Alec Baldwin في Joshua Rush

الحلقات 60

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Buying Time

أكتوبر 4, 1984

Police follow St. Claire's Limousine, but lose them. St. Claire has Abby on a yacht. St. Claire calls for Greg and Laura answers. She tells both Greg and Mac that he called. Cathy comes back to Knots Landing, and Laura invites her to stay with them again. Val admits to Ben she still loves Gary. Karen has surgery. The bullet entered her ribs and shattered. The doctor says there was one fragment lodged in her spine that he couldn't remove. He tells her that at some point, the fragment will shift and she will become paralyzed, and she will die soon after this.

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Calculated Risks

أكتوبر 18, 1984

The doctor tells Karen that she'll die within the year unless she has a risky operation with only a 50% survival rate. Mac wants to get back together with her, but Karen lies and says she doesn't love him. Mac moves in with Ben. Diana moves to New York. Joshua Rush shows up at Val's. His mother was Lilimae's sister. She abandoned him and he wants to learn about her from Lilimae. She says her sister was a vicious, wicked tramp and he should be glad that she's dead. Val invites Joshua to stay with them. St. Claire threatens Greg and he comes to the yacht. Abby sees a gun in a drawer and gives it to Greg. Greg shoots Mark St. Claire.

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Hanging Fire

أكتوبر 25, 1984

Greg tells the police that he shot St. Claire because he had a gun and was about to shoot Abby. Abby concurs. Greg asks Abby to make a public statement on his behalf. Gary buys the cable station Ben works at. Gary takes Abby back, but says he's taking control of the business, and it will now be run honestly and fairly. He says he had Lotus Point redesigned to fit into the environment and that Karen will be an equal partner. Gary tells Cathy he loves Abby, but hopes they can remain friends. Val figures out that Lilimae is Joshua's mother. Lilimae tells her that she was never married to Joshua's father Jonathan. She stayed with him for a year after Joshua was born and tried to be a good mother. She doesn't know how to tell Joshua that she is his mother.

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A Little Help

نوفمبر 1, 1984

Abby gives a press conference on behalf of Greg. Afterwards Greg tells her he will never work with her again. Mad, Abby asks a reporter at the cable station to dig up the medical history of Greg's opponent, Bob Caufield. He finds out that Caufield had been in a psychiatric hospital. Abby overrides Ben and runs the story, and Ben is livid. Greg tells Abby that he will wring the neck of whoever leaked it. Abby smiles and tells him that HE leaked it. Cathy invites Joshua to hear her sing. Val convinces Lilimae to tell Joshua that she is his mother. Lilimae does, and Joshua, upset and angry, walks out. Val talks to him about how Lilimae abandoned her too but if he's willing to give her a chance, he'll find out she's a beautiful woman. Joshua decides to stay.

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Ipso Facto

نوفمبر 8, 1984

Gary tells Karen that Mac won't be grateful that she spared him his death, he'll be angry and resentful. Abby hires Scott Easton. Greg tells Abby he knows that one of her employee's broke into Caufield's medical files. Abby threatens to retract her statement if he tells. Lotus Point has their grand opening. Mac and Karen begin to talk at the opening. Joshua tells Cathy that he met Abby and she is really 'nice'. Greg invites Caufield to the opening, and tells the press that his medical history doesn't matter. At the station, Abby sees a floppy disc on Ben's desk that is labeled ""Val Notes"". She puts it in the computer. It's a love letter to Val that he loves her, but just can't get over the fact that she is having Gary's baby. Abby is shocked.

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Truth and Consequences

نوفمبر 15, 1984

Val asks Mac to be her birthing coach, and Gary tells her he wishes she would have asked him. Val and Gary try to get Karen and Mac back together, but Abby's worried that Val will tell Gary about the babies. Abby asks Scott Easton if the babies can be heirs and complains about them, but says there's nothing she can do about it. Easton replies, ""You never know..."" Abby hires Joshua to work at the cable station. Gary tries to use reverse psychology on Karen and tells her to divorce Mac, but to his surprise, Karen agrees and goes to see a divorce lawyer. Cathy has a romantic dinner with Joshua. Ben gives Mac a tape about Gary Loader, who was in prison with Tom Jessick. Greg wins his election to become Senator. He gives his acceptance speech. Afterwards, Jane tells him that she wants a divorce.

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Love to Take You Home

نوفمبر 22, 1984

Mac is served with divorce papers. Karen says she wants to explain but she will need time. Mac finds out that Gary Loader has been killed. Val and Gary feel responsible for the MacKenzies' divorce. Abby and Scott Easton watch them talking from her office. Joshua's father, Jonathan, comes to Knots Landing determined to bring Joshua home with him. Joshua tells Cathy how confused he is and they make love. Afterwards, Joshua feels dirty and disgusted, and is horrified that Cathy doesn't feel ashamed too. Joshua goes to see Reverend Kathryn, who has a religious show on the station, for advice. Joshua decides to stay and talks with his father. Scott Easton has lunch with Mitch Ackerman. Val goes to see her obstetrician, but she has been called away to a conference, and there is a new doctor - Mitch Ackerman. After Val's appointment, Ackerman calls Easton and tells him that he gave Val the pills, and that it will be 2 or 3 days at the most.

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Tomorrow Never Knows

نوفمبر 29, 1984

Karen and Mac talk but she doesn't tell him she's dying. Scott Easton calls Abby and says he has negotiated Lotus Point's water rights with Paul Galveston, and to expect a bonus within the next few days as a ""thank you"". Ben is away on a story. Val has pains all day, and Dr. Ackerman tells her to take more pills. Home alone, she goes into labor. Michael and Eric take her to the hospital. They call Gary, who immediately leaves, angering Abby. Ackerman tells Val he's going to put her under anesthesia. She protests but he says there are complications. Everything goes fuzzy for Val. She gives birth, sees the babies, and hears them cry. She hears the nurse say that the babies are healthy. Val wakes up, and Ackerman tells her that the babies were stillborn. Val insists that she saw and heard them, but Ackerman says her mind was playing tricks on her because she was under sedation. Gary calls Abby to tell her that the babies are dead. Abby is genuinely concerned. Then Abby receives a call fro

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We Come Together

ديسمبر 6, 1984

Val insists her babies are alive, but no one believes her. Gary tells Lilimae he had secretly hoped that the babies were his. Joshua asks Rev. Kathryn if the babies were born dead out of retribution for Val conceiving out of wedlock. Abby receives another mysterious phone call requesting Gary's blood type. The caller tells her the babies will be placed in the next 2 days as she requested. Easton is flying in on Galveston's private jet so Abby goes to meet him, but he's not on it. Abby makes about a million calls, but can't find him. Mac moves back in with Karen, and they decide to throw Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. While preparing the dinner, Karen's hands go numb. Karen asks Gary to get Val. Mac apologizes to everyone for hurting them. When Val and Gary walk in to the MacKenzie's, Val apologizes for her and Gary being late as usual.

