伊瀬茉莉也 hahmona Yoshikawa (voice)

Jaksot 12

Drawing Fun

6 heinäkuu 200925m

The main characters are introduced.

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God's Pencil

13 heinäkuu 200925m

The gang goes shopping and discovers the story behind Kitsaragi's "special" pencil set.

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Onigokko Collage

20 heinäkuu 200925m

The girls learn about collages, and play a game of freeze, and later color, tag in the process.

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The one who left behind the photo and wit

27 heinäkuu 200925m

The group learns about photography, and what it takes to get a great shot.

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The gang works on "life art" which they find to be the application of art to everyday consumer products.

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Art Club Residence

10 elokuu 200925m

The girls discover a "haunted" portion of the school, only to find out that it was an elaborate prank by the art club.

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17 elokuu 200925m

The group visits a local art museum and learns a lot during their visit.

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24 elokuu 200925m

The gang learns about surrealism all the while poor Kitsaragi is suffering from being tired and having surrealistic dreams in the meantime.

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Stormy Daydream

31 elokuu 200925m

The girls have some fun around the school while the weather gets windy.

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Kuvaus ei ole käännetty kielellesi. Auta meitä laajentamaan tietokantaamme lisäämällä sellainen.

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Happy Ending

14 syyskuu 200925m

The art club is given an offer to do a set of pictures for a local elementary school's story time.

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Season Finale
21 syyskuu 200925m

After discovering that Namiko is staying home sick for the day, the group tries to cope without her. After her return the girls have a sleepover so that they can get their projects completed on time, but due to a off-the-wall dinner not much gets done.

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Fashion Crisis

2 huhtikuu 201025m

The girls take a fashion class and are tasked with designing original costumes. Kisaragi has trouble finishing the assignment until Noda gives her some insight. In the second part of the OVA, Kisaragi reveals how she decided to become an art student. She goes on different errands around the school.

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