Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan

Episodes 286


September 24, 201043m

A família discute sobre as táticas questionáveis de Danny, enquanto ele procura uma menina desaparecida; Jamie começa sua nova vida como policial.

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October 1, 201044m

Um bom samaritano com ficha na polícia, toma medidas contra um aterrorizante criminoso de metrô, forçando os Reagans pesarem os prós e contras do vigilantismo.

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October 8, 201044m

O principal suspeito de um caso de estupro é protegido pela imunidade diplomática. Por isso, Erin, Frank e Danny se unem para fazer justiça, mas, devido a esse caso, Frank e Kelly passam por um momento difícil.

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Policial Caído

October 15, 201044m

Frank mobiliza toda a Polícia de Nova York para achar o assassino de um policial aposentado morto durante o roubo de um diamante.

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O Que Ninguém Vê

October 22, 201044m

Com uma bomba armada para explodir em Manhattan, Frank, Danny e o resto da Polícia de Nova York procuram o seu paradeiro. No meio da busca, os Reagans discutem sobre as vantagens e desvantagens da caracterização.

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Veneno Nas Ruas

October 29, 201044m

Danny trabalha para descobrir a fonte de um narcótico mortal após três adolescentes morrerem de overdose.

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November 5, 201044m

A família de Erin debate seus métodos quando ela usa um cidadão cumpridor da lei como isca para capturar seu irmão, o líder de uma gangue.

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November 12, 201044m

Após testemunhar um crime em progresso, o suspeito de Jamie é morto na perseguição. Danny precisa resolver o caso para limpar o nome de Jamie e evitar que a Divisão de Assuntos Internos inicie uma investigação.

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November 19, 201043m

Três prisioneiros soltos colocam a família Reagan em perigo.

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Altas Horas

December 3, 201044m

Enquanto Danny investiga o assassinato do porteiro de uma boate popular, Frank recebe uma informação de que seu ex-parceiro está encobrindo crimes.

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Peixe Pequeno

January 19, 201143m

Um caso de Frank de 25 anos é trazido à linha de frente quando os restos mortais do garoto desaparecido são achados. Danny e Jackie investigam a morte de um oficial de escolta de alto nível.

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Laços de Família

January 26, 201143m

Quando o filho de um gângster russo é morto em sua própria festa de noivado, Danny analisa o mundo da máfia russa. Enquanto isso, Erin é jogada em um caso de corrupção de alto escalão.

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February 2, 201142m

Por envolver informações confidenciais e uma célula infiltrada, Frank nomeia Danny para cobrir o baleamento de um agente do antiterrorismo infiltrado.

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Meu Alegre Dia Dos Namorados

February 9, 201144m

Um viciado em drogas se torna o foco principal da investigação de Danny e Jackie após sua namorada ser sequestrada por um valor de resgate. Erin e Charles passam da fase do flerte.

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February 18, 201142m

Alguém queria assassinar o Comissário ou o tiroteio foi aleatório? Danny assume a missão para descobrir a resposta.

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Idade Da Inocência

February 25, 201144m

Nicky vai com Danny para uma cena de crime onde uma menina é assassinada em um baile de debutante e tem dificuldade em cooperar após ver sua primeira vítima de assassinato.

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Estrela De Prata

March 11, 201144m

Como um ex-Fuzileiro Naval, Danny se sente pessoalmente responsável por encontrar o assassino de um ex-Fuzileiro Naval herói de guerra dos EUA. Alguém vazou informações falsas à imprensa de que Frank irá concorrer a prefeito.

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Para Falar a Verdade

April 1, 201144m

Logo antes de Danny testemunhar contra um barão da droga peruano em um julgamento de homicídio, Linda é sequestrada. Esse barão da droga tem um histórico de intimidação de testemunha.

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Modelo De Comportamento

April 8, 201141m

Danny e Jackie investigam o mundo selvagem da moda após a sobrinha modelo de passarela de Linda e uma repórter serem envenenadas em um desfile de moda.

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Tudo O Que Brilha

April 29, 201144m

As frustrações de Frank aumentam quando a mídia sensacionaliza o assassinato de um turista baleado e morto do lado de fora de um popular restaurante na parte baixa de East Side.

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O Garoto De Porão

May 6, 201144m

Vizinhos dos Reagans são assassinatos e seu filho se torna o principal suspeito. Jamie está convencido de que está sendo perseguido pelo Templário Azul quando sua arma desaparece.

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Os Templários Azuis

Season Finale
May 13, 201144m

Quando uma apreensão de drogas aponta para policiais corruptos, Frank decide não envolver o Departamento de Assuntos Internos na esperança de expor e acabar com o Templário Azul.

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September 23, 201145m

Quando um patrocinador do prefeito eleito é encontrado morto, Frank fica em uma situação difícil quando o prefeito quer que ele diga ao público que foi um ato de violência aleatório.

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Fuego Amigo

September 30, 201145m

Quando Danny atira em um policial que não se identificou, ele recebe uma suspensão e deve encarar uma investigação do Departamento de Assuntos Internos, que analisa seu estado mental pessoal naquele dia.

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October 7, 201145m

Quando três homens tentam roubar um banco, Danny descobre que um dos acusados é um ex-policial.

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October 14, 201145m

Erin reabre um caso de estupro de 18 anos, no qual Frank foi o oficial que realizou a prisão. Enquanto isso, Danny e Jackie investigam o homicídio de três adolescentes em um parque, que parecem ter sido mortas sem motivo.

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Uma Noite Na Cidade

October 21, 201145m

Danny faz um malabarismo ao tentar investigar um caso e ter um fim de semana romântico com Linda ao mesmo tempo.

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Intriga Racial

November 4, 201145m

Frank lida com uma crise policial após Jamie e Renzulli entrarem em um centro religioso em resposta a uma ligação ao 190 e serem feridos pela equipe de segurança da igreja que os proibiu de entrar.

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Clube Dos Corações Solitários

November 11, 201145m

Jakie se infiltra em uma escolta quando ela e Danny procuram um assassino em série que está matando prostitutas em quartos de hotéis.

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Ação De Graças

November 18, 201145m

Quando uma jovem mulher comete suicídio, Danny e Jackie suspeitam que foi forçado.

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December 2, 201145m

Danny acompanha um perigoso ex-mafioso que está ajudando-o a encontrar corpos de casos não solucionados em troca de imunidade para seu filho em um grande roubo de carros.

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O Informante

January 6, 201245m

Quando o informante de Erin é assassinado, ela se culpa e trabalha para ajudar Danny a descobrir quem o matou.

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O Uniforme

January 13, 201245m

Danny e Jackie investigam uma cena de homicídio em uma lanchonete, onde uma testemunha alega que um policial uniformizado deixou a cena depois de tiros terem sido disparados.

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A Função

February 3, 201245m

No caminho de casa com sua família, Danny atropela um homem que está fugindo de um atirador, e sua família fica presa no fogo cruzado quando Danny atira contra o homem armado.

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Ato De Fé

February 10, 201245m

Quando uma mulher rica morre de um ataque cardíaco, sua filha excêntrica alega ter recebido uma mensagem de Deus, que disse que seu padrasto (estrela convidada Timothy Busfield) a assassinou.

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February 17, 201245m

Quando a família de um homem é roubada e espancada na frente dele e o assaltante é baleado e morto, os Reagans debatem sobre o quão longe iriam para proteger sua família.

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A Vida Que Escolhemos

February 24, 201245m

Quando um amigo da família Reagan, um detetive disfarçado, é morto, Linda e os meninos se preocupam com Danny, já que sua busca implacável pelo assassino mexe com seu estado emocional.

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Mulheres Com Armas

March 2, 201245m

Quando uma amiga próxima de Frank, uma repórter de alto nível, é quase agredida enquanto estava na cidade investigando uma história, Danny e Jackie tentam achar seu quase-agressor.

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Reagan Contra Reagan

March 9, 201245m

Enquanto Erin acusa uma mulher de matar seu marido, o advogado de defesa é assassinado e Danny é designado para a investigação.

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Sem Perguntas

March 30, 201245m

Danny é colocado em uma posição difícil quando uma arma ligada a um roubo é levada ao programa de recompra de armas da Polícia de Nova Iorque.

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Um Tipo De Herói

April 6, 201245m

Danny cria uma confusão no departamento quando investiga um caso encerrado, o suicídio de um bombeiro, pela insistência do filho de 12 anos do homem.

