Logan Browning hahmona Rebecca Dawson

Jaksot 5

Pair of Prom Kings

17 joulukuu 201022m

Brady and Boomer decide that their island needs some fun, so they decide to pull pranks on everyone. No one likes their pranks, but the kings fear that bad karma is coming their way. Meanwhile, Mason gets addicted to a video game.

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An Ice Girl for Boomer

25 heinäkuu 201122m

Boomer falls in love with a new girl, but the girl claims to be made out of Ice. Meanwhile, Lanny sends a servant to find Mason and Mikalya.

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Bond of Brothers

8 lokakuu 201230m

Boz and Boomer become stuck together after Boz wishes they were closer.

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Meet the Parents

11 helmikuu 201330m

Boomer goes to Chicago in an effort to convince Rebecca's father to let him see her after he forbids them to be together. Boz tags along and searches for a safe place to hide the Bat Medallion. Meanwhile, a menace from the past launches a surprise attack on the kings and it is revealed that Rebecca's father used to be part of the Tarantula tribe. As a result, he erases Rebecca's memory of her relationship with Boomer to keep her safe.

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Long Live the Kings (1)

18 helmikuu 201330m

The Bat Medallion that Boz in Rebecca's apartment has dragged Rebecca to Kinkow. When Mikayla confiscates the Bat Medallion, Kutamungo captures her and the Bat Medallion in order to revive the Tarantula People's leader Kaita the Bat-Rider. The Kings fear of Kaita the Bat-Rider turns into revenge when they discover the evil Kaita is responsible for their father's death.

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