Jason Alisharan kaip Frank

Epizodai 52

The Tale of the Phantom Cab

1992 rugpjūčio 1523m

Two brothers, while lost in the woods, come across a mysterious cab driver and a very unusual man named Dr. Vink who won't let any of his victims go unless they solve a riddle.


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The Tale of Laughing in the Dark

1992 rugpjūčio 2224m

A kid named Josh decides to prove that a fun house isn't haunted by stealing the nose of the clown who is supposed to haunt the place. He learns that the story isn't fiction when Zeebo pays him a little visit.


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The Tale of the Lonely Ghost

1992 rugpjūčio 2924m

A girl who desperately wants to be friends with her snotty cousin and her group of friends agrees to spend the night in the haunted house next door to become part of the group.


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The Tale of the Twisted Claw

1992 rugsėjo 1223m

In a twist of "The Monkey's Paw," two boys scare an old lady to death the night before Halloween just as the next night they receive a hand granting them wishes with consequences.


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The Tale of the Hungry Hounds

1992 rugsėjo 1924m

Two girls go to an attic where one of them tries on a uniform that belonged to a dead relative where her spirit lives on.


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The Tale of the Super Specs

1992 rugsėjo 2624m

Weeds, a prankster, buys his friend Marybeth a pair of super spec glasses as part of an April's Fool Day where once she places on the glasses, strange figures appear and can't be explained.


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The Tale of the Captured Souls

1992 spalio 324m

A family moves to a small house in the summer where they befriend a young man, where the family starts feeling weaker every day.


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The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors

1992 spalio 1024m

Some new neighbors move into a neighborhood. They are originally from Eastern Europe, wear black, collect blood, and only are active at night.


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The Tale of the Sorcerer's Apprentice

1992 spalio 1725m

Dean, a troubled student, awakens an ancient secret hidden in the school.


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The Tale of Jake and the Leprechaun

1992 spalio 2424m

Jake, an inspiring young actor, is in a play where during rehearsals strange things start happening to him where it's only a matter of time before opening night.


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The Tale of the Dark Music

1992 spalio 3124m

Andy Carr moves in the new neighborhood where things don't start out well until he figures out that there's something hidden inside his basement.


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The Tale of the Prom Queen

1992 lapkričio 724m

Two boys befriend a young woman where they encourage her to join them in search of a legend that comes every year.


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The Tale of the Pinball Wizard

Season Finale
1992 lapkričio 1424m

Ross, a mischievous kid, goes to the mall where his old habits sometimes get the best of him.


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The Tale of the Final Wish

1993 birželio 1923m

Jill is a thirteen year old that still loves things her peers have grown out of, such as unicorns and fairy tales. One night she wishes that she could be in a fairy tale world forever. After her wish is granted, she finds that living in a fairy tale isn't as happy as she'd once imagined.


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The Tale of the Midnight Madness

1993 birželio 2624m

An old movie theater has two weeks before they close down for good. Ever since the multiplex came into town, the older movie theater has made less than six dollars per day. All of a sudden, the mysterious Dr. Vink appears and offers them a horror movie he made decades ago. He promises the owner and his staff that his movie would save them from closing down and it works! Dr. Vink's horror movie, Nosferatu: The Demon Vampire, starts attracting more than fifty people a night. The staff wonders what attracts people to this film and unfortunately they find out. The terrifying vampire jumps out of the movie and into the real world where it can have all the victims it wants. Now the staff must pull the plug on the movie before it gets out of hand!


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The Tale of Locker 22

1993 liepos 324m

In the 1970s, a young girl named Candy Warren was forced to work on her Chemistry assignment after school. However, neither she nor her teacher noticed that the gas line of her Bunsen burner was frayed. This caused an accident, claiming Candy's life. Years later, a young girl gets Candy's locker and soon finds herself haunted by Candy's ghost.


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The Tale of the Thirteenth Floor

1993 liepos 1024m

Two siblings generally spend all their free time playing hockey on the 13th floor of their apartment building. However, one day the regular elevator operator disappears and they find that the floor is now being used by a company to manufacture toys and games. However, the toys that they're creating aren't exactly from this world.


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The Tale of the Dream Machine

1993 liepos 1724m

Sean Hackett finds a strange old typewriter in his house that once belonged to a writer who mysteriously vanished. He loves to write short stories, but soon finds that whatever he types comes to life as it's read. Things seem harmless enough until he writes a story for English class in which his best friend dies.


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The Tale of the Dark Dragon

1993 liepos 2424m

A teenager buys a potion from Sardo's magic shop hoping to make himself cooler, since he was in a accident that caused him to have to wear a brace on his leg. He soon finds himself changing, but also discovers that the potion has some very bad side effects.


