Adam Rippon hahmona Self

Jaksot 12

The Experiment Begins

5 kesäkuu 202343m

The 12 celebrities land on "Mars."

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Water Crisis

12 kesäkuu 202344m

Just as they were settling into life on the red planet, the remaining celebrities must figure out how to replenish their water supply.

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Fire in the Hole

19 kesäkuu 202343m

The 10 remaining contestants brave the elements of the Martian desert when a fire breaks out.

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Life on Mars?

26 kesäkuu 202345m

The contestants are sent on a mission which tests their perseverance; two are eliminated.

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Resupply Mission

10 heinäkuu 202343m

Four new crew members land on Mars, but their supply craft goes off course and crashes.

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Leaks in the Hab

17 heinäkuu 202343m

The celebs must work together to plug holes in the walls of the hab caused by meteors.

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Evil AI

24 heinäkuu 2023

A virus takes over the artificial intelligence system and two celebronauts are stuck outside.

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Solar Flare

31 heinäkuu 2023

The nine remaining celebronauts need to repair solar panels damaged by a series of solar flares.

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We Are Not Alone

7 elokuu 2023

The remaining celebronauts discover they are not alone on Mars.

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Downward Dog

14 elokuu 202345m

The seven remaining celebronauts must find the hab's missing house pet, Raddog.

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Distress Signal

21 elokuu 202343m

The hab detects a weak distress signal that the crew must investigate immediately.

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Brightest Star

Season Finale
28 elokuu 2023

The crewmates must assemble a satellite tower and broadcast a personalized message to Earth.

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