増岡弘 בתור Zenmai Jikake

פרקים 52

How It All Began

אוקטובר 1, 198125m

Chris, Joy and Gizmo meet Superbook while reluctantly cleaning the attic for Chris' father. Superbook transports the children back in time, where they meet the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden.

קרא עוד

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My Brother's Keeper

אוקטובר 8, 198125m

Chris, Joy and Gizmo meet Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve. The travelers witness a jealous Cain who kills Abel, and then gets punished.

קרא עוד

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The Flood

אוקטובר 15, 198125m

Superbook takes the children back in time to witness the story of Noah and the flood. During the flood, the children board Noah's ark, along with two of every living thing on earth.

קרא עוד

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The Test

אוקטובר 22, 198125m

The children travel to meet Abraham and his son Isaac. They witness Abraham attempting to sacrifice Isaac on an altar.

קרא עוד

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Here Comes the Bride

אוקטובר 29, 198125m

The children journey to see the courtship and marriage of Rebecca and Isaac.

קרא עוד

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Double Trouble

נובמבר 5, 198125m

The children witness the story of two brothers, Jacob and Esau. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob, but later regrets it and threatens to kill Jacob.

קרא עוד

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A Dream Come True

נובמבר 12, 198125m

The children witness the rise to office of a young man, Joseph. The story includes Joseph's slavery in Egypt, his wisdom and revelation, and his becoming governor.

קרא עוד

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The Miracle Rod

נובמבר 19, 198125m

The children witness the life of Moses, and his leadership of the Israelites. The travelers see many miracles, such as the parting of the Red Sea and the discovery of drinking water.

קרא עוד

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Those Amazing Trumpets

נובמבר 26, 198125m

In this action-packed episode, the travelers experience the battle of Jericho, and the fall of the city walls.

קרא עוד

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Pitchers of Fire

דצמבר 3, 198125m

The children witness the victorious story of Gideon and his army defeating the Midianites by shouting and breaking pitchers with torches inside.

קרא עוד

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דצמבר 10, 198125m

The children travel back to live the story of Samson, one of the world's most powerful men. Samson gets deceived, captured, and then destroys the temple where he's held a prisoner and slave.

קרא עוד

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The First Christmas

דצמבר 17, 198125m

The children experience the first Christmas where they meet Mary and Joseph. Mary bears a child, and King Herod attempts to kill the baby.

קרא עוד

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Miracles of Love

דצמבר 24, 198125m

Superbook takes the children back in time to see the highlights of Jesus' life, which includes many miracles.

קרא עוד

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The Best News Yet

דצמבר 31, 198125m

The children experience the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

קרא עוד

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Mother's Day

ינואר 7, 198225m

Superbook takes the children through time to ancient Israel, where they meet Naomi and Ruth. Ruth falls in love with Boaz and gets married.

קרא עוד

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The Patience of Job

ינואר 14, 198225m

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo back in time to meet Job, a wealthy man of great faith.

קרא עוד

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Big Fish and Little Fish

ינואר 21, 198225m

Superbook takes the children on a journey to meet Jonah. Jonah is thrown from a ship and swallowed by a giant fish. The fish them spits Jonah on the shore.

קרא עוד

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The First King

ינואר 28, 198225m

Superbook takes the children back to ancient Israel where they meet Saul, Israel's first King, and see his rise to office.

קרא עוד

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The Giant Killer

פברואר 4, 198225m

The children witness how David kills Goliath the giant with a slingshot. Saul then becomes jealous of David and attempts to kill David.

קרא עוד

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פברואר 11, 198225m

The children experience how King Solomon came to office and how the King rules with wisdom and understanding.

קרא עוד

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A True Prophet

פברואר 18, 198225m

The travelers witness the story of Elijah the prophet. Elijah performs many miracles, spiritually battles the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, and wins!

קרא עוד

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Flaming Chariots

פברואר 25, 198225m

The children witness the exciting story of how Elisha, the prophet, was protected with chariots from the attacking Syrian soldiers. Elisha then leads the captive Syrian soldiers to Samaria.

קרא עוד

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The Lion's Den

מרץ 4, 198225m

The children experience the story of Daniel, who was protected by an angel in a den full of lions.

קרא עוד

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Nehemiah and the Walls of Jerusalem

מרץ 11, 198225m

The children are accused of being spies and thus captured. Rescued by Nehemiah, the children experience the battle to protect Jerusalem without completed walls.

קרא עוד

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The Beauty Queen

מרץ 18, 198225m

The children witness the story of Queen Esther, and how she successfully intercedes for her people to the Persian King. Esther has wisdom on how an internal enemy of the King is deceiving him.

קרא עוד

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The Mighty Convert

סיום עונה
מרץ 25, 198225m

The children experience the many miracles of Paul's ministry.

קרא עוד

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Where, Oh Where...