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Message in a Bottle

ديسمبر 13, 1984

Abby continues to search for Easton. Abby goes to see Dr. Ackerman to ask where the babies are. Ackerman tells her she is sick. She tells him that Easton is dead. Cathy and Joshua make love again. Gary has lunch with Paul Galveston. He and Galveston hit it off and Galveston gives Gary his prize horse. Tom Jessick tells Mac that Gary Loader was a policeman who was framed because he knew too much about the ""Tidal Basin"" murders. One of the victims was Lila Maxwell, a secretary at Galveston Industries. Mac notices Karen isn't using her right hand, so she tells him it is sprained. Karen decides to get a second opinion, and the doctor tells her she needs the operation or she will die. Ben is concerned about Val's mental health. Joshua finds Val having a conversation with someone about her babies, only no one else is there. Val has a nightmare and wakes up screaming. Val overhears Ben and Lilimae deciding to get help for her, so the next morning she packs and calls a cab.

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Distant Locations

ديسمبر 20, 1984

Karen finds out that Val went to the bus station, but when she was seen there, 4 busses left. Abby and Gary have lunch with Galveston, and Galveston notices that Abby's not happy with Gary's preoccupation with Val. Galveston asks Gary to go into business with him putting up communication satellites. Abby hires a detective who finds Val, and Abby tells him to follow her, but to keep the information only between them. Joshua gives a plea for Val to come home on Reverend Kathryn's show. Val goes to Enoch, Nevada and checks into a motel. She berates herself in the mirror. Then she dresses up like a tramp, and goes to a bar where she flirts with several men. The next day Val gets on another bus, and tells the girl she sits with that her name is Verna Ellers, she has no family and is going home to Tennessee. Abby's detective follows her. Val gets off the bus in the small town of Shula, Tennessee, and gets a job as a waitress in a diner.

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Uncharted Territory

ديسمبر 27, 1984

Galveston asks Gary to go in with him on a planned community in Empire Valley. Galveston tells some men that he's using Gary because he's stupid and won't know what's going on, but he will be help in getting the community built. Gary asks Greg to go in on Empire Valley, but Greg wants no part of it. While driving with Michael, Karen's hands go out again and they almost crash. Mac insists she see a doctor. Karen finally tells Mac what is going on and he says he won't let her die. Joshua gets a lot of fan mail after being on TV, so Abby asks him to make another plea to Val. Kelly asks Ben to give her a chance, but he says he can't. In Shula, Val rents a room and hears a report on the radio about her disappearance, but doesn't respond to it in any way. She meets Parker Winslow, the local dry cleaner, who asks her out to a pancake breakfast.

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Weighing of Evils

يناير 3, 1985

Karen finally agrees to have the operation and checks into the hospital. Abby wants in on Empire Valley, but Galveston tells her to go home and raise babies. Greg wakes up and Galveston is in his room and says that he is dying and it's time for him to forgive and forget. Galveston says his money has more power than being a senator, and Greg craves power. Greg tells Laura his divorce is final. People mob the station wanting to see Joshua, so Abby gives him a regular segment on Reverend Kathryn's show. The detective reports to Abby on Val, but Abby tells everyone he has no leads since Nevada. In Shula, Val goes to a ""social"" with Parker, but walks out when people tell her he has a girlfriend. Parker tells Val that they broke up, and he kisses her.

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#14 With a Bullet

يناير 10, 1985

Karen's surgery goes well. Galveston tells Greg to tell Mac to stop investigating the Tidal Basin murders, but instead Greg tells Mac to look for a connection between them and Galveston Industries. Detective tells Abby that Val has become Verna Ellers from her book ""Nashville Junction"", and that she seems happy. He says he'll do a fake report, in exchange for sex with Abby. He tells Gary he has no leads and is dropping the case. Galveston has his men bring him Abby's detective. Galveston threatens him, so the detective tells him where Val is. Then another man brings him all of Scott Easton's papers. Abby waits for the detective, but instead Galveston shows up and tells her that he knows where Val is and about the babies and unless she comes up with a damn good explanation, he's going to tell Gary.

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Inside Information

يناير 17, 1985

Mac shows a tape of the Tidal Basin murders to Lila Maxwell's roommate who recognizes Scott Easton and tells Mac he worked for Galveston Ind. Then Karen recognizes one of the men as John Woodside, one of Galveston's aides. Greg tells Laura that his father, Sumner, died as a pilot in the Korean war. Then Galveston showed up at his house, and Greg discovered that his mother and Galveston had been having an affair for years. Then Galveston told Greg that he was really his father. Abby flies to Shula and asks Val to level with her about if she is going to come home. Val doesn't recognize her and thinks that Abby is crazy. Parker overhears and researches Val in the library, and knows that she is really Valene Ewing. Parker asks Val to marry him, and she says yes. Gary tells Abby that Galveston called and said he needed to tell him something about her so Abby tells him that she found Val. Gary catches the first flight to Tennessee.

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Out of the Past

يناير 24, 1985

Abby decides to lengthen Joshua's segment. She threatens Cathy not to date Josh anymore, or she will tell him about her affair with Gary and that she murdered someone. Mac can't get a Judge to grant him a warrant for Galveston Industries, so Greg gets Mac the warrant he needs. Karen unwittingly gives Galveston information on the investigation. Gary goes to Val's diner, and recalls how he met her in a diner by helping her out when it was really busy. He tries to talk to Val, who doesn't recognize him and thinks he's crazy. Parker and his friends beat Gary up and tell him to get out of town. Val's confused as to why 2 people have thought she was Val Ewing. Gary goes back to the diner and helps Val like he did when they first met. For just an instant she recognizes him and says ""Gary"", but then confused, runs out, and Gary follows. She insists she's Verna and has never seen him before. She tells Parker she wants to get married right away.

