is credited with hampering opponents.

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La bomba di Arlen City

27 Mars 200522m

Peggy follows Luanne onto a roller-derby team, where the tight-fisted owner prompts her to lead a revolt and form a team on borrowed money.

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Redcorn si gioca il suo futuro

10 April 200522m

John Redcorn tries to open a Native American gambling casino to provide a venue for his band, Big Mountain Fudgecake.

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Il fumo e il fuorilegge

17 April 200522m

Dale dons a disguise to defy Arlen's smoking ban, and Peggy sets out to uncover his identity.

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Via con la tempesta

1 Mai 200522m

Peggy helps weather-girl Nancy fight back when she's replaced by a qualified meteorologist. Also, a boy barking like a dog scares Bobby.

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Bobby in pista

8 Mai 200522m

Hank talks Bobby into joining the track team, but the spot the boy lands isn't what Hank had in mind.

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Corista per un giorno

Season Finale
15 Mai 200522m

Bill finds happiness in a men's chorus, where the required devotion jeopardizes his Army career.

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Hank's on Board

18 September 200522m

Hank discovers that Dale and Boomhauer take yearly vacations together, and assumes that they are trying to avoid Bill. He invites his family and Bill along for a weekend at the beach, but during the trip, Hank realizes that his friends are actually trying to avoid him because he’s uptight and bossy. Peggy advises Hank to throw caution to the wind and have some fun with his buddies, but the results leave Hank and the guys overboard.

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Bystand Me

25 September 200530m

When the Arlen Bystander gets a new editor, Peggy gets a job writing a household hints column. Except Peggy doesn't know any household hints, so she gets Minh to supply her with housekeeping tips in exchange for the answers to the New York Times crossword puzzles. Meanwhile, Hank makes Bobby get a paper route.

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Bill's House

6 November 200530m

After Bill nurses Hank, Peggy and Bobby through the flu, he starts to feel lonely when there is no one else to take care of. Hank gets Bill to volunteer at a halfway house for alcoholics, and Bill invites the residents to stay with him. As more and more houseguests show up, Hank becomes determined to find them a permanent residence. Meanwhile, Peggy makes a promise to God that if she gets over the flu, she'll learn to ride a bike, and Bobby makes her keep her promise.

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20 November 2005

When Hank and Peggy try to clean up a historic Arlen landmark, they find out that the town was founded by harlots and was once a place of ill-repute. The new city manager uses the city's rediscovered history to turn the town into a tourist trap for the adult porn industry. Frustrated by the changes, Hank decides to move the family – that is, until he is aided by adult actress Candee.

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A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Clown

4 Desember 200530m

Hoping to get Bobby to stop cracking jokes in school, Hank enrolls Bobby in a clown class at the local community college. The pretentious instructor teaches Bobby classical comedic theory and sucks all the fun out of him.

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Orange You Sad I Did Say Banana?

11 Desember 200530m

Kahn is accused of having become so assimilated that he's a "banana" -- the Asian equivalent of an "Oreo." To get back to his Laotian heritage, Kahn adopts a simple lifestyle and abandons the swimming pool his neighbors helped build.

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You Gotta Believe (In Moderation)

29 Januar 200630m

In order to raise money to save the Tom Landry Middle School baseball program, Hank invites a Harlem Globetrotters-type softball team to compete against his community league Arlen Zephyrs. But Hank ruins the show by deciding to take the game seriously.

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Business Is Picking Up

19 Mars 200630m

When Bobby attends the school's job shadow program, he winds up interning for Peter Sterling, a man who runs a pooper-scooper business. Bobby is so impressed by Peter that he decides to pursue the same career. Meanwhile, Hank is trying to train Joseph at Strickland Propane.

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The Year of Washing Dangerously

26 Mars 200630m

Hank gets sucked into Kahn's get-rich-quick scheme when Kahn buys the car wash that hosts car cruising on Friday nights. But Kahn wrecks the business by trying to cut corners, and gets bought out by Buck Strickland. Meanwhile, Peggy tries to figure out if Nancy is deliberately refusing to take her calls.