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Trabalhos De Meninas

April 27, 201245m

Danny e Jackie são designados para proteger uma testemunha-chave em um julgamento de máfia russa, mas quando há um atentado a sua vida, eles percebem que houve um vazamento de informação na força-tarefa.

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Dano Colateral

May 4, 201245m

Danny e Jackie investigam a morte suspeita de um investidor rico que sofreu ferimentos em um voo, mas suas mãos não foram marcadas pela lesão.

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Dia Das Mães

Season Finale
May 11, 201245m

Frank precisa correr para parar um ataque com arma biológica em Nova Iorque, enquanto se esconde de sua família durante seu feriado mais sentimental, o dia das mães.

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Acerto De Contas

September 28, 201245m

Um perigoso criminoso do passado de Danny volta em busca de vingança e sequestra Jackie. Enquanto isso, Jamie conhece seu novo parceiro.

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Distúrbio Doméstico

October 5, 201245m

Quando uma mulher ferida retira sua queixa de violência doméstica, Danny e Jackie investigam a fundo, apenas para descobrir que a mulher está envolvida em um relacionamento secreto com um poderoso vereador, que por acaso é amigo de Frank.

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Justiça Com As Próprias Mãos

October 12, 201245m

Danny acredita que um assassino em série está solto quando duas vítimas de diferentes assassinatos são identificadas como membros de um grupo acusado de estupro coletivo.

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Terra Queimada

October 19, 201245m

Danny e Jackie vão investigar o assassinato de uma noiva no dia de seu casamento por tiros disparados de um veículo em movimento. No entanto, são tirados do caso e nomeados para fazer a segurança de um presidente da América Central.

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Risco E Retorno

October 26, 201245m

Logo após Frank premiar um detetive com uma Medalha de Valor por seu trabalho infiltrado com a Polícia de Nova Iorque na Malásia, o detetive é feito de refém por um barão da droga Malaio cujo irmão ele ajudou a colocar na prisão.

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Gramados Mais Verdes

November 2, 201245m

Quando a testemunha chave de Erin, um fotógrafo infame, é quase morto em um atropelamento seguido de fuga, ela providencia que Danny trabalhe de segurança para protegê-lo.

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November 9, 201245m

Quando um agressor com uma faca vestido como Barão Samedi, um loa dos mortos, esfaqueia um homem fantasiado no Halloween, Danny entra no mundo do vodu.

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Educação Superior

November 30, 201245m

Danny chega em um campus de faculdade para encontrar um estudante assassinado, que teoricamente traficava drogas.

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Segredos E Mentiras

December 7, 201245m

Quando Danny e Kate chegam de mãos vazias de pistas de um tiroteio, Linda ajuda a fazer uma descoberta sobre o caso quando ouve a vítima contando a seu padre quem foi o responsável.

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Pais E Filhos

January 4, 201345m

Quando dois motoristas dirigindo carros bebedores de gasolina morrem na mão de um atirador de elite, Danny e Kate são colocados no caso do que a cidade acredita ser trabalho de um assassino em série e ambientalista radical.

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Notícias De Primeira Página

January 11, 201345m

Jamie precisa lidar com as consequências emocionais de suas ações no trabalho.

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January 18, 201345m

Quando o carro de Danny bate com a descrição da Polícia de Nova Iorque de um veículo envolvido em uma venda de drogas, ele é parado e levado sob custódia quando um saco de cocaína é achado em sua caminhonete.

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Trabalhos Internos

February 1, 201345m

Quando um homem com múltiplas mordidas de rato é jogado de um carro em movimento, Danny trabalha no caso para descobrir o porquê e quem estava tentando enviar uma mensagem.

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Homens De Preto

February 8, 201345m

Antes de um Grande Rebbe Hassídico falecer, ele escolhe seu filho mais novo para sucedê-lo. Mas quando o novo nomeado morre de repente, Danny investiga o filho mais velho e outros dentro da comunidade hassídica.

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February 15, 201345m

Quando um menino de dez anos é vítima de um incidente nos projetos, a abordagem calorosa de Danny ao caso o leva a uma aula de controle da raiva.

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Olho Por Olho

February 22, 201345m

Erin e Danny investigam um caso não solucionado de uma menina atacada por seu namorado rico e poderoso, que nunca foi condenado.

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Protesto Too Much

March 8, 201345m

Quando um policial fora de serviço tenta parar um assalto a banco, é desarmado pelos assaltantes "Bonnie e Clyde" que tiram sua arma e ferem um inocente espectador.

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Sem Arrependimentos

March 15, 201345m

Quando a mesma tragédia acontece a pessoas que não parecem ter ligação, Danny deve descobrir o que elas têm em comum e quem é o responsável.

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Perdendo A Fé

April 5, 201345m

Quando uma mulher religiosa é assassinada, Danny interroga sua família que se choca ao descobrir que ela tinha um relacionamento secreto.

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Fim E Meios

April 12, 201345m

Quando dois corretores de Wall Street são mortos em vendas de drogas, Danny tenta questionar um cúmplice ferido mas é parado por Linda, que não o deixa vê-lo antes da cirurgia.

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Hálito Do Diabo

April 26, 201345m

Quando Danny acha um homem desorientado em um parque coberto com o sangue de sua namorada, ele tem dificuldade em acreditar que o homem não se lembra do que aconteceu na noite até achar um forte narcótico em sua corrente sanguínea.

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Final Amargo

May 3, 201345m

O suicídio de uma jovem mulher emociona Danny, já que ele prometeu ajudá-la quando seus pais foram tirados dela.

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Saída Por Aqui

Season Finale
May 10, 201345m

Enquanto os Reagan se unem para derrubar o líder de uma gangue responsável pelo assassinato de alguém próximo a eles, Danny espera que a namorada do líder da gangue os leve até ele.

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Unwritten Rules

September 27, 201345m

When an armed robbery ends with the death of a police officer, Frank makes it a mission for the NYPD to bring the suspect to justice. However, tensions run high in the Reagan household when Erin drops the charges and releases the suspect due to lack of evidence.

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The City That Never Sleeps

October 4, 201345m

When a famous movie star, Russell Berke, who shadowed Danny for research on his next role, is stabbed, Danny goes to his aid, but must keep the crime on the down-low due to Russell's celebrity status.

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To Protect and Serve

October 11, 201345m

Danny becomes the lead hostage negotiator when a prime informant in a large drug case holds Erin at gunpoint inside the courtroom.

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The Truth About Lying

October 18, 201345m

A teen girl dies after she is seemingly pushed in front of a subway car by a homeless man; Frank is irritated by having to meet with the new inspector general (Bebe Neuwirth).

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Lost and Found

October 25, 201345m

When Danny and Baez suspect a little girl might be the victim of a kidnapping, the girl’s mother denies it, but her story doesn’t add up. Meanwhile, Frank pays a visit to a priest, a counselor to the NYPD, who was arrested on a DUI charge.

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Growing Boys

November 1, 201345m

Jamie's conduct is questioned when a suspect he was pursuing is fatally injured; Baez goes under cover to investigate a drug dealer -- the fiance of Danny's ex-girlfriend (Charisma Carpenter).

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Drawing Dead

November 8, 201345m

When an officer is accused of using excessive force on a suspect, Frank finds his department under scrutiny from the community and the mayor. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a Wall Street securities trader who was deep in debt due to a gambling addition.

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Justice Served

November 15, 201345m

Frank is put in danger when his dinner companion, mob lawyer Angelo Gallo, is shot; Danny is a juror in a murder trial.

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Bad Blood

November 22, 201345m

Danny and Baez investigate a homicide in which Baez’s estranged brother, a former drug addict, is the lead suspect. Meanwhile, Frank learns one of his most highly decorated officers, a German Shepherd in the K9 unit, is being accused of police brutality, and Henry investigates the widow of a former NYPD pal who might have had a hand in her husband’s death.

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Mistaken Identity

December 13, 201345m

Danny and Baez investigate a local bombing, but meet with tension and resistance from the community during the investigation. Meanwhile, Frank must deal with the political fallout when a man punches an officer who was overly aggressive in his questioning.

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Ties That Bind

December 20, 201345m

Danny’s loyalty is tested when he is assigned to the case of a childhood friend, Mickey, who is under investigation for having ties to an infamous mob family. Meanwhile, Frank gets word that crime is on the rise due to a recent judicial ruling about the legality of the “stop and frisk” policy.