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Lead Me to the Altar

يناير 31, 1985

Joshua's ego is getting really big. Joshua tells Cathy she needs to mend her ways and sing in church, not in a bar, and he breaks up with her. Abby's worried that Mac will find out her connection with the babies. Galveston has Jamison and Whiteside sign a confession for Lila Maxwell's murder. A man gets into Mac's car and tells him that he's not aiming high enough in his investigation of Galveston. Gary continues to try and convince Val that she is not Verna. Val makes plans for her wedding, and imagines dancing with Gary in her wedding dress. Gary shows Val her picture on the back of ""Nashville Junction"". Parker's worried when Val is late for the wedding. She's in her room, staring at her picture on the book cover. Val finally goes to the church. Gary barges in and interrupts the ceremony. Parker wants the Minister to continue, but Gary insists he is going to bring Val home to California.

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Fly Away Home

فبراير 7, 1985

Ben has a flat tire on the road to Empire Valley. A truck with radio receivers stops to help him. Ben takes one of the receivers and tells Mac that he thinks that Empire Valley is only a cover for something bigger. Mac's men go to pick up Jamison and Woodside, but they're gone. Gary and Parker fight. Val realizes that Parker lied to her, and knows that she is Valene Ewing. She starts to remember Gary, and agrees to go home with him, but thinks that they are still married. At home, she doesn't recognize anyone. Abby tells Gary that Ben needs to take care of Val, and that he has to make a break from her, or they're through. Gary takes Val to the beach and tells her they're not married. She's upset. Abby asks Galveston if Mac will find out about the babies, and Galveston says no, that he will personally tell Gary about his heirs. Later, Abby sneaks into his house and goes through his desk. Galveston comes in and then suddenly has an attack. He asks for his pills, but Abby doesn't help him

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Rough Edges

فبراير 14, 1985

Joshua apologizes to Cathy and say's he's making a lot of mistakes as he's never had a girlfriend before but he's unhappy without her. Galveston's men contact Greg and want to transfer power to him, but he refuses. Meanwhile, Gary's frustrated he can't get in to see Galveston and is told he's away on business. Abby finds Scott Easton's notebook, but the pertinent pages about Val's babies are ripped out. Val starts therapy with Dr. Michael's, but misses a lot of sessions and Karen tries to convince her to go. She hears Lilimae and Ben talking about having her committed, so she yells at Lilimae for abandoning her and calls her a tramp. She hears Lilimae crying, but is unconcerned. Finally Val opens up to her Dr., and then feels bad about attacking Lilimae. Ben gives Val a ride home, and she suddenly remembers his beach house and orchids. He is overjoyed.

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The Emperor's Clothes

فبراير 21, 1985

Gary wants to shut down construction on Empire Valley until he can talk to Galveston. Galveston men try to placate Gary. A Minister marries a mystery woman and Galveston, who is on life support. Val cuts her hand at Empire Valley, so Ben takes her to the clinic in the town of Wesphall. Ben talks to the doctor and patients, who tell him that industrial chemicals from Galveston Industries got into the ground water and caused an epidemic, but that Galveston bought everybody out and paid medical bills. They say that one woman came to town and claimed that Galveston did it deliberately to drive them off of their property. Ben and Mac show them a picture of Lila Maxwell, and they identify her as the woman. Mac finds Jamison, who said that Galveston ordered the murder of Lila Maxwell. Val remembers going in to labor, and tells Karen that she ""knows"" the babies are alive. Karen asks Mac to consider the possibility of Val's babies being alive.

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The Deluge

فبراير 28, 1985

Joshua asks to open Reverend Kathryn's show, but then takes up the whole 30 minutes. Rev. Kathryn is starting to become disgusted with Josh's ego. Abby tells Joshua to come up with sermons, and if she thinks he can sustain the show, she'll fire Rev. Kathryn. Joshua replies he doesn't need Abby to check his sermons or he'll go elsewhere. Joshua also announces that Cathy will sing on his show, even though she doesn't want to. Karen questions people about the evening Val gave birth, and tells Gary she thinks the twins are alive. Abby overhears. Galveston dies. The mystery woman comes in, and she is Greg's mother Ruth. She tells Greg that she married Galveston and she wants him to take over the company. An old friend comes to see Greg and tells him that Empire Valley is the cover for an international communications center, and that they will monitor and influence all government communications in every country in the world. Greg's still resistant.

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A Piece of the Pie

مارس 7, 1985

Karen meets with Val's original obstetrician, who tells her that she and her partner were called away to a conference when the babies were born, and that Dr. Ackerman plays in a lot of bridge tournaments. Cathy sings on Joshua's show, and he announces on air that they are getting married. Cathy's upset with him for assuming things and not asking her first. .Mac finds an address in some of Galveston's papers. He and Ben go there. Mrs. Fisher invites them in, but says she has no idea who he is or why he'd have their address. Then she has to go check on her twins who are crying. While there, they see a press conference that Greg has called on TV. Greg announces that Galveston was his father, had died, and he's resigning from the Senate and taking over his company. Laura is furious because Greg didn't tell her any of this. Abby tells Greg that she wants a piece of Empire Valley, the ""real"" Empire Valley.

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The Forest for the Trees

مارس 22, 1985

Joshua apologizes to Cathy and proposes. She accepts and Abby decides to throw them a party. Karen finds out who the nurse on duty was the night Val gave birth. Karen finds Nurse Wilson, and questions her, but she doesn't say anything. Karen tells Lilimae that Wilson is scared, and brings Lilimae to talk with her too. Gary decides to go ahead with Empire Valley, but asks Mac and Ben for their reports as he doesn't trust Greg. At the engagement party, Greg warns Coblentz about Abby. Josh announces to everyone that as soon as they're married, Cathy is going to stop singing. Cathy's angry, and he tells her she doesn't need to make scenes to get his attention. Val comforts Cathy and tells her to stand up to Joshua. Abby meets with Coblentz and pretends to know what's really going on, and Coblentz, thinking she already knows, tells her all. Greg tells Coblentz that Abby faked him out, and Coblentz tells Greg to undue the damage.