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The Tale of the Whispering Walls

1993 liepos 3124m

While driving to a carnival, a babysitter and the two children she's looking after get lost. When their car breaks down, she goes inside a house to call for help. Trouble begins when she disappears and the kids soon find out that while they aren't the only ones in the house, they're the only ones that are alive.


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The Tale of the Frozen Ghost

1993 rugpjūčio 1424m

When Daphne takes Charlie to stay with his aunts, they mention something about a ghost. Charlie's terrified when he keeps seeing a strange, glowing boy complaining that he's cold.


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The Tale of the Full Moon

1993 rugpjūčio 2124m

Two young pet detectives try to figure out where all the neighborhood cats are disappearing to. They find a clue when looking through a neighbor's back yard. He seems to have a rather large collection of cat collars hidden in his backyard. They begin to suspect that he's a werewolf, but unfortunately, no one believes them.


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The Tale of the Shiny Red Bicycle

1993 rugpjūčio 2824m

Years ago a boy named Ricky Hagerdy drowned. His close friend Mike Buckley tried to save him, but failed. Ever since that day he's felt guilty for what happened. Trouble begins when he starts seeing Ricky's ghost everywhere he looks.


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The Tale of the Magician's Assistant

1993 rugsėjo 1124m

A young boy, Todd, starts doing the one thing that he's wanted to do since his father died, further his interest in magic. He becomes an assistant to the great magician Shandu and learns the rules of being a magician: Only let the audience see what you want them to see, never touch another magician's wand unless he hands it to you, and never get caught in your own reflection. But trouble ensues when Todd makes an unwise decision to take Shandu's wand and use it for himself.


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The Tale of the Hatching

1993 rugsėjo 2524m

Two siblings, Jazz and Augie, are sent to boarding school while their parents are away. They immediately notice that the school is quite different and has some rather strange rules. For example, only calm, soothing tones are allowed inside the school and the students are only given the option to eat something called 'sponge' for meals daily. Jazz and Augie soon learn why the owners are so strange and have these odd rules in place.


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The Tale of Old Man Corcoran

Season Finale
1993 spalio 224m

Two boys befriend a group of hide 'n' seekers who play their game in a graveyard that's rumored to be haunted by a caretakers's ghost. They soon find out that it might not be just a rumor.


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The Tale of the Midnight Ride

1994 sausio 824m

When a teenager moves to Sleepy Hollow, he learns that some of the folks believe in the old legend of the headless horseman. He soon learns that it's not just a legend.


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The Tale of Apartment 214

1994 sausio 1524m

After moving into a new apartment complex with her mother, Stacy finds herself without any friends. She befriends an older woman named Madeline that lives nearby and they soon start to spend quite a bit of time together. But when Stacy breaks a promise to visit Madeline on one specific afternoon, Madeline is enraged and comes after Stacy.


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The Tale of Watcher's Woods

1994 sausio 2224m

Long ago, three girls attending camp got lost in the woods, only leaving behind their whistles. At the same exat time, a camper went crazy and started babbling about a Watcher within the woods, creating the nickname Watcher's Woods. When two present day campers get lost, they find that there's definitely something evil in the woods.


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The Tale of the Phone Police

1994 sausio 2924m

Two boys learn that the telephone is a serious matter and should not be used as a toy when a group of vigilantes called the Phone Police bust anyone who does not follow the rules of the phone. And the Phone Police can do more than just put you in jail. They can erase your entire existance.


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The Tale of the Doll Maker

1994 vasario 524m

A young girl goes to the countryside to spend a summer with her best friend but she discovers that her friend is missing. She soon discovers that a mysterious doll house in the attic is responsible for her friend's disappearance.


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The Tale of the Bookish Babysitter

1994 vasario 1224m

A young boy named Ricky, who is obsessed with TV, is put under the care of a babysitter named Belinda. Belinda has a reputation for making children interested in reading. That's because she makes the books come alive. Literally.


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The Tale of the Carved Stone

1994 vasario 2624m

Alison Denny moves to a new town and desperately wants to fit in and find friends, but is having trouble getting them to accept her. When she buys a carved stone from Sardo's Magic Mansion, she discovers that it allows her to go back to a time when when another family was living in her new home.


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The Tale of the Guardian's Curse

1994 kovo 524m

A mummy is delivered to a museum owned by an archeologist. The mummy happens to be a dead pharaoh queen whose ancient potion and ring brings eternal life. The trouble begins when the mummy mysteriously disappears.