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The Bogeyman

January 10, 201445m

Danny is after the distributor of a deadly new street drug.

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Unfinished Business

January 17, 201445m

Danny and Baez search for a Marine veteran who may have PTSD; a woman seeking justice for her murdered daughter catches Frank off-guard during a press conference.

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Manhattan Queens

January 31, 201445m

A popular drag queen and reality-TV star is found dead in a park; the mother of an accused man abducts Erin.

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Open Secrets

February 28, 201445m

A kidnapping investigation brings back bad memories for Danny, who worked a similar case years ago; Frank and Inspector General Peterson butt heads.

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Insult to Injury

March 7, 201445m

When Danny takes a call from a woman who is threatening to kill herself along with the man who killed her parents in a drunk driving accident, he rushes to find her. Meanwhile, Frank accompanies his grandson, Sean, on a class field trip and struggles to get the lead chaperone to loosen the reigns so the kids can have fun.

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Knockout Game

March 14, 201445m

Danny and Baez search for teenager who have been randomly punching unsuspecting people in the head, including a pregnant woman; Frank worries that promoting an officer will be viewed as favoritism.

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Righting Wrongs

April 4, 201445m

A woman dies after undergoing a secret plastic surgery, so Danny and Baez try to figure out what happened. Elsewhere, Frank asks Jamie to solve a cold case; and Erin explores the world of speed dating.

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Secret Arrangements

April 11, 201445m

A college professor involved with a questionable scholarship program is murdered; Danny is investigated for ethical and procedural violations.

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Custody Battle

April 25, 201445m

Erin investigates a case involving a police officer accused of killing a suspect in custody; Jamie encourages Eddie to forgive her father.

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Above and Beyond

May 2, 201445m

After a detective from Danny's precinct is killed while working undercover, Frank goes above and beyond to find the killer only to discover that the victim held a big secret; Jamie and Eddie help Nicky track down a homeless former classmate.

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Season Finale
May 9, 201445m

Danny uncovers shocking information while investigating a case against orders.

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September 26, 201445m

Danny tries tracking down the drug cartel who's attacked a convoy of drugs been transported to be incinerated. Baez is left injured. Frank treads carefully.

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Forgive and Forget

October 3, 201445m

Jamie stands up for a fellow officer, ostracized for testifying against their partner. Frank is given a difficult request by Boomer.

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Burning Bridges

October 10, 201445m

Eddie and James attempt to steal a collar from a pompous detective. An officer is outed and his partner refuses to ride with him. Danny and Baez are asked to work with new partners. Elsewhere Frank speaks out about equality on the force.

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Excessive Force

October 17, 201445m

Frank is put in a difficult position when Danny is charged with using excessive force. Jamie brings homeless man to the hospital.

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Loose Lips

October 24, 201445m

Jamie has become a target after intervening in an abusive relationship. Elsewhere an illegal recording of Henry making insensitive comments is leaked.

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Most Wanted

October 31, 201445m

Frank and Danny become determined to make sure that an international felon who always manages to walk away from murder charges ends up behind bars. Erin thinks about going into private practice after she looks into college costs for Nicky. Danny clashes with his new boss.

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Shoot the Messenger

November 7, 201445m

An interview goes badly for Frank after he ends up being blindsided by the interim district attorney. Danny and his new boss deal with a drive-by shooting.

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Power of the Press

November 21, 201445m

Frank is faced with a public backlash after a police officers body camera malfunctions during an altercation.

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Under the Gun

December 12, 201445m

The murder of three prominent community leaders seem to be hate crimes.

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Sins of the Father

January 2, 201545m

Frank pushes to find evidence against a suspected cop killer who shot one of Henry’s fellow officers years ago. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez investigate a string of murders involving adult film stars.

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January 9, 201545m

Danny is conflicted when he learns that a group of highly trained Army veterans are responsible for a robbery. Meanwhile, after a bomb scare in a subway turns out to be the work of a famous street artist, Garrett and Gormley argue about how to deal with the fallout.

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Home Sweet Home

January 16, 201545m

Jamie gets Danny involved when he finds a homeless teen who claims his aunt was killed by her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Erin is angered when McCoy replaces her as the prosecutor on a case involving a corrections officer.

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Love Stories

January 30, 201545m

Danny and Baez investigate when a homeowner shoots an intruder, only to find out that, the intruder is a hit man. Also, a young attorney attempts to bring justice to his mother who Erin put away on a murder charge 12 years ago

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The Poor Door

February 6, 201545m

Danny and Baez investigate a murder of a lower income resident in a luxury building where 20 percent of the units are made affordable for lower income housing. Also, Frank takes issue with a detective friend of Gormley’s who takes advantage of his position with legal loopholes.

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Power Players

February 13, 201545m

When a star witness in a double murder case drops out, Erin is tasked with bringing a protected mob informant back to New York for a case and keeping him safe, with help from Danny and Baez. Also, Frank enters into tense negotiations with Mayor Poole about police officer benefits.

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In the Box

February 20, 201545m

When an emotionally distraught man holds Baez hostage at gunpoint in an interrogation room after she served him with a restraining order, Danny must try to meet his demands before he harms Frank is faced with a personal and moral dilemma when Garrett asks for help in dropping charges filed against his son.

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Occupational Hazards

March 6, 201545m

Erin is rattled when an unknown assailant breaks into her apartment and also attacks her co-worker. Meanwhile, Jamie and Eddie discover a pipe bomb in an elderly woman’s apartment, and Frank looks into a charity that is soliciting money for the NYPD.

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Bad Company

March 13, 201545m

Eddie goes on her first undercover operation to investigate a kidnapping ring targeting young women via fake youth hostel websites. Meanwhile, Frank helps a woman he knows from early in his career meet the inmate who killed her family.

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Through the Looking Glass

April 3, 201545m

Frank goes toe to toe with an investigative journalist who refuses to give up her source, despite the source admitting to committing murder. Also, Danny is paired with a troubled teenager as part of an NYPD program aimed at influencing youth to make better decisions.

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April 10, 201545m

When a suspect voluntarily admits to killing a reality show celebrity chef in his own restaurant, Danny and Baez are convinced the suspect is taking the fall for someone. Also, Frank faces a moral dilemma when a longtime friend, Sen. Ted McCreary, asks for Frank’s help to make a DUI go away, and investigative journalist Anne Farrell returns.

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New Rules

April 24, 201545m

When NYPD Deputy Chief Donald Kent, a commanding officer of the gang division, and his wife are gunned down in an apparent gang hit, Frank orders all hands on deck to catch his friend’s killer. Working the case, Danny and Baez go see Mario Hunt, a well-known member of a deadly gang, in the first of a two-part season finale.

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The Art of War

Season Finale
May 1, 201545m

When a member of the Reagan clan is shot, Danny’s tries to track down the gang member responsible, without letting his emotions get the best of him. Also, he must get creative in order to bring in witnesses.

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Worst Case Scenario

September 25, 201545m

Frank entra em alerta vermelho com uma ameaça iminente a Nova York após um ataque terrorista no Oriente Médio.

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Absolute Power

October 2, 201545m

Danny e Baez investigam um possível assassino em série que envia mensagens assustadoras para Danny. Ao mesmo tempo, Erin brinca com a ideia de tentar virar juíza. Já Frank enfrenta problemas quando a candidata à prefeitura, Katherine Tucker, o acusa de investigar secretamente seu marido. Para completar, Eddie encontra seu pai quando este vai parar no hospital.

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All the News That’s Fit To Click

October 9, 201545m

O repórter Lorenzo Colt vira alvo enquanto usava a roupa da polícia em uma ronda na qual acompanhava Jamie e Eddie. Assim, Frank coloca Danny e Baez na caça ao atirador, que pode estar à caça de outros membros da força. Para completar, Garrett contempla a opção de aceitar outro emprego.

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With Friends Like These

October 16, 201545m

Um chefão da máfia enfrenta acusações por um velho assassinato, mas o caso não é tão simples de se concluir, já que um álibi inesperado surge — trazido por alguém que era informante de Erin. Enquanto isso, Frank bate de frente com o comissário de Departamento de Incêndio de Nova York.

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October 23, 201545m

Danny ajuda a ir atrás de dois condenados fugitivos, já que ele ajudou a aprisionar erroneamente um deles. Enquanto isso, Gormley critica um plano submetido por um sargento que pode estar tendo um caso com a esposa de Sid.