אפריל 4, 198325m

When Superbook falls onto a computer keyboard, Ruffles, a dog, is accidentally transported back into the ancient time of Abram, the patriarch.

קרא עוד

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Hot Dog

אפריל 11, 198325m

The time-travelers come across the city of Sodom, which is about to be destroyed because of its wickedness.

קרא עוד

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The Test of Faith and Obedience

אפריל 18, 198325m

The children again come across Abraham, Sarah, and a newly arrived son, named Isaac. Later, the children witness Abraham's nearly attempted sacrifice of Isaac.

קרא עוד

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Love at First Sight

אפריל 25, 198325m

The children travel to the Mesopotamian city of Nahor, where they witness a group of people seeking a suitable wife for Abraham's son, Isaac.

קרא עוד

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Father's Pet

מאי 2, 198325m

The children witness the story of Jacob and his beloved son, Joseph, and how Joseph's jealous brothers sell Joseph into slavery in Egypt.

קרא עוד

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All About Dreams

מאי 9, 198325m

The children travel to Pharaoh's palace in ancient Egypt where they see Joseph thrown into prison unjustly, only to later be released and given a high position of honor as governor.

קרא עוד

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The Hostage

מאי 16, 198325m

The time-travelers witness how Joseph, governor of Egypt, successfully deals with famine in Egypt. Also, they witness how Joseph will deal with his lost brothers who came to Egypt for grain.

קרא עוד

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The Family Reunion

מאי 23, 198325m

The children experience how Joseph tests his brothers to determine whether they are repentant about selling Joseph into slavery years earlier.

קרא עוד

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A Gift From Heaven

מאי 30, 198325m

The children witness how Egypt no longer welcomes the children of Israel, and how the Israelites are now enslaved and treated brutally. A young man names Moses is coming forth to change things.

קרא עוד

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The Burning Bush

יוני 6, 198325m

The children witness Moses at the burning bush and Moses' demands to Pharaoh to let the Israelites out of bondage and out of Egypt.

קרא עוד

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No More Plagues

יוני 13, 198325m

The time-travelers experience the many plagues sent upon Egypt to punish Pharaoh for not releasing the enslaved Israelites.

קרא עוד

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So You Want To Go Back To Egypt!

יוני 20, 198325m

The children witness how the Red Sea parted to provide the Israelites an escape from the Egyptians, and how the closing of the parted sea downs the Egyptian army.

קרא עוד

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Snakes and a Donkey

יוני 27, 198325m

The children experience a complaining group of Israelites, who are punished with poisonous snakes. But finally after 40 years, Israel begins to rally round Joshua, their new leaders.

קרא עוד

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Worth Fighting For

יולי 4, 198325m

The time-travelers witness how Othniel conquers the Canaanite city of Debir because Caleb promised a daughter as a reward.

קרא עוד

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The Good Left Arm

יולי 11, 198325m

The children witness Ehud's overthrow of King Eglon of Moab. A rebellion has erupted and the Israelites are fighting for their freedom

קרא עוד

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Stick in the Mud

יולי 18, 198325m

In this action-filled episode, the Israelites defeat an invading Canaanite army who gets trapped in the mud.

קרא עוד

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That's a Promise

יולי 25, 198325m

The time-travelers are in ancient Israel when Israel is in a state of war, led by a great but rash general names Jephthah.

קרא עוד

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Just Rewards

אוגוסט 1, 198325m

The children witness the story of Eli and Samuel in the city of Shiloh.

קרא עוד

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A Wonderful Gift

אוגוסט 8, 198325m

The time-travelers nearly become involved in a war, and Israel demands that a king be established.

קרא עוד

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The Mighty Little Shepherd

אוגוסט 15, 198325m

The time-travelers meet a young boy named David, who skillfully uses musical instruments and weapons.

קרא עוד

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The Bigger They Come

אוגוסט 22, 198325m

The children witness the battle between David and Goliath, where the future of Israel as a nation rests upon the outcome.

קרא עוד

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Faithful and True

אוגוסט 29, 198325m

The children witness Saul's jealousy and hatred for David. Saul is determined to kill David, so David flees.

קרא עוד

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David the King

ספטמבר 5, 198325m

David, who has an opportunity to take Saul's life, spares Saul. Finally, David is proclaimed King of Israel after Saul dies in battle.

קרא עוד

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In All His Glory

ספטמבר 12, 198325m

The children experience the dedication of the temple and King Solomon's great wisdom.

קרא עוד

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The Wicked Queen

ספטמבר 19, 198325m

The children almost experience death when Queen Athaliah decides to kill her "rivals" for the throne, but eventually, the Queen is put to death and a just ruler is installed.

קרא עוד

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A Matter Of Time

סיום עונה
ספטמבר 26, 198325m

The children find themselves in a country about to be invaded by the might Assyrian army. However, God intervenes and destroys the Assyrians. The children then return to the 20th Century.

קרא עוד

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