林原めぐみ como Lina Inverse (voice)

Episodios 104

Fâchée? Lina Déchaîne le Drag Slave

7 de abril de 199522m

Lina Inverse rencontre un mercenaire appelé Gourry lors d’un affrontement avec une troupe de bandit appelait les crocs de dragon. Ils décident de voyager ensemble à la ville d'Atlas, mais d'abord ils doivent se débarrasser des bandits !

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Danger ! La momie veut se venger !

14 de abril de 199522m

Lina et Gourry sont parvenus à éliminer les crocs du dragon mais ils ont au passage détruit la ville. Ils décident alors tout deux de continuer le voyage ensemble mais Zolf, le dernier survivant des crocs du dragon, souhaite s’accaparer d’un objet inestimable que Lina a volé…

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Crash ! Le moine, la momie et l'homme mystère

21 de abril de 199522m

Zelgadis, accompagné de Zolf, souhaite acheter un objet. Refusant de lui vendre, Lina se fait un ennemi supplémentaire en la personne de Zelgadis…

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Panique ! Lina perd ses pouvoirs magiques !

28 de abril de 199522m

Lina et Gourry sont attaqués par Zelgadis et deux autres individus. La tâche s’avère difficile pour Lina qui ne peut avoir recours à ses pouvoirs.

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Fuyons ! Noonsa le triton apparaît !

5 de mayo de 199522m

Lors de son dernier affrontement contre Zelgadis, Lina a été capturé et amené dans un château. Zolf tente de faire dire à Lina où elle a caché la statuette mais en vain. Lina doit trouver un moyen de s’échapper mais lequel ?

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Le véritable ennemi est-il Rézo?

12 de mayo de 199522m

Alors que Zelgadis et Lina tente de s’échapper, ils se retrouvent devant Rezo, le moine rouge aveugle. Il semble que Zelgadis travaillait pour Rezo mais qu’il ait décidé de retourner sa veste. Lina et Zelgadis parviennent à s’enfuir mais Rezo envoi alors Delgia, un loup garou, à leur poursuite.

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L'Epée de Lumière à la rescousse !

19 de mayo de 199522m

Lina et Zelgadis sont toujours poursuivis par les hommes de Rezo. Ce dernier a même fait appel à un démon nommé Zolom. Heureusement, Gourry retrouve Lina pour lui venir en aide.

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Shabrani-Godou réssuscite !

26 de mayo de 199522m

Zolf et Rodimas ont rejoint Zelgadis, Lina et Gourry. Rezo menace de transformer tous les habitants d’un village si Lina ne lui remet pas la pierre de sagesse. Lina décide d’aller voir Rezo pour connaître ses intentions.

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A la veille du choc final !

2 de junio de 199522m

Shabranigodou, qui été enfermé dans le corps de Rezo, reprend forme. Zolf décide de l’affronter mais il perdra la vie tout comme Rodimas. Devant ce terrible spectacle et ne pouvant faire face à Shabranigodou, Lina et ses compagnons décident de fuir. Après cette résurrection, les trolls s’en prennent aux villageois…

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On tente le tout pour le tout !

9 de junio de 199522m

Lina, Zelgadis et Gourry se retrouvent face à Shabranigodou. Cette fois-ci, ils sont bien décidés à l’affronter. Mais parviendront-ils à le vaincre ?

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La famille royale a un pépin !

16 de junio de 199522m

Alors que Lina attend à un carrefour, Gourry part en ville. Sur le chemin, il assiste à un vol. Alors qu’il s’apprête à aider le paysan, une jeune fille un peu maladroite a recourt à la magie pour venir en aide au paysan. Lina abandonne son idée de rencontrer le prince er se rend dans une auberge. Là, deux hommes lui demande un service…

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L'entraînement spécial d'Amelia

23 de junio de 199522m

Lina et Gourry sont rejoint par le prince Phil et sa fille Amélia. Sur leur route, ils croisent des voleurs. Amélia tentent de les vaincre mais se retrouve dans une mauvaise position. Heureusement, Lina vient à son secours. Amélia, impressionnée, souhaite que Lina lui apprenne le Drag Slave.

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Le prix à payer pour la justice !

30 de junio de 199522m

Lina et ses compagnons arrivent au château du prince Phil et découvrent que Lina et Gourry sont recherchés…

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Les invités de Cylorg !

7 de julio de 199522m

Lina, Gourry et Amélia partent en direction de Cilorg pour découvrir qui est à l’origine de l’avis de recherche. Mais les chasseurs de prime sont toujours à leur trousse…

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Lina se marie pour un caprice !

14 de julio de 199522m

Lina, Gourry et Amélia sont toujours en direction de Cilorg. Sur le chemin, ils rencontrent un jeune homme ensorcelé qui va demander à Lina de l’épouser afin de se débarrasser de la sorcière Carry qui veut le marier avec sa fille pour lui prendre son argent.

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Les jeunes à la scène

21 de julio de 199522m

Mourant de faim, Lina et ses camarades sont attirés par une alléchante odeur. Cette dernière les conduits jusqu’à une troupe de théâtre. Tous les trois seront alors embauchés pour jouer dans la pièce.

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Demande en mariage pour Mlle

28 de julio de 199522m

L’équipe de Lina n’en fini pas de combattre les chasseurs de prime. Ils se trouvent désormais face à la mer dans laquelle se trouve un terrible dragon des mers. Il faut absolument qu’ils traversent cette mer pour atteindre Cilorg.

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Le moine rouge réapparaît !

4 de agosto de 199522m

Gourry, Lina et Amélia arrivent enfin à Cilorg. Ils y rencontrent une amie de Gourry qui leur apprend qui est l’auteur de l’avis de recherche. Il s’agit de Elis ! Ils décident alors de se rendre dans sa demeure…

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La destruction de Cylorg !

11 de agosto de 199522m

Zelgadis a rejoint l’équipe de Lina pour faire face à Elis et ses acolytes. Ces derniers seront rejoints par Rezo ! Rezo est bien de retour et sa puissance semble être plus grande. Heureusement, Silfile viendra à la rescousse de Lina afin de leur permettre de s’enfuir…

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Voilà Larnim, l'homme-poisson !

18 de agosto de 199522m

Rezo a détruit Cilorg et Lina et ses compagnons ont trouvés refuge dans une maison abandonnée dans laquelle ils y passent la nuit. Ils décident ensuite de retrouver le trésor caché de Rezo pensant qu’ils peuvent y trouver son point faible…

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Gourry contre Zanglus !

25 de agosto de 199522m

Le groupe de Lina atteint le laboratoire de Rezo et commence à chercher leur chemin. Très vite, ils tombent sur Rezo, Elis et Zangulus. Ce dernier veut affronter Gourry mais le groupe de Lina est téléporté dans des pièces différentes. Zangulus pourra toutefois affronter Gourry dans une arène. Pendant ce temps, les autres cherchent une sortie mais de nombreux pièges viennent compliquer les choses.