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Rush to Judgment

October 30, 201545m

When Jamie is caught on camera committing what could be construed as police brutality at an anti-policy demonstration, Frank is forced to turn the case over to Internal Affairs. Also, Danny and Baez investigate a rape case involving a civil rights attorney who claims the charges were drummed up in retaliation for the investigation into Jaime.

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The Bullitt Mustang

November 6, 201545m

Danny and Baez investigate the theft of the only remaining Mustang that Steve McQueen drove in the film “Bullitt,” owned by Owen Cairo. Also, Erin is at odds with Frank when she is forced to side with her office after the acting District Attorney orders that a slew of cops be arrested for fixing traffic tickets for their friends.

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Unsung Heroes

November 13, 201545m

When Danny and his family are threatened by Thomas Wilder, a serial killer Danny has not been able to apprehend, Linda’s concern intensifies over her husband’s job as well as the state of their marriage. Also, Jamie challenges his superior officer, Sgt. William Mulvey, during a hostage situation.

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Hold Outs

November 20, 201545m

When a homicide case ends in a hung jury, Erin is forced to take over the case from her colleague, ADA Kelly Blake, and with the help of DA investigator Anthony Abetemarco, find a missing witness. Also, Jamie and Eddie go undercover as an elderly couple to catch a gang that is terrorizing a neighborhood.

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Flags of Our Fathers

December 11, 201545m

Danny is interrogated by the District Attorney’s investigator when his ex-partner is accused of planting evidence in order to wrap up a homicide case. Also, when radical anti-government activists threaten to publicly burn an American flag, Frank grapples with the limits of free speech.

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Back in the Day

January 8, 201645m

When Frank’s first partner announces plans to publish a book filled with stories of their early days on the force, Frank worries about his personal stories being made public. Also, when Jamie and Eddie catch a call about a nearby officer needing assistance, the choices they each make will affect their future in the department and their relationship.

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January 15, 201645m

When a local mobster is gunned down in his car, Danny and Baez try to get information from the mob’s low-level errand boy they find tied up in the trunk before the gang retaliates. Also, an NYPD officer asks for a new shield number to honor her late father, but Frank is conflicted as it’s the same number as his deceased son, Joe.

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Stomping Grounds

January 22, 201645m

A respected, recently retired NYPD lieutenant is accused of shooting potential muggers on the subway; Baez and Danny try to arrest a drug dealer responsible for a murder Baez witnessed as a child.Source: CBS

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The Road to Hell

February 12, 201645m

Several women take the credit for murdering the man they worked for. Frank and his priest fall out over the best way how to deal with a boy who has been stealing from the church.

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Fresh Start

February 19, 201645m

Erin finds it hard to deal with guilt after a man she set free is suspected of killing a policeman. Frank and Mayor Poole clash over Frank's reappointment as commissioner.

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Help Me Help You

February 26, 201645m

Linda needs Danny and Baez's help after a co-worker has difficulties with an angry ex. Erin's former mentor has been giving out unfair sentences following the death of his wife.

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Friends in Need

March 11, 201645m

Jamie and Danny disagree about how to handle a reckless NYPD rookie, Marcus, who is the son of Danny’s friend. Also, when Erin’s investigator, Anthony, gets roped into a bad investment by his cousin, she offers to look into it.

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Town Without Pity

April 1, 201645m

Frank and Danny work together to help Nick Constantine (Michael Nouri), a rehabilitated ex-con who Frank put away years ago, when Constantine becomes involved in the murder of an old enemy. Also, as Erin prepares for a murder trial, she learns the prosecutor who previously handled the case is withholding the location of the alleged killer so she can interview him on her popular podcast.

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Blast from the Past

April 8, 201645m

While hunting for a robbery crew on a wild crime spree, Danny and Baez partner with Detective Jimmy Mosley, a detective from another precinct who broke Baez’s heart years ago. Also, when an officer who was acquitted on charges of killing a young boy is up for a promotion, Frank grapples with the decision of moving him up the ladder and risking public outrage.

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Down the Rabbit Hole

April 15, 201645m

When serial killer Thomas Wilder attaches a message to his latest victim that taunts Danny, their deadly game of cat and mouse becomes personal for Danny.

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The Extra Mile

April 29, 201645m

When a key eyewitness in a murder trial flees out of fear of retaliation, Erin and Anthony spearhead their own two-person manhunt to find him and convince him to testify. Also, Garrett tries to convince Frank to attend the Police Union party, and Danny and Baez take a closer look at a suspicious convenience store robbery.

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Season Finale
May 6, 201645m

Frank, the Mayor, Erin and the DA’s office contend with public outrage after a grand jury doesn’t indict an NYPD officer for the controversial shooting of a teenager that was caught on video.

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The Greater Good

September 23, 201645m

Evidence against Danny surfaces when the attorney general's office reviews his shooting of a serial killer. Jamie and Eddie deal with a high-profile drunken driver. A slain cop's widow asks Frank for a favor.

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Good Cop Bad Cop

September 30, 201645m

Danny and Baez investigate the death of an elderly woman who was shot in her home by a stray bullet. Also, Frank faces ridicule from his department when he disciplines a disrespectful cop, and Erin steps in to help her detective, Anthony, find a legal solution to a case that’s personal to him,

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The Price of Justice

October 7, 201645m

A woman who was held hostage resists pressing charges, but Danny and Baez want justice for her. Meanwhile, a high-profile NYPD fund-raiser uses a phony police vehicle to avoid traffic; and Jamie has the opportunity to be a technical adviser on a TV show.

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Mob Rules

October 14, 201645m

Intent on bringing justice to Lieutenant Gormley after he is beaten by a mob outside his home, Danny and Frank enlist the aid of Detective Anthony Abetemarco, who has a personal connection to the neighborhood where the attack occurred. Also, Eddie and Jamie witness a dishonest arrest, and Danny searches for a witness to testify against a dangerous gang leader

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For the Community

October 21, 201645m

Erin and Anthony try to prevent the deportation of a prominent community activist who isn't a citizen. Frank must decide if the NYPD will participate in the U.S. Marshals' high-profile raid of a local gang.

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October 28, 201645m

A NYPD whistle-blower claims there's been abuse of power within the organization, so Frank must investigate whether this is true. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez are suspicious of a car accident involving a pedestrian and think it may have been intentional.

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Guilt By Association

November 4, 201645m

When a key witness in Danny's case is killed just before testifying, Erin angers Danny by enlisting Anthony (Steve Schrippa) to help him find the killer. Also, Robert Lewis (Michael Imperioli) tries to force Frank to publicly support the Attorney General's investigation of the use of excessive force by police, and Eddie and Jamie get the call for an attempted suicide.

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Personal Business

November 11, 201645m

After Emily Harrison tells Danny and Baez she's concerned her abusive ex-boyfriend will repeat his behavior with his new girlfriend, Emily becomes the prime suspect when he's murdered. Also, Eddie gets jealous when Jamie lets a young woman crash at his apartment, and Frank must decide how to discipline a sergeant after he fails to intercede during an armed robbery while off duty.

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November 18, 201645m

Frank is left with minimal information to find a missing boy when a conflicted priest who could help won't break the seal of confession. Also, Danny and Baez investigate the death of a prominent New York City socialite with a secret life, and Jamie and Eddie attend a wedding together.

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Unbearable Loss

December 9, 201645m

When the son of Frank's most outspoken critic in the African-American community, Reverend Darnell Potter (Ato Essandoh), is killed, Potter must put aside his contentious relationship with the Reagan family in order to get justice for his.

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January 6, 201745m

When Eddie and Jamie become overly involved in a complicated adoption case between the birth and adoptive parents, they ask Erin to help them settle the dispute without going to court.

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Not Fade Away

January 13, 201745m

When Danny accepts a side job as a bodyguard for a recently released ex-con who took the fall for someone else, he uses the opportunity to go after the real criminal. Also, Gormley's wife, Sheila, asks Frank to give Gormley a bigger command position, and Jamie and Eddie witness a lovers' quarrel between two cops that leads them to reflect on their own complicated relationship.

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The One That Got Away

January 20, 201745m

When diplomatic immunity complicates a child abuse case for Danny and Baez, Frank intervenes, despite not having jurisdiction on the case. Also, a robbery occurs while Eddie and Jamie are on a double date with Eddie's boyfriend and his sister, and they are forced to step in.

