中島かずき — Writer

Episoden 18

Transpercer les cieux avec ta vrille !

1. April 200724m

Dans le village de Giha, une ville souterraine, Simon et Kamina mènent une vie banale sous la menace constante de tremblements de terre. Ils sont alors témoins de l'arrivée d'un gigantesque Gunman à tête de loup, qui s'écrase à travers le plafond. Avec le poursuivant du Gunman, une fille du village voisin, Yoko, les deux jeunes hommes trouvent un petit Gunman enterré dans le sol, nommé Lagann pour vaincre l'aure Gunman et quitter le village de Giha.


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J'ai dit que c'est moi qui le piloterai !!

8. April 200724m

Pilotant le Lagann, Kamina et Simon ramènent Yoko dans son village natal de Littner. Les dangers de la vie à la surface les rattrapent et ils se retrouvent à participer à la défense contre une nouvelle menace Gunman et les Beastmen qui les pilotent. Après avoir éjecté de force l'un des Beastmen de son Gunman, Kamina prend son contrôle, qu'il nomme Gurren.


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Arrogant à deux tête !

15. April 200724m

Après la bataille précédente, Kamina, Simon et Yoko partent à la recherche de provisions. Cependant, une rencontre fortuite avec un redoutable Beastman, Viral, et son puissant Gunman les oblige a associer leurs propres Gunmans - le Gurren Lagann.


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C'est pas le nombre de têtes qui compte !

22. April 200724m

Afin d'affronter les Beastmen et leurs Gunmen, l'équipe Gurren part du village de Littner pour attaquer un éventuel point de ralliement des Gunmen. En chemin, ils rencontrent les excentriques Black Siblings, ainsi que la perspective de devoir vaincre un ennemi aux multiples facettes avec l'estomac vide.


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Sérieux, je pige que dalle a tout ça !

29. April 200724m

Le voyage de la Team Gurren se poursuit jusqu'à un village souterrain, qui impose une existence humble et le culte des Gunmen en tant qu'êtres divins. Après avoir quitté le village, la Team Gurren est rejointe par Rossiu, le fils adoptif du chef du village, et deux enfants, Gimmy et Darry.


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Envieux de voir comment Simon garde Lagann propre et net, Kamina demande à la mystérieuse Chitori de nettoyer Gurren pour lui, sans savoir quelles sont ses véritables intentions.


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En route vers le point de ralliement des Gunmen, la team Gurren décide de faire une pause dans une station thermale qu'elle trouve au milieu de nulle part, pour découvrir que tout n'est pas ce qu'il y a de mieux.


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Adieu mon frère.

20. Mai 200724m

De nouveaux détails sur l'Empire Beastman sont révélés lorsque Thymilph, l'un des quatre généraux divins du Roi de la Spirale, arrive pour soutenir l'Enki de Viral, avec l'énorme forteresse mobile des Gunmen, le Dai-Ganzan. Saisissant l'occasion de remporter une grande victoire, Kamina et Simon pilotent le Gurren-Lagann contre des forces apparemment écrasantes.


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Qu'est-ce exactement un homme ?

27. Mai 200724m

Après avoir temporairement bloqué Viral et Thymilph lors de la dernière escarmouche, la Team Gurren et ses nouveaux alliés unissent leurs forces sous le nom de "Team Dai-Gurren" et lancent une attaque décisive contre les Gunmen qui se regroupent. La bataille massive s'achève violemment, mais Kamina meurt au cours de l'affrontement.


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L'équipe Dai-Gurren a réussi à prendre le contrôle de la forteresse ennemie, mais tout le monde pleure encore la mort de Kamina, surtout Simon.


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Retire ta main, Simon !

10. Juni 200724m

Après avoir été temporairement épargnée par Adiane, un autre des Quatre Généraux Divins, la Team Dai-Gurren profite de ce répit pour réévaluer sa situation. Nia apprend l'importance de Kamina dans le comportement erratique de Simon et lui donne des conseils cinglants mais honnêtes, ce qui attire l'ire d'une Yoko qui ne lui fait pas confiance.


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Team Dai-Gurren are now on their way to Beastmen's capital city, Teppelin but there's a vast ocean in their way. The only way for them to get across is for the Dai-Gurren to be modified, so while they wait everyone goes to chill out at the beach. Once preparations are complete, the Great Gurren Brigade begins their cruise, but there's an ambush waiting for them.


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Bon appétit à tous !

24. Juni 200724m

Trying to do her part in Team Dai-Gurren, Nia decides to become a cook, but just before the crew have a taste of her dishes, Cytomander, the fourth member of the Divine Generals, launches an aerial attack on the Dai-Gurren. Simon leads the counter-attack on the Gurren-Lagann, this time accompanied by Yoko, who replaces a sick Rossiu.


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Ravie de faire votre connaissance.

1. Juli 200724m

At last, Team Dai-Gurren arrives at the outskirts of Teppelin, but before aiming to the city, they must face a combined full-scale attack of Cytomander and Guame's forces.


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Je vais affronter mon avenir.

8. Juli 200724m

The last of the Divine Generals fall, and the city of Teppelin collapses, revealing a Gunman of gigantic proportions. Simon and Nia struggle to pass through it in order to confront her father, the Spiral King himself.


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Polysynthèse complète.

15. Juli 200724m

A recap of the story's events from the previous episodes.