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Les laissés pour compte

1 de septiembre de 199522m

Le groupe de Lina, de nouveau réuni, poursuit sa route à la recherche de l’héritage de Rezo mais le bon chemin n’est pas facile à trouver… Lors de leur recherche, ils découvrent une pièce secrète où se trouve un véritable poulet nommé Teeba qui les conduira à l’héritage de Rezo.

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L'obsession d'Elis !

8 de septiembre de 199522m

Eris projette d’utiliser la tablette de Rezo pour ressusciter Zanaffar, le démon responsable de la destruction de la Cilorg antique. Le groupe livre une bataille désespérée pour l'arrêter.

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Le monstre réssuscite !

15 de septiembre de 199522m

Le clone de Rezo a éliminé Elis, sa créatrice, et Zanaffar s’empare du corps de Rezo afin de ressusciter. Le combat devient alors de plus en plus difficile…

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Bless Blade, le dernier espoir !

22 de septiembre de 199522m

Lina a été grièvement blessée. Cependant Silfile tente de la guérir. Pendant que cette dernière part mettre Lina à l’abris le temps de sa guérison, les autres tentent de faire face au faux Rezo et seront bientôt rejoint par le prince Phil.

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La victoire est pour moi !

Final de temporada
29 de septiembre de 199522m

Lina est enfin guérit. Pendant qu’elle tente de rejoindre ses amis afin de combattre le faux Rezo, ce dernier tente de détruire l’arbre Saint Fragoon. Une fois le groupe à nouveau réunit, ils combattront à nouveau contre le clone de Rezo.

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In the season's opener, We see Lina and Gourry in an inn, eating, when suddenly a fight breaks out, spilling all of her food. They get a taste of her power by this. Amelia wonders what Lina is up too, since months passed by. Amelia, representing Seillun, goes into the city and hears the fight. It reminds of her of Lina, and to surprise Lina is there, teaching several guys a lesson. She hugs Lina, and say a few minor stuff together. Lina reveals she is here to see the Xoana book, which had several connections with Shabringo 1,000 years ago. Word is, it's about valuable as the Claire Bible, and is only being shown every fifty years. Amelia is about to say something else (why her being there) but lies and tells her she is there for that reason too. Amelia then wonders off, to the castle. At the castle, King Moras, and his daughter, Martina, plot away the kidnapping of Saillune's daugther. They think their forces will be sucessful in invading, Saillune, and taking ver the world! HA

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Zeloss, le prêtre moqueur

12 de abril de 199622m

Zelgadis tries to seperate himself from the group in order to look for the Clair Bible. When they aren't asking him why he is so distant, he gives a not-so secret clue by yelling at them.

Lina wants to help him, so the middle of the night, she terrorizes a group of bandits about or location of the Clair Bible, but they don't know anything. The rest of the group go to Lina, and is shocked by her actions. She tries to lie, but Amelia isn't that dumb.

A mysterious guy named Xellos shows up and asks for their help looking for the manuscript of the Clair Bible. He explains a group of bandits had stolen the manuscript from the temple he worked at, but they aren't fooled. Lina asks him what is his true intention, but he tells her ""It's a secret.""

Zelgadis isn't pleased with Xellos, and decide to look for it on his own. Xellos then explains he knows the group of bandits that stole it called the ""Fighting Dragon's Blood Macho Battlers.""

Lina and Gourry dress up in disguise and present the

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Lina and Amelia fight over which restaurant is better, Roast Beef or Hot Pot. Lina/Gourry goes to the Roast Beef restaurant, while Amelia and Zelgadis goes to the Hot Pot restaurant.

Both parties are approached by two different men, and are asked to take a position as body guards for two candiates that are running against each other.

What they both don't know is when playing dirty, Lina/Gourry attack Amelia/Zelgadis, and vice versa.

Both candiates, Tarimu (for Lina/Gourry), and Demia (for Amelia/Zelgadis), decide for them to have a showdown at the ruins of the city, which is just north of there.

When parties meet, they are not surprised who are they challenging, but they head back to town, where magical slime beasts are attacking everyone. Lina/Amelia goes to find the roots of the beasts, and it is revealed that it's coming for both of their candiates home.

They throw Taimu and Demia in jail, but both Lina and Amelia forgot that they didn't get paid (after being promised to get high

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They visit both Tarimu and Demia and they think Halcyform, the former guild director, did it to them.

Lina and the gang go to Halcyform's home, which is the only place isn't damage, and they find out Halcyform pledge to the monsters (or to Saygram) to become immortal.

Halcyform seem to powerful for them, but Lina trapes him in ice. Saygram wants to attack, but Xellos shows up, and Xellos tells him not to. Saygram retreats, and Xellos talks to them. He was about to explain how to kill Halcyform, but Lina beat him to it, explaining that inorder to kill the pledge, you must destory the stone that he pledge.

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Au nom de l'amour

3 de mayo de 199622m

The group manages to search around the home, and find a hidden room in the attic. By this time, Halcyform has already been defrosted.

They escape his wrath when Lina makes a whole in the ground around them. They land in a sewer like place in the home, where slugs are present. Lina gets scared and hang on to Gourry. They proceded to get transported to another place by Saygram, while Zelgadis and Amelia fight of the slugs. Then Amelia and Zelgadis manages to get kidnapped.

Shortly after, Lina and Gourry runs away after being transported and end up in a lab. They see a woman laying there, and Halcyform shows up. We learn his back story, why he is doing this. He is trying to bring back the love of his life, Rubia (the woman in the box) after monsters attacked them, and he wasn't unable to save her.

Amelia and Zelgadis shortly appears, wrapped up in a cococun, they fall into the pool, where they lose their energy, giving it to Rubia.

Lina figures out where the pledge stone is, and

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Ne fuis pas, le retour de Martina l'obsède

10 de mayo de 199622m

Martina swears to take something from Lina and tries to do so in a disguise but fails when stealing her jewel that explodes on her.

The gang decide to rest at a spa (hot spring looking but isn't) sorta of place, where Martina manages to steal Lina's bandana while sleeping. Martina then proceeds to curse Lina (thanks to Lord Zoamelgustar.)

The next morning, when Gourry stole Lina's food, she attacks him, and gets hit herself.

Xellos, then gives a demonstration saying that someone cursed Lina, and if she hurt (or touch you) she get the touch back. By proving this, Xellos forces Gourry to grab Lina's boobs. She then kicks him in the groin, only to have the pain return to herself.

Martina shows up and explains she did this. They run away as Monsters suddenly shows up and attacks them.

Martina while running accidentally drops a knife, breaking the spell. Lina does a fireball, sending Martina away.

After a hard days work, Amelia suggests to Lina they'd go to a hot spring next time so th

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Lina and the gang stop by in a town offering a Dragon Course feast. The workers try to fool Lina and co., with imitations, or whale food.

