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Jaksot 5

The Lost Child and the Black Rabbit

16 huhtikuu 200924m

Oz gets pulled down into the Abyss. He explores a bit and discovers the place as like a broken toy box. He also finds out the the place looks the same no matter where he goes. Some dolls attack him before the Black Rabbit arrives and saves him once again. First, he is fearful of the girl, who tells him to call her Alice, but he soon warms up and begins to eat cookies. When asked by Alice why he isn't afraid of her, he simply replies that too many unexpected incidents have happened to him already. He learned that he should remain calm whenever strange things happen in order to stop others from being hurt. She says that Oz is required to make a contract with her in order to leave the Abyss, and he seriously thinks about it, until he's transported away. After a fake Sharon, which is actually a Chain (a monster born in and from the Abyss) misleads him, he finally agrees to form a contract with Alice. They both leave the Abyss and Raven, a mysterious new figure, Sharon and Break, her servant, find him lying on the ground just as they were about to save him.

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Overlapping Shadows

4 kesäkuu 200924m

Oz somehow manages to suppress Alice's power, and confronts Phillip's father. Amid memories of his own father's coldness, Oz tells him that being by Phillip's side will be enough even without changing their past tragedies. Their conversation is cut short as Vincent Nightray shoots Grim's contractor and sends him back to the abyss. They return in Vincent's carriage and ride to the Reinsworth manor, where Alice asks Oz why he was so worked up over Phillip's father, and Vincent claims to be a blood relative of Gilbert. Break shows Vincent to the door while discussing a theory that somebody inside Pandora was responsible for allowing Grim to escape. It is clear that Break suspects Vincent.

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Hello My Sister!

23 heinäkuu 200924m

Break goes to save the kidnapped Sharon from Vincent, but in doing so, he has to destroy Cheshire's bell (the truth of the Tragedy of Sabrie). Vincent poisoned her as well so Break would have to do what he wanted quickly. He holds the antidote over the edge of his balcony, calling Break a fool, but as it falls, Echo saves the it. Meanwhile, Oz learns about Break's past, and how the Rainsworths found him at the Abyss' door and his acceptance. Later, Oscar receives a letter from Ada from Latowidge, her private academy, indicating that she has a crush on someone. In order to find out who that is, Oscar makes them sneak into the school. They find her, but their meeting (Oz and Ada) was awkward as both didn't know whether the other would remember them or accept how they are now. Though they were able to happily reunite eventually. Oscar then questions her about the letter, which leads Ada to reveal that she gave Gil his hat. Oz chases after Gil, thinking he is her love interest, but soon, he and Ada get lost. Oz runs down a hallway after he hears the melody from his pocket watch being played.

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Countervalue of Loss

3 syyskuu 200924m

Why would Vincent kill Alice's cat Cheshire and then kill her? As Break, also known as Keven Regnard, wakes from his feinting spell, he tells Rufus Barma, Oz and co. all he knows. In the Will of the Abyss's room, Vincent shows up along with Gilbert in his arms. After Vincent collapses, Will of the Abyss starts yelling at him about how he should be dead then she starts to cry. She looks at Break and asks who he is then screams that it's teatime. She says she can't wait for her playdate with Jack and Vince tells her that he's dead. He blames Sabrie, Jack's death and he and Gil ending up in the Abyss on her. She has a breakdown and her whole room/dimension starts falling apart. Vince welcomes it with laughter, saying he'd be normal if everything broke. At the last minute, Break promises her anything if she'll just make it so his past was changed. She hears his cry and grants his wish. Suddenly, the scene flashes to Jack's memory, saying that Alice would switch her tastes constantlly as if she were a different person. She says that her twin sister is the Will of the Abyss. After obtaining this information, Lord Barma wants to take Alice and Break into custody, but Oz won't let him. The group goes back to the mansion and on the way, Break tells the rest of his past. The family he served lived for a time, but later was killed. He says he hates the Will of the Abyss on false terms because she granted his wish.

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Beyond the Winding Road

Season Finale
24 syyskuu 200924m

Oscar tells Oz that his father has been out of reach for ten years. Sharon and Break discuss what happened earlier, and Break says Oz really does have the power to control the Abyss and that the Will of the Abyss had a "special feeling" towards Jack. Break tells Sharon that there's a rumor about Oz being the reincarnation of Jack, and he also tells her they may have to reconsider the Baskerville's true intentions. Gil, Oz, Alice, and Oscar return to Oz's home and at dinner Oscar reveals that before Oz's father disappeared, he signed a contract with a Chain called Gryphon, which turns out to be the same Chain that dragged Oz into the Abyss. Oz locks himself in his room, and when Alice and Gil come, Oz questions who he is and Alice says that's the reason they're working together - to find out who they are. Oz wants to see his father again and Gil finds out that the Baskervilles are staying in Sabrie. On the way there, Oz says that everything he has done so far may have been wrong. When they reach Sabrie, the group finds the Baskervilles and Gryphon. The four almost get dragged into the Abyss, but Oz unleashes B. Rabbit's powers on his own, and they both make the Gryphon disappear. Oz tells his father that he will continue to be himself no matter what happens and no matter what others think of him. In the end, Oz and Alice are talking about this story and how they are the authors.

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