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Episodes 31

Il prezzo del potere

December 18, 200823m

Kakuzu è ancora vivo, ma incapace di muoversi, così, Kakashi ne approfitta e lo finisce con il Mille Falchi. Una volta tornati al villaggio, Naruto viene curato da Sakura (essendosi rotto il braccio nell'eseguire il Rasenshuriken) e Tsunade, dopo avere esaminato il cadavere di Kakuzu, ordina a Kakashi ed a Yamato di impedire a Naruto di eseguire nuovamente la sua nuova tecnica. Shikamaru trova Kurenai alla tomba di Asuma e le promette di prendersi cura del bambino che sta aspettando. Una volta a casa, Shikamaru dice a suo padre di avere finalmente capito chi è il Re: è la nuova generazione

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August 20, 200923m

Sasuke domanda ai due dell'Organizzazione Alba dove si trovi Itachi e colpisce Tobi che, con sua grande sorpresa, rimane impassibile. Deidara decide di testare le capacità del suo avversario usando la sua creta esplosiva di livello C1, ma Sasuke sfugge all'esplosione e costringe il ninja ad utilizzare il suo Drago C2. Deidara e Tobi creano un attacco combinato che non impensierisce il loro avversario che, infatti, distrugge senza difficoltà il Drago grazie alle sue abilità con l'elemento Raiton (fulmine). Deidara riporta alla mente la sconfitta subita in passato da Itachi quando entrò nell'Akatsuki e, preso dalla rabbia, decide di usare il suo Garuda C4.

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September 3, 200923m

Usando se stesso come esplosivo, Deidara crea un'esplosione di dieci chilometri di diametro. Sasuke riesce a scappare ricorrendo alla Tecnica del Richiamo. Il suo gruppo si rifugia, dunque, in una locanda in modo che Sasuke si ristabilisca. Altrove, due membri dell'Organizzazione Alba, Pain e Konan, si incontrano con il loro leader il quale dà loro l'ordine di catturare Naruto in persona. Chi è questa vera mente del complotto dell'Organizzazione Alba che si nasconde nell'ombra?

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Tecnica eremitica

October 15, 200923m

Jiraiya e Gamaken iniziano la loro battaglia contro Pain. Dopo essersi reso invisibile usando il mimetismo, Pain evoca numerose creature per sconfiggere Jiraiya. Comprendendo la forza del suo avversario, Jiraiya utilizza una barriera e si prepara ad entrare in modalità eremitica. Una volta che il Ninja Leggendario ha approntato la sua tecnica, Gamaken lascia il campo di battaglia dopo un duro scontro. Jiraiya entra in modalità eremitica e richiama Pa e Ma. Una volta scoperto, Pain richiama altri due dei suoi corpi.

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La storia del valoroso Jiraiya

October 29, 200923m

Jiraiya intrappola in una barriera uno dei corpi di Pain e lo sconfigge. L'eremita dice allora a Fukusaku e Shima di tornare a Konoha col corpo dell'avversario, ma il primo si rifiuta e resta al suo fianco. Jiraiya torna ad affrontare Pain e si rende conto che tutti i suoi corpi appartengono a ninja che ha incontrato o coi quali si è battuto in passato. Il Ninja Leggendario capisce, dunque, chi è, in realtà, il suo avversario, ma, in quel momento, viene trafitto da tutti e cinque i corpi rimanenti. Nonostante le ferite Jiraya proverà a dire l'identità di Pian a Fukusaku ma non ci riuscirà perché avrò la gola recisa. Mentre sta per perdere conoscenza cerca di rialzarsi. I suoi avversari si avventano su di lui per finirlo, ma, prima che ci riescano, egli scrive sulla schiena di Fukusaku un messaggio in codice. La rana riesce a fuggire poco prima che Jiraiya muoia pensando al titolo da dare al suo prossimo libro: "Le avventure di Naruto Uzumaki"

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La trappola di Kabuto

November 22, 201223m

Taking place in the aftermath of the Kage Summit, Team Kakashi is sent out on a mission by Tsunade to a location known as "The Hole" to investigate an incident where its people were killed.

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L'antica leggenda

November 29, 201223m

The reborn Team Kakashi continues to investigate the recent attack by Kabuto and the reincarnated shinobi when Naruto gets swallowed by a giant snake, but manages to escape using shadow clones, and accidentally ingests snakes that were present in the pond which Kabuto uses to summon Hidan.

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Le sensazioni di Mina

December 6, 201223m

Miina wakes up in the middle of a night after having a nightmare where Naruto is consumed by numerous snakes inside his subconscious while the Nine-Tails looks on and goes to Dokku for consolation.

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Il clone della Volpe

December 13, 201223m

The Nine-Tailed Naruto clone tries to attack Dokku and the orphans, when Might Guy and Rock Lee arrive to repel it.

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L'ambizione di Disonasu

December 20, 201223m

While the Saezuri is revealed, learning that Disonasu employed Kabuto Yakushi to wipe out the residents of Tonika Village, Dokku tried to attack Disonasu, but stopped by a reincarnated puppet and restrained by a resurrected Takigakure shinobi.

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Naruto perde il controllo

Season Finale
January 10, 201323m

The legendary Ama no Hoko imbues the Nine Tails’ clone with enough power to destroy the world. Naruto is overcome by its immense power and lies unconscious.