They notice it, and they go to the back and demand their food. The head chef tells them personally he'd get the dragon and make it himself, making Lina all excited. He offers them to go hunting for the dragon, and they accept. Basically they have trouble capturing the dragon, but they manage to.

In the end, as Lina awaits her food, it is revealed that due to the dragon's poision, it will take long to cook (at least 2 months - 6 months a dish.) Rather waiting for their cuisine, Gourry, Amelia, and Zelgadis drag Lina out of the restaurant as she screams for the dragon cuisine.

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Deviens éternel, le jour ou Phil est mort

24 de mayo de 199622m

They return to Seyruun only to find the flags are at at half-mast. They think Phil (Amelia's father) is dead, but no body was recovered.

They soon learn that there was (and still is) some kind of plot against Phil, which could of been why he died.

While talking one late night, they are interrupted by a intruder at the castle, making the guards go into a frenzy.

The next morning, Lina and the rest are attacked by the same intruder, but only to find out that it's Phil is disguise. He then reveals that the only way he could of find out who was really against him was to fake his own death.

He is worried because the battle has just begun.

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Ambition secrète, des aveux choquants

31 de mayo de 199622m

Lina and company find out that Kanzel and Mazenda, who are loyal subjects of Christopher (Phil's brother and who is next in line for King if Phil died) and Alfred (Christopher's son) are behind it.

They (Lina and Mazenda) get into a fight making Lina loses her magic at the end of the episode.

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After the battle (Kanzel and Mazenda got away), Lina can't use her powers, so she (by herself) decides to see the doctor (at mount Rune) who is famous for curing problems.

Lina manages to get Xellos (and Martina as a stowaway) up there as well. When they get there, they find out that is doctor is a 10 year old kid, who is actually a relative's real doctor who died long ago.

When mixing up a sensitive potion together, Martina manages to slip something in, in hopes of killing Lina only to have the potion blow up and house and everyone in it.

In the midst of the debris, they are attacked by monsters. Lina notices that Xellos is using some magical orbs/amplifers to give a power up on his magic. Lina manages to convince Xellos to give her the ampliers, and she puts it one.

After killing the monsters, Martina stumbles out of some debris, only to have something ontop her head...

The Claire Bible Manuscript!

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Back at Seyruun, Phil, Zelgadis, Amelia and Gourry are brought to another dimension by Mazenda and Kanzel.

With Lina, she eagerly reads the manuscipt that tells of a spell called the Ragna Blade, and will be useful later on in the show. Martina fells left out, and grabs the book only to have it burned Xellos.

Lina notices the smoke signals, and remembers what it meant. If Phil and the others were in trouble, the guards (or whoever) would do a smoke signal of some sort.

Lina uses the new Ragna Blade spell to break through the barrier, only to have Phil kidnapped again by Kanzel. We find out they were after Lina from all along.

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Coup de théâtre, une vérité inattendue

21 de junio de 199622m

It was Alfred (Amelia's cousin) who was all along behind the whole kidnapping/kill Phil situation, only to have Kanzel and Mazenda turn and kill him-- the actual bad guys.

Phil manages to get himself knocked out, while Lina and the rest are being taken by Kanzel up high in the sky (thanks to one land piece of Seyruun.)

They manages to kill Mazenda, but are they strong enough to kill Kanzel?

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Lina was only bluffing that her powers were gone, so when thinking that Kanzel managed to kill Lina by pushing her at the edge of the cliff (and straight down to Seyruun), she manages to get a sneak attack with a Dragon Slave which does little damage. She then amplify her power and uses the Laguna Blade to kill Kanzel.

The problem is Kanzel's power was holding up the little island, and it's heading towards Seyruun.

Lina and company manages to get down before the island, and Xellos sugests to do a magical amplified version of a Dragon Slave. She does it, and it not only blows up the island but a small piece of Seyruun as well.

At the end, they are worried about Lina, saying that Gaav, the Demon Dragon King is after her and why is she linked to it...

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Lina pays for a map, saying that their is treasure in an anceint ruin that may or may not contain the real Claire Bible.

They reached the ruin only to find two other groups are also looking for this ""treasure"", and a silly looking monster, guarding the ruins.

Lina manages to slow the two groups down as the monster goes for both parties. Leaving Lina and company alone as they enter the ruin. It has several stupid obstacles at first (When Lina tells them if you see a button... Gourry pushes it, only to find out you're not suppose to push it, etc.) but they reach a room containing a treaure like chest.

They look at the contents of the chest, only to find out that it contains a book and two dresses that are needed to perform the spells in the book.

The silly monster attack them, while the other groups show up. The all of them (except Lina, Amelia and Zelgadis) fight each other.

Lina and Amelia stop the fight as they put on the dresses, and proceeds to do sing the 'spells' in the book (a

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Grande collision, la bataille de la tour d'arteme

12 de julio de 199622m

The gang visit a place called Artemay Tower, after Xellos tells them a story spooking them of their wits.

He tells how a guy lived in the tower, with all dolls and fell inlove with a villager. When the girl went missing, angry villagers went to the tower, only to find all the dolls has the girl (who he fell in love with) had all her face on the dolls.

Thanks to the chef at the inn they were in, they get some cute costumes and head for the tower. They disreguard the dolls, only to have the dolls scare them (in broad day light.) They figure out about the costumes, and uses it, as they enter the tower.

The dolls aren't arrive of them, and they get a visit from the guy from the story named Joe. After a few twists and turns, they manages to kill the real monster, who was acting as Joe's doll.

Back at the end, Lina is upset at Xellos saying that they did that for nothing, thinking that the Claire Bible could be actually up there. But the others are happy with their cute costumes.

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Lina manages to get herself stuck in a situation she cannot refuse. When thinking that if you enter Brass Rackets (like Tennis but with special rackets, and you control the ball) competion, you could win a clue to the Claire Bible.

A man, Rudo, approaches Lina after seeing her fight the last meat ball. She doesn't aceept it at first, but does when Martina and Keith, Rudo's rival challenges them.

As the match goes on, Xellos and Amelia manages to sneak into the competition, only to be beaten by Lina and Rudo.

In the final, Lina/Rudo, and Martina/Keith scares the rest of the opponents, and get disqualified-- leaving Xellos and Amelia the winners.

They then find out that the clue wasn't actually for a Claire Bible, but a Claire GABLE-- the guy who invented it. Zelgadis is pissed, and manages to hit Xellos with a spell.

As this episode end, we find out that Keith is actually Rudo's son, and Lina and Martina goes berzerk. They chase them with the balls, and the rackets.

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Slayers Book of Spells: The Scary Chimera Plan

25 de julio de 199622m

Lina matches half-wits with Diol, a sorcerer who wants to incorporate her into the three-headed monster he's making. He's not much of an opponent until he produces 10 doppelgängers of Naga, complete with her grating laugh.