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In & Out

February 3, 201745m

While investigating the murder of a gang leader, Danny and Baez learn the accused shooter is an ex-con who is romantically linked to his parole officer, who might be assisting in a cover up. Also, concerned the murder might spark further violence, Frank steps in to mediate but must deal with Mario Hunt, the rival gang leader who killed a police chief two years ago.

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Lost Souls

February 10, 201745m

While investigating the murder of a man who killed a mother and son years earlier while driving drunk, Danny and Baez are torn between doing their job and finding justice after discovering the connection between the suspect and the victim.

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Hard Bargain

February 17, 201745m

When Linda's brother, Jimmy, gets into trouble with the mob, he begs Danny to help him stay safe until it blows over. Also, Frank faces a public relations nightmare when the lawyer of a wrongfully arrested man demands that NYPD records be made public.

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Shadow of a Doubt

March 10, 201745m

Jamie and Eddie suspect foul play when they respond to a distress call from a woman having an allergic reaction to her lifesaving medication, and learn that her husband is an EMT assigned to take her call, but didn't respond. Also, Erin learns that a man she convicted years earlier might be innocent of the crime, and Frank handles a PR crisis in his department when an exposé on Garrett Moore is published.

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A Deep Blue Goodbye

March 31, 201745m

An ex-NYPD officer goes missing the day after she reveals to Danny her plans to make amends to the woman she and her partner wrongfully convicted years ago. Frank faces a dilemma when one of his peers refuses to retire.

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Love Lost

April 7, 201745m

Erin faces off against her ex-husband in court when he represents the person she is attempting to convict of murder. Frank is confronted by a mother who accuses the NYPD of being negligent in solving her son’s murder. Jamie rides with a new partner.

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No Retreat, No Surrender

April 14, 201745m

After Reggie Wilson, a witness in a former case of Erin’s, asks her for help shutting down a drug operation in his apartment building, she makes it her mission to make the building safe for his family. Also, while investigating a teen’s suicide, Danny and Baez uncover information that suggests the death was a homicide, and Frank looks into potential misconduct within the Mayor’s office.

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Foreign Interference

April 28, 201745m

Danny and Baez team up with two Russian operatives to search for a dangerous Russian man who entered the U.S. on a diplomatic visa. Also, Frank gets involved in a sensitive case involving Archbishop Kevin Kearns.

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The Thin Blue Line

Season Finale
May 5, 201745m

In the season finale, when Danny intercepts a shipment of several million dollars that was heading to a drug cartel in Mexico, he becomes a target when they come back for revenge. Also, Jamie works independently to track down a serial killer who preys on the elderly.

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Reduzindo As Perdas

September 29, 201745m

Danny considera se aposentar até que Erin pede a sua ajuda num caso envolvendo o ex-marido dela, Jack. Além disso, Jamie e Eddie se disfarçam como um casal, e Frank bate de frente com a nova prefeita de Nova Iorque, Margaret Dutton.

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Fantasmas Do Passado

October 6, 201745m

Frank recebe uma ordem da prefeita para ir a um desfile homenageando um homem que cumpriu pena por planejar um ataque contra a polícia.

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O Inimigo Do Meu Inimigo

October 13, 201745m

O julgamento de Erin contra a notória traficante de pessoas Chao Lin (Tia Carrera), fica em perigo quando o juiz presidente é encontrado morto, fazendo com que Danny e Baez investiguem o caso.

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Acontecimento Repentino

October 20, 201745m

Danny e Baez trabalham em um caso onde um detetive foi baleado logo antes de testemunhar contra um criminoso reincidente.

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Os Esquecidos

October 27, 201745m

Danny e Baez investigam a morte de uma mãe solteira que o ex-marido tem histórico de violência.

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Por Um Triz

November 3, 201745m

Quando um jogador de basquete famoso é encontrado morto do que parece ser uma overdose de drogas, Danny checa as possíveis conexões dele com o tráfico de drogas local.

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Pontos De Convergência

November 10, 201745m

Um caso fica pessoal para Danny quando ele trabalha para proteger uma enfermeira, Faith Madson (Jessie Mueller), de seu ex-namorado violento.

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Escolha Seu Veneno

November 17, 201745m

O discernimento de Eddie é comprometido pelo seu passado quando ela prende um conhecido detestável da universidade com acusações questionáveis.

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December 1, 201745m

Quando Danny e Baez se juntam à uma força-tarefa anti-drogas para rastrear um fornecedor, Baez entra em contato com drogas e logo está lutando pela sua vida por conta de uma overdose acidental.

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Cabeça Pesada

December 8, 201745m

Erin fica dividida quando Jamie e Eddie pedem a ajuda dela para descartar antigas acusações contra um homem, Parker Mack (Spencer House), que acabou de resgatar corajosamente uma mulher de uma situação de refém local.

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Segundas Chances

January 5, 201845m

Quando uma jornalista desaparece enquanto trabalha para expor que um homem inocente está cumprindo pena por assassinato, Danny e Baez esperam que reexaminar o caso original ajude a encontrá-la.

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Os Corajosos

January 12, 201845m

Depois que Anthony é baleado enquanto entrevistava uma testemunha para um julgamento de assassinato que está por vir, Erin chama o arqui-inimigo dele, Danny, para descobrir quem foi o responsável.

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Apagando A História

January 19, 201845m

Quando Henry é a testemunha-chave de um caso de Danny e Baez, a interferência dele incomoda Danny o que os leva a informações valiosas.

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Escola De Cabeças Duras

February 2, 201845m

Quando um estudante é baleado por um membro de gangue rival no pátio de sua escola, Danny e Baez tentam entender a situação para evitar uma reincidência, mas o diretor, Darryl Ward (Ernie Hudson), toma medidas descuidadas sozinho.

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March 2, 201845m

Danny considera aceitar um novo emprego que vai ajudar com suas dificuldades financeiras depois de investigar a morte de um homem rico.

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Conto De Duas Cidades

March 9, 201845m

Danny e Baez investigam o assassinato de um homem que tinha uma vida dupla com duas famílias separadas, e Anthony tenta resistir quando Erin o chama para ajudar a investigar seu antigo parceiro, o qual ela suspeita estar roubando dinheiro de drogas.

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Por Pouco

March 30, 201845m

Depois que o cunhado de Danny, Jimmy (Kevin Dillon), é pego com a máfia e rouba o cartão de crédito de Danny, Danny força Jimmy a derrubar os mafiosos com a ajuda de Baez.

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Amizade, Amor E Lealdade

April 6, 201845m

Depois que uma mulher verbaliza sua indignação quanto a incapacidade da polícia de Nova Iorque de encontrar o assassino do filho dela, Danny reexamina o caso, irritando os detetives originais que não seguiram com o caso por falta de provas.

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Gestão de Riscos

April 13, 201845m

Danny e Baez correm para encontrar uma garota desaparecida que vai morrer em 72 horas sem seu remédio do coração.

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Na Sua Retaguarda

April 27, 201845m

Quando Danny recorre ao seu arqui-inimigo preso, Victor Lugo (Nick Cordero), para localizar um criminoso perigoso que escapou da prisão, Lugo se recusa a ajudar a não ser que ele possa acompanhá-los na busca.

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O Diabo Que Você Conhece

May 4, 201845m

Frank confronta uma empresa de rastreamento de dados quando eles se recusam a desbloquear o telefone de um terrorista que pode ter informações sobre alvos futuros.

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Minha Mira É Certeira

Season Finale
May 11, 201845m

Quando uma série de assassinatos acontecem depois que seis homens condenados injustamente são libertados da prisão, Danny e Baez se perguntam se foram orquestrados pelos mesmos homens como um ato de vingança.

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Brincando com Fogo

September 28, 201845m

Danny assume um caso pessoal envolvendo um membro do cartel de drogas, Louis Delgado (Lou Diamond Phillips), que Danny acredita ser o responsável por incendiar sua casa, e Erin recebe uma promoção no escritório do promotor, mas se encontra em uma situação desafiadora quando ambos Danny e Jamie pedem ajuda a ela em suas investigações.

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Conheça o novo chefe

October 5, 201845m

Gormley pede ajuda a Danny e Baez para localizar um ex-detetive da polícia de Nova York que ele acredita ser uma ameaça à segurança de Frank.

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Jogos mentais

October 12, 201845m

Ao investigar um caso envolvendo uma mulher que atirou no marido enquanto estava bêbada, os instintos de Danny lhe dizem que há mais nessa história.

