Pandora Boxx hahmona Himself - Drag professor

Jaksot 8

Tomboy Meets Girl

19 heinäkuu 201042m

Three biological tomboys enroll at Drag U to be the first draguating class in school history. Drag Professors Raven, Jujubee and Ongina transform these manly women into drag divas! Mia Tyler guest stars.

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Dateless Divas

26 heinäkuu 201042m

A new class of single ladies refine their flirting techniques with assistance from Drag Professors Nina Flowers, Morgan and Raven. Pop singer Taylor Dayne helps decide who draguates with top honors.

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Blue Collar, Pink Pumps

2 elokuu 201042m

Three women with dirty jobs are put to the test with Drag Professors Pandora Boxx, Ongina and Shannel cracking the whip. Hollywood's hardest working mom Kris Kardahsian-Jenner joins the faculty for the draguation ceremony.

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Super Sisters

9 elokuu 201042m

It's a family affair when RuPaul's three sisters show up for class at Drag U. Drag Professors Jujubee, Raven and Shannel get to the bottom of the family rivalries. No stranger to family drama herself, Kelly Osbourne guest stars.

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Plump & Circumstance

23 elokuu 201042m

Three plus size ladies enroll at Drag U to learn that a fat ass is a terrible thing to waste. Jackee Harry joins the faculty and weighs in on who's the baddest bitch in school.

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Moms on the Verge

30 elokuu 201042m

Three moms on the brink of emotional breakdowns connect with their long-lost inner divas. Visiting Professor Debi Mazar cheers on these brave mothers. Drag U Professors Morgan McMichaels, Pandora Boxx and Shannel spread a little magic on their tired souls.

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Mother vs. Daughters

13 syyskuu 201042m

A family of three is put to the test, as two daughters and one mother compete for top honors. Iconic TV mom Meredith Baxter sets their family ties straight as Visiting Professor.

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A Star is Born Again

Season Finale
20 syyskuu 201042m

Three TV stars from the 60s, 70s and 80s attempt to revive their superstardom of yesteryear. With the help of Drag Professors Pandora Boxx, Jujubee and Raven, these stars shine bright once more.

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