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La fameuse copine, serait-elle zelgadis ?

2 de agosto de 199622m

The gang decide to head to the town called Femille, who they think the Claire Bible may be there. The thing is, Femille is inhabited by females... ONLY. So yes, this would mean, Gourry, Zelgadis, Xellos would have to dress up.

While heading to Femille, Zelgadis manages to save the princess of Femille, Miwan, after being attacked by monsters. They bring her back to (of course) the queen, and she warns them, ""It's a good thing she was saved by all females. If any men would of be present, they would be sentenced to die-- no questions asked."" sort of warning.

Zelgadis starts to have a crush on Miwan, but she had problems on her own. Miwan is pressured to become a shrine maiden, but she doesn't want to. She decides she wants to break the fountain that would make them a shrine maiden, by just placing the water(fall) on the person's head.

Of course, they are attacked by monsters, and with Lina and company help (Zelgadis, and Gourry break out of their disguises in the process) they defea

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Le temple du sable, le secret du giga slave

9 de agosto de 199622m

Lina is fed up for looking and getting unexpected results for the Claire Bible, but Xellos reveals ontop of that mountain, in the temple holds the Claire Bible Manuscript.

After a hike up to the mountain, they enter the temple, and find out they entered another dimension-- a desert like place.

Xellos manages to reveal a tablet that is an actual manuscript of the Claire Bible. The only problem is, it's written in code, which is very confusing... and that 1,000 more tablets have been brought up by Xellos.

They don't know where to start, but they get help when a mysterious old lady, Auntie Aqua, tells them she is the keeper of the tablets. They ask for her help, and she reveals the tablet they seek is a three-day journey to the other side.

They decide to camp out the first night, and while Lina can't sleep, she sees Auntie Aqua by herself. Auntie Aqua reveals the tablet that Lina was looking for, and tells her to touch it.

Lina does and gets a glimpse, if she used a Giga Slave spell th

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We find out that Xellos is actually part monster, and is extremely powerful. They (Xellos, Lina) manages to get away, only to have Saygram (the hencemen) follow them.

The others tries attacking but nothing works. Gaav shortly shows up, and when the gang think they are going to die... Martina shows up.

Martina uses her brooch looking thing as a shield (Lord Zoamelgustar!), and to everyone's surprise, it works. They manage to run away, and Auntie Aqua pops out of Martina's brooch.

Auntie Aqua then reveals the truth, saying she is what's left of the Water Dragon King from the many years ago. She tells them to head to Katahto Mountains where the original Claire Bible is being held. She breaks a doorway for them, and they all manage to escape.

Eating at an inn, Martina finds out that Xellos is part monster, breaking her heart. What surprised them the most, Gourry knew this all along (before the rest of them.)

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En avant pour la vallée des dragons

16 de agosto de 199622m

A boy tries to steal Lina's wallet, but they catch on. As punishment, Lina makes him massage her neck/back, etc. They ask him about Kahato Mountains, and he gives them a map.

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Une vérité de mille ans

23 de agosto de 199622m

Lina steps through the barrier along with Milgasia, the guide/dragon who suppose to show her there. Along with Martina clutching on her leg, they reach a place where Lina manages to view the actual (ball of light) Claire Bible. She gets her answers, when using Giga Slave, she is actually calling on the Lord of Nightmares herself which enters her body. While this is all happening. her friends, fight off Saygram.

Lina comes back with full of knowledge, after Gaav manages to enter the dimension, killing Auntie Aqua. She shortly arrived when Lina showed up but fought him back and told them get out of there.

Lina manages to kill Saygram with the Laguna Blade spell. Just when Xellos congratulates her, he gets atatacked by Gaav.

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Towards at the end of the last episode, Amelia is badly and is being healed by Milgasia, while the others fight Gaav off. Xellos escapes Gaav's grip, while Martina and the little boy are watching from afar. Gourry and Zelgadis tries to fight him off, but when think they are about to get killed, Amelia wakes up and stops Gaav.

Gaav starts to head for Amelia, but Zelgadis jumps, taking the blow which saves her. Lina is very weak, and is now being healed by Milgasia. She is fully recovered, and fights Gaav. She uses the Laguna Blade to kill him.

When they are about to celebrate, Martina notices the boy missing. All off a sudden, Gaav shows up, and they try to make a run for it. But then, the Hellmaster, shows up... who was actually the little boy in disguise. With a snap of his fingers, Gaav is instantly killed.

The Hellmaster, named Phibrizzo, somewhat retreats and takes Gourry as a hostage, so that Lina follows his unknown plan to them. He tells them go to Sairaag, to save Gou

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Le voyage des retrouvailles

6 de septiembre de 199622m

While going to Sairaag, Lina takes her anger out of some bandits, and someone hiding in back of a bush, who turned out to be Sylphiel.

Sylphiel has no doubts on going with them (including Martina-- but she has something else in mind, non-revenge on Lina) and questions Lina about her relationship with Gourry.

Lina gives her answer like she did with the first season, is until Gourry decides to give her the sword of light, they will be off (despite Sylphiel liking Gourry.)

They are then attacked by a guy, who has the Sword of Light. They fight him off, and joining the fight is Zangulus. Lina manages to use the Laguna Blade against this skilled swordsmen, only to find out it's Gourry behind it.

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Un piège perfide, la cité fantôme

13 de septiembre de 199622m

Phibrizzo takes Gourry back, and which forces them to go to Sairaag. They reached Sairaag, and eariler reports were true. Sairaag was the city that the Copy Rezo had destoryed, but is suddenly back for no reason.

Further evidence is proven, when Sylphiel manages to meet/hug her dead father. He then reveals they are all dead but was brought to ""life"" by Phibrizzo. Lina tries to get more out of Phibrizzo, but they way that Sylphiel's father and everyone else, he is limited to answer questions.

Although he can answer this... Phibrizzo is in a temple located in the center of the town. Lina and company tries to enter the temple, but it has no doors. Suddenly a door appears, and Lina rushes into, only to have her running back out.

They figure it's something to do with the dimension, but before they could invistage more, they are ""cornered"" by villagers, who doesn't attack. Lina knows they are under Phibrizzo's order, and leave quietly.

Later in midnight, they decide to come up with a

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L'âme des morts, la dernière décision de Lina

20 de septiembre de 199622m

The three of them (Lina, Sylphiel, and Zangulus) reach Phibrizzo who reveals he is holding the dead (who ever was killed in the city) as his puppets.

Sylphiel then tells Lina to do a Dragon Slave, and she does. It is no match against Phibrizzo but Sylphiel does a Dragon Slave herself surprising him (and Lina.) When they think they killed him, he shows up for what seems to be their final battle.

Phibrizzo manages to bring Amelia, Zelgadis and Martina to him, and proceeds to slowly kill them off (he is the death master) until she decides to do the Giga Slave spell.