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October 19, 201845m

Quando a cidade de Nova York passa por um grande apagão, os policiais lutam para conter o caos resultante, e Frank descobre algumas verdades desagradáveis ​​sobre seu departamento.

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Mais espesso que água

October 26, 201845m

Danny e Baez investigam uma tentativa de assassinato contra um famoso médico de fertilidade com uma reputação aparentemente imaculada.

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November 2, 201845m

Eddie e sua nova parceira, Maya (Yasha Thompson), entram em conflito com Jamie no trabalho quando não conseguem intervir em uma disputa pública em uma loja de conveniência.

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Por bem ou por mal

November 9, 201845m

As coisas ficam pessoais para Danny quando Luis Delgado (Lou Diamond Phillips), o assassino do cartel de drogas responsável por incendiar sua casa, reaparece.

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Mexendo a panela

November 16, 201845m

Erin e Frank entram em conflito por causa da nova legislação do gabinete do procurador que mina as políticas de Frank.

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November 30, 201845m

Quando surge um vídeo de policiais sendo assediados por um grupo de pessoas em um complexo habitacional, Frank ordena uma operação para prender qualquer pessoa com um mandado pendente, contra o conselho de Garrett (Gregory Jbara).

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Figuras de autoridade

December 7, 201845m

Quando surge um vídeo de policiais participando de um caso claro de armadilha, Frank se concentra em encontrar o policial que vazou o vídeo.

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January 4, 201945m

Frank questiona se um desentendimento com ativistas comunitários foi um acidente ou uma armação.

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Momentos Importantes

January 11, 201945m

Depois que uma ex-oficial atende Frank em um restaurante, ele se culpa por sua demissão e tenta reintegrá-la. Danny e Baez investigam o assassinato de um jogador de basquete.

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Propagação De Ondas

February 1, 201945m

Um médium se aproxima de Danny e Baez alegando saber o que aconteceu com uma mulher que foi encontrada morta. Frank vai contra os desejos do arcebispo.

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O Guardião do Meu Irmão

February 8, 201945m

Danny não obedece uma ordem direta de Jamie durante uma negociação de reféns. Erin ajuda um amigo de Nick pode perder sua bolsa de estudos por um crime que não cometeu.

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February 15, 201945m

Enquanto está de folga, Danny presencia um assalto e é forçado a usar sua arma. Frank descobre que um oficial importante do seu departamento tem um passado sombrio.

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Passado Simples

March 8, 201945m

Depois que uma mulher é assassinada em seu apartamento, Danny e Baez pedem ajuda à filha dela, Margo (Lyrica Okano), mas ela complica a investigação.

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Duas Caras

March 15, 201945m

Erin decide como acusar um médico cujos os tratamentos experimentais levaram à morte de sua filha. Danny e Baez investigam a misteriosa overdose de um artista promissor.

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April 5, 201945m

Frank decide se deve implementar um teste físico mais rigoroso para a polícia. Danny hesita em pegar um caso arquivado depois de saber quem era o detetive original.

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Crimes Comuns

April 12, 201945m

Danny se une à Luis para derrubar o assassino que matou sua esposa e que também pode ser responsável pela morte de Linda. Além disso, Frank finalmente conhece a mãe de Eddie.

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Companheiros Estranhos

April 26, 201945m

Erin tenta convencer Frank a apoiar um novo projeto de lei da polícia estadual. Frank enfrenta um desafio quando um assassino de policiais aparece em liberdade condicional.

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May 3, 201945m

Evidências de DNA em um caso de assassinato levam Danny e Baez a gêmeos com álibis idênticos. Jamie visita o pai de Eddie na prisão.

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Algo Azul

Season Finale
May 10, 201945m

Erin entrevista uma testemunha cuja história a leva a duvidar da honestidade de Eddie. Danny e Baez desvendam a complicada vida amorosa de uma jovem vítima de homicídio.

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A História Real

September 27, 201945m

Danny e Baez investigam um homicídio de um ano atrás relembrado por Maggie, médium que trabalhou com eles em um outro caso. Frank tenta ajudar Lenny Ross quando sua filha é presa.

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Travesso Ou Bonzinho

October 4, 201945m

Frank descobre que a promotoria mantém uma lista de policiais que eles consideram "não confiáveis". Danny e Baez recrutam o mafioso Vincent Rella para ajudar em uma investigação.

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Por Trás Do Sorriso

October 11, 201945m

Jamie pede ajuda a Erin para prender um criminoso que atirou nele. Eddie entra em conflito com seu novo chefe, o sargento McNichols.

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Outro Olhar

October 18, 201945m

Erin recebe um caso de roubo não resolvido que se mostra impossível de solucionar sem a ajuda de Anthony. Danny e Baez descobrem a verdade por trás de uma alegação de agressão.

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O Preço Que Se Paga

October 25, 201945m

Frank tenta justificar o meio usado por um detetive acusado de usar força excessiva. Danny e Baez rastreiam o assassino responsável pela morte do guarda-costas de um rapper.

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Casas De Vidro

November 1, 201945m

Jamie ajuda um amigo a lidar com fotos ilícitas de sua filha na internet. Anthony começa a entender que seu filho pode não ser adequado para o trabalho policial.

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Padrões Mais Elevados

November 8, 201945m

Jamie e Frank discordam sobre o tratamento do público com a polícia. Erin é forçada a admitir seus erros quando Jack traz um caso em que ela prendeu um homem inocente.

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Amigos Em Altos Cargos

November 15, 201945m

Henry e Danny discutem um caso envolvendo um homem que é negligente em relação à esposa. Frank está no meio de uma batalha entre o(s) dois departamentos da polícia.

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Erros Graves

November 22, 201945m

Enquanto trabalha no caso de uma babá acusada de abuso, Erin discorda da psiquiatra sobre o diagnóstico e sugestão de punição. Danny se disfarça para um caso de assassinato.

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Contas A Acertar

December 6, 201945m

Depois que uma mulher é morta em um clube só para homens, Danny e Baez investigam se sua morte foi um acidente. Jamie e Eddie discutem sobre a política de gênero na família Reagan.

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Cuidado Com O Que Você Deseja

January 3, 202045m

Danny e Baez trabalham para achar quem está por trás de uma série de assaltos a ambulâncias. Eddie se oferece para ajudar Jamie a pagar seus empréstimos estudantis.

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Onde Reside A Verdade

January 10, 202045m

Frank se irrita quando uma viúva o culpa pelo recente suicídio de seu marido durante o trabalho. Eddie tem um pressentimento sobre um assassinato.

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January 31, 202045m

Danny e Baez investigam o assassinato de um famoso fotógrafo que foi acusado de agressão por seus ex-modelos. Erin luta para proteger uma testemunha.

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A Névoa Da Guerra

February 14, 202045m

Jamie é acusado de não supervisionar adequadamente depois que o policial Addison dispara por engano em um policial disfarçado e Frank conversa com ele sobre o acontecido.

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Interesses Ocultos

March 6, 202045m

Jamie é investigado depois que seu colete policial é encontrado com um criminoso. Danny e Baez investigam a morte de um funcionário do hotel que acreditam ter sido um suicídio.

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Os Primeiros 100 Dias

March 13, 202045m

Danny e Baez procuram o criminoso que vandalizou veículos da polícia com pichações e fez ameaças contra policiais. Erin fica abalada depois de sofrer um acidente de carro.

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O Palácio Do Quebra-Cabeça

April 3, 202045m

Erin e Anthony devem confiar em um sociopata que afirma ter provas de um assassinato. Frank afasta um policial por comportamento violento e causa uma reação em seu departamento.

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Escondido Em Plena Vista

April 24, 202045m

Danny e Baez procuram por um traficante de drogas depois que duas jovens são encontradas mortas por overdose. Eddie e Jamie se unem para achar quem está por trás de um assalto.

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Segredos De Família

Season Finale
May 1, 202045m

Sean Reagan busca quem mandou uma correspondência sobre parente desconhecido. Danny procura descobrir a verdade por trás do assassinato de uma testemunha em um dos casos de Erin.

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Triumph Over Trauma

December 4, 202045m

Amidst a shifting political climate, Frank goes head to head with City Council Speaker Regina over protests against police brutality. Also, Jamie and his nephew Joe Hill work together to locate Danny and Baez when they go missing while searching for a killer, and Eddie steps up to help an abrasive woman find her father's body after it was misplaced during the outset of the pandemic.