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Hank Fixes Everything

2 April 200623m

Buck Strickland embarks on a propane price war with Thatherton and two other rivals, and hires the guys from "American Chopper" to boost sales at the Propane Expo. When the 'war' goes too far, and the companies are all losing profit, Hank takes matters into his own hands, and calls a meeting. Unfortunately, the owners decide to 'price fix' and get caught. Meanwhile, Lucky and Luanne wait for Brownsville Station tickets, in line 6 days before tickets go on sale.

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Church Hopping

9 April 200630m

When Reverend Stroup gives the Hills' pew at the Arlen First Methodist Church to another family, Hank and his family decide to find another church. A slick pastor tries to bribe the Hills into worshipping at his Megachurch.

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24 Hour Propane People

23 April 200630m

When Buck gets banned from his favorite strip club, he refocuses on making Strickland Propane a "fun" place to work. He makes his employees dress in costumes, have sleepovers in the office and use hip catchphrases. It's up to Hank to get everyone focused on selling propane again.

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The Texas Panhandler

30 April 200630m

Instead of getting a job, Bobby and Joseph discover that they can make more money, and look cooler, by hanging out on street corners and begging.

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Hank's Bully

7 Mai 200630m

A young boy, Caleb, starts following Hank around, making fun of him and generally annoying him. Hank isn't sure how to deal with such a young bully.

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Edu-macating Lucky

Season Finale
14 Mai 200630m

Lucky asks Peggy to help him get his GED in the hopes of improving his chances of marrying Luanne. Peggy intentionally teaches him the wrong information so he'll fail and give up the idea of marrying her niece, but then she starts to suspect that Luanne might be pregnant.

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The Peggy Horror Picture Show

28 Januar 200730m

Feeling unfeminine after a clothing exchange party with the neighborhood girls, Hank offers Peggy a new pair of shoes. After finding that her usual place in Lubbock is out of business, she stumbles upon 'Clairissa's Closet', and a new best friend, Carolyn. They become the best of friends, until Peggy finds out that Carolyn is a he, and Carolyn finds that Peggy is a she.

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11 Februar 200730m

When Bobby's snakes gets into the toilet Hank decides to call Animal Control. But instead of taking care of the problem they make the city believe that the problem is worse than it is causing panic. Now it is up to Dale to save the city.

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Blood and Sauce

18 Februar 200730m

The guys discuss what they want to pass on to their children, Bill becomes despondent because he doesn’t have any. In an effort to cheer him up, they help Bill put together a Dauterive family reunion, only to be thwarted by the realization that Bill only has one living relative. Bill winds up sharing an incredible barbeque with his neighbors and teaches Bobby the secret sauce recipe.

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Luanne Gets Lucky

25 Mars 200730m

When Lucky ditches Luanne to go stumping with Hank and the gang, Luanne accepts an invitation to attend Arlen High School's Senior Prom. Lucky's friends Mud Dobber and Elvin take it upon themeselves bully Luanne's 15-year-old date.

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Hank Gets Dusted

1 April 200730m

Hank is crestfallen when Cotton gives his beloved Cadillac to Cousin Dusty, however things get even worse when Dusty shows up at Hank's house with a reality TV show crew.

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Glen Peggy Glen Ross

22 April 200730m

Peggy loses her job at The Arlen Bystander and begins a new career as a real estate agent. Meanwhile, after Dale buys a set of titanium golf clubs at a police auction, he gives the clubs to Hank. However, Hank has trouble playing with a set of clubs that once belonged to a convicted murderer.

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The Passion of Dauterive

29 April 200730m

After Bill survives a roof cave-in over his bed he has a religious experience which involves a romantic liaison with Reverend Stroup.

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Grand Theft Arlen

29 April 200730m

Hank becomes obsessed with a video game about propane. Meanwhile, Bobby trains for the Presidential Fitness Test.