He starts to ""kill"" them one by one which forces her to do it. As Martina has her last breath, she tells Lina to do what she believes in (love with Gourry.) Lina does the spell and indeed lose control, and when it looks like his plan has suceeded, something happens. Lina starts to talk to Phibrizzo.

The person who is actually possessing Lina reveals he is actually the Lord of Nightmares himself. He reveals when someone d

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Go to Next! Et encore une fois...

Final de temporada
27 de septiembre de 199622m

Phibrizzo didn't know when someone casts the Giga Slave spell, he/she calls on the Lord of Nightmares himself. He wouldn't of not proceeded with this plan of more power, if he had known about this.

Lina (Who is actually possessed by the Lord of Nightmares-- note: I'm still refering to him as Lina) gives Phibrizzo what he wants, and kills him.

Everyone (including Gourry, but minus the already dead people) awakes from their humble sleep, and sees Lina. They are shocked to know that Lina is no more, since she is possessed by the Lord of Nightmares.

They place starts to crumble and Lina proceeds to go back to the dark where she came from. Gourry doesn't want to lose Lina, and goes after her. Amelia, Zelgadis, and Sylphiel tries to stop him but it's no use, when more of the debris stop them. Meanwhile with Martina and Zangulus, he suggest to pray to Zoamelgustar for there safety.

As Lina starts to head to the dark ball where she came from, Gourry still goes after her. He goes through

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Slayers Book of Spells: Jeffry's Knighthood

25 de enero de 199722m

Naga and Lina are hired to help a nerdish boy win his spurs in "Jeffrey's Knighthood." Their tutoring turns out to be completely unnecessary as Jeffrey's mother, Ms. Josephine, is a one-woman war machine capable of flattening any foe.

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After killing Phibrizzo, a barrier that was holding them in for a thousand of years (or so), has been removed, arranged by Phil (Amelia's father.) Lina gets a letter from someone named Filia, who wants to meet her and offers her money (something Lina can't refuse.)

While looking for her, they meet up with Zelgadis, who doesn't mind on coming along. His true intention was to go to the other lands and try to find a cure for himself. Filia shows up and wants to talk in private, so they go into a more secluded place. When Filia starts to talk, Gourry does something that is far unexpected.

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On the verge on dying, since they have no food on the ship, sea gulls are trying to eat Gourry. Zelgadis figures out that their must be land nearby, and Lina starts to go a lot of wind spells pushing them closer to land.

Once on land, they notice several creatures attacking the townsfolk. Lina and the group save the towns people and they reward them by giving them all you can eat food.

After their meal, they are shocked to see that the golden dragon they thought they killed is still alive. They rush to the landing site, only to be semi-shocked/surprised that the golden dragon turns back into Filia.

Filia then reveals the usual, the world is going to end which Lina is hesitant to do. Filia then gives her something incase something like this would happen. It's a letter from Lina's older sister, Luna, saying ""Just do it.""

Filia then reveals they need to go to the temple of the Fire Dragon King, so off they go!

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Le petit insolent ! Où va-t-il ?

18 de abril de 199722m

Lina and the gang starts to put off on going to the Fire Dragon King temple, and decide to check out the current city they are in. Needless to say, Lina and Gourry are checking out the food; Zelgadis is wandering around looking at old temples for a possible cure, causing some ruckess with locals; and Amelia loves the view, so she decides to go up to the highest point of the city, drawing a crowd bellow her.

After casting a few spells, Zelgadis is labelled as a demon (his looks and spells) and Amelia is labelled as an angel, when curing someone. Filia is upset at this, and tells them that this part of the word could only do simple spells.

Suddenly Filia senses evil, and Lina swears she seen Xellos. Yes. It was him. Lina thinks this whole prophecy thing might be connected with the monster race.

When finally heading out of the city, Lina and the gang are attacked by someone named Valgaav, someone who served under Gaav. He starts to pick a fight with them.

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Course poursuite ! Celui qui voulait se venger ?

25 de abril de 199722m

We find out Valgaav's plan:

1- Take the Sword of Light from Gourry. 2- Avenging his master Gaav, by killing Lina Inverse. 3- Looking for another ""Sword of Light"" item.

After showing off his double sided, Sword of Light and sampling it's power against Gourry, their swords cancel each other out. Valgaav's major boss comes (named Alymace) tells him to retreat. Lina tries to attack him, but Xellos shows up, saying that Alymace cannot be hurt by magic of anykind.

It looks like Lina and gang has a big war coming up...

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Fausse alarme ? Pas de fumée sans feu ?

2 de mayo de 199722m

Filia gets trialed in a small town after revealing she is a golden dragon. While on trial, Xellos shows up and puts down the dragon race (Xellos is a monster, and Filia is a dragon. Both races hates each other) and sets Filia off. Before anything can get finalized, Filia destroys the town.

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L'errance des nomades ? On fonce au temple !

9 de mayo de 199722m

Lina and the gange reach an ancient temple which turns out to be an ancient train heading towards the temple of the Fire Dragon Temple. It is powered by magic, so Lina and the rest can't use anything. They are heading nearer and nearer, and they figure to get their magic back, they'd need to find the source that is collecting their magic. Lina decides to cast Dragon Slave against the train, but it didn't work, and they end up only breaking part of the temple.

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Conférence au sommet ? C'est ça, le temple ?

16 de mayo de 199722m

Lina and the gang are tricked to rebuild the temple they broke. When they are done, they demand answers about the prophecy only to have Almayce show up.

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Attention au départ ! Le plan est fin prêt !

23 de mayo de 199722m

The Elder are sketchy with Lina, trying to save the world, but she gives them and everyone else and sample on what she could do. She uses the Laguna Blade spell, cutting (but not killing) Almayce.

Valgaav is upset that Almayce told him to stay back, and decides to go to the temple, wanting his revenge on Lina. He then proceeds to become an anicent Dragon, who is powerful than other dragons--wiped out thinking they might try and rule the world. Almayce some how gets away in all of this.

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Slayers Book of Spells: Mirror, Mirror

25 de mayo de 199722m

In "Mirror, Mirror," the enchanted looking glass of a fabled sorcerer backfires on a would-be thief: it produces versions of Lina and Naga that are mirror images of them psychologically--cute, cowering, and helpful.

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Tirs en cascades ! Sur les rives de la guerre !

30 de mayo de 199722m

Lina and the gang split in two diffent groups, Xellos, Amelia and Zelgadis in one, while Lina, Gourry and Filia in another. They need to explore two different cities at the same time that seems to be holding magical vessels. The two countries, Alto, and Bantone hate each other, and Lina and the group experiences their daily cannon ball fight against each other. We find out that the King's daughter of Alto, Sera, had befriended and fallen in love with the Queen's son of Bantone, Marco. Both sides, approach each group and they have a plan on stealing the magical vessels. As they do that in the middle of the night, both sides is alerted somehow. They all head for a tiny island that seems to be in the middle of the sea that is blocking them, and each city heads there too. Wait there is even more... creatures show up wanting to take the magical vessels what will Lina and the gang do next?

