Hayley Kiyoko hahmona Stevie Nichols

Jaksot 4

Detention Election

19 maaliskuu 201023m

Justin’s chances at becoming Student Body President are put in jeopardy after someone wallpapers Principal Laritate’s office with posters from Justin’s campaign and he is accused of masterminding the prank. Meanwhile, Alex befriends Stevie, a rebellious new girl in school, and Jerry, Max and Harper get stuck on a Ferris wheel during their trip to Coney Island.

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Eat to the Beat

30 huhtikuu 201023m

After Harper's lunchtime Shakespeare impressions are a total bust, Alex and Stevie ask Justin to hire a rock band to play at lunchtime. Justin agrees, feeling that he owes Stevie since she got him elected to become Student Body President.

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Third Wheel

30 huhtikuu 201023m

Harper is desperately trying to remember something, but she cannot. Alex offers to help Harper recall her memory, so she casts a spell on her. Harper then remembers: Stevie is a wizard, and she saw her cast a spell. Alex and Harper confront Stevie, and she confirms their suspisions by casting a spell in the ground that opens up a warp hole and a student falls in. Alex is happy that she has a wizard friend, but Harper feels left out.

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The Good, the Bad, and the Alex

7 toukokuu 201023m

Alex discovers her friend Stevie is leading a wizard revolution. To the dismay of Justin and Harper, she decides to help Stevie with her quest to make sure no wizard ever has to give up their powers again.

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