Tori Spelling hahmona Lisa Walker

Jaksot 3


21 joulukuu 19831h

Fashion designer Nolan Miller and his fashion show director, Sally, set up for a gala. Diana Aikins, a model who is losing her youthful look, runs into wealthy Australian rancher Cody Blake, with whom she once had a brief romance. Cody persistently attempts to woo Diana, but Diana, who is up for an assignment with a new perfume line, has no desire to move to Australia. Learning that the perfume company will accept Diana only if she agrees to a face-lift, Cody proposes marriage and Diana accepts, leaving Christine to substitute for her at the fashion show. Dave and Megan are expecting a child, though Megan fears they cannot afford parenthood and should discuss an abortion. However, they learn the hospital was in error: Megan isn't pregnant. Peter is smitten by Alison Brunel after dinner at Alison's townhouse leads to a delightful night of love. Peter and Alison appear to be falling for each other when Alison reveals that she is in a celibate marriage with a wheelchair-bound husband. Her

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Cry Wolf

25 joulukuu 19851h

Two precocious youngsters, Sara, 12, and Ben, 11, check in with their industrious father and their governess, Miss Oliver. Ben and Sara play a prank on Billy by faking an intruder attack. After Ben and Sara overhear an argument punctuated by a pistol shot, they see someone in a Burberry coat sprinting away. They find a dead woman's body in the front seat of a car, but when they take their father to the scene, the body is gone. When they inform Billy, he walks away. Christine's aunt Addie, a wealthy widow, is in town for a reunion with her lover Luke. After Peter exposes Luke as a hustler, Christine informs Addie about Luke's questionable character. Already aware of Luke's hustling, Addie chastises her niece for meddling. Ben sees Miss Oliver in a Burberry coat and is convinced that she is the murderer. Ben and Sara uncover evidence that she has killed the real Miss Oliver and has assumed her identity. As the impostor attempts to kidnap Sara at gunpoint, the police and Billy arrest her.

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11 maaliskuu 19871h

Julie arranges a conference room for sex researcher Dr. Gilbert Holt and his young protégé Jeff Finch, in which they can conduct anonymous interviews exploring women's secret sexual fantasies. Jeff meets attorney Melinda Jenkins, without realizing she is one of his subjects. After discovering the coincidence, Jeff follows through with a romantic overnight date. When the truth comes out, Melinda is outraged, as is Jeff's mentor, Dr. Holt, whose study has been compromised. Jeff withdraws from his university in disgrace, but Melinda relents somewhat and asks Jeff to keep in touch. Peter's troubled niece Jody ""Jo"" Payne I, a precocious 13-year-old tomboy, arrives and announces that she is going to live with Peter. Jo reveals that she cannot accept her mother's new husband and that she has run away from home. Peter enlists Christine's help to convince Jo that she must accept her new stepfather, but the stubborn girl refuses to listen. Becoming stern, Peter books a flight for his niece back

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