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Départ pour l'exil ! Un amour immortel ?

6 de junio de 199722m

One of the creatures named Gravos, has the double headed Sword of Light looking weapon. He uses it against Lina and the gang, breaking the island in several pieces, seperating Sera and Marco from them.

Filia, Zelgadis and Amelia go after the kids, while Lina and Gourry fight Gravos. Filia, Zelgadis and Amelia catch up with the kids, and Marco starts hating Sera. They refuse to help each other, so Amelia and Zelgadis step up to use the magical vessels, which we find out it was weapons from the anicent times, representing Holy and Dark powers.

Gravos starts to lose control of the weapon, and Lina decides to do a Dragon Slave to stop it. Then suddenly, it went away, thanks to Zelgadis and Amelia, but it's too late for Lina, and she casts her Dragon Slave.

In the end a bridge shows up connecting the two kindgoms, and Sera and Marco truly hate each other. Lina is surprise to see that the magical vessels are broken, thanks to Zelgadis and Amelia when hitting together to hard...

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Lina and the gang get tricked by Jillas who tellsl them a great power is on top of this funny looking mountain. They get paired by couples, Lina/Zelgadis, Gourry/Amelia, and Filia/Xellos which Filia ultimately refuses. This pairing also upsets Amelia. After some minor fights and tricks by Jillas, Gourry's recklessness causes the mountain to tip over losing his Sword of Light to Jillas.

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After 10 minutes of utter nonsense, Jillas runs away to their main base. Once again, they are split it groups, Lina/Gourry, Amelia/Zelgadis, and Filia/Xellos. Amelia/Zelgadis runs into Jillas, and takes the Sword of Light back. Lina/Gourry find Almayce sleeping and wake him up accidentally. We find out his true plans, is not summoning Dark Star, Dark Lord of the Overworld, but wanting to destroy him. Meanwhile with Filia/Xellos, they decide to split ways when hitting a fork in the Labyrinth. Xellos isn't fooled by Filia's way to trick him also, so they both head in the same direction (even though Filia doesn't know it.) Filia hears voices, and is not surprised (yet shocked) to see Xellos trying to cut a deal with Valgaav, who tells him his objective was to bring him to the Monster side. What will Valgaav do?

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Grosse tension ! Celui qui a la clef !

27 de junio de 199722m

Valgaav refuses Xellos' offer, and Lina and the gang show up (along with Almayce.) They get into a little fight with Valgaav, and Gourry again loses his sword, but to Valgaav this time. Valgaav reveals to open the gate, you only need two weapons, and hurries to the gate way. Almayce tells everyone without the rest of the weapons, Valgaav will lose control on opening the gate way. He transport them to gate way also, where Valgaav is just about to open it.

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La grande marche ! La longue plainte !

4 de julio de 199722m

After 15 minutes of talk, We get to the climax. As Valgaav open the gate way, Lina decides to use the Giga Slave to stop him, but two figures show up with the other two Sword of Light items, and closes the gate way. As this happens, there is a big explosion, following Lina floating on a debris in the ocean somewhere.

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Encore en danger ? L'île mystérieuse !

11 de julio de 199722m

Lina wanders around in several worlds guided by a pig. She finds Zelgadis in costume, and decide to break out of this utter nonsense. She uses a Dragon Slave, breaking a wall, and they both find out they are in an amusement park, theme is where you could travel the world, where Filia is having a good time.

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Quel vacarme ! L'effroyable jarre maudite !

18 de julio de 199722m

Lina, Filia and Zelgadis decide to ditch the island. They take a small boat, unaware their is a hole in it. Lucky for them a ship pass by, and they get on it before they could go down with the boat. To their luck, the ship is haunted. The Captain, in form of a jar, tells them to get rid of the ghost, and gives them food for it. We find out the Captain had a jar obession and would do anything (even lose crew members) for saving his ""precious"" jars. We find out the ghost was actually a ship mate that is mad at him. He is a ghost because he can't cross over to the other side. Filia reveals she could help and helps him cross over. The Captain then reveals he can finally cross over too. They are left wandering on a piece of wood (or raft). Filia reveals she took a jar that is decaying. They then realize, whatever that was on the ship must of been really old, and would decay too... including the food!

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Effet instantané ? Sur les traces de l'amour !

25 de julio de 199722m

Amelia and Gourry finds out that one of the fish-girl, Lila, is in love with a human, Kerel, when she saved him from a ship wreck. The father of the girl, Honar, objects at first, but their love is stronger. Their is an ancient spell that could change her into human. The only thing is, they need a beautiful young woman to get the stone off a sea creature from. Yes, Gourry is in drag, and they manage to get the jewel of the sea creatures head. When they try to do the spell, it doesn't work. The father feared this might of happen, and reveals they would have to kiss each other to prove their love. This would then transform them oppose each other (she human, he fish) to prove they actually love each other. Of course, they kiss and each other turns shape.

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Amelia and Gourry decide to hang out with 3 old people (and their friends) "fighting in the name of Justice" wanting to slay some demons. In the end, the evil trolls (or dwarfs) are actually good, and the demons that Amelia and Gourry had to slay was Lina, Zelgadis and Filia. Lina and Filia got offended when the 3 old people start to call them demons, and started to yell at them. Then the old people fell over, and Lina tried to wake them up (of course they weren't dead.)

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Vers les 3 lumières ! 3 hommes sur la route !

8 de agosto de 199722m

Almayce sends out several creatures looking for the last weapon. Unfortunately, they start to destroy towns, and everything in it's way. Lina and the gang decide to stop it, only to have on of Almayce men, Erulogs show up, attacking them. In the midst of the fight, Jilas shows up wanting to kill Lina. He reveals his new weapon, a bomb as powerful as a Dragon Slave, and uses it on the town, but not before Lina and the gang could a barrier around themselves. In the end, the weapon wasn't in the town that they were looking for.

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Le valeureux messie !

15 de agosto de 199722m

Lina and the gang goes to an old town that was once populated with a lot of people due to it's water and gold source, thinking that the last weapon might be there. Once all the gold (and the water) was gone, people left. Erulogs, one of Almayce's men, shows up and fights them. He end up destroying most of the town, which was sort of a good thing. Underneath the town, water was there hidden there that they were longing for, for many years now.

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Lina and the gang reach a temple, which turns out to be an anicent temple for the graves of the Anicent Dragons, that was slaughter by the Golden Dragons. It is sealed off by several magical barriers that Filia could easily break through. Except for one that was sealed by the Anicent Dragons themselves, holding the final weapon. We learn the back story on why the Golden Dragons killed the Anicent Dragons, they feared their power and that's why all (except Valgaav, who escaped) was killed. While this is happening, Xellos has a plan on his own, he decided to befriend Sirus, in an attempt to bring back Dark Star. Almayce tries to talk to Xellos about this, while Lina and the gang fight of Erulogs, except for Filia who is trying to get the the final weapon. To Lina's shock all of the Golden Dragons appear.

