Sara Rue hahmona Brenda

Jaksot 12


8 marraskuu 201021m

Jeff and Audrey finally settle on a surrogate. Meanwhile, Russell's mother, Bunny, comes to town.

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Uh Oh It's Magic

17 tammikuu 201121m

Russell is busy looking for his date at a magic show, Audrey tells Brenda's girlfriend a secret.

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3 maaliskuu 201121m

Jeff, Audrey and Brenda find a zygote after seeing a fertility specialist. Russell and Timmy double date.

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Beating The System

7 huhtikuu 201121m

Jeff and Audrey are in for a big change when Brenda finds out she is pregnant. Timmy is Adam and Jennifer's wedding planner.

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Double Down

5 toukokuu 201121m

Jeff and Audrey get a surprise that their family may soon double in size. Russell in his latest scheme to date a girl decides to throw a party Ford Timmy who recently became a citizen, now the question is will the party have the desired effect for Russell?

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8 joulukuu 201121m

Audrey tries to persuade Jeff to eat healthier when he is diagnosed with high cholesterol, but he can't help sneaking around with Brenda for unhealthy food. Meanwhile, Russell tries to keep up with his new college intern on the party circuit.

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Goodbye Dolly

10 toukokuu 201221m

Audrey tries to prepare for motherhood by continuing to repair a doll that she keeps damaging. Meanwhile, Jeff questions Brenda's dating choices.

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Audrey's Shower

Season Finale
17 toukokuu 201221m

Jen volunteers to throw Audrey a baby shower, but puts the wrong date on the invitation. Meanwhile, Jeff takes a liking to Audrey's maternity clothes, and Russell accomplishes great things when he decides to give up women.

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Baby Talk

11 maaliskuu 201321m

When Audrey bonds with their unborn baby, a paranoid Jeff believes she is trying to form an alliance against him. Meanwhile, Russell plagiarizes a real estate article that Timmy wrote.

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25 maaliskuu 201321m

Brenda gets Jeff and Audrey to help cater an event at Columbia University. Audrey tries to impress the attendees, but it's Jeff's bartending skills that wow the crowd. Meanwhile, Russell enthusiastically embraces Timmy's Bollywood culture.

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A Wee Problem

6 toukokuu 201321m

Jeff is determined to make Brenda laugh when he discovers that she has a “wee” problem due to her pregnancy. Meanwhile, Timmy is surprised by the professionalism of his new boss while Russell is frustrated with his new assistant.

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Season Finale
20 toukokuu 201321m

Brenda goes into labor on Jennifer and Adam's wedding day. Meanwhile, Russell and Timmy make an attempt at reconciliation and Audrey surprises Jeff.

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