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The Tale of the Curious Camera

1994 kovo 1924m

After getting his portraits back from the basketball team, Matt finds that he didn't show up in the photos. To make it up to him, the photographer gives him an antique camera because it has apparently 'chosen' him. Matt soon learns that anything he takes a picture of willhave something bad happen to it. Whether you want it or not.


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The Tale of the Dream Girl

1994 kovo 2624m

A teenager thinks he's just met the girl of his dreams when he puts on a mysterious ring that won't come off. Trouble begins when he learns that years ago she was killed in a car accident, and he realizes she wants to lure him to an early grave.


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The Tale of the Quicksilver

1994 balandžio 224m

A long time ago a young girl named Laura was haunted by someone or something lurking in the walls of her house. She tried to get rid of the ghost but failed and died in the process. A year later, two new brothers move into the same house and discover that history repeats itself.


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The Tale of the Crimson Clown

1994 balandžio 924m

A young bratty boy learns a lesson when a Chucky-like clown doll comes to life and starts to terrorize him.


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The Tale of the Dangerous Soup

Season Finale
1994 balandžio 1624m

Dr. Vink is back and now running his own restaraunt, The Wild Boar. After staff members continually decide to just quit at the drop of a hat, two employees soon discover why. Dr. Vink makes his famous soup with a special ingredient that he gets from his employees- FEAR. However, the two accidentally release the creature that gathers the fear and give it the ability to prey upon anyone.


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The Tale of the Renegade Virus

1994 spalio 124m

A boy and his friend are constantly getting each other in trouble. One friend decides to plant a virus in the new virtual reality system this his friend is going to play. But things don't go as planned when the virus tries to take over the player's body and escape to the real world.


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The Tale of the Long Ago Locket

1994 spalio 824m

A boy is transported by to the Revolutionary War, where he must help a solider return to his girlfriend, before she marries another man.


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The Tale of the Water Demons

1994 spalio 1524m

Shawn McKenzie visits his relatives and works in a job for the summer where him and his cousin deliver groceries to an old man's house and see why he's very odd.


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The Tale of Cutter's Treasure (1)

1994 spalio 2924m

When a teenager finds a spyglass locked in a treasure chest at the magic shop, the ghost of an evil pirate is released.


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The Tale of Cutter's Treasure (2)

1994 spalio 2924m

Rush must find a way to save Max with the help of Dr. Vink and Sardo.


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The Tale of the Quiet Librarian

1994 lapkričio 524m

A library is haunted by the ghost of a former librarian who dislikes noisy children.


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The Tale of the Silent Servant

1994 lapkričio 1224m

Two kids on a farm find a scarecrow with a magic spell, and they use it. The scarecrow does whatever they order it to. At first it's great, their new servant puts up an entire fence that they were supposed to build. But they find that it has it's drawbacks when they order it to make a baseball dugout and it tears apart the new fence for wood. Things get serious when one of them accidentally orders it to kill.


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The Tale of the Room for Rent

1994 lapkričio 1924m

Jessie's grandfarther wants to earn some extra money, so he decides to rent out the extra room in his house. One night, Jessie sees a man enter the local psychic's house through the ceiling. When she returns home, she's shocked to find that the not only is the room of their house rented out, but the new tenant is the ghostly man that she saw.


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The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner

1994 gruodžio 324m

Ethan wants to be a comic book artist, but his submissions are constantly rejected by companies. One day, he's invited to a comic shop, where he gets the only copy of the comic ""The Ghastly Grinner."" He accidentally brings the supervillain to life and it starts turning everyone into giggling mindless idiots.


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The Tale of the Fire Ghost

1994 gruodžio 1024m

While celebrating their dad's birthday at the firehouse he works at, Jimmy and Roxanne end up being left alone when a call comes in and the firefighters must take off to stop a fire.

They soon find that they're not exactly the only occupants of the firehouse. There's a fire ghost who's seeking revenge.


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The Tale of the Closet Keepers

1995 sausio 724m

An aspiring young artist apprentices under the owner of a studio/gallery who is actually a witch, who traps victims inside paintings.


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The Tale of the Unfinished Painting

1995 sausio 1424m

A girl who loves to draw starts spending time at an art gallery, finishing up paintings that have never been completed. But she soon finds out that once you sign your name to a painting, you're trapped inside of it for life.


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The Tale of Train Magic

Season Finale
1995 sausio 2124m

Tim loves trains and everything about them, just like his father did who used to work at the station. After an electric train is mysteriously sent to him, he puts it on the track with the rest of his collection and watches it go. But at 7:13 PM he finds himself sucked into the mysterious town train, which is actually Train 713, a train that crashed and killed everyone aboard years ago.


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