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Peggy’s Gone to Pots

6 Mai 200730m

Peggy tries to reach the pinnacle of real estate success by selling houses in the exclusive neighborhood of Arlen Heights, but she winds up selling pots door to door. Meanwhile the real Rusty Shackleford pays a visit to Dale.

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Hair Today, Gone Today

13 Mai 200730m

Nancy turns to her mother for help when the stress of home life and unresolved feelings for Redcorn cause her hair to fall out.

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Bill, Bulk and the Body Buddies

20 Mai 200730m

Bill has to shape up for an upcoming Army physical, but when he becomes friends with a group of body builders he becomes aggressive and develops a bad attitude. Hank and the gang have to come to the rescue.

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Lucky's Wedding Suit

Season Finale
20 Mai 200730m

When Lucky wants to give Luanne the expensive wedding that she desires, he sues Dale with a frivolous lawsuit after having an accident on the job. After Lucky's lawyer finds out that Dale does not have insurance, he goes after Strickland Propane.

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Suite Smells of Excess

23 September 2007

When the guys take Bobby to a college football game, their hijinks land them in a VIP box suite and calling plays for the visiting team.

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Bobby Rae

30 September 2007

To impress a girl, Bobby protests against soda machines in the school. However, since the teachers have been using the drink machine money to pay for their "retreat", they decide to fight back. Meanwhile, Dale decides to record his friends' witty quotes and put them all in a book.

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The Powder Puff Boys

7 Oktober 2007

Hank encourages Bobby when he is asked to cheerleader for the girls in the school's annual Powder Puff game. Bobby soon learns that there is a tradition and Hank, Bill, Dale and Principal Moss were once "Powder Puff Boys" themselves. However, the boys learn that Peggy and the PTA Are trying to put a stop to the tradition.

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Four Wave Intersection

14 Oktober 200730m

Arlen is hit by a heat wave and Hank and the gang take the kids to the water park. Unfortunately, when they have to tangle with a group of surfer bullies, Boomhauer, who is usually cool, winds up embarrassing himself. Meanwhile, Bill becomes known as the famous "Heat-Waver" when he begins to stand on the side of the highway and wave to motorists.

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Death Picks Cotton

11 November 200730m

When the family goes out to a restaurant where the food is cooked at the table Cotton throws a tantrum and gets into a fight with the chef. The fight leaves Cotton near death in the hospital.

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Raise the Steaks

18 November 200730m

After Hank falls in love with organic food he starts his own mini co-op garden in his back yard.

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Tears of an Inflatable Clown

25 November 200730m

Bobby gets mixed up with racial intolerance at Tom Landry Junior High. Meanwhile, Lucky hurts himself by catching a frisbee made of barbed wire and the gang has to convince him to go to the hospital.

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The Minh Who Knew Too Much

9 Desember 200722m

Mihn joins the Arlen Gun Club so that she can practise her skeet-shooting skills and become a member of the Nine Rivers Country Club team. However, Minh loses track of the goal when she starts to identify with her "hillbilly" neighbors.

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Dream Weaver

16 Desember 200730m

After they have financial troubles, Nancy convinces Dale to go on a "vocation vacation" to learn a new career. Unfortunately, Dale picks basket-weaving, and he's not very good at it. Meanwhile, Peggy, Bill and Kahn try to create the next great Internet video.

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Doggone Crazy

6 Januar 200830m

Ladybird is put on a list of vicious dogs after she gets a little crazy and bites Hank. Afterwards, Hank is urged by a veterinarian to take Ladybird to a "dog spiritualist".

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10 Februar 200830m

Hank helps Buck Strickland battle the Arlen City Council and a rival restaurant after "Sugarfoots" loses its business due to a local ban on the sale of foods containing trans fats.

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Untitled Blake McCormick Project

17 Februar 200822m

Bill falls in love after he has a blind date with Charlene, a hot single mother. However, Dale's intuition tells him something is not quite right with the whole situation.

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The Accidental Terrorist

2 Mars 200830m

Hank buys Peggy a new car, and like he has always done he pays sticker price for it. However, after he realizes that he has been ripped off for years, he plots revenge against the car salesman.