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Vous n'avez rien compris ou quoi ?

22. Juli 200724m

During the following seven years, a new civilization rises and prospers under Simon's leadership. However, these peaceful times come to end when the threat mentioned in Lordgenome's last words starts to reveal itself.


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Expliquez-moi des énigmes de ce monde.

29. Juli 200724m

After the Anti-Spirals' first attack and Nia's astonishing announcement, Simon looks desperately for her, while Rossiu finally completes his secret project.


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To soothe the public opinion, Rossiu overthrows Simon and puts him under arrest. But when the Anti-Spirals launch a large-scale attack on Kamina City, he is left with no option but to let Simon engage the enemy using the Gurren-Lagann, not before resorting to extremes to put him under his control.


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Dieu, jusqu'où irez-vous pour nous tester ?

12. August 200724m

As Simon arrives in prison, he unexpectedly meets Viral, who comments on how far he has fallen. Meanwhile, the truth about Rossiu's emergency plan and the consequences for those left behind on Earth are revealed.


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One year earlier, Yoko starts working as a schoolteacher on an island until she learns of the situation at Teppelin and returns to break Simon free. Once again reunited, Simon and the members of Team Dai-Gurren launch themselves into space to protect the Arc-Gurren from the enemy forces, now accompanied by Viral as co-pilot of the Gurren-Lagann.


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C'est ma dernière responsabilité

26. August 200724m

The Gurren-Lagann and the Arc-Gurren join together to form the massive Arc-Gurren-Lagann and stop the Human Annihilation System.


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En route pour le combat final.

2. September 200724m

The members of Team Dai-Gurren make their preparations for the imminent war against the Anti-Spirals, but Rossiu is missing. However, when Kinon tells Simon about what he really intends to do, both start to look desperately for him.


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Guided by Simon and Nia's feelings for each other, Team Dai-Gurren break through dimensions in search for the Anti-Spirals' homeworld. But after falling into the enemy's trap, they end up losing some of their most precious members, due to its vicious offensive.


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Que ta dernière volonté soit respectée!

16. September 200724m

Team Dai-Gurren struggles to escape from the ocean of despair created by the Anti-Spirals without success, until history repeats itself, as another irreplaceable member of the Team sacrifices himself to save the others.


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En avant camarades !

23. September 200724m

After finally transforming their flagship into the Super Galactic Gurren-Lagann, Simon and his friends successfully fight back against the enemy. When their enemy starts to use their own memories and desires against them, Kamina reappears to help.


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I'll See What I Wanna See!!

26. September 200724m

An uncut version of episode six, involving Kamina's hopes of seeing Yoko and The Black Siblings naked, even at the risk of his friends' safety.


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La piste des étoiles.

30. September 200724m

At last, Simon and Nia are reunited, and by combining the power of its members, Team Dai-Gurren creates the galaxy-sized Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, and engage the Anti-Spiral threat in a decisive battle to determine the fate of the universe.


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My Gurren is Shiny!!

25. Oktober 200712m

Special episode bundled with the Nintendo DS game based on the series. Envious of seeing how Simon keeps his Lagann clean and neat, Kamina asks the mysterious Chitori to clean up his Gurren for him, unaware of her true intentions.


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In a medieval Europe setting, Simon, Kamina and Viral infiltrate a castle where Nia is held captive by a Grand Zamboa-like enemy. Viral's wife and Yoko also make appearances.


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Viral encounters a pachinko Gunmen, and then unleashes it on Kamina, Yoko and Simon.


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A version of the series in an artistically-stylized medieval Japan setting.


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In a steampunk wild west theme, Viral is a horse riding hero leading the oppressed beastmen against Kamina, riding Dai-Gurren as a roving bandit.


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A nude Gimmy steals articles of clothing from Simon, Kamina and Yoko using kancho.


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In a modern-looking alternate setting, humans pilot Lagann and Gurren against Beastmen-like enemies in Gunmen and then team up with other humans against a Dai-Gunmen.


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An experimental real world look at the environment of the surface portrayed in the first half of the series, which includes the shadow of a man running and a skull motif, possibly in reference to Kamina's father.


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Gurren Lagann the Movie - Childhood's End

6. September 20081h 53m

Gurren Lagann the Movie - Childhood's End


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The story of Lordgenome's past, with the first war against the Anti-Spirals, Lordgenome's descent into madness and the rise of the Beastmen.


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Viral's Sweet Dream

17. Dezember 20084m

Viral tries to get some sleep, but keeps on having terrifying nightmares.


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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie: Festival Eve

21. Dezember 200824m

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Gurren Lagann the Movie - The Lights in the Sky Are Stars


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A music video by character designer Nishigori Atsushi for "S.t.a.r.S," the new song that the voice actress Inoue Marina sings in her Youko persona. Nishigori personally planned and directed entirely new footage for the music video. The bundled DVD includes a video interview with Inoue and a booklet with over 130 pages of storyboards, original drawings, and designs.


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A love story about Simon and Nia.


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A video in the visual style of Nia's flashback.


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Gimmy and Darry find a series of mysterious doors in the underbelly of the Dai-Gurren.


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A strange, sentai-esque story starring Simon and Rossiu.


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A magical girl style video focusing on Kiyal.


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A story about the development of Gunmen.


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An adventure of the Black siblings set before they met Kamina and Simon.


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