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A Man of Good Will

مارس 28, 1985

Joshua bullies Cathy over wedding plans, and Cathy doesn't show up for the rehearsal. Ben tells Karen to stop feeding Val's fantasy that the twins could be alive, and Mac takes Karen's side and says that maybe they are alive. Nurse Wilson calls Ackerman and tells him to keep Karen away from her. Greg and Gary argue over environmental concerns for Empire Valley. Greg changes Gary's credit report, and a lot of Gary's investors back out. Greg offers to buy Gary out. Laura finds out what Greg did and threatens to tell Gary. A lawyer calls Gary and says that Galveston left him all the land in Empire Valley. The boys want to sell Knots Landing Motors, but Karen won't as it was Sid's dream for them. They tell her it's Sid's dream but not theirs, and they don't like working there. Karen and Eric go to Sid's grave, and Karen says Sid just wanted him to be happy, so she'll hire a new manager.

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For Better, For Worse

أبريل 4, 1985

Gary tells Abby that because he bought the notes when his investors backed out, they now own all of Empire Valley. Coblentz doesn't want Gary as their landlord. Greg takes Gary to meet some of Galveston's men, and they tell him that something big is taking place, and they ask him to join them. Gary tells them to go to hell. Coblentz implies to Gary that he is a government agent and asks Gary to infiltrate the group. Gary agrees to this. Joshua breaks Ben's Wesphall story on his show, and says that Ben is trying to make a conspiracy that isn't there. Ben is livid. Abby tells Joshua he's losing ratings. Cathy tells Joshua she's not sure if she wants to get married, and they need to decide things together, but decides to marry him. Joshua asks Ben to be his best man because despite of what he thinks of him, he considers him family. Joshua and Cathy get married.

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Four, No Trump

أبريل 11, 1985

Gary tells Greg he will be part of Empire Valley, and then lies to Mac, telling him it's a legitimate business. Dr. Ackerman won't talk to Karen, so Mac tells her he'll help her to get evidence. Val sneaks out of Ben's, and then cancels dates with him. Ben's frustrated, and Val tells Karen she's trying to act normal, but feels like she's going crazy because she knows the babies are alive. Karen hires Eric to be the Assistant General Manager at Lotus Point. Abby tells Greg about Scott Easton and the babies, and tells Greg she needs the missing notebook pages. He gives her some pages, but they don't have the information on them. Greg goes to the Fishers and watches them from his car. Ruth makes snide comments to Laura about Greg spending so much time with Abby, and tells Greg that she likes Abby much better.

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A Price to Pay

مايو 2, 1985

Abby calls Greg for the notebook pages, but he says he'll only give them to her if she gets Gary out of Empire Valley. She can't, so then Greg says he'll exchange them for her broadcasting license and Empire Valley TV station. Jill Bennett goes to Mack's office and says the Governor would like to appoint him to Greg's vacant senate seat. Mac thinks Greg is behind it. Home from their honeymoon, Cathy's alarmed that Joshua wants to live at Val's and she wants to get their own place. Ben proposes to Val, but she tells him she can feel her babies cry at night, and can't marry him with that going on. Ben thinks that Val is losing it, so Mac and Karen tell him about their investigation

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One Day in a Row

مايو 9, 1985

Ruth tells Abby that she will get her the notebook pages, and to keep her TV station. She tells Abby that she is like the daughter she never had. At dinner, Ruth constantly puts Laura down, so Laura tells her off. Later, Laura wants Greg to tell her he loves her, but Greg says everything except that. Greg tells Ruth it's time for her to go back to Africa. Joshua tells Cathy he doesn't want to move out because he can't abandon Val. Val says not to blame it on her. Ben has a reporter check out Ackerman. He finds that Ackerman has gambling debts, and they think that was his motive for agreeing to steal the babies. The reporter gives Ben a list of unethical adoption agencies. Ben and Karen go to one, posing as a couple who wants to adopt, and say they were recommended by Ackerman. When they leave, the lawyer calls Ackerman and tells him Karen came to see him, and she was just as Ackerman described her.

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مايو 16, 1985

Ruth tells Abby that she'll only give her the notebook papers if Abby will help her get rid of Laura. Laura goes to Greg's one morning, and Abby is there in her robe, so Laura leaves. Abby and Ruth congratulate themselves. Greg tells Coblentz he wants Gary out of Empire Valley. Coblentz also tries to placate Gary, who says he refuses to spy anymore. Karen, Mac and Ben are working on the case so much that Val feels neglected. Joshua tells her that she scares her friends away because she makes them feel uncomfortable. Ben comes over with flowers for Val, and she apologizes to him and tells him about her conversation with Joshua. Ben storms up to Josh's room, tells him off and punches him. Nurse Wilson finally comes forward and tells Mac that Ackerman had something on her and blackmailed her into doing it. Mac, Karen and Wilson go to the bridge tournament where Ackerman is. Ackerman runs out and gets into his car. Karen hits him with her truck. Mac tells Ackerman that it's over. Ackerman

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The Long and Winding Road

Season Finale
مايو 23, 1985

Greg keeps trying to call Laura, who hangs up on him. He follows her and explains that it was a stunt Ruth set up, so he kicked her out. Greg asks Laura to marry him, but she says she's already married. The police question Karen about Ackerman, while Mac goes to his office and finds Val's file. He sets the alarm off, and is arrested. After Mac is out, they find a list in the file that has the name couples who illegally adopted babies, but there are no addresses on the list. One name on the list - Harry Fisher - rings a bell. The next day at work Karen tells Gary the babies are alive. Mac remembers that he and Ben were at the Fisher's house, and they had twins. Mac calls Karen and tells her to meet him there. Gary goes with her. Harry Fisher rushes home and tells his wife Sheila to pack, that they have to leave on a vacation now. Sheila says she won't leave because she hasn't picked up the prescription for the twin's ear infections. Frustrated, Harry takes one of the twins and goes to p

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The Longest Day

سبتمبر 26, 1985

Laura gets a call to show a house, but it's really Greg who has a romantic dinner set up. At the Fisher's, Mac and Ben follow Harry, but lose him. Val meanwhile tries to break down the door. Mac says he'll get a court order so the Fisher's can't leave, but the Judge won't grant it until there's more evidence. Mac stations men outside their house. Val refuses to leave, so Ben waits with her. He tells Val that Karen believed her all along, and worked for months to find the babies. Val's upset that no one told her they believed her. Harry arrives home with a police escort, who tell Val she has to leave. She loses it. At home, Joshua tells Val that her babies were found because he and his viewers prayed that she would be forgiven of her sins. Val drives back to the Fishers and waits all night in her car. Mac has Karen bring Val to the hospital to get the birth records, but the clerk says there are no records of the twins. Abby tells Gary that there was a call from Southfork and Bobby i