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Lady and Gentrification

9 Mars 200823m

Hank's agrees to speak at Enrique's daughter's quinceañera. However, some of Peggy's real-estate clients fall in love with the quaint Mexican neighborhood and start to move in.

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Behind Closed Doors

16 Mars 200830m

Peggy becomes over-protective after a child goes missing in Arlen.

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Pour Some Sugar on Kahn

30 Mars 2008

Kahn escapes to the bar and takes up Karaoke after Minh's father comes to visit. Meanwhile, Bobby and Peggy compete in an escalating game where they try to outdo each other.

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Peggy has trouble selling a house when she realizes that the current residents are scaring away the buyers, so she hires actors to play their parts.

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Dale's son becomes the star quarterback for Landry High School, but Dale pushes the boy to accept a private school's offer, which includes a cash contract.

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Strangeness on a Train

27 April 2008

Stressed that her birthday parties never live up to her expectations, Peggy plans herself a disco-themed party on a mystery train, but after Luanne ruins the surprise, Peggy worries her parties will always end badly. However, a new mystery arises after a couple sneaks away for some private time in the train bathroom, and the partygoers must figure out who did it.

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Cops and Robert

4 Mai 2008

Bobby has to work as a deputy for the school's police officer after he is framed for throwing a soda can. Meanwhile, Hank accidentally takes the wallet of a man he thought stole his own wallet, however when he tries to return the wallet the man does not take it too well.

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It Came from the Garage

11 Mai 200830m

Wanting to spend some quality time with his son, Hank distracts Dale, Bill and Boomhauer with a boat building competition. However, when bats attack the construction garage, Hank has to give up his idea of spending time with Bobby.

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Life: A Loser's Manual

Season Finale
18 Mai 200830m

Luanne's long-lost father and Peggy's brother Hoyt, a two-strike felon, comes to Arlen. After Hoyt gets caught committing another crime, Lucky feels bad and takes the blame, leaving Hoyt free to continue his life of crime.

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Dia-BILL-ic Shock

28 September 200823m

Bill's love of sugary snacks causes diabetes. After a doctor tells Bill that he will lose his legs he decides to start using a wheelchair. Once he is wheelchair bound he finds camaraderie with Thunder, a wheelchair sports enthusiast. Things turn around for Bill until Thunder finds out that Bill does not really need the wheelchair.

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Earthy Girls Are Easy

5 Oktober 200823m

When a local paper plans to run a story about Strickland Propane dumping old propane tanks into the river, Hank suggests that the company go green. Dale, in an attempt to impress the ladies, organizes an Earth benefit concert.

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Square-Footed Monster

19 Oktober 200823m

Hank and the guys do a good deed when they fix-up a neighborhood house, however after Ted Wassonasong buys the house he decides to knock down the house and build a mansion.

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Lost in MySpace

2 November 200823m

Hank has bad feelings when Mr. Strickland decides to create a MySpace page for Strickland Propane. Hank's fears come true when Donna posts personal videos and information to the web site.

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No Bobby Left Behind

9 November 200823m

In order to raise the school's average for standardized tests, Principal Moss classifies Bobby as a low achievement student. However, the plan backfires after Bobby is placed in a class where he no longer has to do homework and doesn't have to take the tests.

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A Bill Full of Dollars

16 November 200823m

Peggy, Minh and Dale play the stock market together, however they lose money in their initial investment. To improve their odds they decide to study the consumer habits of an "average man" and Bill becomes the subject of their study. Meanwhile, after Peggy buys the family a new flat screen TV, Hank and Bobby have difficulty figuring out all the advanced features.

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Straight as an Arrow

30 November 200823m

Hank tries to help Bobby become a member of the Order of the Straight Arrow, but he disagrees with the "Arrowmaster" who is a new member of Arlen. Meanwhile, Peggy gets involved in the disagreement as she is the local Welcome Wagon representative.