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Erulogs and Sirus goes on a killing spree, killing on what it looks like to be hundred of Golden Dragons. Lina manages to get away to Filia, seeing if she could get the last item. Filia can't so Lina decides to use the Laguna Blade spell to try and break the barrier. It works, and Lina takes a hold of the cross bow, she fires a shot, displaying it's power. Almayce demands the weapon, but Lina refuses to give it to him. He declarees an all out war on them, but is killed by Erulogs as they come back to the room. Xellos manages to get away and steals the weapon (by appearing in the back of Lina giving her a ""karate chop"" on her next) and runs off with Erulogs and Sirius... what will happen next?

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Question sans réponse ! Là où la guerre cessera !

5 de septiembre de 199722m

Filia tells the Elder, she is no longer a priestess for their temple and vows to never return to them, as she found out about the truth. Lina and the gang head to the center/the gate what is also called ""Ray of Light"" in hope to stop Xellos, Sirius, and Erulogs. They then run into Jillas, and Filia manages to save him from his own bomb, and he joines forces with them. They then move forward to the Ray of Light stop them.

We foind out Xellos true plan, he is there wanting to destroy the Dark Star. Will Erulogs and Sirius go with him? Will Lina and gang get their in time?

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L'impossible issue ! L'ouverture de la porte interdite !

12 de septiembre de 199722m

Sirius and Erulogs decide to join forces with Lina and the rest hoping to kill Dark Star. Dark Star is release but the close the gate way, making his power only half what is truly is. They fight him just a bit only to have him take off, heading towards the Fire Dragon's temple where a voice starts heard, calling the for the Golden Dragons... they realize who it is... it's Valgaav.

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Celui qui venait de l'étoile des ténèbres !

19 de septiembre de 199722m

Valgaav reveals both the Dark Lord, Dark Star, and the God, Vophied, wanted to purify the world. In doing so, they would recreate everything, meaning killing everyone and starting over. Lina and the gang tries to fight him, but a Dragon Slave would not work. Valgaav tries to talk to them, but moves onto another location.

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Try again ! L'heure du blanchiment !

Final de temporada
26 de septiembre de 199722m

Filia figures out where Valgaav is going, and transport her last huge power to the Ancient Dragon temple. Erulogs get killed by Valgaav, so Lina decides to do something by combining all of the five weapons (that Dark Star created) and using Filia's Holy Power, and Xellos' Dark power (as well as she casting a spell.)

They manage to kill him and save the world again (for the third time) where they all decide to start a new beginning. Gourry decides to give his Sword of Light to Sirius who will take the rest of the weapons back to his world. Filia spots something floating, which turns out to be what is left of Valgaav (a baby Ancient Dragon) and cares for it.

In the end, they all part ways, Amelia goes back to Seyruun, Zelgadis goes on his own way, Filia opens a shop with Jillas and cares for the baby, while Lina and Gourry set off to whatever they could become... perhaps a new adventure? You may never know.

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Slayers Excellent: Labyrinth

25 de octubre de 199822m

When Naga torches a tavern to get Lina's attention, the local townspeople demand that they make restitution by rescuing villagers lost in a labyrinth!

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Slayers Excellent: A Frightening Future

18 de diciembre de 199822m

After seeing no profit in protecting the pampered Sirene Fitzmeier, Lina arranges a kidnapping to teach her a lesson. Unfortunately, she hands Sirene over to the wrong kidnappers!

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Formal fashion designer Tatjana Dayward and unisex clothing maker Marty Lenford discover Naga and set out to make her the next fashion craze!

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AMAZING Astonishing Dragon Slave!?

2 de julio de 200822m

Lina and Gourry bump into some pirates on the high seas, and demonstrate they still got what it takes to beat up the bad guys. The pirates have a fish woman who was taken hostage. Zelgadis travels with Amelia, who brings her Seyruun fleet to Lina. As the gang reunite, a guy named Wizer Flayon, an inspector from the kingdom of Ruvignald, proceeds to arrest Lina Inverse with the crime of being Lina Inverse. As the gang try to bail out of town, they encounter increasing military opposition and someone who can cast a Dragon Slave!

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Because - You're Lina Inverse, That's Why!

9 de julio de 200822m

Amelia and Zelgadis explain why they brought Wizer to Lina. Wizer is still intent on arresting Lina, but Lina presses him to provide reasons for suspecting her. Wizer talks about how some mage tanks have been destroyed recently, but the evidence is still circumstantial. Wizer arranges for them to guard a mage tank at a fortress. But the little green creature who casted the Dragon Slave in the last episode causes some more shenanigans. While Amelia and Zelgadis tend to the wounded, Lina and Gourry manage to chase down the creature, who goes by the name of Pokota.

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CHASE Never ending pursuit

16 de julio de 200822m

In the middle of an eating challenge between Gourry and Lina, Wiser arrests Lina for abducting pets of nearby rich nobles. Lina protests as usual, but in addition to proving her innocence, she hears that the nobles are offering a reward for their pets return. Lina and the gang attempt to cross a lake to a mysterious and dangerous island.

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DRIFTER Chasing or being chased

23 de julio de 200822m

Lina tries to hunt down Pokota in the woods and nearly destroys all the woodland creatures. Later she and Gourry go into town. Zelgadis comes up with a plan to capture Pokota by luring him with food, and it actually works! Pokota reveals that he is trying to stop the mage tanks from destroying everything, and suddenly Amelia is sympathetic to his cause and sides with him. They go into town where they encounter one of the magic tanks shaped like a rabbit, but little do they know it's actually a fake tank created by Lina and Gourry.

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Lina and the gang follow Pokota into a forest that suddenly grows misty. They end up encountering Xellos, who is wandering in the woods. The mist reveals a lost city of Tarofshia whose inhabitants were put into suspended animation by Rezo the Red Priest (yes, that Rezo) in order to save them from a disease that was incurable back then. But strange things are amiss as Pokota discovers that someone's invaded the king's mansion.

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Lina and the gang are hired to create a golem and compete in a ball rolling contest with a large amount of food and money (just the right incentive for Lina) as a reward. But her rivals are not pushovers as they include Pokota and a duo sent by Duclis to go after the Sword of Light.

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GORGEOUS The Luxury Yacht is the Target!?

13 de agosto de 200822m

On the way to Ruvinagald, the gang boards a ship and live it up with food and relaxation all thanks to poor Amelia. But instead of dealing with pirates, they get attacked by monsters and flying arrows. Lina and Pokota stage an act where they try to draw out their assassins, but are surprised at the result. Later on the assassin of assassins Zuuma makes his debut and that means big trouble for Lina.