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Sono all'inferno

January 16, 201423m

After the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, Obito finds himself inside the hidden lair of Madara Uchiha, who saved the young shinobi’s life. There, Obito works to rehabilitate his injured body in the hopes of being reunited with Kakashi and Rin.

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La persona degna di essere il capo

January 29, 201523m

The genin are unable to figure out the answer and start to panic.

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Sopravvivenza nel deserto demoniaco

February 12, 201523m

The Second Exam finally begins! To pass this stage, each team must take possession of both the Heaven and Earth scrolls and make it to the designated site in the center of the Demon Desert within 72 hours.

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Il clan Yamanaka: Hiden Ninjutsu

April 9, 201523m

As Ino and her team head toward an oasis, they are attacked by a team of Sand Shinobi comprised of Ameno, Shishio, and Kouji.

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Speranze per il futuro

May 21, 201523m

Gaara meets with Fugi, the mastermind behind the assassination attempt on his life. He confides that perhaps, after all the fear and pain he has wrought upon the Sand, he has no right to be their leader.

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The No. 1 Most Unpredictable Ninja

June 2, 201623m

Black Zetsu reveals that he masterminded and influenced all the events from the end of Ashura and Indra's era to the current Fourth Great Ninja War. Naruto rejects Black Zetsu’s claim that the entire history of shinobi was solely for the resurrection of his mother, Kaguya. Naruto and Sasuke work together to seal away Kaguya, but they can't find a way to counter her.

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A Special Mission

July 28, 201623m

Finally, the truth will be revealed... Do not miss the unveiling of the legend.

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The Sharingan Revived

August 25, 201623m

Chakra—whose energy connects this world to those beyond—allows Obito to leave Rin's side for a moment and appear in Kakashi’s inner psyche. Obito gives him his Magekyo Sharingan and leaves with a parting wish that Kakashi become the Sixth Hokage.

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The Final Valley

September 8, 201623m

The battle with Kaguya is over, and all that is left is for Naruto and Sasuke to combine their powers and release the Infinite Tsukuyomi. But before they can do this, Sasuke makes a shocking declaration.

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Naruto and Sasuke

September 29, 201623m

Naruto and Sasuke have both become such high-level shinobi that each knows exactly what the other is thinking just by exchanging attacks. Despite knowing how Naruto feels, Sasuke is determined to cut him down.

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Naruto Uzumaki!!

October 13, 201623m

"I'll be a better shinobi than Lord Hokage! Then all the villagers will have to acknowledge my existence at last!" True to his word, Naruto has walked his own path until there are none who do not recognize that he's become a great shinobi and a hero who has saved the world. But what path will Naruto take now? How will the world of the shinobi change? This is the story of the boy who blew through the hearts of all like a "shippu," an irresistible gale. This is the story of Naruto Uzumaki.

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Naruto and Hinata

October 20, 201623m

As a result of having the Nine Tails sealed inside of him, Naruto is feared and hated by the villagers. He trains all alone in the woods, but one day, a certain man appears and strikes up a conversation with Naruto. Elsewhere, in the Leaf Village, a celebration is held to mark Hinata's third birthday, where she meets Neji for the first time.

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"The fourth Great Shinobi World War has ended. But Sasuke decides to continue his solitary journey—this time to atone for his sins. Meanwhile, back at the Leaf Village, there is a growing number of missing shinobi. As Kakashi—the sixth Hokage—and the others discuss these incidents, the Leaf is attacked by a mysterious group of shinobi."

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Sasuke's Story, Sunrise, Part 3: Fūshin

December 15, 201623m

Orochimaru brings Sasuke to the Coliseum fighting ring, to lure out En Oyashiro, who may have some information regarding the Exploding Human incident. The match is called off when more Exploding Humans appear and the opportunity to meet Oyashiro seems lost. However, impressed by Sasuke’s Sharingan, Oyashiro approaches him in person.

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It’s been two years since the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War. Shikamaru now has an important role within the Hidden Leaf government, and as a representative of the Leaf in the Alliance. One day, a situation develops with shinobi disappearing in droves, and Shikamaru takes on a dangerous mission.

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Ino, Choji, and Temari rush to Shikamaru’s aid! Choji takes on Ro, Temari goes after Soku, and Ino goes after Sai! Meanwhile, Shikamaru pursues Gengo. Can Shikamaru defeat Gengo’s evil ambitions? The final battle begins!

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Naruto and Hinata’s wedding day has been set. As the date approaches, Kakashi encounters a problem: Naruto’s friends are all top shinobi—the first line of defense in the village. They work 24/7, and there are always a few who cannot attend celebrations. As Kakashi tries to find the most reasonable solution, he announces a super-secret mission to find the couple a wedding gift.

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The super-secret mission to find Naruto and Hinata a wedding gift proves to be difficult for Shikamaru. Choji has found the perfect gift, which adds to Shikamaru's panic. But then Choji mentions something in passing and Shikamaru gets an idea. All he needs now is to enlist Temari's help!

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Shino and Kiba still don't have a wedding gift for Hinata's wedding. Kiba's made it his goal to become the next Hokage, but unlike his teammates, who are steadfastly chasing their dreams, Shino is unsure about his. With this uncertainty, he sets out with Kiba and Akamaru on their final mission as Team 8!

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Naruto had once lived a lonely existence, ostracized by everyone. But Iruka's words and his very presence have supported Naruto to this day. As Naruto's wedding nears, Iruka begins to lose sight of what he was to Naruto, and is unsure of what to say for his message.

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