Robby London — Изпълнителен продуцент

Епизоди 40

Carmen roba muestras genéticas de una investigación ultra secreta para intentar crear su propio dinosaurio.

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La Sonrisa Robada

5 февруари 199421m

Carmen roba parte de una famosa obra de arte para intentar crear una propia.

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La Llamada del Espacio

12 февруари 199421m

Al momento de que Carmen roba Stonehenge, Zack e Ivy deben viajar hasta Inglaterra, Canadá, México, Isla de Pascua y Australia para lograr recuperar los objetos robados,

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Sueños de la Luna

5 март 199421m

El sueño de Carmen, de viajar a la luna, la inspira y trata de convertirlo en realidad. Además decide dejar un pequeño recordatorio de su silueta pintada en la superficie lunar.

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Por los Pelos

12 март 199421m

Carmen secuestra dos crías de leones blancos and comienza su propia aventura para conservarlos.

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Los Viejos Duros del Oeste

19 март 199421m

El Jugador reta a Carmen a un crimen sin tanta tecnología. Carmen acepta el reto de Player e intenta robar el Expreso Oriental. Zack e Ivy requieren un poco de ayuda para resolver las pistas de Carmen, que la recibirán de un detective llamado Armando.

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Las Reglas del Juego

9 април 199421m

Zack e Ivy se unen a un detective ruso, para seguir el tradicional juego de pistas de Carmen, que los llevan hasta Hawaii para un juego de ajedrez al estilo "El ganador toma todo".

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Música para mis Oídos

23 април 199421m

Carmen se da cuenta de la forma de robar el talento musical y transferírselos a sus dos secuaces que carecen de ello. Ella decide mostrar su logo en un concierto dentro de la robada Sydney Opera House.

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Información Detallada

30 април 199421m

Carmen roba objetos relacionados con literatura y los detectives siguen las pistas que deja, lo que los lleva a una autopista remota en los Alpes suizos, donde piensan que Carmen se encuentra escribiendo sus memorias.

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Lo Importante es Actuar

Season Finale
7 май 199421m

Carmen roba una serie de objetos que los detectives pronto deducirán que están relacionados con el teatro.

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The Stolen Smile - Storyboard

15 май 199421m

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Una Cita con Carmen (Parte 1)

10 септември 199421m

Carmen roba una investigación ultra secreta para poder robar algo que no existe. ¿Podrán detenerla o el tiempo se les acabará?

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Una Cita con Carmen (Parte 2)

17 септември 199421m

Mientras el equipo intenta poner fin al proyecto de viajes en el tiempo de Carmen, conocerán a Benjamín Franklin, John Adams y Paul Revere.

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La Separación

24 септември 199421m

Zack crea un computador, el Zack Attack 20000, con el cual espera capturar a Carmen. Sin embargo, cuando Carmen escapa con uno de los tesoros que el computador debía proteger, Ivy ya no quiere ser parte de ese proyecto, y decide optar por su propio camino para capturar a Carmen, eso hasta que Ivy es capturada por Carmen.

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Calaveras y Huesos Cruzados

4 февруари 199521m

Carmen y su banda de piratas intentan apoderarse de un submarino.

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El Tesoro Escondido

11 февруари 199521m

Cuando Carmen roba regalos famosos alrededor del mundo, Zack e Ivy quedan perplejos, especialmente desde que las pistas de ella son como buscar un tesoro. De repente, los detectives se dan cuenta por qué Carmen lo está haciendo así. Es su cumpleaños y está robando esos objetos para regalárselos a si misma.

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Hielo Caliente

18 февруари 199521m

Carmen advierte a Player que su próximo crimen "promete ser una verdadera gema". Pronto el y los detectives descubren que lo que Carmen quiso decir es que creó un gigantesco diamante y lo usa para causar interferencias y atascos en la comunicación en las redes de ACME.

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Todos para uno

25 февруари 199521m

Dos de los secuaces de Carmen intentan derretir un santuario dorado. Ellos finalmente fallan y Carmen debe rescatarlos de la policía. Después de robar objetos como trabajo en equipo, Carmen y sus secuaces vuelven al santuario para intentar el robo nuevamente, con la diferencia que esta vez, Carmen supervisa la operación.

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Cuando Llueve

4 март 199521m

Después que los detectives se enteran que Carmen ha robado el Ganso Acicalado y destrozó el aeropuerto para lograrlo, ellos quedan perplejos por este comportamiento fuera de lo tradicional. Siguen las pistas a Chile, donde se encuentran con Carmen, que está como prisionera de Sara Bellum. Sara captura a los detectives también y les revela a ellos y Carmen su "gran jugada".