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HURRY UP Interfere! What, don't interfere?

20 de agosto de 200822m

Lina's party reaches the outskirts of Ruvinagald but Wizer is there to arrest her, and has taken the time to build an elaborate building full of traps and tricks. That should be a cinch for Lina, but thanks to Wizer's alliance with Xellos, the traps are especially devised to exploit Lina's weaknesses, such as her desire to push buttons that are marked "do not push". And when Xellos himself becomes one of the obstacles, Lina's group is in serious trouble.

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INSIDER He who knows the real Truth!

27 de agosto de 200822m

Lina had surrendered to Wizer, and the group is brought to Marquess Giaconda's place, to be held in the dungeon. Wizer suggests they use Lina to fight the mage tanks to prove their power. Xellos decides that Wizer isn't aligned with his agenda and has him fall into a pit. Meanwhile, Pokota sneaks into the castle but encounters Duclis, and it is revealed they were former friends. Lina's group gets freed by Ozel, but they end up in an underground arena and now have to battle some fierce enemies.

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JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!

3 de septiembre de 200822m

Duclis and Pokota square off against each other, while Lina, Gourry, Amelia, and Zelgadis have to fight Marquess Gioconda, Ozel, and Yuuma. The battles are fierce, especially when Gourry only has a stone sword. Lina tries a few trick spells against Yuuma but he quickly catches on and dodges them. Duclis and Pokota talk about the day when Taforashia was afflicted with the disease, and what Rezo did to save their people, including putting them in their current forms. Zuuma uses the dark mist to cancel out magic attacks. Lina launches all sorts of spells, but when things look bleak, Pokota manages to turn the tide, when he and a supposedly sympathetic Duclis arrive. But as some enemies fall, a new enemy is about to rise.

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KEEP OUT the approaching Demon!

10 de septiembre de 200822m

Zanaffar has arisen from the ashes, absorbing the bearer of the true Zanaffar armor. He is hungry for power and destroys Gioconda's mansion easily. Lina and the gang try all their standard spells but with no luck. Pokota even tries the sword of light, but it runs out. Lina and the gang retreat and rest up. Wizer reports the next morning that the city of Brokol has been leveled, and Zanaffar is growing stronger. Meanwhile, Duclis makes a deal with Zanaffar. Pokota feels he needs to take sole responsibility, and tries to leave the party, but Lina and the gang decline; they will help him instead.

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LEGACY The decisive battle for Seyruun!

17 de septiembre de 200822m

Lina's group rush to Seyruun where Zanaffar has targeted the gate to the kingdom. Sylphiel is there; she and troops try to defend but are not having much luck. Lina and the gang arrive and get in the way. With the sword of light in Pokota's hand, Duclis has Zanaffar retreat, but they will be back. As Lina and Gourry eat up to re-energize, Pokota asks Prince Phil to help out, but Phil's advisors are uncomfortable with the idea. Phil decides to assist Pokota and Lina's party heads out to confront Duclis and Zanaffar in a neighboring abandoned part of town.

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MISTY The downward swinging sword!

Final de temporada
24 de septiembre de 200822m

Gourry manages to land a hit with the sword of light, but Zanaffar retreats into the ground. In an effort to create another Zanaffar, the mighty astral demon dragon strikes down Duclis. Pokota rushes to try to help his former comrade. Meanwhile Lina's group reassembles at the gates of Seyruun for one last stand against Zanaffar.

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NEW COMER? A new voyage!

12 de enero de 200922m

Lina and her friends search for the Hellmaster's jar to bring Rezo back so he can help revive the people from the plague. Meanwhile they run into a woman whose soul was forged into armor.

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OH MY HEAD! Where did it go

19 de enero de 200922m

Nama leads the crew to a village that has been being harassed by a headless knight named Hans. When they capture him, he offers one of his jars in exchange for them helping him find his missing head.

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PARTNER! They`re sharing a body?

26 de enero de 200922m

Amelia and Nama get separated from the crew and Amelia ends up stuck inside of Nama. The two then hear about a dragon from a nearby village and decide to take it on.

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QUALITY TIME? A loving life?

2 de febrero de 200922m

Kuppi, the fishwoman captured by the pirates, comes to Gourry under the pretext that he is the father of her two children. Madness ensues as Lina fights to get Gourry back.

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RAIDER! A voice from the darkness!

9 de febrero de 200922m

Nama finally leads the gang to ruins where the jar that sealed her soul into the armor lies. Unfortunately, as Xellos notes, this is not the real Hellmaster's Jar, and the Hellmaster's Jar lies in Zuuma's possession.

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SEEK! Who is the target?

16 de febrero de 200922m

Upon Zuuma's demand, Lina and company go to Vezendi and find out that a merchant named Radock has the Hellmaster's Jar. As a target of Zuuma, he hires them to be his bodyguards, but they are attacked by two monsters, Gduza and Dugld.

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TOWN SCAPE Because it's a thing made by the people

23 de febrero de 200922m

In order to find out more information on the Hellmaster's Jar, Lina, Gourry and Pokota follow Ozzel, encountering Zuuma along the way. Meanwhile, Amelia and Zelgadis are attacked by Gduza and Dugld while guarding Radock.

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UNCOVER! The Darkness Unvielded!

2 de marzo de 200922m

In order to lure Zuuma out, Radock, Abel, and Lina's crew go on a business trip. While they stop, Zuuma, Gduza, Duguld, and an army of monsters attack. Lina and company learn that Radock was Zuuma all along, but he is killed by Xellos.

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VOICE! What`s inside the jar?

9 de marzo de 200922m

Having obtained the Hellmaster's Jar, Lina and the party hear Rezo's voice inside. Following random instructions, they go through several tasks before finding Ozzel and the jar stolen by some bandits.

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WISDOM Pursuing the Irrevocable Time!

16 de marzo de 200922m

Zelgadis steals the Hellmaster's Jar and reveals the true nature of Rezo. Rezo confirms this for Pokota and tells him that in order to save Taforashia, he must inhabit Pokota's body. Meanwhile, Zelgadis learns the truth about chimeras.

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XENO Compensation For Resurrection

23 de marzo de 200922m

Accepting the fact that Rezo must have his body, Pokota steals the Hellmaster's Jar and goes with Ozzel to Taforashia with Lina and the gang in pursuit. Xellos attempts to stop the ceremony, while Ozzel struggles with her own feelings.

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30 de marzo de 200922m

Having finally been revived, Rezo the Red Priest awakens the people of Taforashia and cures the disease. However, Lina, Gourry and Xellos question Rezo and find out that his soul is still host to a fragment of Shabranigdo, the Dark Lord.

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ZERO HOUR The One Being Ruined!

Final de temporada
6 de abril de 200922m

Shabranigdo has been revived, and Lina and the gang struggle to hold out against him. Pokota holds him off while Lina readies the Giga Slave, the spell she used to defeat him before.

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