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Here in My Arms

أكتوبر 3, 1985

At the studio, Cathy tells Joshua she's getting an apartment - with or without him. Joshua grabs her really hard and says to NEVER speak to him in public like that. Gary goes to Dallas for Bobby's funeral. Greg tells the Empire Valley foremen, Elliot, to blast for the TV station in another position, but he won't without Gary's okay. Val waits outside of the Fishers' house. Ben tells Harry that the twins might not be Val's, but either way they need to clear it up. Nurse Wilson finally shows up at the Judge's, and Mac gets a court order barring the Fishers from leaving. Sheila is really losing it, so Harry agrees to run away with her. Karen drives by the Fishers' house. She sees Sheila leaving, and Mac's men follow her. Karen sees Harry's inside, so she tells him she knows that Sheila doesn't really have the babies with her. Karen pleads with Harry and tells him that even if he didn't know the babies were stolen before, he knows now. She says they have no moral choice but to give them ba

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While the Cat's Away

أكتوبر 10, 1985

Greg tells Abby he's having problems with Elliot, the construction foreman. Abby tells Elliot they had new soil samples done so he can blast. Gary returns home, and breaks down over Bobby's death. At the station, Abby promotes Ben to General Manager, so now he's Joshua's boss. Mac meets with the Fishers and says they are victims too, and they should work together. The Fishers weren't approved for a conventional adoption because Sheila had had a nervous breakdown. Val is having a ball with the babies and doesn't have much time for Ben. Joshua does his show on how the power of prayer brought back the babies. Val's angry and tells him that SHE kept the faith, not him or his viewers. Ben finally spends time with Val, but is upset when Gary comes by and she invites him to stay. Val tells Gary she is naming her son after Bobby, and Ben is really hurt.

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The Christening

أكتوبر 17, 1985

Mac decides to investigate adoptions and asks the governor to send him someone to help him with the red tape. He sends Jill Bennett. She and Mac flirt and they kiss. Greg sees Laura with a co-worker and is jealous. Greg gives Abby a phony report that says the site for the TV station is better then where Gary wanted it. Ben tells Joshua that his ratings are slipping. Josh apologizes to Cathy and asks her to sing on his show again. Val plans the babies' christening. She asks Mac and Karen to be the godparent's. Val decides to name her daughter Elizabeth (Betsy) after Ben's mother.Lilimae's shoulder hurts, and so she goes to a few doctors' appointments, but it's nothing serious. Joshua tells Cathy that Lilimae's dying, so he can't move out. Sheila Fisher follows Val and the babies around. Harry's worried about her. They go to Val's and tell her they're moving, but will always love the babies. Val lets them say goodbye to the twins.

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A Little Assistance

أكتوبر 24, 1985

Greg has an underground chamber built at Empire Valley for the communications center. Ben is depressed over whether he and Val will ever get married. Ben tells Joshua he'd better do something to get his ratings up, or he'll cancel his show. Joshua asks Cathy to sing again, but she doesn't want to and they argue. The next day Cathy has a big bruise. Val thinks Joshua hit her.The governor decides to keep Jill at Mac's office. He's angry and he and Jill continually argue. Greg decides to hire an assistant. A man comes in and says to the other applicants that the position was filled, so they all leave. Abby is there, and he says ""Didn't you hear me? I said it was filled!"" Abby tells Greg she likes him. He is Peter Hollister and says Greg needs him to run his office properly and that he wants to learn from Greg.

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A Question of Trust

أكتوبر 31, 1985

Joshua is upset that Cathy gets more fan mail than he does. Ben shows Cathy how much the ratings rise when she is on. Cathy asks if Joshua knows that and Ben says yes. Gary's upset that the TV station was built on the wrong site. Greg tells Abby that she'd better get Elliot to back up their phony report (as Peter listens in on the phone). Abby tells Elliot that she found out his son was once arrested on a drug charge. He's graduating from law school and Abby threatens to tell his employers, so Elliot lies to Gary about the phony report. Karen's jealous of Mac working with Jill, and tells Val that the way they argue reminds her of she and Mac when they first met. Jill tells Mac she is going back to Sacramento, but he says he'd like her to stay.

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نوفمبر 7, 1985

Jill tells Mac that she loves him. Peter listens in as Abby tells Greg that Gary called the surveyor to come into town. Peter has a man call Gary pretending to be the surveyor and rectifies the situation. Karen offers Laura a job overseeing the next phase at Lotus Point. Joshua doesn't show up for a taping, so Ben has Cathy sing for the whole show. Josh sees it, and is really upset. He meets a waitress, Linda, and makes out with her. Joshua has Cathy meet him and he beats her up. She runs to Ben's. They have a heart to heart talk, and Ben tells her to leave Joshua. Cathy points out that he doesn't leave Val. Val tells Ben she loves him and is ready to get married. He says that's not a solution, but she convinces him. He says he will, but that he wants to be the twins father - their only father, and Val agrees. Gary stops by to see the twins, and begins to suspect that he may be their father.

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Pictures at a Wedding

نوفمبر 14, 1985

Gary is sure the twins are his. Joshua tries to break into Cathy's apartment, and then trashes Val's house. Val kicks him out and Lilimae is upset. At the station Joshua finds out that Ben gave his show to Cathy, and he and Ben fight. Cathy tells Ben that Josh is upset because Lilimae is dying. Ben talks with her Doctor, who says Lilimae only has bursitis. Cathy is upset that Joshua would lie to her like that. Greg thinks Peter is snooping too much, but Peter says Greg is sloppy with information. Equipment convoys for the underground communication center are coming to Empire Valley on Monday, so Abby asks Gary to go away with her to get him out of town.Val and Ben ask the McKenzies to stand up for them at their wedding, and to go along with them that Ben is the twin's father. On the day of the wedding, Val and Lilimae make up. Gary decides to drop Olivia off before going out of town and stops to talk to Val. Ben sees this and isn't happy.