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Deja Vú

11 март 199521m

Carmen comienza a robar objetos que ella guardó de otros criminales para tentar a su ex-compañera, Suhara, quien está retirada. Suhara se une a Zack e Ivy para perseguir a Carmen, para sorpresa de Zack. Zack siente que Suhara es muy vieja para que les sea de ayuda. El pronto recapacitará y tendrá respeto hacia Suhara y aunque finalmente pierden a Carmen, Zack aprenderá una valiosa lección que nunca olvidará.

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El Final de la Infancia (Parte 1)

18 март 199521m

El famoso detective de ACME, Lee Jordon llega a la ciudad. Pero hay algo sobre el...

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El Final de la Infancia (Parte 2)

Season Finale
25 март 199521m

Como ya se sabe que Lee Jordan trabaja para Carmen, juntos intentarán el "mayor atraco de la historia"

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The Tigress

16 септември 199521m

When Carmen attempts to steal several items having to do with military strategies, she is foiled several times by ""The Tigress,"" a thief with a lot of high-tech weaponery of her own. Meanwhile, Zack and Ivy rush into tell Chief something, but he doesn't listen until Carmen starts to listen in on their frequency, so now they can't tell Chief their secret. Every time from that point forward, when Carmen tries to steal something, the Tigress takes it first. The Tigress lures Carmen to Antarctica, where she reveals herself to be Ivy in disguise. Carmen was ambushed by Acme detectives and taken away, but escapes when she steals Ivy's CO2 boots Zack invented, and rockets away.

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The Remnants

23 септември 199521m

Carmen's thefts all seem to follow a Wizard of Oz theme. While chasing after Carmen, Zack and Ivy discover that Carmen was an orphan. They trail her to the Golden Gate Girls' School which is about to be torn down. The detectives recover all the stolen objects except for the orphanage. Zack and Ivy see this theft as being almost justified though because it was about to be torn down and was the only home Carmen ever knew.

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Curses, Foiled Again

30 септември 199521m

Zack and Ivy manage to capture Carmen in Hawaii. However, Zack loses his lucky rabbit's foot and begins to believe he's cursed with bad luck. Meanwhile, Carmen escapes and tries to teach her superstitious henchwoman, Hannah Lulu that there's no such thing as curses or ghosts. Hannah has a panic attack though when Zack and Ivy scare her at a supposedly haunted site. They manage to capture her but Carmen escapes. She leaves behind something Zack was glad to see again- his lucky rabbit's foot. He then gives it to Hannah and wonders if carrying around a special Hawaiian plant will give him better luck.

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Birds of a Feather

7 октомври 199521m

Somehow, the world's largest diamond, the Star of Africa, was stolen. The police are baffled and it's up to Zack and Ivy to figure this mystery out. They soon discover that one of Carmen's henchmen tried to double-cross her and keep the diamond for himself. With a little trickery of their own, the detectives recover the diamond.

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Shaman Spirits

14 октомври 199521m

Carmen's reoccurring nightmare sends to her to seek the help of three Native American shamans to interpret it. Meanwhile, Zack, Ivy and a Native American detective named Billy ""Running Bird,"" track Carmen to Devil's Tower where the meaning of her dream is revealed. Though Carmen is captured, the shamans let her go. They do not want to go back on their promise- they would interpret her dream in exchange for the return of the items she stole from them and a promise to not detain her in any way.

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Follow My Footprints

21 октомври 199521m

It is reported that Carmen dies in a plane crash. The grief-stricken Chief is unable to help Zack and Ivy solve a series of clues that Carmen left behind to a final caper. The henchman who solves the most of them will be the new leader of V.I.L.E. Zack and Ivy manage to stop all of the thefts. They then travel to the site of Carmen's reported death to pay their last respects. Suddenly, a little bird delivers a message to ""look up."" When they do, they see Carmen was alive all that time. She had planned to fake her death to see who was worthy enough to take her place- and it turns out Zack and Ivy are the only ones who can!

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Labyrinth (1)

28 октомври 199521m

Zack and Ivy discover Carmen's underground training facility and go undercover as henchmen in training to try and nab Carmen. However, Carmen discovers them and leads them to a chamber that seems to have no way out. There is one way- an escape into time. Carmen created another time machine and uses it to escape. The detectives use a new Chronoskimmer that the Chief gives them and they trace where Carmen is heading- the future.