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In the Name of the Father

December 11, 202045m

Danny and Jamie combine forces to convict a notorious drug lord, as Erin nervously awaits the Governor's selection for the new District Attorney. Also, Frank and his grandson, Joe Hill (Will Hochman), face a difficult decision as they navigate their new and complicated family ties.

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December 18, 202045m

Frank struggles after Joe Hill's lineage as a Reagan is revealed; Erin and Anthony receive gift-wrapped evidence; Danny's opposition to authority clashes with Jamie's adherence to the rules, as both brothers work to solve a murder.

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January 8, 202145m

Erin is conflicted by the weight of her authority in the sentencing of a man who is guilty of vehicular homicide; Danny and Baez pursue a rideshare rapist; Jamie and Eddie team up to aid a fellow officer when his partner is shot on the job.

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Spilling Secrets

January 22, 202145m

Eddie and her partner, Officer Rachel Witten, are heralded for their bravery for stopping an active shooter, until a civilian comes forward to accuse them of faking the incident as part of a government conspiracy.

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The New Normal

February 5, 202145m

The Reagans confront hard choices on the job when Frank deals with a police captain who's losing his grip over his precinct, and Danny faces backlash from the Baez and Internal Affairs over a tough call he made in the field.

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In Too Deep

February 12, 202145m

After Danny witnesses a drive-by shooting, he butts head with the detective assigned to the case; a childhood friend of Jamie's is convinced that she has single-handedly solved a cold case murder.

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More Than Meets the Eye

March 5, 202145m

Erin tries not to feel overpowered as her new boss shadows her at work just as she's trying to get a nervous eye-witness to reveal the identity of who shot her boyfriend. Also, the serial killer who previously held Danny and Baez hostage resurfaces, and when Jaime arrests an intrusive reporter who appears at a series of store lootings, it leads to a standoff between Frank and the Attorney General over the press' First Amendment rights.

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For Whom the Bell Tolls

March 26, 202145m

Baez confides in Danny and asks for his help in proving her innocence after she finds a corpse in her front yard. Also, Erin struggles to find a peaceful solution when she receives harsh case notes from her boss, Jamie and Eddie butt heads over the handling of a young cop’s punishment, and Frank makes his whole team attend therapy after Gormley exhibits troubling behavior.

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The Common Good

April 2, 202145m

Frank asks Erin to liaise between him and NY Governor Mendez regarding policy reform he privately backs, but can’t publicly support, because it goes against police rank and file. Danny and Baez become enmeshed in the world of competitive gaming when a high-profile video game streamer is murdered, and Eddie and Witten suspect a live-in nanny is being abused after she approaches them on the street for help.

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Guardian Angels

April 9, 202145m

Frank takes matters into his own hands to save Gormley's career when complaints against him become public knowledge; Danny and Baez learn to be allies when the transgender community comes under attack.

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Happy Endings

April 16, 202145m

Business becomes personal for Frank and his 1 Police Plaza team when Baker is assaulted on the street, as well as for Erin, when she asks her ex-husband, Jack Boyle, to represent a defendant she’s prosecuting. Also, Eddie wonders if she’s being too stubborn after she publicly undermines one of Jamie’s decisions at work, and Danny and Baez investigate the attempted murder of a couple with huge secrets.

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Fallen Heroes

April 30, 202145m

Jamie refuses to explain why he contests the arrest report of a fellow officer who was assaulted in the field; Danny and Baez clash when their lead suspect for a murder of one of Danny's favorite comics.

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The New You

May 7, 202145m

Frank and Garrett quarrel when Garrett refuses to walk back a quote he provided to a local newspaper. Also, Danny and Baez discover a connection to a feud between local residents and city-sponsored hotels for the homeless while investigating a murder, Anthony is mistaken for a mafioso and Eddie pressures Jamie to take a love language quiz.

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The End (1)

May 14, 202145m

Shockwaves ripple through the Reagan family when Danny discovers that their newest family member, Joe Hill (Will Hochman), is working undercover for the ATF to bring down a gunrunning organization.

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Justifies the Means (2)

Season Finale
May 14, 202145m

The Reagans band together to prevent Joe Hill from being killed in the line of duty like his father when they fear Joe’s cover has been blown within the gunrunning outfit he’s helping the ATF bring down.

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Hate Is Hate

October 1, 202142m

Danny consults a psychic to solve the murder of a young boy; Frank is at odds with the mayor over how best to protect the city from an uptick in crime following a high-profile shooting; Erin investigates a decades-old case.

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Times Like These

October 8, 202142m

Tension escalates between Frank and Mayor Chase after Frank makes a public arrest that goes viral. Danny and Baez investigate a gang attack that takes an unexpected turn. Jamie worries when Eddie lies to him about where she's going in the evenings.

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Protective Instincts

October 15, 202142m

Frank must decide between remaining police commissioner and pursuing a new professional chapter when his old friend presents him with an exciting job offer. Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a restaurant delivery man.

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True Blue

October 22, 202142m

Jamie faces backlash from fellow officers when he partners with Erin and Anthony to investigate an underground bar the NYPD and FDNY use to hide their criminal indiscretions; Eddie's partner considers leaving the force.

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Good Intentions

November 5, 202142m

Jamie and Eddie experience marital tension when Eddie allows her newly released ex-convict father to live with them; Danny and Baez go out of their way to help a desperate man find his missing sister.

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Be Smart or Be Dead

November 12, 202142m

Frank causes family tension when he assigns Jamie to guard Danny after a hit is put on him; Frank tries to stop his grandson from seeking revenge after he’s attacked; Eddie gets a hostile new partner.

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USA Today

November 19, 202142m

Danny and Baez's attempts to find who assaulted a shop owner are hindered by the community's refusal to cooperate; Erin's suspicions about her boss rise; Gormley, Garrett and Baker are threatened by a new staff member.

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Reality Check

December 3, 202142m

Danny partners with Anthony to solve a double homicide when Anthony's shady cousin proves to have gang ties to the crime; the boundary between Eddie and Jamie's work and personal relationship becomes strained.

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December 10, 202142m

Frank enlists the help of an old friend, Sloane Thompson, to investigate a cyber-attack on the NYPD that forces Danny and Baez to release an evasive suspect. Also, Baez questions her place within the NYPD; Eddie is torn over a workplace dilemma; and Jamie wrestles with a family secret.

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Old Friends

January 7, 202242m

An illegal drug shipment arriving in New York City must be found before the narcotics flood the streets; Jamie helps a neighbor handle a gambling debt; Frank receives pushback from Mayor Chase over his handling of a brawl.

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On the Arm

January 14, 202242m

Danny pursues a con artist pretending to be the legendary singer Jimmy Buffett; Frank investigates an impressive police captain who is using her badge to get free wares from local stores.

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The Reagan Way

January 21, 202242m

Frank is at odds with his friend Archbishop Kearns when he says the NYPD arrested the wrong man for a murder; Eddie tries to get justice for a sexual assault survivor; Jamie and his nephew, Joe Hill, butt heads over fair police practices.

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Cold Comfort

January 28, 202242m

Frank contends with a potentially dirty cop within his ranks; Eddie and Badillo track down the culprits behind the theft of valuable, rare works from a celebrated bookstore; Erin snoops into the background of a new woman in Anthony's life.

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February 25, 202242m

Erin's nephew, police officer Joe Hill, becomes aware of witness tampering in a trial; Baez forces Danny to help her find the killer of her favorite TV personality; Eddie questions her decision to become a police sergeant.

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Where We Stand

March 4, 202242m

Frank contends with public outcry to defund the NYPD School Safety Division, after a physical altercation between a school officer and a student goes viral; Danny and Baez help a father track down his missing ex-wife and daughter.

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March 11, 202242m

Frank, Baker, Garrett and Gormley experience feelings of guilt when Detective Angela Reddick (Ilfenish Hadera), an officer they briefly worked with at 1PP, is shot after Frank reassigned her for not meshing with their team. Also, Eddie, Danny and Baez investigate a man’s murder after Eddie and her partner respond to an altercation between the victim and a neighbor, and Anthony finds himself at a crossroads when he’s offered a promotion that strains his relationship with Erin.

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Hidden Motive

April 1, 202242m

Frank is blindsided when Mayor Chase bypasses him with a request for Jamie to head his security detail; Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a wealthy college student; Anthony fears money woes are leading his sibling down the wrong path.