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Until Parted by Death

نوفمبر 21, 1985

Ben and Val get married and go on their honeymoon, where they act really silly. Abby tells Elliot that all the men need physicals on Monday for insurance purposes. Elliot goes to the site and snoops in the underground chamber. On vacation, Abby gets a call that Elliot is dead, so they come home. Abby asks Greg why Elliot had to die, and surprised, he says he thought she had him killed. Cathy's apartment is filled with flowers from Joshua, and she is scared because he got in. She moves back in with Laura. Jason lets Josh in, and he begs Cathy to take him back. Laura orders him out of the house. They fight, and he knocks Laura over. Mac says he's filing a complaint and that Josh better stay out of the neighborhood. Joshua tells them he only hit Cathy to keep her off of drugs. He goes to Lilimae's and talks to her about how Jonathan physically abused him. Joshua is staying with Linda, and he tells her not to worry, that Cathy won't be in their way much longer.

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Rise and Fall

ديسمبر 5, 1985

Elliot's widow tells Gary Elliot was there because he was dissatisfied with how things were going at Empire Valley. Gary tells Mac. Val and Lilimae are really worried about Joshua. They find him preaching in the mission district. Val offers to take him to a psychiatrist. Joshua tells Lilimae he's come up with a plan for he and Cathy to be together forever. As Cathy drives home from the station, Joshua pops up from the backseat. Holding a knife to her neck, he instructs her to drive to the mission district. He takes her to the roof of a building. He tells her he's going to throw her over and kill himself, so they'll always be together. Laura calls Val's, worried that Cathy isn't home. Lilimae drives to the mission district where she saw Josh preach, and seeing Cathy's car, follows them to the building. Lilimae reaches the roof and yells at Joshua to let Cathy go. She screams that Joshua is cruel and a liar. Joshua puts Cathy down, and starts backing up as Lilimae yells that he's a monst

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To Sing His Praise

ديسمبر 12, 1985

Cathy wants to tell the police what happened, but Lilimae tells the police that Joshua and Cathy were getting back together, and that he called her to meet him, but was dead when she arrived. Jonathan comes to town to perform Joshua's funeral.Gary confronts the surveyor, who tells him that Greg and Abby paid him off. Gary confronts Abby, and want to know what is ""really"" going on at Lotus Point. He shakes his head at Abby and says, ""God, we're different"". Coblentz wants Gary out of Empire Valley and hires a hit man to kill Gary and Abby. The hitman tries to run Gary off the road. Gary snoops around and finds the underground chamber. He goes into a room that is filled with technical equipment and white coated technicians.

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All's Well

ديسمبر 19, 1985

Ben lets Cathy move into his beach house. Lilimae blames Ben for Joshua's death, and decides to move in with Cathy. Kenny, Linda's boyfriend, tells her that he was there when Joshua died. Gary tells Greg he'll sell Empire Valley, and to call off the hit man. He says if anything happens to him, he's left Empire Valley to Mac. Greg tells Coblentz that Gary will sell, but Coblentz tells the hit man to kill them anyway. Gary sends the kids away, and makes Abby dress in coveralls and help him to carry things into the buildings at Empire Valley. Gary has the security guard call Greg. Greg rushes to Empire Valley, and so do Mac and Karen. The hit man is about to shoot Gary, but just then everyone drives up and yells to Gary to watch out. Gary activates a remote control, and all of the structures in Empire Valley blow up. Greg and Abby are furious, but Gary whoops with joy!

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ديسمبر 26, 1985

Linda goes to the police and says she thinks her boyfriend Kenny murdered Joshua. Lilimae wants to move back in with Val, but Val isn't sure, as she's always so mean to Ben. Ben teasingly says ""If she gets out of line, I'll rap her up side the head!"" Gary ignores Abby and stays at Lotus Point. Greg gives a press conference saying that Gary blew up Empire Valley because of structural damages. Greg speaks to a portrait of Galveston about how he let him reach back from the grave and manipulate him. Greg says that Coblentz gained control because he was weak, and not mean, hard or cruel enough to hold them off, because he was not a barbarian like his father. He says, ""Congratulations, you've hatched a new breed of barbarian,"" and he then vows to go even further than Galveston in creating his own empire, and will let nobody and nothing stand in his way.

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Unbroken Bonds

يناير 2, 1986

Peter tells Laura that Greg needs her, so she invites him to dinner.Gary tells Val that he know the twins are his. She tells him that he needs to respect that she, Ben and the twins are a family. Gary continues to hang around the twins, so Ben tells Gary it has to stop. Abby gets mad when Gary sides with Karen on a Lotus Point issue. He says that he trusts Karen, and doesn't trust her, so he will always side with Karen, and she'd better get used to it. Gary also sleeps with another woman. Jill is in town and tells Karen the Governor wants to know if she'd be interested in being on the State Planning Commission. Karen says yes. Jill is very cool towards Mac, who introduces Gary to Jill. Kenny is arrested for Joshua's murder. Cathy wants to tell the truth, but Lilimae says they will release him if they keep quiet. However, Kenny is charged with the murder.

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Web of Lies

يناير 9, 1986

When Abby hears that Karen is being considered for the planning commission, she tells Greg that she wants the seat. Abby tries to talk to Gary, but he says it's over, and he invites Jill for a drink. Ben is angry that Gary knows about the twins, but Val swears she didn't tell him. Greg sends Laura a note that says ""I Love You Very Much"" and takes her out for a romantic evening. Laura asks Mac how she can get divorced, since she can't find Richard. Cathy still wants to tell the truth, and is depressed over the situation. Ben tries to cheer her up. Cathy finally tells Mac the truth, and Mac tells Val to talk to Lilimae. Val tries, but Lilimae says it would tarnish Joshua's memory. Finally Val gets through to her by saying that Kenny has a mother too. Lilimae goes to the police station.

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The Confession

يناير 16, 1986

Jill tells Karen that someone spoke to the Governor on Abby's behalf, but she'll do all she can to help her. Abby tells Karen that they won't choose her because of her drug problem. Karen tells them about her drug problem, but it's too late - the Governor already chosen Abby. Peter lets Greg know he went to law school. He then visits his ""mother"" and they talk about how they'll have a lot of money soon. Cathy and Lilimae are grilled by police. The police tell Mac that they may be charged with murder - after all, Cathy was in prison for murder, and Lilimae had run over Chip.Cathy has a new saxophone player on her show, Sonny Harkins. He befriends Cathy and says he'll be there if she needs to talk. Unbeknownst to her, he tapes their conversations.