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Labyrinth (2): Woman of the Year...2101

4 ноември 199521m

Carmen arrives in the year 2101 where she stops a heist of a powerful electro-magnet. Meanwhile, Zack and Ivy arrive at the future Acme Detective Agency where the wacky Future Chief doesn't recognize them. They try to prove who they are, but run into a few scrapes with the law. Eventually they meet up with Carmen in Africa. Although the detectives expose that she is a criminal, she escapes with the magnet and Zack and Ivy end up captured.

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The Labyrinth (3): When in Rome

11 ноември 199521m

Zack and Ivy escape from the future and follow Carmen to Rome. There, the detectives are captured and are sentenced to fight each other in the Coliseum games. Luckily, they are spared from having to fight each other to the death. They escape, and discover Carmen's plan- she's going to steal the Coliseum! The detectives realize this is part of her plan to become ""the greatest thief of all time"" by stealing objects from the past, present, and future.

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Just Like Old Times

Season Finale
18 ноември 199521m

Carmen gives herself a Christmas present by downloading The Chief. Only he's got a virus, and is losing his memory. He thinks that Carmen is still good, and that Zach and Ivy are thiefs.

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The Trial of Carmen Sandiego

9 септември 199621m

When Carmen is captured by a judge bent on sentencing her to life in prison, Zack and Ivy are appointed her defense team. Carmen was accused of recently stealing the Magna Carta, which she did not steal. Zack and Ivy try to gather evidence to prove Carmen did not commit this particular crime. But is she really involved after all?

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Trick or Treat

31 октомври 199621m

When Carmen is tricked at a heist in China, she decides to get even with a Halloween surprise. She decides to set up a haunted house with items she's recently stolen. Zack is a bit frightened by all the spooky stuff in the house, and has to convince himself it's all fake.

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Maelstrom, a thief who was caught by Carmen during her time as ACME-detective, escapes from prison, swearing revenge on her. At first, it is reported to the detectives that he died during his escape. The detectives are curious about him and The Chief tells them about his adventure with detective Carmen. During that adventure, Carmen and a robot version of the Chief stop Maelstrom from stealing the wreck of the Titanic. At the conclusion of the story, Ivy and Zack find out that Maelstrom is alive and see the opportunity to catch both Carmen and Maelstrom. However, when the detectives sneak aboard Maelstrom's ship, he captures them.

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Retribution (2): In Memoriam

31 март 199821m

Zack and Ivy escape Maelstrom's ship and find out that Carmen still believes that Maelstrom died in his try to escape from the prison. Carmen wants to give him a worthy Viking-like funeral in Norway. Zack and Ivy find her beginning to give him such a funeral and are about to tell her that Maelstrom is alive when Maelstrom appears in a ship beside Carmen. He challenges her to come after him or die, and then speeds off. Carmen manages to get Zack and Ivy aboard her ship and they make an agreement to join forces to capture Maelstrom. Carmen remembered a clue he left, so she and the detectives follow it to Williamsburg Virginia where Maelstrom captures them and publicly humilates them in the stocks of the town square. Zack and Ivy escape and help Carmen do so as well. They get separated and the local police arrest the detectives for freeing Carmen!

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Retribution (3): Maelstrom's Revenge

1 април 199821m

The Chief manages to convince the local sheriff to free Zack and Ivy. They meet up with Carmen again and persue Maelstrom. Malestrom begins to steal items and frames Carmen for their thefts! He wants to ruin her reputation as thief with a conscience.

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Timing is Everything

5 декември 199821m

Carmen's henchman Mason Dixon steals her time machine. Suddenly, he is the leader of V.I.L.E. and Carmen is only his henchwoman. Zack and and Ivy have to restore Mason's damage, and also stop him from trying to change the outcome of the Civil War

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Cupid Sandiego

12 декември 199821m

All ACME detectives are making holidays on the Seychelles. Josha, the genius of the detectives, is in love with Ivy but she doesn't notice. When Carmen tries to steal Josha's latest invention, she tries to distract the detectives by stealing highly romantic items.

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Can You Ever Go Home Again? (1)

26 декември 199821m

When Carmen tries to steal some treasures from industrialist Malcolm Avalon she discovers a painting representing her mother. At the same time Lee Jordan takes the decision to become the new leader of V.I.L.E. Avalon tells Carmen, that the medaillon she has with her, representing the same woman as on the painting, was a gift for his daughter, but he says, that Carmen can't be his daughter because she died in a fire and she would never have become a thief. To convince him she turns herself in to the police. When Lee abducts Avalon, she breaks out again. Lee says, that she will only see her father again if she works for him...

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Can You Ever Go Home Again? (2)

Season Finale
2 януари 199921m

This was the last episode made, leaving us with the question of if Carmen really found her father, and will she stop her life of crime.

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