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Long Lost

April 8, 202242m

A local celebrity asks Frank to make an exception to the NYPD age limit; an encounter with an old rival leads Erin to look into an alleged wrongful conviction; Jamie is torn over whether to report a sergeant; Danny and Baez look for an abducted kid.

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Tangled Up in Blue

April 29, 202243m

Erin is stalked by a man who was recently released from prison; Jamie works to save his badge when he is caught driving under the influence after he is unknowingly given drugs at a party; Frank navigates multiple family issues.

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Silver Linings

Season Finale
May 6, 2022

Jamie and Joe search for an undocumented teenage girl who has been sex-trafficked; a woman in witness protection is murdered; Frank calls out the district attorney's office for instituting a new rule that classifies armed robbery as a misdemeanor.

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Keeping the Faith

October 7, 202243m

Eddie and Jamie deal with a domestic violence case associated with an investigation lead by Danny and Baez; Frank and his friend go on a mission to avail themselves to an unfiltered look at the city; Erin is presented with a surprising offer.

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First Blush

October 14, 202243m

Frank announces he will not endorse Erin's run for district attorney; Danny and Baez investigate a bloody crime scene at a hotel; Jamie begins a new job as a field intelligence sergeant that requires him to keep secrets from his family.

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October 21, 202243m

Danny and Baez investigate after a vicious attack leaves their mutual friend, Maggie Gibson, hospitalized; Frank and the team debate the appropriate memorial protocol for a former police commissioner with a questionable professional legacy.

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Life During Wartime

October 28, 202243m

Danny and Baez investigate a series of violent robberies targeting luxury timepieces; Erin is conflicted about criminally charging a potentially innocent man; Frank is forced to reopen a case in which the officer involved was acquitted.

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November 4, 202243m

Frank launches an investigation after the Reagan family is harassed; Danny and Baez form an unlikely partnership with an informant in order to prevent a murder; Eddie lands in hot water after she defies a direct order.

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On Dangerous Ground

November 18, 202243m

Danny and Jamie clash over a gang-related shooting; Erin and Anthony search for answers when a lawyer in their office jeopardizes a case involving Erin's nephew; Frank grows concerned when he's not invited to speak at a policing forum.

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December 2, 202243m

Erin and Anthony clash when Anthony's daughter is the sole eyewitness to a fatal shooting; Frank wants to punish an off-duty cop for his inaction during an armed robbery; Danny and Baez investigate a violent mugging.

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Poetic Justice

December 9, 202242m

Danny crosses paths with a criminal from a previous case when he investigates a gang attack with a shocking motive; Frank and Mayor Chase butt heads over an off-duty cop who goes too far making a political statement.

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Já Acabou O Respeito

January 6, 202343m

Frank e Joe Hill entram em conflito por conta da memória do pai de Joe. Erin e Henry trabalham juntos para conter um golpista de idosos.

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Finja Até Conseguir

January 13, 202343m

Jamie e sua equipe de Inteligência se infiltram em um caso de contrabando. Eddie pede a ajuda de Danny para prender um policial impostor.

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January 20, 202342m

A investigação de Danny e Baez se complica por conta do filho da vítima. Jamie tenta reparar um caso antigo.

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A Liga Principal

February 3, 202342m

Um criminoso que era amigo de infância de Danny pede ajuda a ele para encontrar sua noiva desaparecida. Anthony surpreende Erin.

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O Que Passou

February 10, 202343m

Danny e Baez correm contra o relógio pra pegar um serial killer. Erin e Eddie se desentendem. Frank precisa decidir como disciplinar seu neto Joe.

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Collision Course

March 3, 202342m

Eddie's former partner returns and brings an accusation of excessive force against an officer; Danny and Baez clash with a troubled foster child at the center of their latest investigation; Erin must make a tough decision about her campaign.

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Close to Home

March 10, 202343m

Danny partners with Texas Ranger Waylon Gates to deliver an infamous drug cartel boss to arraignment, but the mission becomes complicated when the criminal threatens to harm the Reagans; Erin takes on a highly contentious assault case.

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The Naked Truth

March 31, 202344m

Jamie learns that Eddie’s close friend Tracey may be using the restaurant she owns as a drug front; Erin is accused of causing the suicide of a former colleague; Danny and Baez are faced with various descriptions of the same suspect.

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Smoke & Mirrors

April 7, 202343m

Frank clashes with the team when one of the members becomes the focus of a departmental investigation; Jamie and Danny team up to investigate a series of carjackings involving one of Danny's criminal informants.

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Family Matters

April 21, 202343m

Danny and Baez investigate a case of grand larceny tied to feuding crime families; Frank clashes with Mayor Chase when an influx of immigrants arrive in the city; Erin questions whether her district attorney campaign is compromising her day job.

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Fire Drill

May 5, 202343m

Jamie partners with the FDNY to find the arsonist responsible for a massive fire at an NYPD evidence storage facility; Eddie asks Frank to put her on modified duty following her divisive arrest of an anti-cop protestor at a rally.

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Irish Exits

May 12, 202345m

Frank worries his longtime friend is hiding his true reason for returning to the city; Baez and her daughter are targeted by a criminal Baez once put away; Anthony is sucked into the inner workings of an underground crime ring.

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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Season Finale
May 19, 202340m

Danny and Baez team up with Danny's old partner to find a copycat killer emulating a criminal's murders from a previous case; Frank and Mayor Chase battle over how best to handle the city's rising homeless population.

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February 16, 202444m

Jaime goes undercover with a deadly human trafficking ring. Danny and Baez investigate a homicide connected to Darryl Reid, Danny's old partner. Also, Frank grapples with whether to publicly support Mayor Chase on a policy decision and Eddie is determined to teach a young shoplifter a lesson.

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Dropping Bombs

February 23, 202444m

Danny and Baez join forces with Danny's old partner, Jackie Curatola, when a serial killer reappears. Also, Eddie faces backlash when she tries to help a woman who accuses a sergeant of rape.

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Fear No Evil

March 1, 202444m

Frank grapples with the personal loss of his best friend and how best to help Tess Ross, the daughter of his best friend, when she lands in jail. Also, Jaime and his nephew, Joe Hill, race against the clock to reunite a trafficking victim with her sister; and Danny and Erin clash when she goes behind Danny's back to use his criminal informant in an investigation.

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Past Is Present

March 15, 202443m

Danny reunites with a troublesome teenager from a past case when the youth finds herself in danger. Also, Frank faces a difficult personnel decision close to home; Jamie grows suspicious when Henry is asked to be interviewed for an investigative web series; and Erin and Anthony investigate when Erin is the alleged target of a shooting.

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Bad Faith

April 5, 202444m

Erin is designated to lead a federal investigation into corrupt horse racing. Also, Jamie investigates a drug trafficking operation involving rival gangs and Danny and Baez look into a series of assaults in Little Vietnam with the help of a familiar face.

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April 12, 202443m

Danny and Baez investigate a homicide involving voodoo with the help of Baez's old partner. Also, Eddie and a fellow officer team up with Captain McNichols when they suspect a prestigious school is employing discriminatory admission practices.

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On the Ropes

April 26, 202444m

Jamie works to bust a group of scammers who use artificial intelligence to defraud the elderly. Also, Danny and Baez investigate a series of mysterious deaths at a hospital; Anthony is determined to take down an attorney who exploits the law for his own financial gain; and Frank disapproves when he learns Gormley is planning to face off against fellow officers in a "smoker" boxing match.

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Wicked Games

May 3, 202443m

Danny and Baez are on edge when Sam Evans, a serial killer who once targeted Baez and her daughter, is released early from prison. Also, Jamie and Anthony team up on an investigation involving one of Anthony's criminal informants, his ex-wife’s brother; Eddie clashes with Captain McNichols over a sergeant who keeps downgrading her cases; and Frank is upset when Abigail goes behind his back regarding a professional favor for her husband.

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Two of a Kind

May 10, 202444m

Danny gets involved when Sean becomes the latest victim in a series of robberies on Sean's college campus. Also, Erin grows suspicious of an overworked attorney who she believes isn't acting in his client's best interest.

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The Heart of a Saturday Night

Mid-Season Finale
May 17, 2024

Danny and Gormley race to find Gus Vanderlip, a committed detective who is dangerously determined to uncover how a rapist he arrested is back on the streets; on the eve of their anniversary, Jamie and Eddie are sent on an undercover assignment to expose a corrupt sober living house; and Henry asks Frank for a favor regarding the NYPD's 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund.

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Episódio 11

October 18, 2024

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