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يناير 23, 1986

The police decide not to prosecute Lilimae and Cathy, however a story about what happened is in the tabloid that Sonny works at. Peter and his mother discuss her relationship with Galveston, and how Peter is Greg's half brother. Jill tells Mac that the Governor wants her to work with him, and she'll be moving into the office next to his. She gives him the key to her room at the Bryant Hotel. Mac drives by the hotel, but decides not to go in. Greg calls Abby, and Olivia picks up an extension. She hears Greg threaten to tell Gary that Abby knew all along that he was the father of the twins, and that she knew they were alive. Upset, Olivia asks the McKenzies if she can live with them, though she won't say why. Abby and Gary go to get her, and she tells Abby that if she doesn't let her live there, she will tell Gary about the twins. Olivia asks her how she could do something like that, and Abby leaves, very upset.

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Friendly Enemies

يناير 30, 1986

Peter tells Greg that he's his brother, and brings Sylvia to meet him. Laura thinks Peter is up to something, and is frustrated that Greg seems unconcerned. Abby overhears Laura telling this to Karen, and she asks Peter out for a drink. Gary decides to go into racing. Karen finds Jill's hotel key in Mac's pocket and confronts him with it. He tries to explain that he would never use it, but it made him feel younger, more alive, like life wasn't passing him by, and he hopes Karen will understand. Crying, she says no. Mac's upset that Jill went through his Westfall file without permission. Sonny accidentally drops a tape marked ""Cathy #3"". Val plays the tape, and hears Sonny's notes about his articles. Meanwhile, Sonny is out to dinner with Cathy. She tells him how Joshua tried to throw her off of the roof, and that Lilimae saved her life. Sonny says he's sorry for what Joshua did to her.

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A Key to a Woman's Heart

فبراير 6, 1986

The tabloid has an article about how Joshua tried to kill Cathy. Ben tells her that Sonny works for the tabloid. She breaks down crying and Ben comforts her. Cathy slaps Sonny, who tells her he had to do it, to tell her side of the story.Greg tells Laura that Galveston kept a file on Sylvia, and sent her monthly checks. Greg tells Peter that he can prove his loyalty by working with him to recover Empire Valley and bring down Gary and Abby. Jill continues to investigate Westfall, but won't tell Mac why. Mac gives her back the key and it upsets Jill. Mac apologizes to Karen and gives her flowers, but she's still angry, and he accuses her of blowing it out of proportion. Val takes Mac's side, saying he didn't use the key and that she shouldn't lose her marriage because of her hurt pride, but Karen insists she feels betrayed.

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A Very Special Gift

فبراير 13, 1986

Karen and Mac make up.Greg asks Peter to start a social relationship with Abby. Peter tells Sylvia that Greg wants him to spy on Abby, and Abby wants him to spy on Greg. Sylvia is concerned that Peter's double dealing will backfire on him. Gary and Jill sleep together. Later, they run into Peter, who asks Jill if Gary suspects anything. She says no. Mac and Ben think that the Governor must be opening the Westfall case, since Jill is so interested in it. Abby hires a detective to check out Jill. Michael finds that Olivia has a joint, but she says she's holding it for a friend. Val throws a party for the twins' first birthday. They open the card from Gary, and inside is a deed to half of Empire Valley.

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Irrevocably Yours

فبراير 20, 1986

Val and Ben think Gary's gift is out of line, but he's given it to them in a trust, so they can't do anything about it. Ben's furious, and tells Gary that there's a lot more to being a father than genes, and he is the twins' father. Greg and Abby are furious when they find out Gary gave away Empire Valley. Mac finds out that Jill hounded the Governor for months to work with him, but she says it was just a career move. A woman comes up to Mac and Jill, and calls her Dottie Simpkins, and says they went to Franklin High together. Jill says she must be mistaken. Mac finds out that Franklin High is in Westfall. Michael can tell Olivia is stoned, but she denies it. She goes out to dinner with Abby and smokes pot in the bathroom. Michael drops Olivia off at school, and is then pulled over by the police. They find a joint in his car.

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High School Confidential

مارس 6, 1986

Michael is booked. He denies the joint is his, but won't say who's it is. Michael tried to convince Olivia to tell the truth, but she won't. Karen suspects it is Olivia's and tells Abby, who is enraged that Karen could think such a thing. Gary is in a race car crash, and is kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Abby shows up and doesn't like that Jill is there. She tells Peter that she values her marriage and to ""distract"" Jill. Mac and Jill go to check water samples at Westfall. The town doctor, who thinks he recognizes Jill, says that there has been an increase in arsenic poisoning. Mac looks through a Franklin High yearbook, and sees Jill's picture with the name Dorothy Simpkins. Greg tells his attorney to make Peter an offer, but not too big. He tells Laura it is a test. If Peter accepts less than half of the company, then he is not his brother. A guest at Lotus Point gets sick with arsenic poisoning.

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Distant Rumblings

مارس 13, 1986

Abby finds a joint in Olivia's purse, and makes her tell the truth. Olivia threatens her with the twins, and Abby says to go ahead and tell. The judge lets Olivia off, but says she has to join a support group. Greg offers Peter 5 million dollars. Peter doesn't accept, and tells Sylvia it's a test. Jill tells Mac that her father used to own Empire Valley, and Galveston swindled him out of it, so her father shot himself. Cathy tells Ben she wants to leave the show. He confides in her (and later Mac) that he is tired of Gary being in his life whichever way he turns. He and Cathy kiss. Mac tells Gary that his little trust fund stunt could cost Val her marriage, and he needs to think of consequences before he does things. Abby tells Gary that he failed Olivia, Lotus Point, and their marriage. Gary says he's decided to divorce her.