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Lucky See, Monkey Do

8 Februar 200923m

Lucky's sister Myrna and her children attend a baby shower in which Peggy is throwing for Luanne. It doesn't take long before Myrna and Peggy clash over how the children will be raised by Luanne, with Peggy wanting the good, old fashioned skills where as Myrna likes the more modern way and by the book.

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The Propane Hall of Fame is inducting Buck Strickland this year and he has asked Hank to come with him to make sure he stays out of trouble. This becomes a hard task after Buck meets his illegitimate son while at the event in Memphis.

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Master of Puppets

1 Mars 200923m

Bobby is left waiting at the mall when Hank and Peggy's date goes long. Feeling his parents' guilt, Bobby uses the incident to pit each against one another to show him their affection. Soon, Peggy and Hank stop giving him anything Bobby wants and he demands they spend more time with him.

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Bwah My Nose

8 Mars 200923m

Hank and the gang get a rematch for the high-school championship game they lost, when Bill accidentally breaks Hank's nose during a practice. He gets it fixed by a plastic surgeon and loves his new nose—maybe too much.

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Uncool Customer

15 Mars 200923m

After Peggy finds out that she is not cool she befriends one of Arlen's most glamorous and cool moms in an effort to learn how to be cool. Bobby befriends her daughter, a girl named Michael Savage.

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Nancy Does Dallas

22 Mars 200923m

After Nancy takes a glamorous new job in Dallas and temporarily leaving Dale behind he finds the freedom of the bachelor life too hard to handle.

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Born Again on the Fourth of July

19 April 200923m

Bobby is offered an intervention at the church, after Hank becomes upset by his misbehavior. Meanwhile, Hank and his pals challenge a rival neighborhood to a Fourth of July fireworks showdown

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Hank discovers that his father's last requests are a collection of bizarre tasks including the wish to have his ashes flushed down a toilet that General George S. Patton once used. Meanwhile, Bill and Dale bicker over an empty beer can.

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Bad News Bill

3 Mai 200923m

Hank is troubled when Bobby's Little League Coach is hassling Bobby about his lack of ability until Hank realizes that the Coach is only trying to make Bobby a better player.

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Manger Baby Einstein

10 Mai 200923m

Luanne tries to become a breakout star in the children's entertainment industry.

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Uh-Oh Canada

17 Mai 200923m

After Boomhauer trades houses with a Canadian family for the summer the Arlen gang tries to make some new neighbors at feel welcome. However it soon becomes apparent that Canadians and Arlenites do not see eye to eye.

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The Boy Can't Help It

13 September 200923m

Bobby becomes quite the ladies' man when several girls in his class consider him a potential date for the Homecoming dance, but Hank is worried that Bobby is being used.

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To Sirloin with Love

Season Finale
13 September 200923m

Thankful to finally have something in common with his son, Hank is proud when Bobby’s knowledge of beef earns him a spot on a college team bound for the State Championships.

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The Honeymooners

3 Mai 201022m

Hank is shocked when his mother announces she is marrying a man she has only known for a few weeks. Soon after, the newlyweds celebrate by purchasing an RV and heading to Hank's. When Hank's mom and new stepfather have a heated argument, she takes off with the RV and Hank is left to rescue his mother once again.

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Bill Gathers Moss

4 Mai 201022m

Bill decides to get a roommate to bring adventure into his life, but Hank is weary of letting Bill making his own choice and pairs him with Principal Moss who lost his home in a divorce. Unfortunately, the two don't get along and things only get worse when Bill tries to fix it himself.

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When Joseph is caught making out with a girl, Dale has to come to grips with the fact that his "little man" is becoming simply a man. In his efforts to curb his son's hormones, Dale starts making mistakes that make even him question his own sanity.

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Just Another Manic Kahn-Day

6 Mai 201022m

Hank inadvertently advises Kahn not to pick up his medication at the pharmacy, which Kahn needs to stabilize his manic-depression. Meanwhile, Bobby tries to find the humor in a "Raymond J. Johnson, Jr." comedy record after his parents and other adults claim it is funny.

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