Jaksot 10


Episode 1

18 helmikuu 202347m

After an attack on his life, Ken has been living in hiding in Singapore but the whereabouts of his boyfriend, Din, still remain unknown. However, after a deceased body is discovered, thought to be Din, Ken's life is under threat once again.

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Episode 2

25 helmikuu 202345m

Ken returns to Thailand for Din's funeral.

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Episode 3

4 maaliskuu 202345m

Ken is set out to find Kan, his underling, following the funeral for Din.

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Episode 4

11 maaliskuu 202347m

Nok continues on his killing spree. More events of the past are revealed, highlighting how Ken and Din initially became enemies with Nok's gang.

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Episode 5

18 maaliskuu 202345m

As Ken remains in Thailand, a masked person demands that he leaves within three days. Meanwhile, Nok still seeks out opportunities to harm Ken.

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Episode 6

25 maaliskuu 202351m

While Ken recovers from his injuries, Peter visits and investigates the lumber mill.

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Episode 7

1 huhtikuu 202349m

After the attack on Kamnan Inpha, Inspector Don concludes that Din must still be alive putting a target on Din's family.

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Episode 8

8 huhtikuu 202348m

After Maew is abducted by Nok, Sai, Ken, and Peter Lue must act quickly if they are to save her life.

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Episode 9

15 huhtikuu 202346m

In a look to the past, the days after the attack on Din and Ken are finally revealed

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Episode 10

Season Finale
22 huhtikuu 202347m

Peter Lue and Ingpha face off for the final time.

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