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Phoenix Rising

مارس 27, 1986

Abby doesn't want a divorce, and tells Gary that if he doesn't give her the rest of Empire Valley, she will drag out their divorce, and involve Val and the twins. Gary gives it to her. Abby tricks Sylvia into telling her that Peter is not really her son. Abby has Peter escort her to a fundraiser. Gary is there with Jill, so Abby says if Peter doesn't distract her, she will stop paying his attorney. Peter says he'll tell about the twins. Then Greg threatens Abby with the twins. Abby, tired of everyone holding this over her declares in front of everyone that she knew about the twins. She knew the twins were alive all along, but didn't want to say anything until she had proof, and as soon as she got it, she was the one who brought Val to the babies. Then Ben steps in and tells everyone it's none of their business. Cathy tells Ben she's been offered a tour. Abby brings Olivia home. Eric gets sick and is taken to Intensive Care.

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The Legacy

أبريل 3, 1986

Greg asks Laura to marry him. She says she will consider it. Greg fires Peter. Eric is very sick with arsenic poisoning. Abby finds out that Galveston dumped acid and arsenic in Empire Valley. She offers to sell Empire Valley to Greg, but he doesn't buy it, suspicious she wants to sell it so fast. Peter's mad at Sylvia for telling Abby everything. Sylvia says she deserves the money, as she really had Galveston's baby. Peter says he has done all the work and threatens Sylvia. Abby tells Peter she wants 51% of whatever money he gets or she will tell Greg that he's not Sylvia's son. When Jill finds out Gary gave Empire Valley to Abby, she agrees to work with Peter to get it from Abby. Gary calls Jill, but she ignores him. Jill tells Peter that she want out of the plan, because she's fallen in love with Gary and doesn't want to hurt him. Peter reminds her that Galveston killed their parents, and that they've come too far to turn back now.

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Arsenic and Old Waste

أبريل 10, 1986

Ben's really upset about Cathy leaving. He tells her that he isn't the twins' father. He goes to the beach house with a gift for her and they make out. Val is worried because she feels Ben slipping away from her. Jill tells Gary that she can't see him because she's in love with him, but doesn't want to be. Peter apologizes to Sylvia for his threats.Mac finds out that the reservoir at Lotus Point is loaded with arsenic. Abby admits that Galveston dumped arsenic at Empire Valley. Greg tells Laura that Galveston left Gary the land because he knew it was polluted, but he wants to buy it anyway, because he hates to lose. Everyone argues over who is responsible for cleaning up Empire Valley. Gary thinks Greg should, as Galveston dumped the chemicals. Greg thinks Gary should, as his explosion started the leak.

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A Change of Heart

أبريل 17, 1986

Greg takes Laura to Las Vegas to get married at the Wedding Chapel of Joy. She's reluctant, but he tells her how much he loves and needs her. Later, Karen and ask Laura if there's anything she can do to get Greg to help with the cleanup of Lotus Point, and Laura remarks that a wife should have some influence over her husband. Abby's taken aback. Laura asks Greg to clean up Empire Valley for her wedding present.Greg tells Karen he will clean up Empire Valley in 4 months if she will get him all of Empire Valley back, or she can kiss Lotus Point goodbye. Eric comes home from the hospital. Jill again tells Peter that she wants out, and that she doesn't care about Empire Valley anymore, she just wants to stop lying to Gary. Ben and Cathy sleep together. Cathy tells Ben she doesn't want to leave him. Ben feels guilty, but Cathy says he should let himself feel happiness instead of always putting other's first. Val invites Cathy over for a good-bye dinner.

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His Brother's Keeper

مايو 1, 1986

Abby wants Karen to take Greg's deal. Gary and Karen try to figure out a way to clean up Empire Valley themselves. They turn to the EPA, Senator Henderson, and even try to get a loan, but nothing works out. Abby tells Gary that Jill's family owned Empire Valley, and that she's only with Gary because she wants Empire Valley back. Later Jill admits to Gary that when she first went out with him, she wanted Empire Valley, but then she fell in love with him. He coolly asks her ""Is that it?"" Senator Henderson is retiring, and Greg thinks Peter should be the next Senator. The Lotus Point groundskeeper dies of arsenic poisoning, and several people cancel their reservations. Karen decides to close Lotus Point. Val tells Ben that she senses something is wrong, and she'd like to work through it with him. He says he has a lot on his mind. Cathy asks Ben to go on the road with her and be her manager.

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Thicker Than Water

مايو 8, 1986

Gary offers to take back Empire Valley from the twins. He then agrees to sell it to Greg if he will guarantee the cleanup. Greg tells Laura that he wants Peter in politics, because then he will be back in politics. Peter's resistant, so Greg says if he will run, he will publicly acknowledge him as his brother and give him a big settlement. Greg also stops Sylvia's monthly check. Abby also tells Peter to accept Greg's offer, and she sleeps with him. Mac is worried when Karen misses lunch and he can't locate her. Ben tells Cathy he will go on tour with her, and Cathy is excited. He tells Val, who is stunned. Val tries to talk him out of it, and is scared he is leaving her. Ben assures her it is only for 6 weeks, and he really needs the time away to think about things. Lilimae is angry at Cathy and slaps her. Ben leaves. Paige Matheson shows up at the MacKenzies. When Mac gets home, she says ""I've wanted to meet you for a long time. I'm your daughter."" Paige has arrived.

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The Longest Night

Season Finale
مايو 15, 1986

Paige tells Mac she looked him up because her mother Anne died. He invites Paige to stay with them, but she decides not to. Jill and Gary make up. Val's distraught, and goes to the beach house, where she tears up a picture of Cathy and trashes the place. Lilimae, worried about her, calls Gary. Gary finds Val sitting despondently on the beach. They cry together, and then start laughing hysterically. Ben tells Cathy that he can't go with her on tour. She admits that she didn't want to hurt Val, but she's in love with Ben and wasn't thinking straight. Mac is out of his mind with worry about Karen, and has an APB put out to find her. Karen wakes up in a basement. Horrified, she finds she is locked in. She finds a tire iron and attempts to break a window, but a man comes downstairs and tells her not to.

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Knots Landing Block Party

مايو 13, 1993

The cast and crew of Knots Landing come together in this special one-hour show to talk about their favorite moments in the show's fourteen years of drama, laughs, and special moments.

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Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again

ديسمبر 2, 2005

A special that reunites original cast members Michele Lee, Donna Mills, Joan Van Ark, William Devane, Kevin Dobson and Ted Shackelford at the infamous cul-de-sac to celebrate and reminisce about the days they spent on the long-running series.

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(السهم الايسر) الصفحة السابقة


هل تريد تقييم او اضافة هذا العنصر للقائمة؟

تسجيل الدخول