Linda Blair hahmona Joni Witherspoon

Jaksot 9

Hello Hollywood

20 huhtikuu 200030m

Fresh from Miami, the S Club have finally reached L.A. Their only option for accommodation is a cheap, dumpy motel where the boys have to sleep in the car because no more than four are allowed in a room. In order to get some money, the S Club sell their Chevy for a cheaper used car. The S Club browse around town again trying to find an agent and a place to live.

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27 huhtikuu 200030m

In order to get around paying owed rent, Paul agrees to be Joani's boy-toy for a double date with her friend. Meanwhile, Hannah saves the life of a shallow movie star who barely appears in any of his movies.

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The Prom

11 toukokuu 200030m

The band decide their agent is rubbish so Joni recomends them a good agent but he will only except them if Rachel takes his geeky son on a date to a prom.

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House Sitting

18 toukokuu 200030m

Rachel, Jo and Paul find a job as housesitters. Jon and Bradley are waiters. They decide to invite that gang to the house to have a party.

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1 kesäkuu 200030m

The band members are looking for work. Bradley and Jo work at a burger place, Jon is a model, and Paul and Hannah play a game of chess to see who washes the dishes. When Jo got fired, she had to be dressed in a costume waving a sign like Bradley, and Rachel helped Paul win a game. These matters caused a serious rift between the band members, making them not talk to each other.

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Game Boy

8 kesäkuu 200030m

Bradley gets obessed with a video game. The band consider trowing him out of the band.

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Making Movies

15 kesäkuu 200030m

The guys decide to make a movie.

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22 kesäkuu 200030m

The gang carelessly blow out the power in Joni's entire building, so to keep Joni from finding out, the band has to come up with $200. Rachel is a dog sitter, Hannah walks dogs, Bradley shifts from job ton job, and Jo and Jon are DJ's.

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Goodbye Hollywood

Season Finale
6 heinäkuu 200030m

The guys leave Los Angeles.

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