Jennie Garth hahmona Ericka McCray

Jaksot 6

Beyond Therapy

1 lokakuu 19891h

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I Fought the Law

15 lokakuu 19891h

After attending Rodgers 30th high school reunion,One of his former classmates, now a tv therapist, contacts Rodger and asks him to be on his show. Rodger dosn't want any part of it, but after barbara and the kids beg him to, he gives in.

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Private School

22 lokakuu 19891h

Barbara is pitted aginst a traffic court judge, after her sons gets a ticket. The judge is someone who likes to make victims of the accused- Barbara objects to his actions, and he has her jailed for contempt.

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Children of a Legal Mom

7 tammikuu 19901h

This episode tackles the issue of teen pregnancy. When Erika finds out a 17 year old classmate is pregnant, she's excited--enough that her and her boyfriend want to throw a baby shower. The excitment soon changes when she relizes her friendship is in danger, when her friend has to face real commitment-- and grow up.

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Even Housekeepers Sing the Blues

15 huhtikuu 19901h

Amanda brings a deaf friend hom with her, a week before leaving for colledge, but many of the kids treat him differently. Until they all relize they have somthing in common.

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Even Housekeepers Sing the Blues

Season Finale
15 huhtikuu 19901h

The Gibbons family housekeeper Mrs. Jensen (played by guest star Helena Carroll) arrives.Mrs. Jensen lets Amanda sing in a nite club even though Amanda's father Roger told Amanda she couldn't. Mrs. Jensen explains that she thought it would be okay if she were with Amanda.Mrs. Jensen leaves the Gibbons family for a visit with her sister's husband.

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